Devils In The Sky: Fall Romana vs Aella Midori

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Devils In The Sky: Fall Romana vs Aella Midori

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Standard Match: Winner by pinfall, submission or ko

Aella smiled eagerly as she stretched and prepared herself backstage. She was slated for another match, this time against a up and coming heel known to have... associates with her at almost all times. Something that naturally made her daughter worry for her. ”Mom these guys don’t play fair, are you sure you don’t want me to go out with you?” Alizeh asked hermother with concern in her voice. She wasn’t dressed for a match, only wearing a pair of grey skinny jeans, orange hi tops and a old offspring shirt. But most notable was the look of concern etched across her face

Aella meanwhile was dressed in her usual black and gold leotard, black boots and matching fingerless gloves. Naturally however she was all smiles and filled to the brim with confidence. “Oh sweetie relax. If they do its a automatic win for me!” She joked before noticing the expression on her daughters face persisting.
Eyes and face softening Aella stepped forward to her concerned daughter and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Relax sweetie I’ll be ok. But if it’ll make you feel better hang by the guerilla position. If anything goes sideways you’ll be right there to come save me.” She said with a wink to her progeny who nodded, feeling at least partially relieved by the compromise. “Alright. Just promise to play it careful ok?” She said to her mother who nodded with a bright expression.

Nodding to eachother the mother daughter duo strode off towards the guerilla position, both ready for what was to come.... hopefully. Staying parked atthe guerilla position Alzieh gave a thumbs up to her mother who returned the gesture. Music queing up Aella sauntered up the stairs before waltzing out and posing at the top of the entrance ramp, much to the cheering and whistles of the crowd!
Posing for a moment and letting the fans get their fill of her visage, Aella began strutting dow the ramp with a sway to her hips. Waving to various fans on either side and even blowing kisses Aella soon broke into a run and leaped up, sliding under the bottom rope smoothly beofre popping up to her feet. Bouncing on her heels she smile at the crowd as she leapt up onto a corner and threw her hands in the air posing for the fans who cheered loudly in response.

Holding the pose for a moment Aella smiled as she leapt off the corner, backflipping through the air and landing in the center of the ring. Spinning after her picture perfect landing Aella smiled and kept her hand up as she walked backwards to her corner. Once there she hopped up and sat on the middle turnbuckle, watching and waiting for her opponet to come down the ramp so she could get her first look at ‘The Devil’.
Last edited by Bare on Sat Mar 06, 2021 3:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Devils In The Sky: Fall Romana vs Aella Midori

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Fall was semi focused backstage, already prepped now just stretching her arms side to side. Tonight was somewhat special as Fall was set to go up against an older wrestler. Actually someone who made quite the legacy for themselves. Fall was already dressed for the occasion now accompanied by Emerald Following that Fall, Aella would decided to wrestle under that moniker for some time. Most likely to hide something from her public life Emerald would say to Fall as she stretched in place. From what you told me, she has a doctorate in medicine. They likely wouldn't give her one if she was actively putting people in the same room she treats them in Fall stated as she bent down for some leg stretches. I doubt you'll be needing me for this match... umm not that you need me for any of your matches Emerald said, stammering on her words on the later half of it. Glaring daggers at Emerald, Fall would speak bluntly, taking a few steps towards Emerald You are right, I do not need you for any of my matches. The utter insinuation of it would mean I am weak, which I don't think I am, am I Emerald? No no no of course not, you are the farthest thing from weak Fall. Emerald would say backing up a few steps of her own. Precisely, and tonight will be special as I plan to make sure this Queen of the Sky is brought down permanently

Not soon after that Aella would make her entrance, meaning that Fall was not far behind. Fall would position herself to make her entrance, with Emerald in tow.
The lights in the arena would shut off with music playing, an ominous hissing sound was being made to accompany the track. The audience eager to know what was going to happen next, those with keen eyes would notice a figure on stage. In making her entrance Fall would have a sinister face on her at all times. Not that anyone could tell. Though with one swipe of her hand, pillars of flame erupted from the stage. Creating the only light source in the arena. All that was in the fire was Fall with a grin that maybe said a bit to much about her. Now the lights would return and Fall would make her way down the ramp, With Emerald a good distance away.
In a rather basic entrance, Fall would scoff at the audience, even those who cheered for her. Making her way to the ring and slipping through the ropes. Now in the ring she would simply look at at Aella So this is the Queen of the Sky huh? Rather disappointing I must say Fall would say as a final scare tactic Fall would make one final gesture hoping to scare Aella, flames would come from the corners of the ring. Emerald naturally unfazed on the side as she's likely seen this before.
Last edited by Aqua on Sat Mar 06, 2021 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Devils In The Sky: Fall Romana vs Aella Midori

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Aella wouldn’t have to wait long for her opponet to come down from the back, soon the enemies music played and the woman known as tbe devil appeared in a hiss of smoke and burst of flame. Raising a eye brow Aella hopped off the corner and watched with her arms under her chest as she watched the rather lackluster entrance. Virtually everything about the woman gave way to waht kinda person she was. Her body language, expression, choice in music and drama, it all painted a clear picture of what kinda wrestler Fall was.

As rhe woman entered the ring she walked of course made a dig at Aella before queing for another dramatic flar of fire from the ring corner. ‘Good thing I wasn’t sitting there still.’ She thought to herself before smirking at the woman before her. ”Oh no! My pride! I’m sooo scared.” Aella said sarcastically in a over exaggerated tone while leaning back, hands over her chest before standing fully and winking at Fall.

“Really dear do you realize how drab you actually are? Fire is rather cliche for heels you know.” Aella said with her own sharp barb in return to Fall’s own as she leaned forward. “Where’s you’re 1920’s dressed friend in the bowler hat? I only see the girl ripping my daughters style off with you.” Aella commented mockingly, in truth she was trying to pinpoint whether or not she could expect Roman to come out of nowhere, which she was fairly certain was likely to happen.

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Re: Devils In The Sky: Fall Romana vs Aella Midori

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Fall would give an amused grin to Aella when she said her comments regarding Fall's entrance. Safe to say you are unfazed, thats good it wouldn't be fun if that was all it took to get to you Afterward Fall would give a preliminary assessment on Aella. Considering her age she must have a tremendous amount of experience. Something Fall couldn't surprise since she wasn't fighting nearly as long. That said though Fall was still looking to put down this supposed Queen of the Sky.

I was told to flare up my entrance, so I went with something warming. Though that coming from you is rich, you are from a completely different time. I think its best if you'd show some respect to a fellow competitor Fall said with a sly but earnest tone. Now crossing her arms Fall would head back into her corner.

What was that you old bat! If anything that daughter of yours is lucky to make something of herself by copying me. But hey its not like she's here and can say it to my face Emerald would say with some venom in her voice. That exchange even causing Fall to grin a bit Roman? Oh no need to think about him, he's attending to other matters Fall would say coldly now just waiting for the bell, seeing how Aella would start.

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Re: Devils In The Sky: Fall Romana vs Aella Midori

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A small smirk crossed Aella’s face at Fall’s response. It being rather telling of her experience. Or lack there of given her claim of respecting her fellow competitors. ”A different time that’s adapted to the current. Though in my day, respect was earned not given it. Remember that gaki [brat].” Aella said right back in response to the woman’s words as she stretched her arms above her head, preparing herself for the bell to ring whilst ignoring the Alizeh look alike’s words. After all her daughter could fight her own battles when she eventually met the other greenette.

The only thing still leaving a bad taste in her mouth was the tight lips about Roman. She didn’t like not knowing where he was but at the moment she needed to focus on Fall. Diverging thoughts about her team mate would only lead to split focus which would lead to defeat. So as the bell finally rang Aella focused squarely on her opponet before dashing forward. Rapidly closing the distance between the two Aella looked to start things off fast and strong. Leaping up she would pull her arm back before thrusting it forward for a flying forearm smash at Fall’s chest.

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Re: Devils In The Sky: Fall Romana vs Aella Midori

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Fall was making to make a lasting impression on Aella here, likely what she was going to do tonight would reach further than just this ring. That being said though Fall grinned back at Aella's comment, telling her that she wasn't going down so easy. Oh I see, well if thats the case then you've yet to earn my respect then. Fall said tilting her head. Emerald on the other hand was mad that she was ignored, but there was nothing she could do aside from just standing ringside.

Fall wasn't lying about Roman in the slightest, he was dealing with an incident involving a specific redheaded young upstart. But making her response vague would help sow the seeds of worry in Aella's head. If it worked or didn't was yet to be seen, but its better to use that card than to let it go to waste.

With the match promptly underway Aella was coming in fast, hopefully looking to get an early lead on fall. With her arm raised along with a leap, aimed towards Fall's chest. Fall would catch the forearm and transition her hand into Aella's hand, if it worked Fall would do the same with the other hand. Hoping to lock Aella in a test of strength. Why you are much more spry than your age suggests, but lets slow this down foe me Fall said flexing her strength and looking to push Aella back into the nearby ropes.

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Re: Devils In The Sky: Fall Romana vs Aella Midori

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As she came soaring in towards Fall the queen of the sky idly wondered how she would respond. She certainly seemed to have no problems in the muslce department. She just hoped the dark haired woman didn’t try to snatch her out of the air. Now THAT would be annoying. But it appeared her opponet would only do a half measure. Catching her arm as it would hit before gripping her wrist Aella narrowed her eyes slightly as they were put into a test of strength.

Looking over her shoulders she saw what the woman’s plan was as she began pushing forcing them backwards to the ropes. ‘Hm so that’s her gameplan.’ Aella thought to herself before going for her own strategem. ”Oh you haven’t seen anything yet.” Aella said in response to Fall’s words as she reaffirmed her gaze into Fall’s and smirking. “Unfortunately though I don’t slow down.” Aella purred out as she opted to use the forced grip to her advantage.

Jumping up she would brace her feet on Fall’s hips. Puling back on Fall’s arms while throwing herself back. Aella attempted to pull Fall over while pushing up with her legs to send the upstart over her with a monkey flip and cause her to crash into the ropes herself!

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Re: Devils In The Sky: Fall Romana vs Aella Midori

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Fall had gotten Aella to lock herself in a test of strength with Fall. Obviously with something sinister planned, but it didn't matter as Aella wasn't going to stick around long enough. Of course I haven't seen anything yet Fall said with sarcasm included. She would push back slightly showing her strength over Aella. But that is when she would use, Fall's own thighs as a foot hold and jump backward. Flipping Fall over and throwing her to the ropes.

Gah Fall would grunt as she hit the ropes, now positioning herself right instead of being upside down. To think that even in old age you can move like that Fall would tell Aella still on the ground from the monkey flip.

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Re: Devils In The Sky: Fall Romana vs Aella Midori

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Aella smirked to herself as she saw Fall’s body soaring overhead before hearing the woman’s cry as she hit the ropes. Rolling backwards through the motions of her own move Aella smoothly brought herself tonher feet and turned to smirk down at the woman who of course made a comment about her age. ”Ara ara you can be surprised the things I can do at my age.” She said playfully as she ran forward and leap up over Fall’s body, perching on the middle ropes she leapt backwards, arching through the air to go for a springboard moonsault.

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Re: Devils In The Sky: Fall Romana vs Aella Midori

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Fall had certainly taken a tumble to start the match. Aella was definitely showcasing her name with all of her high flying shenanigans, just to begin the match. Wait, I'm supposed to be surprised? But you haven't shown me anything yet Fall would say still on the ground. Though one for staying on the move Aella was already making her next move. Choosing the fly up into the air by using the ropes as a spring board. Landing promptly on Fall's stomach, causing her body to raise up yet stay anchored down by Aella. Oomph Fall would grunt as the queen of the sky landed on her.

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