Plump vs Firm: Mary Ivonskaya vs Karina Rine

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Plump vs Firm: Mary Ivonskaya vs Karina Rine

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Standard Match
Win by Pinfall or submission

Mary is on a rampage right now... The stagehands walking past her locker room quickly flee in terror from hearing the lockers being tossed around like toys, even the T.V is busted and shattered due to her rage at losing her unbeaten record, all because of that American Bitch... and her good name was broken... But tonight there a new prey and Mary plans on collecting tonight.. The Amazon will get what coming to her soon,,

Marching her way backstage to where she is needed for her next match, workers fleeing seeing the angry look on her face which promises pain to whoever she facing tonight. Her music blaring over the speakers as she makes her appearance on the stage spreading her arms out to soak in the cheers and boos from the crowd, before making her way down to the ring her shapely plump body bouncing with every step she takes.

Sliding into the ring and goes to her bending over doing light stretches ready to crush whoever comes out and faces her.


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Re: Plump vs Firm: Mary Ivonskaya vs Karina Rine

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Karina had found what her next opponent would be, and to say that there were some size difference would have been lightly put. Karina might have been biting off more than she would chew, yet that would make things rather interesting for the normally grumpy Karina, who seemed to be in a more light-hearted spirit once she found out about her opponent, rolling her shoulder and rubbing it gently while she waited for her turn to start.

Once she got the signal, she stepped onto the stage to make herself known, not really to the crowd since they were rarely on her mid, but her opponent was the main focus, who was already in the ring and waiting for Karina to do the same! She stepped down the ramp, marching towards the ring and slipped under the bottom ropes, rolling into the ring and pushed herself up onto her feet, straightening up and puffing out her chest proudly as her face turned to gaze at the large woman in front of her, quite the sight to behold.

" This.. Might be fun. " She muttered out to her opponent, making her way to the corner and patiently waiting for the referee to get things started, all the while just keeping her eyes on Mary, sizing her up and taking in every bit of detail, the muscle she possessed and where she would have to strike in order to gain a proper advantage, but experience that strength first hand and strike at it with her own might be the better plan.
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Re: Plump vs Firm: Mary Ivonskaya vs Karina Rine

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"Oh La La...What a cute little thing you are..? Mary chuckles at seeing her opponent, eyeing her opponent up and down more or less undressing the woman licking her lips slowly with a now hungry look on her face. Placing her hand on her hip and bends over letting the woman see her massive cleavage and harden nipples sticking through her top.

The bell rings in the background as the ref starts the match, Mary wanting to play around with her so called prey walks confidently to the middle of the ring. Her thick hips and massive ass switching from side to side before stopping in front of Karina .. "Since I think I'm gonna like crushing you dearly. You can make the first hit. Overly confident that whatever her opponent throws at her won't do much.

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Re: Plump vs Firm: Mary Ivonskaya vs Karina Rine

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" Compliments? So soon? " She tilted her head to the side, looking up at the large woman who seemed to eye her like she was going to be a meal for Mary, something she could understand considering their height and size different, yet Karina didn't seemed intimidated at all, frankly it only caused that usual grumpy face to lighten up a bit, staring up at Mary with a rather challenging gaze. She didn't seem to mind that much that Mary's nipples seemed to already be stiffening through her top, she took that as a nice compliment after all.

She shifted from one hip to another, taking one last moment to examine Mary's front before her eyes went back up when she said she could have the first hit. She should a bit annoyed to be looked down on like that, but to exploit the woman's arrogance was something that would be a lot more rewarding once Mary realized she made a mistake! " Well thank you kindly, miss Mary. Please go easy on me after this. " She mused and would slowly step past and behind Mary..

She played along until she got behind Mary and would suddenly kick the back of each knee, one at a time to bring the large woman down onto her knees, just so Karina could try and slip her arms under Mary's armpits and up to the back of her head, wanting to clutch her into a tight yet effective kneeling Full Nelson to try and sap that strength from those large arms!
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Re: Plump vs Firm: Mary Ivonskaya vs Karina Rine

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Seeing Karina putting on that cute innocent act makes Mary grin, back in her prime she would do the same before pouncing and breaking her opponent down before putting them away...hard.. But this one.. her opponent reminds her of herself and eagerly to see if the girl will take advantage or not looking forward to it eagerly.

"Why you Little...ACKKK" A sharp pain in to the back of the her knee, feeling the muscle in her leg tighten from the hard kick but falls to one knee wanting to see what her opponent has planned for her now. Her arms being lifted up and Mary is placed in a snug Full Nelson hold most impressed with Karina quick skill but power due how hard the hold and pressure feels on her neck.

"UGhhh AUgghhh" Mary let's out a small groan from the pain, but slowly starts to raise and get back onto her feet.

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Re: Plump vs Firm: Mary Ivonskaya vs Karina Rine

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A plan that could be effective once she had gone through the risk of getting behind her opponent without punishment. For this, she was planning to make Mary pay for even giving her the free chance for one free move, even if Karina had down two now considering she both kicked those knees to make Mary fall to her knees and then lock her in the full nelson, yet that mattered little for Karina, who pressed herself hard against Mary, letting the woman feel those large orbs press into her while Karina tried to tighten that Full Nelson and make Mary reconsider any more invitations of free attacks in the near future.

The woman wasn't planning to remain on her knees though and she was could Mary trying to get back up onto her feet and just holding her like this, would make Karina lose that advantage she was holding now. Thus, she would have to make a gamble, one that would test Mary's stability as she leaned back and suddenly slammed herself hard into Mary's back while loosening the full nelson, mainly trying to Mary to fall forward and get on top of Mary so she could have her in a Full Nelson Camel Clutch instead! If Mary maintained her course upwards though, Karina would find herself still Full Nelsoning the woman but now standing!
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Re: Plump vs Firm: Mary Ivonskaya vs Karina Rine

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Let it known that Mary is being nice with her opponent. Even being nice enough to let her opponent get the first hit in on her, and even selling the kick like she was shot to fall onto one knee for the little brat, you would think Karina would be grateful and such. No the little brat had to kick her in both knees and the nerve of even putting her in a full nelson hold, but there is some fun to that letting out a small cooing noise feeling Karina orbs pressing against her back.

"Cheeky little thing are you.." Mary growls out straining to make it to her feet before stumbling forward staggering to keep her balance from Karina slamming onto her back. Starting to shake her massive body from side to side to get her opponent off of her or to even force her to loose her grip around the back of her neck. "You better let go or I will crush you..."

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Re: Plump vs Firm: Mary Ivonskaya vs Karina Rine

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Karina tightened the Full Nelson, but that was the only thing that was going right for her as Mary started to rise up, her attempts to bring the woman onto her stomach did not work and soon she could feel the large woman starting to move from one side to another, testing the power of Karina's hold but she refused to bulge, shifting and stepping about to try and maintain balance while Mary seemed irritated and ready for punishment, but that was not going to be something that Karina was going to let happen!

" Yeah.. Like I'd let you go from this position.. Just take it. " She mused, trying to ride out those struggles while leaning back instead, her breasts bulging and pressing into Mary's back while her crotch smacked against Mary's rear, trying to force Mary to arch that chest forward and to put pressure in her lower back as well as those arms, wanting to weaken the woman!
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Re: Plump vs Firm: Mary Ivonskaya vs Karina Rine

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"Fuck this little brat not letting go at all" Mary thinks to herself literally trying to toss Karina off of her back but she somehow is still hanging on, somehow someway Karina still has the nelson hold locked in tightly sapping Mary of her vaunted strength. Starting to sag forward due to the hold taking it toll on her body.

"Just take it huh... Fine then let see if you can take it then" letting out a loud grunt, Mary rushes to a corner of the ring before turning her body trying to crush Karina between the turnbuckle and her massive frame.

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Re: Plump vs Firm: Mary Ivonskaya vs Karina Rine

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Karina grinned when it seemed that Mary wasn't going to be able to get out of the Full Nelson, tightening it further once Mary didn't struggle all that wildly anymore, though that confidence did not serve Karina will, pressing her front into Mary's back, letting those large breasts bulge nicely into her before those words came from Mary, tilting her head to the side and wondering what the woman meant.. Until she was taken along for the ride towards the turnbuckle behind her!

She tried to stop Mary from reaching that destination, losing her grip on the full nelson just before she was squashed into the hard corner and Mary's big body, her arms releasing that Full Nelson completely and dropping down to grasp the middle ropes, all the air leaving her body while she coughed out a few times, stunned from the effective counter to her hold!
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