*Haphazardly thrashing around while Daisy continued to assert her uncontested superiority over him, Cobra's visceral response was to create a pair of solid fists that would potentially slam into her outer thighs, sending a shockwave of unprecedented agony across her supple gams. However, her incessant tantalization was the bane of his existence, effectively keeping him silenced and humbled while her corpulent derriere rolled across his unprotected face!*
"Ggghhssss~" *He murmured to himself, the reptilian roughhouser reduced to a babbling butt slave before subsequently being rolled onto his midsection, straightened out with the exception of his elongated appendage while Daisy comfortably sat atop her content, scaly seat!*
"Mmh...assss much as I want to recreate hissstory, I..well..have ssssomething important to asssk you~"
*The normally confident predator was having trouble summoning the courage to continue for a moment, before finally conjuring up the right words for his captivating queen.*
"Ssssince we've been through so much together...i..isss there any way you'd accept me assss a boyfriend?" *His body tensed up, seemingly petrified by the prospect of rejection.*