Best out of three match on the beach! Cyndi vs Raven

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Best out of three match on the beach! Cyndi vs Raven

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Her theme hit the stage as Raven stepped out into the sunlight.
She wears dark, round, glasses, a big black sunhat and a big black parasol which she opens to get to the ring while her more as suggestive theme "Heilig" from Eisbrecher plays.
She grins but cannot wave her hand as she has a sixpack of beers in one hand so she just poses for selfies and is in best moods.

Raven was never shy to show her body and, as usual, in the first row, there are her good friends, a lot of raw looking rockers with beards, bandanas, and leather wests who have a transparent that says:
which translates too: "Go fuck her Raven!"
She closes the parasol as she enters with a single jump to the canvas and sliding through the middle and top rope.

She gets the beer in the corner and reaches the parasol to one of her friends ,telling him not to soak it with beer as she will kill him.
Then they laugh, Raven is real buddy, careless, chilled, beersipping, big boobed,a true mens dream of she was'nt a lesbian.

She stretches, her bathing suit barely containing her tits and sweet butt and sits up at the top of the corner, kicks her sandals away and opens a beer at the ropes, waiting for her opponent as she takes the first sip...

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Re: Best out of three match on the beach! Cyndi vs Raven

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There was no fading of the music as Raven's set-up was still being played when a figure wearing a mostly red with some black hoodie with her hood up over her head walked out of the entranceway. She lit herself a black cigarette, pulling it from her lips and exhaling the smoke as she then reached in her hoodie pocket, pulling out a cellphone as she stood there and started to tap away at the keys on her cellphone, holding her phone horizontally while still holding the cigarette between her fingertips. Suddenly Raven's music started to distort and the Titantron turned to static before the music shifted to this newcomer's own and the titantron displayed a rotating Omega symbol as it seamt like the woman hacked into the system to make her intro begin.

She then put her cellphone away and made her way to the ring taking casual drags from her cigarette as she did as the announcer revealed who she was, Cyber Cyndi Omega. She then slid into the ring stood up, walking to the center of the ring as she unzipped her hoodie. She then brought her cigarette to her lips as she reached up to pull one arm out of the sleeve of the hoodie and then removed the cigarette from her lips after taking a deep drag as she freed her other arm, brought the hoodie down to waist level and tying the arms together to tie her hoodie around her waist tightly as she exhaled the smoke from her lips in a manner that would make a smoke fetishist blush as she flicked her cigarette away to land in the sand, revealing the long blonde haired beauty with piercing blue eyes as she looked over at Raven with a smirk of approval as she pulled some of her blonde hair behind her ear, letting out a simple "Hey."
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Sat Feb 20, 2021 2:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Best out of three match on the beach! Cyndi vs Raven

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Raven grins as she likes what she sees, very much, as Cyndi comes closer Raven notices that her opponent is a touch bigger as her but nothing she can't handle as she jumps to the canvas ,the beer in her left, stretching out her right hand to Cyndi.
"Also hello, my,my, are'nt we a cute one ",Raven chuckles.
"I think we will have a lot of fun, Süße.",Raven grins and drinks up, throwing the bottle away.
"The name's Raven."

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Re: Best out of three match on the beach! Cyndi vs Raven

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"Right back at you Raven. Cyndi" She mentioned, returning the compliment as well as introducing herself as well, giving a wink as she extended her left hand shake Raven's hand. "Hell yes this will be fun, let's get started." she mentioned as she cracked her knuckles as Raven took a step back to finish her drink and flung the bottle away, she then heard the bell ring and waited for her opponent to meet back up with her as she went for a collar and elbow tie-up.

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Re: Best out of three match on the beach! Cyndi vs Raven

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Raven locks up, their tits jiggling between them.
"Ooh so eagernto the way I am always open for quicky.",the goth girl chuckles.
" have nice skin, I like that in a gal...",the fllirty girl adds, looking into Cyndis eyes.
The strangle for a while until Raven pushes forward her big, lucious boobs,bringing her opponent out of balance and get her to the ropes were she immediatly brings a leg between Cyndis and grabs her boobs.
"Sorry I am a little pervert..."

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Re: Best out of three match on the beach! Cyndi vs Raven

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

"Oh, well in that case." Cyndi blushed as she felt Raven grope her breasts, she reached out, wrapping her arms around Raven as she twisted around to have Raven swap places with her in the corner. She then pressed her body fully into Raven's as if mushing her against the corner, letting her breasts press into Raven's face for a few seconds before she smirked as she then pulled back as she curved an arm around one of Raven's she pulled up and twisted, bringing her arm down as she went to give Raven a hip toss.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Sat Feb 20, 2021 5:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Best out of three match on the beach! Cyndi vs Raven

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Raven gets into the corner and gets the privilege of Cyndis nice boobs in her face which makes her smile as she gets thrown to the canvas into a hiptoss, but Raven had hold on to her opponents wrist, jumped up into a standing position and uses her momentum to send Cyndi into the other corner with an irish whip, following her to drop with her breasts into Cyndis face when she hits the corner.
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sat Feb 20, 2021 6:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Best out of three match on the beach! Cyndi vs Raven

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Cyndi was surprised at Raven's agility, basically pulling herself up with gripping Cyndi's wrist, she then grunted out with Raven whipped her into the turnbuckle. She was then splashed, her face pressing deep into Raven's cleavage at first before they popped out when Raven pulled back from the splash, the splash made her bounce off of the turnbuckle, making her stumble towards Raven as Raven opened up with the early momentum.

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Re: Best out of three match on the beach! Cyndi vs Raven

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Raven grins as her opponent stumbles into her way as she quickly uses the confusion.
She quickly grabs between her legs and her shoulder and scoopslams her to the ground, making the ring shake.
Using her current advantage she facesits Cyndi almost immediatly and grabs for her big tits which she gropes.
"God they are real nice...I love to play with them!",Raven laughs as she was sitting on Cyndis face

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Re: Best out of three match on the beach! Cyndi vs Raven

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

Cyndi managed to slid herself down out of the way as Raven's rear hit the mat instead, and when it came to the breast grab, Cyndi managed to reach up to lock her hands with Cyndi's own before she could get to them. She then reached up with her legs to press them to the sides of Raven's neck as she then pulled forward and down, releasing Raven's hands in the process of flipping Raven onto the mat as she countered and started to rise up to her feet.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Sat Feb 20, 2021 8:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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