A Ladies' Man's Debut - Romeo vs Tina

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Re: A Ladies' Man's Debut - Romeo vs Tina

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Romeo would soon see Tina rush towards him, but he was surprised when the blue-haired bombshell switched things up. Instead of trying a frontal assault, Tina twisted behind him and started squeezing at his waist. "Ack!" Romeo grunted out, not appreciating the pressure of the waistlock. The lover boy would latch on to Tina's arms, pulling hard to try and to force her to release the hold.

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Re: A Ladies' Man's Debut - Romeo vs Tina

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Tina grimaced as she felt her grip part from the waist lock, however she did not want to have Romeo keep control of her arms so what she did was immediately drop down to her knees, jerking down with her arms to jerk them out of his grip. She then gripped at his shins since she was low and pulled forward to attempt to make him fall forward onto his stomach. If she was successful with that she would the hop forward to drop down onto one knee beside his head and pull his head back up to the side of her breast in another side headlock as she shouted out to get the crowd to cheer her on.

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Re: A Ladies' Man's Debut - Romeo vs Tina

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Romeo was able to forcefully break apart Tina's waistlock, still latching on tightly to her arms. However, his female foe refused to give up her momentum, quickly breaking free from Romeo's grip! The handsome man was starting to become irritated. "Why won't you just-GAH!" Suddenly, Romeo felt Tina yank hard on his shins, causing the man to fall right on his stomach!

He grunted as his face hit the mat, but Tina wasn't done yet. Soon he felt the girl put him in yet another headlock. Shouting to the cheering crowd to add to his humiliation. Trying his darnest to ignore the feeling of Tina's boob and the strain in his neck, he opted to counter by jolting with elbow into her pillowy chest!

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Re: A Ladies' Man's Debut - Romeo vs Tina

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Tina was starting to pull Romeo back up to a standing position when suddenly she felt an elbow ram into her chest, which caused her to groan out as she released the headlock, her arms crossing over her breasts in front of her as as she winced as Tina was now in a position where her back was facing Romeo as she looked back behind her as this gave Romeo the opportunity to have the momentum.

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Re: A Ladies' Man's Debut - Romeo vs Tina

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Romeo's back elbow was successful, finally releasing him from the tight grip of Tina! The chad stood back up, turning to see Tina groaning from the pain of the strike to her breast. Not wasting any time, Romeo quickly went over to grab the wounded bombshell, before pulling her up in the air. With a grunt, the lover boy attempted to slam her back down, going for a big suplex!

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Re: A Ladies' Man's Debut - Romeo vs Tina

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T.K.'s eyes widened as she felt Romeo's arms wrap around her body as she hooked an arm around his neck. "Nonono!" before she was hoisted off of her feet and slammed down onto her back in a suplex, her arms releasing Romeo as her arms stretched out to her sides on the mat as she arched her upper body in a flexible manner, feeling the impact from the loud thus of crashing to the mat as she groaned out before her upper body slumped back down to lay on the mat.

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Re: A Ladies' Man's Debut - Romeo vs Tina

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Romeo's suplex was successful, though the flexible Tina had managed to turn her body, landing face down on the mat. But the matter in which she fell wasn't important, or was it, considering now Romeo had a naughty idea. Wasting no time in pursuing his female foe, Mr. Chad went on his knees, before grabbing Tina's body up. He folded her over his knee, in prime spanking position.

"I've been meaning to touch that rounded rear of yours." He teased. "It looks as lovely as meteor shower from this position." Strange metaphors aside, Mr. Chad would begin giving Tina a painful spanking. The ladies' man went to work, smacking her bum over and over again, after moving her tied clothing away.

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Re: A Ladies' Man's Debut - Romeo vs Tina

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As Tina was bent over Romeo's knee, she let out a confused sound as she felt the body of her sweater tied around her get shoved up to drape over her back, she then blushed and let out a howl of pain as she felt Romeo smack her rear, then another happened as she arched her back, pushing on his knee as a groan escaped her lips, and then the third happened as she howled out again, she gritted her teeth in anger as she pressed her feet on the ground, pushing herself to stand back up as her body was sideways against Romeo. She then cupped her hands together and swung an elbow hard into the side of Romeo's temple. "How dare you creep!" She called out in anger as she then used him being on one knee as a stepping stone, pressing a foot off of his upper leg to boost herself in the air as she then shifted both of her knees to slam into his shoulders on the way down in a miniature version of a meteora to slam him down to the ground with her straddling on top of him, trying to go for an early pinfall.

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Re: A Ladies' Man's Debut - Romeo vs Tina

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Romeo was greatly enjoying punishing Tina for her defiance, his slaps of her bottom echoing throughout the whole arena! However, after the third smack, Tina made it very clear she didn't appreciate what the perverted man was doing, responding with a wicked elbow strike to Romeo's temple! "OW!" The struck man groaned, as the retaliatory attack landed, causing him to release control over the bombshell.

Closing his eyes after the nasty blow, Romeo was left bewildered as Tina's knees came on top of him from up high! "Aaaack!" He grunted, as the strong woman slammed and pinned him down. "ONE!" The ref counted, before Romeo kicked out, rolling off to the side to try and recover. "Ugh. N-Naughty girl."

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Re: A Ladies' Man's Debut - Romeo vs Tina

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Tina hopped off of Romeo as he rolled off to the side. She stood up, re-adjusting the sweater tied around her waist and tugged the sleeves tighter to her body, she then marched over towards him as he tried to recover. "Smacking women's asses and I'm the naughty one?" Come here!" she said through gritted teeth as she grabbed him by the wrist, she then tried to yank him forward and extend her arm out at the last second to his upper chest/neck line as she tried to shortarm clothesline him back down to the mat.

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