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Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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[ Canceled ]

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Mud Match
Win Condition: Submission, Knockout, or Pinfall.
Match takes place in an ankle-deep pit of mud.

Hangaku was left with mixed feelings about the match to come. She was to be in a mud match this time around. At first, the idea of rolling around with another woman sounded fun, especially if said woman was her type. A former model coming into wrestling according to what she heard about the woman. That was a pretty common trend lately, but the woman herself didn't seem to have much background in combat, and unlike the adorable little hellion helping Hangaku with her yukata, Hangaku wasn't one for fighting complete beginners unless they were cute girls. I suppose I can take it a little easy. The woman thought, a listless smile on her face.

"Looks like Nee-san's gonna' have fun out there." The small girl said. Hangaku ruffled her hair in response, giving a smile.

"Jealous, Reiko-chan?" She teased.

The girl's face went red. "No way!"

Hangaku giggled to herself, letting Reiko finish tying her obi. "Don't worry, I'll win this one just for you~" With that said, her music started to hit and gave Reiko a playful poke on the head before rushing out on stage.

It was a modest crowd this time around. A good amount of folks given the type of match that was happening. As she walked down the ramp she waved, smiled, gave a few flourishes of her yukata, then her eyes went to the ring. No elevated canvas or ring with ropes, just a square pool of a mud. And just as Hangaku was at the edge of it, she pulled down her yukata, revealing a bright red bikini that got a nice roar from the crowd. I'd rather not dirty my proper outfit in the fight. Our little princess would scold me something fierce. As fun as it would be to do just that, it'd have to wait another day. For now, she walked right into pool of mud, waiting for her opponent with a smile at the center.

Last edited by dlamp on Wed Jun 30, 2021 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mud Bath (Hangaku vs. Harmonia)

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If Hanagku thought that Harmonia was just a simple beginner or a pushover she will be learning that looks can be deceiving as Harmonia did her fair share of matches before she came to L.A.W.
Of course, she was'nt the strongest or had won lots of them, but she won her debut at L.A.W. which put a little spotlight on her.
Now willing to go forward and win the next match (and having as much fun as possible), her music hits and out, clad in a pink and black bathrobe comes Harmonia Edelstein, the blonde austrian beauty.
She had heard a few things about her next foe and is looking forward to meet her. Japanese, she had met a lot of japanese Models in her time as a model but never a Wrestler.
So, while walking the ramp, giving high fives, blow kisses and even stop for a few selfies, Harmonia was in a real good mood.
Of course she could have thought about something better than a mud match, because she is'nt looking forward to have to shower for hours to get the substance off of her, but part of her is curious how it will go. She hopes that her opponent underestimates her so she can surprise her.
And there she is.
She really is cute.
Harmonia is a few centimeters bigger but the weight and height advatange is barely there.
From this standpoint it can be an outweighed match, but she does'nt know anything about Hangakus strength.
As she approaches the ring, she takes her heels of and slips slowly out of the robe which she throws to the side.
A skimpy black and pink Bikini comes forward, the bikinitop almost seeming a bit too small as her big breasts seemed almost to much to handle for that small bra.
The crowd hoots and hollers at the sight of the hot girls that are meeting up in the squared pool.
Harmonia dips her toes into the mud and slowly walks into the pool.
"Oh, at least it's warm.",she chuckles and looks up.
"Hi, my name is Harmonia.",she smiles and reaches out her hand.
"Or...or should I bow? Was that rude? Sorry, sometimes I am real Dummkopf!",she stammers, mixing german words with english when she is nervous or arroused.

Last edited by RedShinigami on Tue Feb 16, 2021 9:05 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Mud Bath (Hangaku vs. Harmonia)

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A cute girl this was not, but a beautiful woman wasn't bad either. Especially a beautiful woman in a tight little bikini that looked ready to pop off at a moment's notice. A sexy look Hangaku could appreciate. Looks like the higher weight classes are a bit more daring than even me. Watching the woman enter the ring, Hangaku got a better idea of her. She was a touch taller and obvious heavier, but up this close it didn't seem like that much of a different. She couldn't help but pout a little, the curse of a few kilograms switching weight classes, a curse she was familiar with back in her martial artist days of grappling tournaments.

Though Hangaku's pout turned to giggles soon after the woman spoke and stammered about etiquette. A cute girl this was not, but her earnest nature and stammering gave her charm.

"It's fine, it's fine." Hangaku said, waving it off before taking the woman's hand. "A handshake is fine. It's not like we're in a dojo or anything. Let's just have a fun duel, shall we?"
Last edited by dlamp on Wed Feb 17, 2021 4:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mud Bath (Hangaku vs. Harmonia)

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Harmonia got relaxed and smiled as the japanese women assured her that everything was fine.
"Thank you. Yes, I hope we have a lot of fun and give this guys one hell of a show!"
At the last words she turned to the crowd who was appreciative of that promise and Harmonia struck a few poses.
"Oh sorry, since my modeling days I am a little stage hog.",she apologized, sticking out her tongue and smiling.
But as the ref called them to get through the rules again, Hangako could see a shift in the blonde womans behavior as her blue eyes got very determined and she looked as she could'nt wait dor the bell to ring.

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Re: Mud Bath (Hangaku vs. Harmonia)

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Hangaku smiled, watching the woman play to the crowd and pose for them, a nice view for audience and Hangaku both. She couldn't help but feel a little pang at the apology though. Harmonia was getting the crowds attention, and Hangaku had been content to watch and observe instead of playing along. I feel I should had tried to get the crowd going as well, but... alas. Hangaku ran a hand through her hair as the model apologized, waving it off for now. "It's fine, Edelstein-san." But no soon did she say this did Hangaku note the sharp look in Harmonia's eyes as the showboated ending. It was an intense look of someone wanting to fight, wanting to test themselves. "Ah,"

She's serious about this. Rookie or no, this woman wanted a fight. Alright, I'll answer your call, then. Hangaku readied herself as well, lowering into a stance. As fun as rolling around in the mud would be, this was still a slippery surface. Barefoot or not, it'd be hard to hold their footing. The lack of ropes would make a ropebreak just as difficult, if not impossible. If taken seriously, this tussle in the mud could be a real match of endurance and technique. I wonder what you'll show me...

And with those thoughts in mind, the bell rung out.

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Re: Mud Bath (Hangaku vs. Harmonia)

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Yes, Harmonia was determined.
She was maybe more of a catfighter but she proved in her first match that she was a noteworthy wrestler too.
As the bell rang, Harmonia immediatly raised a hand and looked at Hangaku.
The Intention should be clear.
"Let's get that out of the way, Fräulein Hangaku.",she says politely inviting her in a test of strength.
Harmonia wanted to know just what strength she is up against.

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Re: Mud Bath (Hangaku vs. Harmonia)

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Hangaku eyed over Harmonia's hand, then at her. A test of strength. A novel way to start a match, if a bit bore for Hangaku's taste. Still, Harmonia's earnestness got a chuckle from the actress. "Yes, I suppose we should." Hangaku obliged her, taking her hand with little hesitation and pushing hard against the woman, using her legs to do most of the work. Now, show me your strength.

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Re: Mud Bath (Hangaku vs. Harmonia)

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Harmonia knew she had an experienced fighter going against her and so she has to give everything she has to come out on top.
As both hands intertwined Harmonia she had to push right away to maybe get the momentum against the beautiful woman.
Soon bicepses bulge and soft grunts were heard as there arms were sideways and there heads next ro each other.
"Hnngh...you are...really strong...Hangaku-san.",Harmonia says through gritted teeth as she is slowly overwhelmed and gets down on one knee, despite fighting against it and soon get on both knees as Harmonia learly have lost that first test of their strength.
The crowd cheers and chanting Hangakus name, which makes her that more determined as to everyones surprise she gets back up and manages to even it out again as both decide to let go.
Harmonia is clearly more out of breath like Hangaku but hopes to have given her a surprise as Harmonia is not just "A Model who wants to fight".
Last edited by RedShinigami on Fri Feb 19, 2021 8:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Mud Bath (Hangaku vs. Harmonia)

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Almost immediately, Hangaku was on the winning edge for this test of strength. Harmonia was already nearly on her knees and her legs were starting to soak in the mud. Before long the crowd was chanting Hangaku's name as she gained the advantage. This... feels too easy. Her opponent was a rookie, sure, but she had both height and weight on Hangaku. Was she truly this new at combat? Hangaku was starting to feel bad for a moment. Maybe I should...? She paused, wondering if this model knew what she was getting into.

But then Harmonia gained momentum.

She started pushing Hangaku back, just a bit, and soon they were equal in strength. And the crowd roared its approval of the upstart model's comeback. "My..." Whether Harmonia was faking her struggle for some tension or she honestly got a second wind of strength, Hangaku respected the woman's effort. And wisely, Harmonia separated before Hangaku could force more pressure on her. This woman made her message clear, she wanted to fight. "Not bad, Edelstein-san," Hangaku said. "I can see you don't want an easy duel, so I think I can kick things up a little and teach you a little of my jujitsu." Soon after saying this, She hopped up toward Harmonia to wrap her legs around the model's waist and hands clutching her bikini straps to drag them both down into the mud.

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Re: Mud Bath (Hangaku vs. Harmonia)

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Harmonia was eager to prove that she was no pushover.
As she was starting in this business her loses were hard, sometimes even brutal.
She were battered, humiliated and sometimes worse but always get back up to her feet, because she had an iron will and much endurance.
Maybe she was'nt as strong as others, she had the heart and wanted to prove herself.
Harmonia gave her a determined look and smiled.
"Thank you~"
Than her big blue eyes got even bigger.
"Jiu-what?!",she starts as both she and her opponent starting to get messy as they land in the mud, Hangakus legs around her waist, with a big splash.
Last edited by RedShinigami on Fri Feb 19, 2021 10:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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