Clashing Beauties!!

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Clashing Beauties!!

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Deep within the confines of LAW building, a very fine woman~ heh no, the perfect woman wandered the halls. She walked with purpose in mind, never stopping at anything. Her strides were not brisk nor slow. She walked assertively, spreading a commanding presence. Each clack of her heels turned heads. A large bubble formed around her and time stopped in it. Everyone looked at her with the thought that they might never get to be so near a goddess ever again.

She donned a luxurious outfit, those made from Milan and Paris. The only class of garments that would deserve to be worn by someone like her. A white cashmere trench coat hugged her whole body, from shoulder to shin. She wore black pants and a vest with a turtle neck underneath, plain but sleek. And keeping up her hair was a simple navy blue satin headband, letting the majority of her luscious hair draped down her back and front, swaying like a wave of ivory-pearl. Her outfit accentuated her lines and beauty with bold angles and subtle colors. It hid most of her body up for imagination only, but still held the intensity to allure those that dare gaze upon her.
Soon, she'd found herself in a waiting room. LAW called upon her today to be part of the calendar they have been running. A wise but obvious choice to make, she thought. She accepted. Partly to pay homage to her former profession and partly because it comes with a purpose. To help her fulfill her passion for wrestling, and not just showcase clothes like walking mannequin dolls. Skill and passion. The sweetest concoction she'd need to blow the minds of everyone at LAW with her modeling skills!
Last edited by Violet on Thu Feb 25, 2021 7:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Clashing Beauties!!

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Satomi was kind of surprised she was being given the chance to be an cover star for one of the months on the upcoming calendar that they were making which would feature the wrestlers of LAW. As the Japanese native had expected they would go with the more established stars , but then again maybe the reason she was being picked was because of the fact she was already an big name since she was the spokesperson for Musahino Milk as the black haired woman entered the office of the people behind the LAW press and marketing department.

Her attire today was an simple black skirt and blouse as above the blouse she wore her favorite red leather jacket as her garments were those you could find in any low budget fashion show. As the only thing she had that was made by an famous designer was her bikini which she carried in her bag as she noticed an blond woman was already their in the same room as she would take an seat across from her. Thinking it would be wise to make some idle conversation , Satomi would check the blond out as she said ''so who made your outfit as I doubt it something you can pull of the rack in any of the clothing stores around here. I'm Satomi Mii , but I doubt that I would need to introduce myself as I'm certain you have likely seen me before on tv right'' as she extended her hand for an friendly handshake as she waited to see how the other woman would react.

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Re: Clashing Beauties!!

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Time flew by grudgingly slow as she found herself with her legs crossed, kicking her dangling foot in the rhythm of each second passing by. Quite unsure about what is controlling her to feel this way. Is it urgency or excitement? The only thing she knew is that this will be her first time modeling again. After all those years she had spent festering brutality and cruelty to quench her thirst for dominance. She didn’t even know there’d be a program as soft as this in a company full of amazons.

Then a woman suddenly came, sitting right across her. And the first thought that came into her mind was: Is she the staff? Not knowing that she is one of the contestants for this, she stood up to take the handshake.

“Oui, Oui. Aren’t you the one in those commercials of schools that urge students to enroll in them?” retreating the hand she was about to use for the handshake to cover her mouth as she stifled a laugh. “I..I am sorry. I’m just kidding. I’m Ava and yes thank you for noticing. Well, these clothes are a mix of different expensive brands. My stylist chose it for me.” she then extended her arm again for the handshake.

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Re: Clashing Beauties!!

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Now Satomi was not expecting the other woman to recognize her right away , but when it became clear that the other wrestler did not have an clue after about 30 seconds the Japanese woman did get annoyed about the situation. As how could someone who clearly was working for the company not have heard about the sponsorship deal between the company she worked for and LAW that was recently announced.

The slight dig at her attire caused the spokewoman to just smile politely as she replied back ''I could tell you were kidding , and how could I not notice that about your clothes. As these are clearly from an expensive brand , but are you admitting that you don't know how to dress without your stylist. What an shame if you ask me''as she would grasp onto Ava's hand as she whispered ''My name is Satomi , and well I am going to be the coverstar for the this month's page in the calendar. So are you the photographer or just the intern who was send to greet me'

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Re: Clashing Beauties!!

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One could say that Ava's words were genuine, no? Everyone could think the same way when meeting Satomi. It's the outfit that tells tales for that presumption. It looks...well, bleak, the nicest way to describe uniforms. Used to wearing high-end fashion articles, this was her trying to be nice. She could even call this an abomination if she doesn't feel to be inviting, she thought.

Then, unwanted words were thrown. Indifference turned to a demeaning glare. Hand clasped to the handshake harder and didn't let go. Walking closer for emphasis, her elegant frame loomed over the other. She looked down at her with nothing but a smirk.

"Haha well, I could lend her to you cause it looks like you are the one in dire need of a stylist between us. Hmm is that so? Tell me, are the photographers and interns here in Japan look far more beautiful and right for the job than models like you? What a shame." she quipped back, words delivered softly but tipped with poison heightening the tension.

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Re: Clashing Beauties!!

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Satomi could tell hat the other woman was looking down at her as she felt Ava increase the pressure in their handshake as she did the same. As the spokewoman was not going to let go until Ava did as she just smiled politely as she waited for her to respond back as she resisted the urge to growl when Ava made her response.

As it was obvious from how she said it that she was trying to piss her off as she just smiled polite as she replied back ''well it sad to hear that you need an stylist to look fabulous. However just give me an private room , and some make-up and I could shine in even the worst outfit in the world as I bet that should we both arrive at the beach that nobody will bother looking at you when they see me. As here in Japan us models and spoke people will save our looks for when he cameras are rolling. I makes me wonder how terrifying models from France look like when they get out of bed. As I suspect that the majority of french models will likely need an army of stylists to make themselves presentable''

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Re: Clashing Beauties!!

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Words laced with poison exchanged as if this was a deuce in a tennis match. Noone was backing down either, no. There was too much at stake. Their pride and honor and the idea that they were the better woman were on the line.

Ava scoffed at her words. No puny student-looking girl could ever hope to best her at her job. For Satomi to even think of that irked her. To even dictate that her status was higher than hers, let alone compare them, feeds her vexation, turning it into a monster.

Still, Ava didn't want to make a scene. Not right before she's about to close a deal for a calendar. So, the blond model would tame her temperament through breathing, letting it out by a long exhale through slightly parted lips. Letting it fizzle to a more manageable state before she'd speak.

"Immense words for your stature, mon cheri. But I don't think you know what those entail." A friendly tone accompanied with a smile as she'd put her hand on her head. "It was fun meeting you. But I'm afraid you have to go, you'd be late for school."

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Re: Clashing Beauties!!

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While no physical blows had bin dealt yet at the moment both woman had landed an few hits on the other. As their words were like jabs and straights as the Japanese wrestler knew that both were hoping to land that blow that would cause the other to lose their cool. So as they looked into each other's eyes it seems that Ava was going for the kill as the look on her face and tone in her voice did not match the words she used as the spokewoman would take an deep breath to calm herself.

As how dare this nobody say she was just an schoolgirl as she replied back ''maybe your right as it is getting rather late to be honest. Still don't you have somewhere you need to go as well as we don't want the people who look after you in the old folks home to start panicking.So if you want I could take you their , and then we can both be on our way''as she just smiled back as she had the same friendly tone in her voice as Ava did as the Japanese woman would tighten her fists as she expected they would soon come to blows if they kept it up.

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Re: Clashing Beauties!!

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Impatience overtook her mind like a tiny devil. And seeping time only fed it until it could do far more than tick her eyebrows. It took her gaze - averting all around the room and the door as if wishing someone would appear from thin air and intervene. Then, her lips. They curled, hitching as it formed a snarl, teeth bared like an ivory dam preventing escape for her pent-up anger. Her fingers soon fell prey, furling until her hands balled to fists, tight enough to make her knuckles pale.

The unyielding woman before her didn't help either. The more she tried to pull them off, the more they stuck, like an irritating gum. The incessant childish banter only served to stoke the fire under her kettle. And there'd be only so much time before she'd let it be known that she's boiling.

"You know? I gave you some chances to leave. Maybe even too much." She'd turn, presenting her left flank to Satomi, feigning to leave. "Perhaps, you don't know who you're dealing with." her right fist hidden from Satomi's sight crunched tighter. "And I have to shove it down your throat!" Then she'd swing the same fist, aimed to clock Satomi by her chin to send her stumbling if not knocking her silly!
Last edited by Violet on Sun Mar 28, 2021 12:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Clashing Beauties!!

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

If someone were to enter the room they were in then the first thing that person would notice was the tension between the pair as while no punches had bin thrown yet. They both had dealt blows against each other as their words were more painful then their fists could have ever bin as both woman seem to be able to get under the other skin as it was Ava who struck first.

As at first it seemed that the Japanese woman had won their little battle of words as she had an huge grin on her face as listen to what the other woman had to say. As the moment it became clear that Ava was about too leave the spokeperson could not help herself as she replied back ''I knew exactly who I was dealing with.As you are nothing but an second rate model compared to murghhhh''when Ava changed the way she talked as she struck the moment she said the word shove as Satomi was knocked onto her ass as the black haired woman held onto her chin as she just said ''you struck me. You actually struck me''as she looked at the other woman in an confused and dazed expression as right now she was confused about what just happened.

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