Aella smiled eagerly as she stretched and prepared herself backstage. She was slated for another match, this time against a up and coming heel known to have... associates with her at almost all times. Something that naturally made her daughter worry for her. ”Mom these guys don’t play fair, are you sure you don’t want me to go out with you?” Alizeh asked hermother with concern in her voice. She wasn’t dressed for a match, only wearing a pair of grey skinny jeans, orange hi tops and a old offspring shirt. But most notable was the look of concern etched across her face
Aella meanwhile was dressed in her usual black and gold leotard, black boots and matching fingerless gloves. Naturally however she was all smiles and filled to the brim with confidence. “Oh sweetie relax. If they do its a automatic win for me!” She joked before noticing the expression on her daughters face persisting.

Nodding to eachother the mother daughter duo strode off towards the guerilla position, both ready for what was to come.... hopefully. Staying parked atthe guerilla position Alzieh gave a thumbs up to her mother who returned the gesture. Music queing up Aella sauntered up the stairs before waltzing out and posing at the top of the entrance ramp, much to the cheering and whistles of the crowd!
Holding the pose for a moment Aella smiled as she leapt off the corner, backflipping through the air and landing in the center of the ring. Spinning after her picture perfect landing Aella smiled and kept her hand up as she walked backwards to her corner. Once there she hopped up and sat on the middle turnbuckle, watching and waiting for her opponet to come down the ramp so she could get her first look at ‘The Devil’.