Best Her to Help Her (for steedman)

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Best Her to Help Her (for steedman)

Unread post by Leira »


Elle tucked the fur collar of her jacket closer to her neck to fight against the cold that tried to sneak in and make her shiver. California had never been truly cold (Elle had believed it cold when a few leaves fell off the trees), so Japan's consistent nighttime chilliness at this time of year hit her harder than some. With Elle leaving the warm gym for the night, it hit her hard.

Even with her poor constitution for the cold, Elle couldn't be bothered to pull out her toasty woolen hat and gloves for the short walk to her ride, so her hand got achy and stiff as soon as she stopped under the entrance awning to grab her phone out of her pocket and stare at its screen to see if her mom wanted her for anything. Her mom had not sent anything, but Elle was glad to know that both of them had warm places to live here in Japan. Back home, this would have been a miserably cold night with too few blankets.

She tucked away her phone and started to cross the parking lot when the presence of someone standing on the other side of the lobby got her attention.

It was a woman Elle had noticed around the gym for maybe days? Elle was always at the gym in the morning and pretty often at night, and she had spotted this woman every time she had passed in and out. She had blue hair (very noticeable!), she was not dressed for the cold but definitely for the gym, and until now the flower girl had not thought much about her constant presence. But now, Elle started to wonder about her. Lots of people had stayed around her gym in California at night when there was nowhere else to go, and this woman was standing out here barely dressed for the fall chill, much less a snowy night. And her clothes looked wet, which was even worse.

Elle didn't want to embarrass the stranger, but she could not live with herself without asking. "Hey, are you.. okay? It's way cold to be stuck out here without a jacket."


An hour later

Kay had not been okay.

After some patented Elle coaxing, 'Drifter' had told Elle that she had been living with another wrestler who had left town for a while, but Kay had locked herself out of the other woman's apartment. That she didn't have anywhere to go because she did not have the money for a place to live, and Tokyo was so crowded. After Elle dropped the last of Kay's clothes into the washer, she peered down at them in the wash tank with a sad smile. Elle had lived her life a few dollars from having no place to go, so of course she had offered for Kay to come back and get a warm shower. It was the right thing to do, the human thing to do, and she was happy to have the chance to do it.

Elle stripped bare in front of the washer and dumped all of her clothes into the tank along with Kay's clothing before she turned it on to start washing. Then she quietly slipped (she was not a fantastically quiet person) past the bathroom where Kay was taking her shower so she could grab herself a coral crop top and some white booty shorts because it might be a little much for Kay to walk out and find a naked Elle. Especially when Elle was already planning to surprise her with something. And Elle had possibly stolen all of Kay's clothes but her underwear to make sure they got a good washing. Elle grimace-grinned at the bathroom door. She wasn't sure how Kay would react.

But Elle had to help Kay as much as she could, and that meant doing more than offering the woman a shower and a couple hours of warmth in her apartment. Kay needed a place to stay, and Elle wanted to provide it for tonight and for all the nights until Kay's other friend returned. With her little scheme in mind, she sat down on her bed across from the bathroom door and plotted how persuasive she could be with a finger tapping on her painted lips.

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Re: Best Her to Help Her (for steedman)

Unread post by thesteedman »

Kay let out a long sigh...

The shower had been perfect. The heat had been near scalding, but much needed after all the cold days on the streets. The Canadian felt like an idiot... having locked herself out of the only place she had been able to call home. It was not in her to call Irelia even though Kay knew she would have flew back in a heart beat. She was away on a LAW tour and Kay really didn't want to bother her. The bluenette couldn't simply break in either... she already had a criminal record in America and she only got her work permit for Japan on the condition that she kept her nose clean. Though she lived in Irelia's place currently... anyone could have mistaken her for a burglar if she broke in... and she simply couldn't afford to do such a thing.

Kay had been on the streets before... so she was no stranger to it. The problem was she had left her coat in Irelia's, and as such only had casual clothing. The following days came the ice snap... and now the blizzard. When Ella approached, Kay was chilled to her bones. Clad in only her jeans, sneakers and her plaid shirt she was not exactly dressed for the winter. When offered some food and a chance to clean herself up... Kay couldn't help but accept, just to get out of the cold for a little while at least. Ella had been nothing but kind to her, bringing her to her own place, feeding her and giving her plenty of hot drinks to warm up. Her place was so cosy with the central heating on full volume... and the shower... oh god that shower was simply amazing.

The bathroom mirrors and every inch of glass surface was steamed up when Kay finished drying herself. Searching her rucksack, she regrettably had little to slip into for the time being. Her supplies were very low, and she had no change of clothes whilst Ella kindly washed and dried her damp and sodden outfit. The only fresh clothes she had was some swimwear she used for the gym... a strapless grey top that covered only her breasts and matching boyshorts that just about coated her hips and rear. Slipping into the two piece outfit, they were comfortable enough to act as undergarments, even if it wasn't their original design.

Kay was a sight to behold... Given her tomboyish style of look when it came to attire and demeanour, a beautiful woman was behind all of it. She wore little makeup, but had such a natural beauty that she didn't need it. Her facial features were angelic, and her body was simply stunning... Clad in little more than a two piece bikini of sorts, her body was left exposed. Her legs were simply to die for, her abs well defined and well tuned from years of training. Her breasts were modest but very well shaped and rounded... her blue hair was slightly unkempt after the drying and a slight glisten was visible on every inch of Kay's soft flesh.

Wrapping a towel around her hips, Kay went towards the corner where Ella said she would leave her washed clothes... she had already stayed long enough, and Kay did not want to be a further burden to Ella. Once she had changed she would thank Ella and make her way back onto the streets. All fed and cleaned she knew she would be able to weather a few more days... Kay approached the corner of the bathroom and noticed quickly her clothing was not actually there. Blushing a little, Kay knew she would have to look for her, wearing little as she was. Slowly she slipped out of the bathroom that led straight into Ella's room.

"Uhh... Ella? Do you have my clothes? I'll get changed and then I'll be out of your hair." Kay whispered a little nervously, taking a few daring steps into Ella's room. The carpet was so soft against her barefeet, and somehow the room felt warmer than the bathroom with the heating full on. It was such a welcoming environment compared to the cold hard touch of the icy air beyond the apartment. Kay stopped dead in her tracks however when she faced ahead of the bathroom door, seeing Ella's large bed and the woman herself sat upon it.

"Oh... I... I'm sorry! I didn't know you were... getting changed!" Kay gasped out, noticeably blushing. Ella was wearing about as much as Kay was... her stunning body left on full display save for her modesty. There was a alluring smile on Ella's lips as she sat crosslegged upon the edge of the bed... clearly she was wearing what she wanted to rather than getting changed as Kay first assumed. She had a pleasant expression upon her features as she sat clearly waiting for Drifter, and Kay couldn't help but look upon her gorgeous figure in return... given Ella's lack of attire it was near impossible not to. Like Kay herself she was a marvel to gaze upon, her body well defined and enthralling... Kay opened her lips to speak but couldn't find what words she wanted to say. She felt out of place and nervous all of a sudden.

"I... Umm... I'd like to thank you so much for feeding me and letting me use your shower. I... I don't want to be any more of a bother to you though so... I'll get my clothes and I'll get out of your way. I swear.. I will pay you back for all your help though, I can't thank you enough." Kay began to speak, partly to break the silence given how Ella was near naked like herself... mostly because she was so grateful for Ella's help, but felt it was time for her to go.

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