Karina Rine Vs. Courage Takemi

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Karina Rine Vs. Courage Takemi

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Standard Match

Rules: Standard
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission or K.O

Karina got her first official match in this place, not having to wait too long for it and she was quite curious to see who she was up with. Well, one couldn't tell just looking at her rather irritated face but after some digging, she found her opponent and what she looked like, and to say she was intrigued was putting it mildly. The girl looked adorable, wore glasses and seemed to fit the whole idol category, perhaps a major mismatch to be fighting Karina, but who was Karina to complain? This didn't just mean she got to show off her strength, she also planned to tame the young idol and make her submit!
Karina stepped onto the stage, stretching and rolling her shoulders a few times before she made her way down the ramp, mostly ignoring the crowd since they weren't really her priority, they were there to be amused by the fights and she was here to see if she could find opponents who could match or even pass her. Today might not be one where her hidden ideals were met, but at the very least she might just get to wrestle and dominate a cute idol, are perhaps the first edition to her wrestling harem if she proved to be durable or strong enough to resist her!

She slipped under the bottom ropes and pushed herself up onto her feet, stepping to the very center of the ring to do a few more lousy stretches while the referee got into the ring to start getting things ready, Karina simply waiting for her opponent to arrive, keeping a single eye over at the main stage to see if the idol would show up, and what kind of outfit she would be wearing.
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Re: Karina Rine Vs. Courage Takemi

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This was it... Her debut! For many women this was a day they had dreamed of their entire lives! A shot at stardom! A world stage to compete on! Or simply the opportunity to hurt or humiliate another human being! For Yumi Takemi, it was none of these things...

It was her last ditch attempt at clinging to her beloved place amongst her sisters in Courage Generation. Yumi had matured too quickly for the likes of her producers. Her hips too wide, her breasts too full, and her stature too tall. She stood out against her peers who were lithe ideals of Japanese beauty... And if she didn't find a way to stand out in a more positive way... Then it meant the end of her career as an Idol! Something she had fought for and cherished ever since she was 14!

"And introducing her opponent! Representing COURAGE GENERATION!"
The announcer roared as the stage was bathed in ocean blue hues. "COURAGE! Ta-Ke-Miiii!"
Stereopony - Hitohira No Hanabira(Kayfabe; Courage Generation "One of My Petals"
She emerged onto the stage mic in hand! Her angelic voice rang out against the instrumental of Courage Generation's hit single "One of My Petals"! The crowd went wild and began to sing along with the Megane Idol's upbeat and energetic performance! All smiles and grace, Courage Takemi twirled and danced her way down the ramp, waving, pointing, and appealing to her fans!

Her attire was a tribute to the music video that had Courage Generation performing upon a naval ship. A bikini themed after a sailor's uniform! The bottoms clung tightly to her hips and left her long, voluptuous legs exposed. She was and had been a dancer her whole life and the thiccness of her thighs and backside had benefited from that. Above her waistline her soft waistline and delicate tummy was exposed. A cute blue tie fell between her heavy breasts which stretched the top to its' limits.
Courage Takemi
Courage climbed into the ring as she belted out the final lyrics of her song! She gave one final twirl as she cast her sailor hat into the audience to be received by a lucky fan!

This was it! Time for her debut!
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Re: Karina Rine Vs. Courage Takemi

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Karina arched a brow when her opponent finally arrived, with a mixture of dance, music and entertainment to give the crowd quite the show. Karina wasn't one to enjoy such things, thus she just bore with her opponent's entire entrance sequences while she stepped to her corner, resting her back against it and brought her arms over the top ropes, closing her eyes and would just listen and wait, just a small moment to herself while her opponent was entering the ring and got herself ready, quite the fascinating to behold if she was a fan of idols and their entire dance routine..

..She was not. She opened her eyes with a sharpened gaze once her opponent was inside the ring and the referee were calling out for them to get ready, pushing herself from the corner and her arms from the top ropes, waiting for the bell to ring and once that did.. Karina took off. She was not about to let Courage think that the ring was a playing field for idols, no matter how adorable she looked, deciding to start things off rough but not too violent, trying to get up close to Courage and bring an arm around the back of the girl's head, trying to pull it close and against her side for a solid yet standard side headlock.
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Re: Karina Rine Vs. Courage Takemi

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Courage watched as her Sailor's Cap floated into the audience. There was a brief battle over it, like a foul ball at a baseball game. And when the battle ended it was in the hands of a pretty young woman in a Courage Generation T-shirt. "Naisu!" She declared excitedly with a thumbs up shot towards her fan!

The ringing bell woke her from her kinship with the fans! She turned and saw her opponent, Karina, already bull-rushing towards her! "Oh! Oh no!" She threw her hands up defensively and staggered backwards. It wasn't that she hadn't received any training, she had. Nor was she caught offguard by the allure of the world stage; she'd been performing in front of audiences since before she started high school! It was the aggression she felt coming off of her opponent.

As an idol Courage was used to being adored. Sometimes that adoration bordered on hostility, but rarely was it ever malicious in nature. Fans and their ilk never sought to hurt her on purpose. But as she met Karina's eyes she could see by her knife's-edge gaze that she was here to do exactly that. To punish and bend her until she couldn't fight back... That was the business after all! But she'd never been exposed to it... Not like this.

"Gck!" She made a quiet, choking sound as Karina roughly took control of her body by the head! Karina bent her over and pulled her off balance. It forced the curvy figure she'd inherited from her mother to be put on display! The cutesy costume she'd selected to appeal to the fans put in extra work as it was pulled taut against her cheeky backside. Her hands shot up to battle with Karina's grip, but for the moment she was little more than a slave to her malicious machinations!

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Re: Karina Rine Vs. Courage Takemi

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Karina almost felt bed when she had her opponent rather easily in that side headlock, yet at the same time this was not exactly a place to boast and play only to the crowd, no matter how cute the idol was. She sighed, fixated her gaze down at the girl who had trouble even trying to pull her arm loose, reaching down with her other hand to slide it down Takemi's thigh, gripping it rather hard and shuffling her feet, spreading them slightly and pointing them to each side as she prepared herself for something more rough.

After counting down a few more seconds, she would tighten the grip on Courage's hip and aimed to lift the idol clean up and off her feet, aiming to lift her up high and to lean backwards at the same time, trying to take Courage along for a ride and go for a simple yet effective suplex just t otake things to the ground rather early in the fight and see if the idol could take a few good submission holds!
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Re: Karina Rine Vs. Courage Takemi

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Courage found herself immediately trapped in Karina's headlock. This was -not- how she had imagined the opening seconds of her debut match to go. However, it was how many of her critics might have predicted. A failing idol would stand no chance in the world of professional wrestling. And it made her heart heavy to be giving their arguments any form of validity.

"Ngh! Let go!" She demanded as she stomped her feet in an attempt to pull her head free. It wasn't likely to happen unless the woman let her go... And she didn't. Instead, Courage found a hand braced against her hip! Her eyes went wide as she felt Karina's body brace, she was going to lift her! Her hands immediately shot to Karina's sides! An attempt to stabilize or defy her... But the result of her protests was nil.


She cried out as Karina punctuated the opening hold with a suplex! Courage's soft figure was pulled off of the canvas and brought right back down on the small of her back! Her eyes went wide as she whined out in pain! "I-itai!" There was no denying that she had a wonderful singing voice. And she sounded even cuter in agony! One of her hands shot to rub at her back as she instinctively rolled onto her belly. It wasn't a wise decision as it left her open to Karina's follow-up. Her inexperience was already showing!

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Re: Karina Rine Vs. Courage Takemi

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Karina knew that she was going to have a good time showing off her skill, and unfortunate for the idol, her body was going to become the practice dummy! After she slammed her opponent to the floor, she would push herself up and moved to her knees, her gaze moving to the spot she had left the girl and finds her on her stomach, quite the good position for Karina, who was already thinking of what she wanted to do and Courage had just given her the best spot for it!

She didn't waste time, moving forward and crawling towards the downed idol, her lips curling into a smirk as she would quickly straddle Courage's butt, rubbing her down down upon it while she was would try to collect the girl's arms. Once she does, she would shift forward to straddle the idol's lower back so she could bring those arms over her thighs and then reach down with both hands to try and grasp Courage's chin, wanting to pull her up and complete her submission hold; The mighty Camel Clutch!
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Re: Karina Rine Vs. Courage Takemi

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"Ohn... My back..." She whined as she worried at it with one of her hands in the wake of the suplex. She knew that they weren't going to be playing hopscotch, but her training hadn't prepared her for this... The moves she'd taken when being taught never had this sort of impact. They left her jarred and a bit slow to react. By the time she'd gotten to her hands and knees it was already too late!

Karina had crawled over her, stalking her like some violent jungle cat! She'd mounted her back before Courage could post up any further! "H-hey! Get off!" She demanded as Karina did the opposite! Courage's hips were forced back into the canvas as Karina asserted her weight upon her backside.

'She's warm...' The thought invaded her mind and caused her to blush as her scantily clad backside met the other woman's. That slight comfort lasted but a moment however, as Karina slid upwards and took control of the Idol's arms! "Wh-what are you doing?"

Her upper body was pulled off the canvas! Her arms were trapped behind Karina's thighs! Failing that, the grip upon her chin kept her from falling forward! She could see herself on the big screen... See what the world was seeing. She could see her heavy breasts hanging down in front of her! And her eyes went wide with panic... And then pain!

She cried out in agony! And Karina hadn't even -really- put the torque on yet... It was looking to be a long night!

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Re: Karina Rine Vs. Courage Takemi

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Karina seemed in a good mood now that she had her opponent trapped this early, hiking Courage up as she leaned over, Karina's own breasts pressing against the back of the idol's head just to tease her while she mused, looking up at the stage screen at what the camera was looking at, which was the front of the camel clutch, showing off both their cleavages! " ..You got quite some breasts for someone so young.. I'm almost jealous.. "

Karina would pull a bit harder, perfectly fine with just remaining in the camel clutch for the time being, grinding her rear down into Courage's lower back, trying to keep the girl's upper body high off the canvas while she went to work with dismantling the idol, if she even posed a threat to her. " Feel free to tap already, though I might not let you go.. "

She would begin to rock back and forth, putting more pressure to that lower spine while she would use one hand to keep pulling on that chin.. While the other hand would reach back to give Courage a sharp spank to her rear!
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Re: Karina Rine Vs. Courage Takemi

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The feel of Karina's bust against her hair made her blush grow two shades deeper. Courage was into other women. She always had been. But she had never truly -been- with one. Such a thing would have caused controversy in the Idol Community. Not to mention her producer had demanded she stayed single to increase her already failing allure. These factors created a situation where the oppressed idol was curious but unable to react. Inhibited by her obligations to Courage Generation and her fans! But it didn't stop her from enjoying it subconsciously.

"S-stop! Don't say things l-like that! It's embarrassing!" She complained in pain as Karina pulled her further back! She could feel Karina grinding against the small of her back... And the heat from between the woman's thighs was impossible to ignore against her bare skin. It made her heart flutter. And her resistance weaker.

She cried out desperately.

And Karina complied. Sort of. One hand slipped free from her chin, releasing some of the strain on her back. Courage was shocked by her mercy... Until.

"KYAAAAAAH~!" She squealed as Karina's hand lashed out against her ass. The position and grinding had forced the attire to become wedged between her supple backside. Karina's crass clap left a red mark immediately upon the pale flesh and sent it quivering deliciously! It was so embarrassing! And it hurt! And it caused the space between her own thighs to pulse with a sensation she'd rather deny.

Courage's eyes went wide and she panicked! She attempted to slip her arms free of Karina's thighs so that she could threaten her attacker's grip with both hands! She'd attempt to hastily jerk the arm free and throw the rocking Karina off balance! It was a desperate attempt to escape... She didn't know how much more she could take!!!
Last edited by SuckerPunch on Wed Mar 17, 2021 9:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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