Infamous Redemption: Finlay Zeffer vs Samantha Gang

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Re: Infamous Redemption: Finlay Zeffer vs Samantha Gang

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Despite the suffocating feeling of the smother Finlay had been through far worse oxygen depriving moves and tactics. This was nothing to him and he would make this girl pay for thinking she could defeat him so easily. Squeezing her tightly in the bearhug he forced things into a war of attrition between them. One he soon won as the woman leaned up giving him access to oxygen again. Unfortunately it came at the cost of his arms being pinched, the sudden sharp pain making him wince and release the hold letting Sam go as she got off him to catcj her breath. Rolling away himself Finlay got himself to his feet, taking in a few neccesary breaths to get himself back to ome hundred percent. All while glaring at Samantha across from him.

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Re: Infamous Redemption: Finlay Zeffer vs Samantha Gang

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Samantha glared back at Finlay, as the two wrestlers had to recover from their little exchange. Her male opponent had gotten back up on his feet. Not wanting to feel out done, Sam rose as well, though notedly slower. "GAHHHHH!" The former gangster cried, extremely frustrated at her foe's tenacity. The girl stomping and shaking her arms in a short temper taturm, before racing towards Finlay at full speed. In a blind rage, Sam was not thinking about cheating for once. Instead she came recklessly and impulsively, racing at Mr. Zeffer, before attempting to floor him with a running lariat!

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Re: Infamous Redemption: Finlay Zeffer vs Samantha Gang

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As Finlay stood up to his feet he snapped his attention to a loud cry of frustration. His immediate reaction was to prepare for a possible attack or charge. Inwtead however his opponet was just... having a temper tantrum. ’Like a petulant child.’ He thought to himself annoyed at her behavior once again. This time he just stood straight and waited for what the woman would do, and he didn’t have to wait long. Within seconds she came charging with her arm up for a obvious lariat. Watching her boredly Finlay sidestepped at the last moment, allowing the woman to go past him harmlessly, like a matador letting a bull charge past.

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Re: Infamous Redemption: Finlay Zeffer vs Samantha Gang

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After throwing her little fit, Samantha tried to preform a lariat on Finlay, who dodged the move with little effort. "What?!" Sam exclaimed, as she staggered forwards from the reckless attack, before turning back around. "UGH!" Ms. Gang was not pleased by Finlay's bored expression, as if the gang girl wasn't a serious threat. "Don't mess with me, punk!" Samantha was tempted to charge again, but didn't, deciding instead to address her foe. "What did Camie do to you?" She finally asked. "My manger told me he heard you were looking to redeem yourself and were determined to fight her again, after she apparently wiped the floor with you. Why would you want to pick a FAIR fight with someone you know you can't beat?!"

Ms. Gang was actually curious about Finlay's motives, as the cowardly cheater had trouble understanding them. But this primarily was a distraction, as soon as Sam finished her dialogue, she would make her move. She raced towards Finlay, before sliding down to try and kick his shin. Sam was hoping to leave him vulnerable to further offense.
Last edited by dddybee on Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Infamous Redemption: Finlay Zeffer vs Samantha Gang

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Finlay continued to watch Sam with the same bored expression on his face as she finished her little fit. Instead taking the moment to question him about his motives causing him to tsk at her question. Or rather, the specific words she had chosen. Her cowardism was the antithesis of his mentality, and seeing it so on display only made him sigh in a mix of disappointment and annoyance. But more over he was glad he took his time answering, as the woman dashed forward his way attempting for a slide kick aimed at his leg. Raising an eyebrow he would just lift his leg up before bringing it down on Sam’s extended one, stomping down and holding her limb in place with his foot. ”Because unlike you I have pride. I don’t run from challenges I meet them head on and I beat them.” He said while looking down at her with his arms crossed, a cold and stoic expression on his face. ”I’m not a coward.” He said before jumping up off Sam’s leg and aiming to come right down knees first on Sam’s chest.

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Re: Infamous Redemption: Finlay Zeffer vs Samantha Gang

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Much to Samantha's dismay, Rinlay managed to stop her slide kick with a simple stomp, utterly destroying any chance of Sam gaining momentum. "UGH! WHAT? NO!" Ms. Gang exclaimed, realizing she'd been stopped dead in her tracks! She struggled to keep a defiant expression as Mr. Zeffer eyed her coldly, addressing the trapped girl's question. But soon enough, after a sudden gasp, Samantha felt Finlay's knees crash down hard on her chest. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!" The wounded woman cried out, rolling around on the mat, and grasping her boobs.

"Y-You aimed d-directly at a girl's b-bust. Isn't t-that cowardly in its own r-right?" Sam grunted out in agony, dealing with his criticism, by trying to project her negative traits on to him. The girl hadn't found a healthy way to deal with them herself, and her tough girl exterior was in danger of crumbling, if it hasn't been completely destroyed already. In a last ditch effort to take down Finlay, Samantha forced herself up. The desperate woman then proceed to mindlessly rush her male foe, not even quite sure herself exactly what she would do.
Last edited by dddybee on Sun Mar 07, 2021 12:18 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Infamous Redemption: Finlay Zeffer vs Samantha Gang

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Finlay had casually jumped up and over Samantha’s attempt to surprise attack him, having read her like a book and acting in accoordance. Leaping up he came right down on Sam’s chest and wat watched as the coward rolled away holding her chest in pain before trying to thrn things around on hin witb the old gender card. ”On the contrary. I treat women as anyone else I fight. I don’t offer speacial treatment just cause our bodies are different. Its why you’re attempt to seduce me earlier didn’t work.” He replied back to her snarkily in a unimpressed tone before raising a eyebrow as the girl charged at him in a desperate and wild attempt to take him down. Tensing his body a bit he waited as the girl came in hot before acting. Reaching out and grabbing her arm he used her own momentum against her and swung her over his body with a judo throw to bring her down to the mat beneath him. From there he twisted her arm behind her head and wrapped his own around her head, pulling her up sharply against his chest at an awkward angle for her neck for his finisher the zero aero. Otherwise known as a anaconda vice.

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Re: Infamous Redemption: Finlay Zeffer vs Samantha Gang

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After Finlay got out his response, promoting true gender equality, Samantha came at him with the running charge attack. However, her reckless advance would prove futile, as she suddenly found herself high in the air! "WHAT?!" Sam cried out, before being judo slammed on the mat. "AAACK!" Ms. Gang didn't have time to roll away again, as Finlay soon had her trapped in a painful anaconda vice!

Samantha groaned and squirmed, struggling in vain to find some way to escape. "L-Let go of me!" She choked out, before finally giving in to the submission move. Using her free arm to frantically tap out, Samantha had had more than enough of her bout with Finlay. She had been both physically and verbally destroyed. And The Infamous Cheater actually realized, that any attempt to talk smack after such a defeat, would only result in more humiliation. Upon her release and the ringing of the bell, Samantha would roll out of the ring, before dashing towards the backstage area. She tripped halfway there, not considering her worn out body, and earning some mocking laughter from the crowd. Sam then got back up and exited with a plethora of curses. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!"

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Re: Infamous Redemption: Finlay Zeffer vs Samantha Gang

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Tripping, Throwing and then locking Samantha had been easy. His arms crushed and constricted the girl’s head while twisting her arm behind her head. Lulling up to force her head up at an angle he torqued and twisted the girl’s neck to make the submission hold as tight as possible. Now all that was left was to wait for Samantha to tap, which would in of itself only take a few moments beofre he felt and heard her wild tapping on the mat. Adter a few moments he released and pushed her head down into the mat. Standing up to his feet he looked down at the girl as she rolled away and outside the ring.

Trying to stumble her way up the ramp, tripping and falling in the process much to the delight of the crowd. Shrugging he merely held his hand up in the air ss the crowd cheered in response to the overwhelming victory he has taken against Sam. Enjoying the cheers for a few more moments he exited the ring and headed up the ramp to go backstage. Sam hadn’t been as much of a challenge as he hoped. So he was going to go find a more capable opponet, and do some more training in the meantime.

Winner by submission: Finlay Zeffer

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