Hinata Huerta vs. Nadia Fortune

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Hinata Huerta vs. Nadia Fortune

Unread post by Highfly »

Match Type: Standard

Hinata was walking through the hallways of the arena dressed in her wrestling attire, a serious look etched on her face. She had her debut and was looking to put it behind her ready to move forward with her career. She was happy to get another match inside the ring so quickly after, viewing it as a good sign. If the crowd and bosses wanted to see her in action that meant more opportunity to shine. Hinata grinned and stepped up to the gorilla position just in time as her music was starting to play seconds after her arrival.

A smiling, confident looking Hinata came out as she strut down the ramp. She looked to the crowd, waving and pointing to fans cheering for her as she hit her stride down the ramp. Hinata jumped up onto the apron and then climbed through the ropes to enter the ring, doing a lap around and holding her arms out as she took in the cheers of the audience in attandance. Hinata eventually settled into her corner to await her opponent, eager to get the match started.

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Re: Hinata Huerta vs. Nadia Fortune

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Nadia knew that her gym was not going through a good time, they were hardly winning the fights, so determined to end that bad streak, she would only have in mind: victory or at least a decent fight

So when she was called into the ring, she would come out with her spirit up, ready to fight whatever she was sent, go up into the ring and the moment she saw her opponent, she would approach her to offer a handshake.

"Good, I am nadia and I hope we have an excellent battle today"

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Re: Hinata Huerta vs. Nadia Fortune

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Hinata smiled at Nadia and nodded to her as she shook her opponents hand. "Of course! May the best lady win." Hinata said after the handshake. The bell rang and Hinata decided to move straight in at Nadia attempting to step in to a fast two-punch combo with her right and left fists as she attempted to land two hard punches to the abdomen of Nadia to kick things off in her favor!

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Re: Hinata Huerta vs. Nadia Fortune

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Nadia would think of starting with a duel of strength but would be surprised by hinata's surprise attack, taking the blows and having to back down and fall on her butt, getting up quickly and trying to respond to that with a direct kick in the face, if she managed to kick her she could knock her down and get her fight mode going to the fullest.

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Re: Hinata Huerta vs. Nadia Fortune

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Hinata landed some solid hits and she was feeling a bit over-eager. She stepped up to try to move in for a grapple. If she could combine strikes with holds she felt very confident that she could prevail in this match, but unfortunately she left herself open for a kick from Nadia who jumped back up to her feet far more quickly than Hinata anticipated!

"OOMPH!" Hinata groaned as she raised her guard to partially block the kick the the force still drove her arms back into her face sending her stumbling back a couple steps before she landed on her back! Hinata couldn't let that sort of thing happen much more otherwise her career was going to be off to quite a rocky start indeed. She sat up, trying to rise back to her feet wary of Nadia.

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Re: Hinata Huerta vs. Nadia Fortune

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Nobody knowing that his opponent would not be someone easy, he would choose to try another leg in the belly in order to begin to affect that specific area and make the damage more painful, so he would concentrate his kicks on the belly in order to treat to knock it down

what's up, a simple cat can beat you? ........... prove your worth !! I would say before taking a few steps back to give hinata a chance to recover

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Re: Hinata Huerta vs. Nadia Fortune

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Hinata moved in and took the first couple kicks, doubling over but getting her guard up as Nadia kept aiming for the same spot over and over.

Hinata knew what to be ready for and this would be her opponents undoing. If she kept trying to do the same thing Hinata was going to adjust. She smiled and came back in suddenly going low and kicking her leg out to sweep Nadia's legs to try to take her down to the mat before jumping up to pile on the pain with an elbow drop!

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Re: Hinata Huerta vs. Nadia Fortune

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Nadia began to see how her opponent received the kicks, she remembered what happened with cheelani, and she would try to hit other areas of her body, but when she only attacked she would not realize until she felt like she was knocked down and before trying to get up, she would end up in the direct hit of hinata's elbow, screaming in pain and being left breathless for a few seconds, exposed to any hinata movement

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Re: Hinata Huerta vs. Nadia Fortune

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Hinata had taken Nadia down and had a chance to inflict some real damage to her. Hinata took hold of Nadia's legs and intertwined her own in them, locking in a figure four leg lock! Hinata knew this hold and put all her strength into making it as painful as possible for Nadia! Hinata was going to hurt her opponents legs as much as she could, and if she didn't tap out she knew that if she kept working over her legs Nadia's kicks and mobility would be decreased for the rest of the match or so Hinata hoped.

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Re: Hinata Huerta vs. Nadia Fortune

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Nadia would try to recover, but the moment hinata stood against nadia and her legs started to hurt, she would try to get out of the way, she would crawl free with her hands to the ropes to make a rope break

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