Bar Room Blues

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The Riders
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Re: Bar Room Blues

Unread post by The Riders »

Seeing Tiffany help one of the customers and her focus not on her anymore, Elm shrugs her shoulders letting Elena go much to her amusement seeing the reporter face turning red from the lack of air. "Well Elena I had fun tonight... we should really do this again soon.. preferably in my bedroom where we can get closer you know." Leaning down cupping the woman chin with her hand before kissing Elena, letting out a low hum of pleasure her tongue licking the report lips wanting inside..

"mmm next time alright.." Getting up and heading over to the bar, shoving the customer aside with her hand giving Tiffany a card with her name and number on it. "Call me sometimes... Alright Tiff." Leaning forward eagerly and steals a small kiss on the lips before turning and walking away, her hips swaying from side to side.

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Re: Bar Room Blues

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Elena would be eager to leave as she did not know how quickly she grabbed her stuff once Elm released her as she replied ''I will keep it in mind , but I will likely take you up on that offer''before blushing as she went to the counter to pay the bill as Tiffany helped her out as the German wrestler saw Elm walk towards her .

After helping the reporter , Elm would give her an card before stealing an kiss as the German woman just smirked as she replied ''and here I thought you were going to get me drunk. Still it might be better if an lightweight like you leave as I only hang out with woman who can handle their liqueur''

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Re: Bar Room Blues

Unread post by The Riders »

Elm chuckles and waves her hand behind her back to Tiffany with a small chuckle still switching her hips for the woman to see. "We see Tiffany till then stay sexy for me love." before leaving and going to her apartment, having a fun night teasing both women to her enjoyment.I

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Re: Bar Room Blues

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

''Well that was an shame as I had hoped to use her help for later tonight''muttered Tiffany as she would watch Elm go as she would have to find someone else to test her latest addition of her club with.

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