Amber Jumps to the Top

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Amber Jumps to the Top

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

Permission was granted for the use of Cheryl and Dan

Most people would just make a small and slow search through the company building looking for one title. But not Amber Skye. She had a better idea, one that didn't involve going from place to place while watching out for other wrestlers and then having to escape the building, still trying to avoid wrestlers. All she had to do was break into one place. Dan the Man’s own office. Surely the man would have some hint as to where the belt was given that he was basically running the place, an emergency procedure in case no could find it or in case they needed to get the belt for whatever reason. He wouldn't be the kind of guy to keep that information between him and whoever he sent to hide the belt, at least that's her thought process. Either way, while she expected everyone would start from the bottom and work their way up Amber was instead making a point to start at the top and go from there. And she would start in the best place in the whole house. Such a thing would usually require some split second stealth work and lockpicking the door..thankfully Amber had just been able to steal a spare key from the receptionist when she was busy hiding from blonde freak tearing through people awhile back. Sneaking off to the front office and avoiding anyone else she went to Dan’s office and knocked on it. No answer, Dan was out of the room for the moment. Perfect. She used the key and slowly unlocked and then opened the door, confirming it was empty she closed and locked it. “First spot the laptop.” Amber went over to the laptop and sat down looking over the various files, thanking herself that the computer was still on and thus wasn’t locked. “Alright lets see...Schedules, LAW cards, LAW meetings, Death threats, Personal vis-Wait what the fuck he has a file just for his death threats? How many people threaten him on a daily basis?” Curiosity got the better of her and for the moment she forgot her mission to instead chance a peak at what that was about. She looked through it and saw that there was at least 50 emails there, she briefly glanced at some of them and they seemed to come from people blaming him for there woes, for not being “used right” or for basically not catering to their whims. Amber had only looked at about 7 before she stopped herself. “Focus, this is too far in the wrong direction.” Amber told herself before she started to look through the computer once more. “Come on, come on, where would you put this under? Oh wait, PPVs? That might be it….no there just PPV cards nothing about the title hunt. And Titles isn't a file either. Dammit is this a dead end?” Amber was frantically looking for anything at this point when finally she came up on Special Events, clicking on that she finally saw that championship events was one of them. Amber smiled and looked for anything related to the LAWless title hunt. “Please everyone be safe and try to avoid leaving your offices too much, as there's very little security and I can do during the title hunt and you know how rowdy these gals can be. In case of emergency know that the belts locati-” Amber froze. There was a fumbling at the door. Dan the man had returned and was seconds away from opening the door!

Amber turned paler then she already was due to her nerves and quickly started backing out of things and just as the door opened ducked for cover under the desk and backed up into a little ball so she was as far back as humanly possible. She heard Dan take a few steps inside his office, stop for a few seconds and nearly give Amber a panic attack, from down here she couldn't see what Dan was doing or if he was looking at anything she began checking her person hoping she didn't drop something that he could see now, thankfully everything was still on her and Dan started going to his desk and sitting in his chair, his legs uncomfortably close to Amber’s body all he had to do was stretch and he’d hit her, giving away her location and the fact he broke into the office. Oh how she wanted to just kick something right now letting herself lose track of what she was here for,and for death threats at that. That was hardly the most interesting thing on his computer, she should have looked at the “funny pictures” file at least that would have been entertaining. Now she had to do something, even on the off chance Dan never did find her here she couldn't stay down like this, if she took too long someone might find the belt and be gone before he left, and that was only on the very slim chance he never lifted his legs up or looked down and noticed her...Maybe if she just booked it Dan wouldn't have time to process what happened. Or she could just say someone beat her up and knocked her in the locked room Amber? Please he’d see right through that. Especially because she still had the key. Screw it she might just have to hit him between the legs and hope that would stun him enough that he wouldn't see who did it as she bailed. It would suck to hurt her boss but nothing was keeping her from this belt from finally winning something of value in LAW. She slowly raised her foot to get into position when there was a knock on the door. Dan perked up and asked who it was as Amber was about to thank her savior. When there was no answer, just another knock Dan finally went to answer it himself. She heard the door open and then. “Surprise!” Cheryl, Cheryl was at the door, she could kiss her right now she must have seen her sneak in. “What's this about? Is that a cake?” She heard Dan say, odd, she didn't remember Cheryl making anything last night.” “Yeah a thanks for letting us work at LAW surprise, from me and Amber...well mostly just me right now but Amber shares my sentiment.” Amber did not share the sentiment. “Well thanks but I assure you that's not really necessary. You're not here from any special work on my part but from your own hard work.” Amber started to slowly climb out of the desk glancing at the front door. Dan was holding the cake and Cheryl was smiling at him, hands behind her back. The same pose she had whenever she was secretly typing something with her phone. Sure enough a few seconds later she got a text message from her bff. “There's a fire escape by the window. GET THE FUCK OUT!” Amber didn't need to be told twice and with Dan seemingly ensnared by Cheryl she slowly made her way to the window crawling slowly towards the window. She heard Cheryl practically pounce on Dan to make sure he didn't turn around when the window slowly opened and Amber slipped through and closed it ducking away before the boss could sneak a peek behind her. She didn't say anything until she went down several floors from the escape and then was back in the building.

Whew. That was close...and a complete waste of time, I didn't see anything!” Amber kicked the wall frustrated, here she had her chance to finally break into LAW after the Tag team gauntlet screwed them. They couldn't stay like this forever, girls like her and Cheryl didn't get too many chances to explode on the scene and tag teams tended to fade in interest as the new fad came along. Winning a title would be the best way to secure them a legacy in this place, Amber refused to let all of her hard work go unnoticed and she certainly refused to be just glorified eye candy. She was so much more and she knew it, and soon one way or another she was dead set on proving it. Her phone went off, Cheryl again this time calling her. She didn’t waste time answering. “I owe you won...where did you get that cake? You don't cook.” “Yeah you can thank some poor dude who’s birthday cake went missing on the floor right below. Thankfully some crazy blonde is going berserk so he might never know.Did you find the belt's location?” Amber sighed. “N-no..But I think I have an idea he had it in an email so maybe if I just go through another computer in the area it should be-” “That won't work, already tried it myself, everyones clearing out already, and LAW makes sure to have passwords on there stuff, you got lucky Dan’s laptop was on but with every girl looking for trouble no ones sticking around to get there ass kicked for the job.” Great, so much for that plan, at least she knew it was in a place the employees could safely reach, she just had to check mundane spots, maybe some place no one would think too much about looking through. “Oookay, guess my scheming is over. Alright fuck it, Ill just find it the old fashioned way, it cant be too hard. Cant be too hard with you helping me.” “Oh i'm not staying.” “Wait what! Why not?” “Are you crazy I just told you about the Blonde going terminator on the building. But some chick with a weapon just jumped through a window, several girls are tearing the place down some of whom look dangerous, one wrestler is out cold in an office and a Texan is setting up traps by one of the entrances! I'll see you when you get out but i'm cutting my losses and getting out, though I'll stay outside with the car until you get here in case you need to get out of here fast.” Before she could protest Cheryl hung up, she went from wanting to kiss Cheryl to wanting to kick her. Fuck...She pocketed her phone and started to move away where she thought she heard a scuffle. If she was smart she could avoid the so called blonde terminator, and if she was lucky she could run into girls like Liger who looked like easy pickings. Or gals like Cali who didn’t seem too dangerous. Better start looking, just because she hadn't gotten the results she wanted doesn't mean she was going to give up. In fact once she won this thing she was going to show everyone that she earned it.

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Re: Amber Jumps to the Top

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

3 whole floors and squat to show for it.” Amber took a seat in the hallway having started from the top and gone down she had thankfully avoided any fights but otherwise failed to fine the belt as well. In such a large building even if there were 50 people looking finding one thing could take hours. Hell they might be here all day. Amber was trying to think about places it could be when she smelled food. Looking up at a door to the side she followed and found it was catering, which still had some food out. “I really shouldn’t, don’t need any distraction.” she was about to turn around when she felt her stomach grumble, she hadn’t eaten since this morning and it was well last noon now. “Screw it, it won’t hurt to have some energy to burn. Good thing I’m not on a diet.” Turning back she grabbed a plate since no one seemed to be around to stop her and started making herself a plate with what was a decent spread of food, she placed the food on a table and went back to go get a drink when her foot hit the food table as she walked by it and she heard something drop. She stopped dead in her tracks and turned around. It was loud and came from under the table, a wrestler hiding? Amber ducked under and opened the curtains ready to call truce when’s he saw that it wasn’t a wrestler, instead she looked shocked and nearly breathless to the sight of the belt stuffed under the table with tape on it. It had been strapped to the bottom of the table and had a sticky note.

“To Whoever finds this.....good luck”

- Dan “The Man”

Oh my god....” She was frozen before suddenly she jumped under the table and grabbed the belt holding it up once she had it in her hands. “EEEEEEHHHHHHH! I actually did it! I found it! I’m the first champ! I’m the first LAWless champion in history. Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! Yaasss! Hahaha!” Amber jumped around not a care in the world she had been yearning for gold of some kind and now by sheer luck she had found it. She could kiss the entire LAW staff right now and everyone in this building...and then she froze. Everyone in this building, was looking for this belt, and they weren’t going to be happy Amber found it. Or they would would because they see going to have Amber give it to them, but suddenly she realized that finding the belt was just step 1. Step 2 was getting the hell out of this building with it. “Shit!” Amber reached for her phone and started to call her BFF. “Cheryl get the car started I need to go now! Yes I found the belt look it’s-well you can’t look but I have it. I need to get out of here and...wait what do you mean you already knew? What update a there’s no update....Cheryl don’t talk crazy I’m looking at the site right-” And like she was told there was a pic of her on LAW’s social media ’LAWless belt found. Will she make it out’ with a pic of her holding it from what looked like a camera. Amber looked and saw that there was a live camera on the wall watching the catering area but placed high up and next to the walls that you wouldn’t notice until you knew where to look. It looked just installed and likely solely for this event...which meant. “Everyone already knows where I’m at.” it may have been paranoia, but Amber could swear she heard footsteps marching around outside. And under her, and above her....Amber took off leaving her plate of food behind. The LAWess champ had been crowned...but for how long would she hold it?
Last edited by Taskmaster12 on Mon Jan 25, 2021 5:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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