A relationship in bloom- Cobra vs Daisy!

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Re: A relationship in bloom- Cobra vs Daisy!

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*Haphazardly thrashing around while Daisy continued to assert her uncontested superiority over him, Cobra's visceral response was to create a pair of solid fists that would potentially slam into her outer thighs, sending a shockwave of unprecedented agony across her supple gams. However, her incessant tantalization was the bane of his existence, effectively keeping him silenced and humbled while her corpulent derriere rolled across his unprotected face!*

"Ggghhssss~" *He murmured to himself, the reptilian roughhouser reduced to a babbling butt slave before subsequently being rolled onto his midsection, straightened out with the exception of his elongated appendage while Daisy comfortably sat atop her content, scaly seat!* "Mmh...assss much as I want to recreate hissstory, I..well..have ssssomething important to asssk you~"
*The normally confident predator was having trouble summoning the courage to continue for a moment, before finally conjuring up the right words for his captivating queen.* "Ssssince we've been through so much together...i..isss there any way you'd accept me assss a boyfriend?" *His body tensed up, seemingly petrified by the prospect of rejection.*

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Re: A relationship in bloom- Cobra vs Daisy!

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Daisy was content that her stinkface had done a number on Cobra after all, as Trent was clearly incoherent, allowing for further domination. Eventually, Cobra was able to refocus, addressing the ruler of Kingdom Chrysanthemum. The rattling wrestling had something to slither out. "Yeah dude?" Daisy asked, awaiting his important question, taking note of his hesitation and the nervousness in his voice.

Alas, Cobra's true intentions were revealed, no doubt wanting to date her for quite sometime now. After a soft gasp, Daisy got off of Cobra, before pushing him into his back. She followed it up with a loving body slam, positioning herself on top off Mr. Sanders.

"Only if you'd accept me as a girlfriend." Daisy said humblely, her powerful voice softening into a calm, loving tone. She then looked down into Cobra's eyes, moving in to peck him on the lips for the very first time.
Last edited by dddybee on Wed Feb 10, 2021 7:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A relationship in bloom- Cobra vs Daisy!

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*Just as swiftly as he had conjured up his inquiry, the magnificent brunette nudged him onto his backside before promptly reasserting her uncontested dominance by positioning her supple body atop of him. Despite having been thoroughly outwitted and conquered by the superior seductress, Cobra found solace within her answer, his facial cheeks reddening as her delicate lips smooched his quivering mouth.*

"tttttssss~" *His tongue peeped through the slit between his lips, flicking against the edge of Daisy's nose before summoning the zeal to respond.* "Sssssomeone as ravishing and charissssmatic as you? Hmhm, I believe you'd make a wonderful companion~"

*Remaining extremely complacent beneath his sovereign ruler, Cobra ruminated on how to approach a touchy subject that popped into his mind.* "Ssssso...any chance you could let me stand up? Not that I'm complaining, but I do missss the feeling of shuffling from foot to foot~"

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Re: A relationship in bloom- Cobra vs Daisy!

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Daisy blushed in response to Cobra's reply, giggling as his trademark snake tougue grazed the edge of her nose. "Same here Snakey. It's been a blessing to meet a cute, loyal darling like yourself." The princess said, while staying right on top of her handsome Snake Boy.

Upon hearing Cobra's request, Daisy simply chuckled, reaching into her bosom to reveal some orange lipstick. She applied it, before moving down and gently planting multiple kisses all over the face of Mr. Bolt. "I will let you know when you can walk again." She replied after finishing. "Until then you will be consumed by my affections." Daisy then lifted her boyfriend off his feet, holding him in her arms, while cradleing his face against her boobs. She held him firmly, in the familiar position.
Last edited by dddybee on Sun Feb 14, 2021 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A relationship in bloom- Cobra vs Daisy!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

*In the blink of an eye, what was merely a gentle wrestling match with light instances of canoodling suddenly evolved into Daisy marking Cobra as her territory, incessantly smothering him with passionate smooches until he was unable to think straight!* "Aaahh...sshssss~" *His slightly rosy cheeks were illuminating a deep, vermillion hue as the buxom brunette continued to bombard him with a barrage of face-tingling kisses!*

"Ssshhh...c..can't...handle....s..sssssso much beauty~" *The bewildered anaconda managed to generate just enough energy to murmur out a verbal retort through his laborious panting, just barely capable of remaining conscious as his Amazonian goddess seemed to effortlessly scoop him into her arms and nonchalantly carry him out of the arena.*

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Re: A relationship in bloom- Cobra vs Daisy!

Unread post by dddybee »

With her dominance fully established, Daisy began to carry Cobra out of the ring, before continuing to leave the sparing area. "This is what you really brought me here for isn't it." Daisy asked. "Knowing what occurred after the ambush was yes a guise, yes? The princess soon pushed Trent's blushing face, deeper into her boobs, as the two headed out.

"Well, since we are dating now, I think going to the movies would work well." The captivating brunette, then carried the lucky serpent away, ready to start their time as a couple, as she saw fit.

Last edited by dddybee on Tue Feb 16, 2021 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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