Ina "Rache" Rosenbaum

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Ina "Rache" Rosenbaum

Unread post by Violet »


Real name - Ina Rosenbaum
Age - 26
Hair Color - Blonde
Eye Color - Blue
Height - 5'6”
Weight - 145lbs
Nationality - German
Alignment - Heel


Ring Attires (with signature cape)
Hentai Attires
Beach Attires

Entrance Music

Jill of All Trades


Efficient, technical, and strategic—she develops a game plan the moment her opponent sets foot on the ring. Not that Ina needs one to win against jobber and sex fighters, no. She uses it to bring the absolute worst experience for them. Her large arsenal of moves means she could exploit any weakness that she encounters. Be it with weak, soft abdomens, lack of flexibility to endure holds or outright frailty against powerhouse moves. The severity of her style comes from how she pinpoints her attack to those weaknesses with intensity—not stopping until her foe falls like a house of cards.


General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★
Strength ★★★★
Speed ★★★
Defence ★★★
Technique ★★★★

Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★
Submissions ★★★
Powerhouse ★★★★★
Aerials ★★★
Counters ★★★★

Signature moves
Ragdoll - Kudo Driver
Roll Into Madness - Canadian Destroyer

Finishing move/s
Jobber Crusher - Argentinian Backbreaker



Ina has one goal - rid wrestling of those people not worthy of the sport. Thus, she carries a demeaning, sadistic, and superior persona inside the ring. Ina considers her grail to be righteous and for the betterment of everyone in the wrestling world. With it, she uses every means she sees fit to push the desolation of those people she loathes—jobbers and sex fighters. Said people should fear for their career if not for their lives when they share a ring with her. She thrives on breaking them physically, mentally, and emotionally. Physically, beating them to a pulp; only stops until they recognize their own patheticness. Emotionally, forcing their lowly status down their throat until they break or accept it. And psychologically by humiliating them in front of the crowd until there's no pride left to swallow.

Outside of the ring, she has two sides. First, she is as demeaning as she is in-ring if she ever bumps into a jobber or a sex fighter, especially those she has her eyes on for some time by then. The other one is more neutral. Being homeschooled and her heelish life-long goal in wrestling didn't net her that many friends. Thus, she treasures those she befriends. Even though she could slightly seem as born yesterday. Not knowing much other than wrestling, she does know how to enjoy in her own lavish way.


Ina was the youngest and the only daughter among the five children of the Rosenbaum family - a long line of Prussian generals and aristocrats. Being the only daughter, they treasured her like a princess the moment she was born. They spoiled her with gifts—expensive toys, jewelry, and clothes. With this privileged life, she had everything within reach. They supported every hobby, interest, and even whims. She delved into the world of music and arts, equestrianism, and foreign languages.

But none of those stuck like her love for wrestling - a trait she picked up from her four brothers. They wrestled, but more like rumbled around their mansion almost every day. Still, being the only girl between the five, Ina was never taken seriously by the others, fearing that Ina could never take the pain they dished on each other. That was something she loathed the most—prompting her to spend most of her days' training with the best tutors they could find.

Her love for wrestling then turned into an obsession. Passion for it burned through her that fighting her brothers wasn't enough anymore; it made her leave the house unannounced at some times to fight in underground arenas. She regarded wrestling more than a bloody sport; it was an art form. Soon, she'd found something that taints this art. A blob of ink on the most vivid canvas. Enhancement talent—oh, how she loathed how they sugarcoated what it meant: jobbers! By then, she knew her goal: burn them, expunge, annihilate. She started in wrestling schools; she learned while clipping their wings even before they knew how to fly. Lowly circuits and undercards, and all the way up if there's still any. She left a trail of helpless bodies in her wake - those that didn't pass her standard to set foot on the ring.

She adopted a name - Rache. It meant revenge in German, revenge for wrestling that was long tainted, injured on its side by the thorns that were wannabe wrestlers. And hunting dog in Old English - she marked them like helpless prey; she clung to them until she could taste their blood on her teeth. It was the perfect title to accompany her in her warpath. Soon enough, her gimmick caught the eyes of Se7en Entertainment, signing her to press her ideals into LAW.
Last edited by Violet on Sat Feb 15, 2025 12:13 am, edited 33 times in total.

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Re: Ina "Rache" Rosenbaum

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Chapter One
First Hunt
  1. vs Monica Jackson - Setting An Example
    Outcome: Win via pinfall: Jobber Crusher
  2. vs. Rise - All's fair in love and war!
    Outcome: Pending
  3. vs. Michelle Bennett - Lust and Ferocity
    Outcome: Win via submission: Piledriver Position
  4. vs Keqing - Bound for a Battle
    Outcome: Pending

Chapter Two
Big Game
  1. vs Trinette Vaillant- Setting An Example
    Outcome: Pending
  2. vs Alicja Piestrzeniewicz
    Outcome: Pending
  3. vs Louise Bélair and Marika Tachibana - All In A Day's Work
    Outcome: Pending
Last edited by Violet on Fri Mar 01, 2024 2:22 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Ina "Rache" Rosenbaum

Unread post by Violet »

Updated with new outfit, more up-to-date timeline, and some itty-bitties!

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