| Alias: La Fantasma Blanca
| Sex: Female
| Age: 23
| Hair: Blonde with Red
| Eyes: Light Pink
| Height: 5’1
| Weight: 119lbs
| Nationality: American
| Alignment: Face
| Theme: Praise Bloom
Wrestling Style
| Style:
- Samantha uses her innate flexibility and agility to fly around the ring, bouncing off the ropes for fast pace offense. Focusing on blitzing her opponent to keep them off balance while entertaining the fans watching.
| Favorite Match Types:
- Any
| Stats |
| 6/10 | Strength
| 8/10 |Defense
| 6/10 | Technique
| 7/10 | Endurance
| 9/10 | Speed
| 8/10 | Stamina
| Favorite Moves:
| La Suicida |
| La Fantasma |
Physical Appearance
| History
- Samantha was always a fan of pro wrestling as a child, she would never miss anything of it if she knew about it. From her home state of California she began her pro-wrestling training after she graduated high school, forgoing college against her parents’ wishes to chase her dream. Due to the influence of Lucha Wrestling nearby, Samantha journeyed to Mexico to expand her fledgling career and adopted the Lucha Libre style of wrestling and their flair for dramatics, debuting as La Fantasma Blanca, a masked phantom of the ring as her core concept before returning to America.
She quickly gained notoriety as a tornado of offense operating at break neck speeds with her flurries of spins and flips, her previous stint in Mexico being altered as her mask became part of her entrance and much more dramatic before taking it off, working at a dangerous pace that she found her most electric thrills of her life. But despite her athletic displays and exciting offense, Samantha felt as if she hit a ceiling, not progressing up the ladder of wrestling nor gaining more followers until she met a certain wrestling business mind who explained that there was more to wrestling than just flips and kicks. Offering a new frontier to explore and hone her craft, he pointed Samantha out East to Japan, where she now finds herself in LAW.
| Personality
- Bubbly and giddy, Samantha maintains a positive outlook on life as she’s living her dream as a professional wrestler. She takes on all challenges with the same bright outlook and optimism and almost daredevil-like mentality of trying things out just because she can. Energetic and creative, she loves the idea of playing up her character as La Fantasma Blanca, going out of her way to make it look as cool and eye catching as possible just like her in ring wrestling.
| Trivia
- Samantha is blissfully unaware of the fact her nickname, La Fantasma Blanca is grammatically incorrect in the Spanish language due to her limited Spanish knowledge. All attempts to correct this from others has flown over her head.
| Achievements
| Record