A reliably standard match - Kotone Shiomi vs Húxiān Li

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Re: A reliably standard match - Kotone Shiomi vs Húxiān Li

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"Oh well. Worth a shot," thought Húxiān. Evidently, she had not beaten her victim badly enough to make her fall for such a trick. However, that also meant that the tied-up woman in front of her would be coherent enough to fully appreciate the torment that Húxiān planned on inflicting upon her. Sensing that her deception was falling apart at the seams and knowing that it would be pointless to continue, Húxiān would reveal the ruse.

"So, the little girl finally figured it out. Looks like despite all those blows to the head, you have at least half of a mind left," sneered Húxiān in her regular voice as she grabbed a fistful of her victim's hair and began pulling upwards. "You know, if you had been any weaker, my beating would have turned you into a drooling, brain-dead RETARD, incapable of even feeding itself!!"
Disclaimer on Húxiān's offensive choice of words
I do not condone the use of the word "retard". That word is inherently disrespectful and derogatory, so the use of that word should be avoided. Additionally, I do not condone any of the other things that Húxiān said in her previous statement. Everything about Húxiān's previous statement was meant to showcase how awful of a person Húxiān is.
A few boos broke out from the crowd, breaking the silence that had been lingering over the arena. "That's cute. Where were your boos when I was beating the shit out of the referee?! Well?!" roared Húxiān at the crowd before pausing for a moment---the crowd went silent. "Exactly! You fuckers are goddamn content to sit on your asses and watch us wrestlers put our fucking lives on the line! You obviously don't give a damn about our well-beings! If you did, you would have stormed this fucking ring and tried to save this woman!"

The sound of the crowd's booing shook the arena and a few fans even began throwing garbage into the ring. Thankfully, only a small number of fans were throwing and none of the objects thrown even came close to hitting Húxiān and her victim.

Seeing the crowd get so riled up and seeing her victim tied up on the ground brought a smug grin to Húxiān's face. Húxiān would then whisper into her auburn-haired victim's ear, "You see that, you naive bitch? This is who our fans are. Keep that in mind," before attempting to slam the woman face-first into the mat. After that, Húxiān would release her grip on her victim's hair and rise to her feet. Húxiān would spend a moment looking at the beaten and bound woman below her before viciously stomping on the back of the woman's head. "Pathetic. Not even worth the saliva needed to spit on." Húxiān shook her head in disdain. "Now Koko-chan, I'm going to get some tools from my little 'Bag of Tricks' over there. In the meantime, you're free to bitch and moan all you want." With that, Húxiān would walk towards her bag and begin searching for objects to torment her victim with.
Last edited by Ichi on Sun Mar 07, 2021 5:15 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A reliably standard match - Kotone Shiomi vs Húxiān Li

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Kotone was getting real sick and tired of the relentless amount of talking Huxian was doing, but with herself tied up, she couldn't do anything about it. She was all tied up, her eyes still blinded . The only thing she could do was grit her teeth, near seething with anger and pent up rage, her tied up hands are balled up in fists.

She got her face slammed and stomped on again and again, but she refused to faint this time. Anger pretty much seethed throughout Kotone's body. She had one last thing to say before Huxian's next trick.

"Fuck you, go to hell." Kotone said.

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Re: A reliably standard match - Kotone Shiomi vs Húxiān Li

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Amidst the razor, taser, lighters, and other implements of torment, Húxiān found what she was looking for: a pair of shiny silver scissors. After pushing aside several sex toys, Húxiān grasped the scissors and swiftly removed them from her bag in dramatic fashion, pointing the scissors up towards the ceiling. The crowd gasped as they knew that whatever Húxiān had planned would not be pleasant for Kotone.

With no urgency in her stride, Húxiān casually walked toward her victim, flourishing the scissors in a flashy manner as she did so. "Go to hell? You know I'm already going there, right?" said Húxiān mockingly as she gazed down at her victim's prone form. Then, something caught Húxiān's eye: a set of silver hair clips that formed the Roman numerals "XXII".

"Cute hair clips," stated Húxiān without her usual maliciousness. "I like them."

And that would be the nicest thing that Húxiān would say for a long while. Immediately after uttering that indirect compliment, Húxiān reached down and removed Kotone's hair clips. "And to the victor go the spoils," Húxiān whispered as she gathered her Kotone's hair clips in her hand. With the hair clips secure in her palm, Húxiān unzipped the front of her bodysuit, revealing her fancy black bra to the crowd momentarily. Then, she placed the hair clips into a small pocket on the inside of her bodysuit before zipping her bodysuit back up.

Húxiān was about to start cutting away at Kotone's attire when she had an idea. She would roll her victim over onto her back, before putting one hand on top of her victim's head and the other hand underneath her victim's jaw, hopefully preventing the woman opening her mouth. Then, Húxiān would pull her victim's head in close to her own. A cruel grin would spread across Húxiān's face as she would look directly at the beaten woman in front of her.

And then, Húxiān would kiss her victim directly on the lips. Húxiān would hold the kiss for about twenty seconds, using her hands to prevent her victim's mouth from opening. However, the kiss would not be sexual or affectionate---instead, it was meant to dominate, humiliate, and anger her victim. Finally, after releasing the kiss, Húxiān would slam her auburn-haired victim's head into the mat and mutter "Just because I fucking can."

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Re: A reliably standard match - Kotone Shiomi vs Húxiān Li

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Kotone could only hear noises coming from the crowd and whatever noise Huxian made for whatever trick she was trying to pull off. Her ears were her best sense because the only thing she felt was ropes and canvas. And then Kotone felt her hair clips being taken away, Huxian pulling them off one by one as Kotone felt like a part of her identity was slowly being stolen.

"You hadn't won the fuckin mataaaaa." Kotone tried to say something before suddenly having her jaw closed and Huxian laid on a dominating kiss to the defenseless woman. This was so embarassing, Kotone wishes she could just beat Huxian to mush, but she couldn't do anything as her head was slammed again into the mat.

Who knows what else Huxian has in store for her?

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Re: A reliably standard match - Kotone Shiomi vs Húxiān Li

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After slamming Kotone's head into the mat, Húxiān would stand up and immediately stomp on her victim's chest. Húxiān would then grind her heel into one of the woman's breasts, sneering as she did so. "See that, Koko-chan? I have free reign to do whatever I want to you---even toy with your body. And you are too pathetically weak to stop me," Húxiān would jeer as she literally looked down at her opponent.

Then, turning her head to face the crowd, Húxiān would yell "You see that?! This bitch is my toy! I can do anything I want with her, even have my way with her!" The crowd would be stunned into silence at Húxiān's declaration, barely able to believe what they were witnessing; the idea that Húxiān could do such vile things to Kotone was like a punch in the face to the people sitting in the stands. Sure, Kotone had seemingly assaulted a referee and had uttered some very rude words but at the end of the day, being violated in the ring would not be a punishment commensurate with Kotone's misdeeds. Thus, everyone but the most callous of audience members would have at least some misgivings about the situation.

But no one would stop Húxiān. Very few people had the courage to even try to stop these events from unfolding and those that did have the necessary courage were held back by doubt. The audience still remembered very clearly what Húxiān had said earlier: that LAW was fake. An act. And they were starting to believe Húxiān. Surely, they thought, no reasonable promotion would allow the situation to spiral this out of hand for real. Perhaps this was some sort of elaborate act to break the facade of verisimilitude that had surrounded LAW thus far. After all, security was not stopping Húxiān. The referee was being taken out on a stretcher, but no one was arresting Húxiān for severely injuring a referee. This had to be fake, ri---

"Attention: all patrons under the age of eighteen must leave immediately. Failure to do so will result in a fine. I repeat. All patrons . . ."

That message would continue playing over the loudspeakers amidst the sound of hundreds of children and their parents editing the arena. "You hear that, Koko-chan? Surely you must know what that means," Húxiān would say to her victim, barely managing to hide her surprise at the situation. Truth was, Húxiān actually did not expect for this to happen. Instead, she had been half-expecting security to have jumped on her by then. But for some reason, they had not. "And no one will save you from what I'm going to do to you next," Húxiān would add while sneering.

Deciding to make the most out of this fortuitous occurrence, Húxiān would pick up her "bag of tricks"---while still holding onto her scissors---before grabbing a fistful of her victim's auburn hair and dragging her victim towards the center of the ring. Once Húxiān and her victim were at the center of the ring, Húxiān would let go of her victim's hair, place the scissors into her bag, and place the bag on the mat. Then, Húxiān would sit down next to her victim's head before running her hand through the woman's auburn hair.

"Enjoy that hair while you still have it," Húxiān would say in a deadpan manner before displaying a wicked grin, "because it will all be shaved off by the end of the night!" Húxiān would lean over her victim, staring down at the woman with a condescending smirk on her face. Húxiān's eyes would bore down on the restrained form of her former opponent, looking down with malicious delight. "You lost, Kotone. And now, as punishment for being a loser---and a total bitch too---I get to play with you until you break."
Last edited by Ichi on Sat Mar 13, 2021 2:46 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A reliably standard match - Kotone Shiomi vs Húxiān Li

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Kotone felt absolutely helpless at the moment, her hair being used as a device for Huxian to exert her madness, absolutely having no idea what Huxian planned to do.

Feeling Huxian mess with her. Kotone started to struggle and flail her body out of instinct, trying to prevent Huxian from doing any further damage. Kotone, her eyes blinded, her hands and legs all tied up, could only squirm like a worm that just came out of the ground.

The Crowd was incredibly stirred up by Huxian's actions, feeling the arena with boos that could cause a noticeable shake in the cameras as the crowd was beginning to arm themselves, their foam cups and anything else they could find, ready to throw at Huxian the moment she pulls one last straw.
Last edited by Epicsnivy on Tue Mar 16, 2021 11:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A reliably standard match - Kotone Shiomi vs Húxiān Li

Unread post by Ichi »

Just about every fan in the arena was, to a varying degree, off-put by Húxiān's actions---enough that the crowd had mostly forgotten about Kotone's actions. While Kotone had seemingly assaulted a referee, and subsequently threatened that same referee, Húxiān's actions made them forget about those events. Simply put, the idea of Húxiān outright violating her opponent in the ring when the match was not a hentai match did not sit well with a lot of the audience. It also did not help that LAW management seemed complacent with Húxiān's awfulness; after all, none of the security staff even bothered to stop the match, and the announcer even made an announcement ordering all under-18 attendees to leave.

However, that was not to say that the crowd felt much sympathy for Kotone specifically. While the crowd realized that Kotone's misdeeds were incommensurate with the torments that Húxiān was about to inflict, one could have replaced Kotone with some faceless victim and gotten much of the same reaction from the crowd. Kotone was no longer viewed as a heroic face going up against a twisted, reprehensible heel---instead, she was viewed simply as collateral damage at this point.

What actually riled the crowd up was how Húxiān had spit in the face of LAW, professional wrestling, and common decency, all within less than an hour. And seeing the vile heel seemingly get away with it all was yet another insult on top of that. The crowd wanted blood---Húxiān's blood---but it seemed as if they would not get it.

But despite all of the rage seething in the restless crowd, they could not avert their eyes. For as terrible as Húxiān's actions were, they were interesting. They were akin to a brutal car accident: awful, yet intriguing. Tragic, yet eye-catching. But that was not all. Hidden underneath the rage and morbid curiosity was something deeper. More primal.


Based on the announcement that was made and Húxiān's words, most of the audience knew what would happen next: the match would turn into a one-sided hentai match with Kotone taking all of the punishment. To a fair portion of the crowd, the idea of seeing Kotone be exposed and violated was at least somewhat appealing, although very few would acknowledge that uncomfortable fact. After all, hentai matches were held in this very ring, albeit at separate events from the more family-friendly matches. Many people in the crowd had attended hentai events before or had watched them---those people were no strangers to lewdness in the ring. It was not as if Húxiān having her way with Kotone would be that different from what many in the crowd were used to. The only difference would be the context that the lewdness occurred in.

That is not to say that the crowd was composed of a bunch of lust-crazed monsters. The audience, for the most part, was primarily angry with Húxiān and would not be shy about voicing their disapproval. However, most people would nonetheless be mostly complacent, apart from perhaps throwing objects into the ring. As a result, even Húxiān violating Kotone in the ring would not be enough to motivate anyone to actually rush in to try to stop Húxiān. After all, if they were not going to be punished for sitting and watching, then what would the harm in watching be? If no one was calling them out, then what is the shame in sitting by? And if there were thousands of other people in the arena, and the events in the arena were possibly just scripted events, when why feel any individual responsibility?

Kotone was completely at the mercy of Húxiān's twisted machinations, surrounded by a sea of people who would do little to save her.


Húxiān laughed as her victim squirmed around like a worm drowning in a puddle. Helpless and unable to defend itself, and likely to be trampled underfoot. "You look like a fucking worm. Pathetic and helpless," taunted Húxiān as she stood up. "So, are you going to beat me or what? Come on!" Húxiān's foot would shoot out towards her victim's breasts, aiming to batter them. "And didn't you say 'you will not make a victim out of me' at the beginning of our match? Well, look at you now! Tied up, beaten, lying on the ground, and helpless to stop me from toying with your body! A victim, the very thing you swore that you would not become!" Húxiān would yell before stomping on her victim's head several times.

Then, addressing the crowd, Húxiān would loudly proclaim "You see that?! This bitch is my toy! I can do anything I want with her, even strip her naked!" The crowd would be stunned into silence at Húxiān's declaration, barely able to believe what they were witnessing. Despite it being abundantly clear what Húxiān's intent was, it was still hard to believe that the "match" was going in that direction.

As thousands of shocked eyes gazed upon her, Húxiān would drop down, slamming her knee right into her victim's belly to hurt the woman and hold her in place. Húxiān would then get to work, using the scissors to cut up the straps around the woman's arms. Then, Húxiān would cut at some of the straps on the woman's top before moving on to the main bodies of fabric. With sadistic glee, Húxiān would begin making cuts in the fabric of her victim's outfit, bringing the woman closer and closer to being immodestly exposed. But Húxiān would not cross that line---yet. For now, Húxiān would be content with allowing her victim to hang onto her modesty, if only by a thread.
Kotone's attire
After a while, Húxiān would look down, directly at her victim. "You know, if I was some pretentious author, I would say that me exposing you is symbolic of you exposing yourself as a Grade A bitch! After all, you shoved a ref to the ground and threatened to beat her up if she stopped the match!" Húxiān would sneer before pausing for a moment.
Spoilered because Húxiān says some egregiously terrible things
"Oh, but don't worry, Koko. The match isn't fucking done yet---not by a long shot. I will strip you naked, exposing you to the entire world, leaving you helpless to stop those greedy cameras from capturing your most intimate areas. Thousands, if not millions of lustful fans will gratify themselves to images of your naked anatomy, and the areas that you once held private, only to be seen by those closest to you, will be thrust into the public domain, indelibly burned into the public record." Húxiān would spit directly in her victim's face, aiming for the eye. "But you know what? I won't be fucking satisfied with just that! I will 'play' with your body, in full view of the world, until I get bored. And then I will throw you into the crowd, where you will be raped by the very same fans that would have stood idly by as I raped you!"
The audience would begin booing even louder, both out of disgust towards Húxiān's abjectly awful words and out of anger that Húxiān would insinuate that they were immoral enough to violate Kotone.
Last edited by Ichi on Thu Mar 18, 2021 6:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A reliably standard match - Kotone Shiomi vs Húxiān Li

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

With nothing she could do, and the only noise she could hear being Huxian's relentless brigade of insults and the crowd's voracious boos. Kotone could only reflect on what went wrong, and how she could have avoided this situation. Nothing about this felt right, and no matter what she tried, nothing could be done as she laid squirming, grunting as she put all her energy into trying to get out, only to Stomp when Huxian laid her vicious boot into Kotone's exposed stomach. Kotone just laid flat on her back, no energy left, her eyes about to get watery and break into tears, screams of Pain left her mouth as the crowd chanted "YOU SICK FUCK!" at Huxian, ready to throw whatever they had at any moment.

And then Kotone fully broke down in tears when she heard what Huxian had to say. "HOW CAN PEOPLE LIKE YOU SICK FREAK EVEN EXIST! DON'T YOU EVEN FEEL REMORSE FOR HOW YOU HURT PEOPLE!" Kotone muffled out, being muddled by the tears and the boos of a crowd that was a ticking time bomb, knowing her words probably fell on deaf ears, and it wasn't going to prevent what Huxian would do next.

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Re: A reliably standard match - Kotone Shiomi vs Húxiān Li

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Upon hearing her Kotone's words, Húxiān paused for a moment. She appeared to be deep in thought for a few moments, as if going through a bout of intense introspection. "Actually, I do feel remorse for how I hurt people," admitted Húxiān with a pensive look on her face. "Remorse for not hurting people enough!" Húxiān's face twisted into a cruel smile as she yelled out those words. Spurred on by Húxiān's blatant lack of decency, the chant of "YOU SICK FUCK!" grew more intense with each passing moment.

Suddenly, Húxiān would nonchalantly drive her heel into her victim's face before kneeling down behind the woman. Húxiān would then lift her victim up in a full nelson hold to display the crying and nearly-exposed woman to the crowd. "Come on! As much as you degenerate fucks would like to deny it, you would love to see her turned into a moaning whore!" accused Húxiān, a spiteful grin adorning her face. In response, a few middle fingers shot up amidst the crowd. Upon seeing that, Húxiān simply rolled her eyes and laughed dismissively. "If you don't like it, you're free to leave! Regardless, I'm going to RAPE this bitch!"

Enraged roars erupted from the audience. Then, a single cup tore through the air, barreling towards Húxiān. It missed, landing harmlessly in the ring. But the first shot had been fired, prompting others in the audience to follow suit. Projectiles began to rain down on the ring, like a volley of arrows fired by an enemy army.

Not willing to become a casualty of this assault, Húxiān would turn so that her back was facing the entrance ramp. Then, still holding her victim in the full nelson hold, Húxiān would charge forward, literally using her auburn-haired victim as a shield!

Húxiān would end up somewhat close to the ropes, facing the crowd. Her back would be turned towards the entrance ramp and both of her flanks would be presented to the audience, albeit they would be a smaller target. Meanwhile, her front would be protected as it would be shielded by her victim's body. Húxiān had chosen this position for strategic reasons: she would present minimal profile to two sides of the audience while being protected from the third by a human shield.

Debris would continue to assault Húxiān from all sides. Húxiān, for the most part, did not get hit with many objects---sure, she got tagged a couple of times but nothing substantial. At least not yet. Most of the projectiles coming in from the sides ended up missing. On the other hand, the people in the front row across from Húxiān and her shield would be particularly fervent in their assault, spurred on by Húxiān's taunting grin. Desperate to hit that demon woman Húxiān, they would throw debris at Húxiān even if it meant possibly hitting Húxiān's auburn-haired shield.

"You see that, Kotone? These people don't care about you anymore," Húxiān would whisper into her victim's ear. "They don't care about hitting you if it means that they get a chance to hit me."

Húxiān would still feel like she could do better, though. Thinking back to earlier, Húxiān would quickly figure out what buttons to push next. "Why so angry?" Húxiān would yell to the crowd. "Is it because I'm 'evil'? Or maybe..." The corners of Húxiān's lips would curl up to form an even nastier grin. "You idiots are just pissy because I made a mockery of your so-called 'professional wrestling'!"

Boos continued to wash over the Chinese demon, like a torrential rainstorm. Similarly, debris continued to pour into the ring like stinging raindrops brought forth by a vengeful deity. The aim of the fans was pitiful, but the sheer volume of items thrown was enough to ensure that a couple items managed to tag Húxiān.

Thankfully, Húxiān had an umbrella---one that took the form of a crying, nearly exposed woman. A shield that protected Húxiān from the wrath of the fans, mitigating their judgement. But this only enraged the fans further. Their assault only became more frenzied, the fans showering the ring with debris indiscriminately.

But Húxiān would stand defiant behind her auburn-haired aegis, unyielding despite the audience's best attempts to cast her out from the ring. She would stand in opposition to the crowd. And then she would openly mock it.

"Are you mad that I pointed out that LAW wrestling is fake? That you've wasted your lives obsessing over a bunch of actors prancing around the ring like a bunch of idiots?" The crowd began to shake with fury, insulted and enraged at Húxiān's blatant disrespect. "Pro-wrestling moves don't work in real life, you fuckwits! The windup is too obvious! The movement is wasteful and inefficient! And yet, you dumbfucks still eat that shit up, like credulous CHILDREN!"

"GO TO HELL! GO TO HELL! GO TO HELL! GO TO HELL!" the crowd chanted vigorously, united in their common hatred of Húxiān. The arena rumbled from the roar of the crowd, as if there were something trapped beneath the surface just waiting to be released. The pressure in the arena continued to build up, like steam trapped in a faulty boiler.

"You really have to be a fucking idiot to believe that this shit is real... and an even BIGGER idiot to enjoy it! Only the lowest, most unintelligent, most worthless kinds of people would enjoy 'professional wrestling'!" roared Húxiān with a smug, insufferable expression on her face. "Like this bitch right here... Kotone Shiomi!"

Unfortunately for her, Húxiān's arms were starting to get tired with holding her human shield up. Knowing that, Húxiān would roughly throw her victim onto the mat. The crowd would be stunned, not expecting Húxiān to open herself up like that. They would also be shocked by Húxiān's words as well. As such, Kotone would have some time to speak, should she desire.

Húxiān would be acutely aware of her vulnerability. She would get into her usual fighting stance but with one noticeable difference: she would put up a guard. A stark contrast from her usual hands-low style. Granted, Húxiān's guard would still be somewhat low with her rear hand at chin-level and her lead hand slightly extended out---but a guard nonetheless.

Húxiān knew that the crowd would not stay shocked for long. She knew that it would only be a matter of time before the audience began throwing stuff again. But, should she survive the vicious barrage of projectiles, she would have one last trick up her sleeve.

One last twisted trick.

One final 'fuck you' to the crowd.

Húxiān's comments are not in line with how I actually feel, nor are they in line with my actual opinions. Although Húxiān says some mean things about professional wrestling fans, I myself do not feel that way.
Last edited by Ichi on Tue Mar 30, 2021 5:56 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A reliably standard match - Kotone Shiomi vs Húxiān Li

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Kotone felt absolutely useless in the match. Having her face being driven down into the mat, and then having her body being use as a meat shield while nearly having her private parts exposed to a crowd that certainly wasn't taking it well at all, repeatedly throwing garbage at Huxian and instead hitting her.

Then Huxian threw Kotone down to the mat, her body completely limp and back exposed to the audience. Kotone was left in tears streaming down her eyes as she decided to say one last thing.

"ONE DAY, I HOPE SOMEONE LEAVES YOU IN TEARS AND BREAKS YOUR SPIRIT, YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Kotone said before Huxian's last action , still streaming tears down her face as the crowd continued to pelt trash.

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