Breaking Even

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Breaking Even

Unread post by KillerV »

After weeks of recovery from this suffering defeat by the hands of Karla 'bitchin' Reinhardt that was very very close of defeating her again but he ended up head first on top of the limo completely knocked out, by the time he woke up, he is already on the hospital bed with IV and some bandages over his body. Back burn from boiling hot coffee, cuts all over his body from going throughout the arena and outside, his head could of have more damage if he werent wearing his beastly mask but still some shards were able to get inside and cut him, and his skull suffered from near fracture but he recovered fairly well despite so much beating he took.

He still have some stitches on the back of his head and bit of bandages over his body, but that isnt important right now, whats important for now is that he MUST make an issue for Karla, need to make a statement that he need to get through to her. So King went back to the arena and instead of going to the office to demand he wants, he rather head out to the ring where he would see the crowd that reacts with heavy boos for making appearances while the two female wrestlers were in the middle of their match, but King just goes right inside....

When he gotten in the ring and seeing both female wrestlers looking right at him, both confused and scared cause his reputation and his big he is in person... he quickly rushes at the two giving both of them a double clothesline to knock their asses down on the mat as the crowd heavily booing him, the bell rings to ending the match for No Contest cause of King interference. He glares at them in anger body expression and goes to one of the girl where he grabs her head and pulling it down between his legs, hooking her arms behind the back and quickly hop up to drop down, faceplant her into his finisher- Pedigree! "GRRRRRRR!" quickly release her arms and yank her up by the hair to pull up using it to whip her over the ropes and send her outside of the ring!

After what he did to her, then he turn around going after the other girl where he pulls her up by the head but she tries to attack him with some punches to his abs, he respond with a hard knee to the gut forcing her to double over and allowing him to pull the head under his arm, grab her legs and rolling her up on his shoulder upside down, spread the legs and quickly drop into his vicious finisher- Muscle Buster! "GRRRRRRR!" quickly release her as he get up on his feet, using his foot to kick her body until she rolls out of the ring, leaving him by himself inside.

Once the ring is all cleared out, he turn towards to the ropes to lean over gesturing the announcer give him the mic, he need to call out Karla so once he got it in his hand, turning around and move to the center of the ring, waiting for the moment while everyone just non stop booing at him, then he proceed to raise the mic up and about to speak. "KARLA! Couple of weeks ago you STOLE MY VICTORY! I know I would of won that match, it suppose to be my victory! You were losing like FUCK jobber but somehow, you took all my glories away from me!" He paused for a moment to take a breather, calming himself down as he can but it didnt last long, goes back to raise the mic again. "KARLA! I WANT A REMATCH! I WANT OUR MATCH TO BE THE MOST BRUTAL, THE MOST AGGRESSIVE, AND WHEN I DEFEAT YOU.... I WANT YOU AS MY SERVANT FOR LIFE!!!!" He demands a big risk, just so he can make her life a living hell, awaiting to see if she would respond or chicken out.

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Re: Breaking Even

Unread post by Monsy »

Through hell, she marched and prevailed on the other side. Spiked onto steel, plunged through surfboards, slammed onto concrete, then stretched past her bodily limits. Yet, her will didn't break. More truthfully, she just managed to stay conscious through the onslaught.

Karla’s body paid the steep price. Bruises littered her back; blue and black welts. Her head? It throbbed, day in and out. The cut across her cheek required stitches while every limb ached simultaneously. They were wounds only time, and hot baths can heal.

But Injuries didn’t delay a Reinhardt. 

Instead, she returned to L.A.W, thrusting the glass doors open and strutting through the empty corridors. Suited servants were on her flanks; tall men, one with sleeked-back brown hair and the other was blonde. When they reached her dressing room, the blonde servant leaned forward.

“Miss Reinhardt, we have news.”

“That so? Enlighten me.” She asked, rummaging through her pockets for keys.

“A man in a tiger mask summons you.”

It was as if she inhaled laughing gas. Her frown exploded into short chuckles, then laughter. They stopped, exchanging stares at one another, unsure whether to worry or feel amused alongside their master.

“Ma’am?” One asked but got no immediate reply. After unlocking her dressing room, the door flung open. She slid her foot forward like skidding on an ice rink, turning around on foot, then thrusting her heel down. Both arms outstretched like a wingspan while she craned her head to the ceiling, executing a full circle.

“Wunderbar!” She cheered. 

Their confusion spiked from there.

“I said... Wunderbar! It means wonderful.”

She stared them down, peeling off her shades. 

“Killer King’s last defeat must’ve left his career in shambles. I mean, what purpose does a big man like him serve if he can’t maul a woman like myself? Of course, I’m no ordinary woman. You two agree, right?”

They nodded like dogs answering their master.

“Such well-behaved Hundchens. Now, you, the ugly one. Fetch me a folded table. And you, come with me - let’s address this pest.”

She moved between them, seizing the blonde’s hand to drag him along, much to his concealed dismay. They came to gorilla not long after, where she shouted towards the idling staff, “MIC!” Her abrupt demand stunned them, creating a pause before one meek employee scrambled to appease the woman. She had a knack for sensing the sheepish type, allowing herself to stare them down like carving a knife into their chest.

A mere minute from King’s callout, Karla emerged in the wake of her entrance music. The black bodysuit combatant strode forth, hands folded behind her back. Her back narrow like a plank, no limp hindered her stride, and she concealed the cut with makeup. Near and far to all peering eyes, Karla Ray Reinhardt appeared in perfect health as she approached the rampway. Then she stopped.

Here, she raised her fist, culling her entrance music. An atmosphere of silence festered as her eyes shifted left and right, then back towards her servant. “My seat.” She ordered the blonde. On all fours, the man offered his back for Karla’s bottom, crossing one leg over. Another lull set in. She was in no rush. Instead, Kille King was stuck with her sneer and a quirked brow. But eventually, she did raise the microphone.

“Wahh... Wahh... Wahh... What’s the matter? You interrupt a match between two ... eehh, kittenish ladies because the company won’t let you have your own segment? Poor, poor you. Now, you force your way onto the show, make a big stir, then use my bait against me?! Scheisse... I hate... Hate... HATE!!! you, Killer King.”

Her breathing sped beyond control, prompting one hand to raise and both eyes to clamp shut, demanding silence. Then, she placed one hand on her collar, rolling her neck before fetching a stack of papers from her white coat. She raised them like a torch, smirking, inching closer to full-blown laughter.

“But... I see your point. You must feel cheated. Reality often does that. And so, I have in my hand your meal ticket. No, it’s best to stay literal. In my little hand, I have a contract for one last match between Killer King and ... Karla... Ray... Reinhardt.”

A small cheer rumbled through the crowd.

“It allows for any match with stipulations of our selection. Should I sign this dotted line, I'll risk my body, mind and dignity and become your servant to conquer like a real beast. But... If you enter this debacle and lose, I will de-mask you. No, I'll bury you. I'll spit on whatever ugly mug lies underneath and use your cheekbones to sharpen my heels. Heh, I guess what I am saying is... We will never see Killer King inside a L.A.W ring again."

She licked her lips, hungry at the prospect. The crowd grew vocal with the proposed stakes, voicing their approval.

“Well, Hundchen? Shall we sign that line?” 
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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
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— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Breaking Even

Unread post by KillerV »

King issuing a challenge that he wanted to take her apart and this time, he will win and will destroy her and will, enjoy Karla luscious body all for himself, he need some babe to enjoy all day long for his aggressive needs. As he waiting for the bitch to show up that didnt take very long actually, and start seeing some people heading out from the backstage bringing the table as they coming down the ramp, then behind them its Karla the snobby looking woman in her favorite attire with her weak looking minions with her, then she start barking out some words that just want him to put her in the piledrivers again, but then something interesting she suggested- if he wins he would claim Karla for himself which he wanted so much, would love to have her as his pet to train with, but then she also wanted him to de-mask him, even more, she wanted to place his career on the line too, he thinks for a moment but not too long.

By the time he got his answer, the stupid people setting up the table right at the center of the ring, unfolding it and glaring at them after theyre finished so they can leave, just him alone and the table, he walks up to it and slapping on top, checking how sturdy it is, just thinking about putting Karla right through it like he did with her through the surfboards and down onto the concrete, was great memory yet hated to lose at such close match.

King suddenly slamming his palm down on the table while raising the mic up to his snout, need to make it loud so she can hear him clearly. "Alright! Fine, I'll take the deal! Bring the paper up here on the table, I'll sign it to seal your fate! Your ass is mine Karla!" He awaits for her to bring it down for him, or well her servant whatever that guy is to take it down so he can start signing the paper, he want Karla for everything she have like she mention- her name, her body, her dignity, her property, all for him to play with as much as he want.

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Nathan Ballwin
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Re: Breaking Even

Unread post by Monsy »

That callous mouth never failed to let loose.

How much pleasure did she derive from tearing others down? Immeasurable. Even if she’s the sole patron of her tongue, her smile shined like she was drowning in praise. And when Killer King retorts, there was no cower or shiver. Killer King spent his fear factor, especially after his recent defeat. Though, that wasn’t the whole truth. Infatuation was one term, perhaps longing for fear, a good fight and that inner-gripe against those larger than herself. Maybe that’s why she’s risking herself; to experience euphoria.

“As you wish.”

She stood and began striding forward, discarding the microphone overhead. It crashed into the servant’s back; the disrespect didn’t phase him. Instead, he followed like a puppy; the mic clutched with two hands.

He rushed forward, skipping up the steel steps, awaiting his maiden in black who took her time waving the contract like a trophy. Once her ebony heels graced the apron, the servant sat on the middle rope. One limb swung through the widened gap, then her upper-body and finally, the other leg, returning to an upright stance, flipping her velvet hair back like a wave of flame.

Now, she set the contract down, flipping the dotted line towards it. Upon its contents laid everything both competitors desired: no underlying context, no trickery beyond what they’ve said. Just one. More. Chance.

From her coat, she plucked a black ball-point pen, gold, around the tip. She tossed it onto the table, then took the microphone from her servant’s hand and combing back velvet hair behind her ear. Nonchalantly, she elevated the microphone, her other arm reaching out.

“Hold on. Before you sign, would you care to indulge a few minor questions? I’m sure before I came along, your infamy was something to behold. With size alone, you made people quake in fear. How many have you slain, Killer King? In all your career, either in L.A.W or abroad. How many women, men too. Ten, twenty? Maybe fifty? Or perhaps just a handful. From that, I’d like you to choose your greatest triumph... But mostly, your most humiliating fall. Besides myself, of course.”
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Breaking Even

Unread post by KillerV »

King watching the ramp after he finished talking and wanted to start signing the contract, willing to take her down in any ways he can, so eventually he could see both Karla the redhead bitch and her tiny weak servant of some sort coming down to the ring as he pretty much standing still on the spot front of the unfolded setup table, adding table cloth just to make it look nice and fancy, knowing cheap shit underneath it. By the time theyre in the ring and that bitch takes the contract to place it down on the table where he could see the dotted lines for him to sign, clearly all the words he can glimpse at is for her vs him in a match with stipulation... King wins he own Karla, if he loses he is out of LAW... all in all, King is confident he will win this time and will humiliate her for sure, just like all the bitches he have fuck with front of the crowd.

The monstrous man beast then seeing Karla tossing it on the table for him to sign with, he grabs the pen and just about to write his name down, he stopped to hear her words that if he could say anything about the memories of his matches he had, wins and losses, although he prefer to win than lost.... but she and everyone else wanted to hear his brief stories, he wouldnt mind at all, loves to brag his wins....... except not much for his defeats.....

He looked up at her, glance the other guy, the slowly standing up while holding the pen in his hand, thinking for a second, remembering all his matches before he rise up a mic to his snout, ready to speak about it. "Fine, I'll tell you a few, lets start with the best ones, the one I win and not counting our matches..... One of my match I had against the tag team the British Bombshells, they were delicious jobbers that I completely destroyed them, fuck them up, each taste of defeat by my own two hands and lost so badly, I was about to give them some of my.... special treats.... " He put the pen down on the table and goes to cupping his crotch, bulging out of his trunks. "Yeah, except their allies came to save them, so I went after each of their members and fuck them up! Now that was satisfying...." Then he paused for a moment before talking again. "Another great match is taking on Marlee Jackson, that sexy bitch was so fine and fun to destroy, crushing her inside and outside the ring, on the announcer table and back in the ring to claim my victory, would LOVE to crush her again." Then he stopped, low growling that now he would talk about his losses......

"For my unfair, terrible so called lost that tainted my record... all of them I would of won, they cheated me for their victory! That bitch Dana Ashford, she might be strong but Im stronger, not even equal and yet, she managed to take the victory right under my nose, sealing the win and never see her again, damnit!" He pound his fists over the table, thankfully it didnt break... then he calmed down and raise the mic again to mention one more match he had. "Another... that blonde bitch Ashley Lucas, pretty much I was dominating her, pinfall anywhere, like we had, but I was completely destroying her and she can barely fight back, just the way I like it unlike our previous one..... and I took a LOW BLOW just before she got me in her lame finisher! I think the referee counted down too fast for me to kick out, I would of get out and kick her ass, but no, they wanted me to lose and give her the victory! DAMNIT!" King just getting rowdy up from remember his bad matches, he calmed down just only a few second before glaring back at Karla, raising the mic again as he reach the pen he put down on the table.

"Karla, our upcoming match, I will OWN you, I will DESTROY you, I will HUMILIATE you.... I will put you in your place.... you will be forever, get fucked, by the MAD BEAST! GRRRRRRR!" He then drop the mic on the table before signing his name on the dotted lines, Killer King, in cursives, then drop the pen on the contract and stood up straight, glaring down at her, awaiting for her to sign as well......

Whatever she got something to say after, whatever she want to make him more angry or not, he doesnt care cause he is so pissed just thinking of his losses and the recent one too against Karla, he waits for her to do the signing and make it official, thats when King wanted to kick her ass front of everyone to show that he would do whatever he can to win, win, WIN! So the monster Killer King suddenly grab the table and quickly lift it to toss to the side making a big gap between him and Karla, the table still standing up right without tipping over thankfully.... and King attempt to rushes at Karla with his mighty right arm up goes for a big clothesline to knock her ass down!

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Re: Breaking Even

Unread post by Monsy »

Unlike before, she merely watched.
Her feet were spaced shoulder-width; both arms folded by her waist. Once King started speaking, she adorned a silent policy, allowing his emotions to spill for the entire crowd like a poetic sermon. And like a river, it flowed— a sense of pride that grew like apples blooming on a tree.

Although, her gaze served when he grabbed his junk. The imagery was uncanny. She could smell the sweat from here, making her nose curl. It was as if he's a genuine animal, shameless under a mask. She wondered: How would he be without it? There must be a reason he wore that mask. And so, the desire to unveil his face swelled ten-fold.

Her grin flourished—lopsided, unchanging as Killer King listed his losses.
Dissatisfaction addled his voice, something she predicted, prodding those delectable emotions. That he did, banging the table, growling, all little droplets that boiled into his hand FINALLY finding the pen. Then, he signed. Quite unceremonious, but it served its purpose. He was likely too riled up to consider the stakes. Maybe desperate - having to lament on his failings, undoubtedly, the one against Karla’s as well. She’d become his nightmare, creeping under his skin like a plague. Before he knew it, he signed away his career, and now, nothing held back her grin.

“Such an illustrious career. Ups and downs, ebbs and flows. I hope you’ve answered honestly, King. It could be the last thing the crowd ever hears from you.”

Tucking the microphone under her arm, she stepped forward and signed as well. She tossed the pen backwards; surprised, the servant jolted to catch the object. Now, they were bond. Their very livelihoods staked, all for a simple goal: to fight. There was admiration deep within, the fire that resulted in such aimless anger. But, the difference between them was all too bleak: she knew how to harness it. Neither did it make her reckless. So when she saw the table fly, her senses ignited, snapping to the incoming arm. She crouched, evading the blow. Though, her servant was so lucky. His unprepared stance mediocre physique meant he’d crumble from the impact. His back plastered across the mat, the pain shot through him, but the instinct to escape was greater. He rolled beneath the ropes, throwing himself to ringside while Karla flipped the microphone, the blunt metal tip as her cudgel.

One Arm raised, eyes focused like hawks. One hand traced the canvas before she stood, waiting for Killer to turn around. Once he did, she’d yell, screaming her frustrations as her feet left the mat, whipping the microphone in hopes of bashing his forehead with the object.
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Breaking Even

Unread post by KillerV »

King wanted to punished Karla so badly that he couldnt wait to get the match going and even the contract is signed that he could see her putting it down nicely on a piece of paper, his blood is boiling just being forced to remember the bad days of his loses and now that his recently one is against the damn red head right in front of him, he want to completely destroy her like he did first them they met. He couldnt resist the urge, that luscious body, her cocky attitude, her red lips just waiting to be useful other than running her mouth and once the signing is done and official, he want the action to start, the pre-action on what would happen when he crushes her!

As he attempt to rushes right at Karla after tossing the table to the side, in hope that he could use his muscular arm to clothesline her ass down so he can work on from there but unfortunately he took down even far weaker than any jobbers is a non-jobber that easily taken down by a single hit, hit some scrawny guy that laid him out, he looking down at him and see this guy just rolled right out of the ring, he cursed the punk, just being in his way where he wanted to score a shot at the rich snotty bitch Karla.

Just as he turn around to seek and destroy her, when he locked on target and he was too late to avoid her own attack at him, seem to have a perfect chance to slam the microphone on top of his thick skull that easily spike hard enough that made the muscle head King to drop down to kneel before her by that attack. "UGH!" That shot she did isnt as painful as multiple chairshots from their match but since he was recovering mostly for days, the muscle and flesh isnt fully recovered so that microphone reintroduce the pain again, feel like he got stunned. "Nghhhh shit....."

Shook his head to recollect his thoughts, slowly looking up where that Karla is, hated how she got the first hit and not him! In his desperate measure he tries to pushes his hands on the mat to lunges at her, knowing his head would be her target again, tries to snatch his muscular arms around her fine waist, lift her up as he stand and goes to squeeze her luscious body, crushing by his Bearhug as he leaning back as far as he could, probably not too far though, but enough to show hes going to squeeze Karla harshly! "GRRRR!"

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Re: Breaking Even

Unread post by Monsy »

A stubby peg for his troubles, carried forth by a raging, short-stacked red-hair with a behemoth ego. It thrust against his skull, causing a stammer in ebb and flow, leaving Karla standing and awaiting blood to gush like striking oil in the desert. Of course, that’s just her imagination.

Karla never ignored killer King’s toughness. Though, his charge was unavoidable. It felt like being plucked by a giant. Upon her waist lay encompassing forearms, hands that squeezed around her back, and it was almost like she could sink into his frontal muscles. Breathes were scarce, cut into quick, short wheezes as her lungs battled for one draw. Pain shot through her hips like a crackling fire, causing her visage to redden. Yet, that rage didn’t die. Her hands still clung to the microphone, and now, it was leveraged above his head and brought down as an axe-handle strike.

The motion made her muscles clench, the pasting beatings still gnawing on her strength. It took sheer burbling rage to continue, where one followed with another, trying to bludgeon King’s crown again and again. Again! Again! She’d clobber as many times as needed unless stopped, lest her strength dwindled into dust with his hold numbering her strength.

If she managed to batter her way to freedom, her footing would be wobbly like an amateur on skates. She’d stumble back a few paces before flipping her hair back, teeth-gnashing like iron pistons grinding against their counterparts. A yell shot from her throat, a leg stretched beyond the cusp of her velvet hairs, the heel, pointed and aimed, brought down in hopes to flatten Killer King towards the mat with a mighty axe kick.
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Breaking Even

Unread post by KillerV »

King now can really show her some moves and proving that he will be on top and breaking even for good! After knocking her little scrawny assistance ass out of the way only to get clobbered on top of his head by her microphone, sure it hurt but because she was close enough to take the first strike he was able to snatches the red beauty in his muscular arms to start squeezing her as tightly as her own body suit, crushing into submission to suck the life and strength out of Karla, wanted to wither her enough to further humiliation.

What he didnt expected that her own strength powering enough to bring her arms up as he could see it both hands joined together, adding strength, and a hard touch with the microphone repeatedly bashing on top of his beastly head over and over, just keep on going until he is forced to let go of the damn woman. "NGH! GRRRRRR! AUGHHHH! FUCK!!!!!" Shortly, he did let go and staggering to keep himself up standing and dropping down on his knee, almost bowing to her while reaching up to his head, clutching in pain.

Yet again, his head is the target for her own bloodthirsty revenge on the beast, he barely able to look at her where he could see Karla sending her one leg up that seem to stretching out her body suit more, could swore hearing it rubbing against her skin, but in the end she bring it down to axe kick the beast on his soften up skull. "UGH!!!" The force and gravity pushes down and slamming his face on the mat, flatten the monster, he thought he got the upper hand but only for a few short seconds of the Bearhug.... now, he tries to recover by barely staying still on the mat, reaching his head again to clutching in pain, kicking it a little, already felt like being her rugged animal for her to step on. "Fucking.... hell.... nghhhh....."

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Re: Breaking Even

Unread post by Monsy »

Despite Killer King’s valiant effort to strangle the damaged life of Karla “Ray” Reinhardt, her desperate strikes carved her freedom. Alas, the muscles that nearly broke her posture now laid flush against the canvas once an axe-kick plunged onto his head with enough force to scramble brains. She spent the next few seconds recuperating, heaving breaths through her nostrils like a fuming bull, rolling her shoulders and reverting to a narrow, dignified posture. With his back so barren and inviting, she pushed her heel between his shoulder blades, licking her lips, re-adjusting her velvet shades and raising the microphone once more.

“As all you lower-class skin-balls have seen, the indomitable Karla “Ray” Reinhardt shall face down the Beast Killer King one last time and take not only his career...”

Her hand gripped the air before her chin, slowly lifting like peeling off an invisible mask.

“But conquer his very identity. And when I do, I want to hear the gratitude bleed from your gums as you sing my praises. MINE and MINE ALONE!”

Then, she stepped over, dropping the microphone before exiting the ring. Her servant hobbled on all-fours up the rampway with her until they disappeared backstage.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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