Sadism at first sight. (For FD)

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Sadism at first sight. (For FD)

Unread post by ragaz »

(Happens right after this - viewtopic.php?f=27&t=5173&hilit=family+gifts)

Having done a job well done, Juri just left Kyoko's house, where a beaten Ayame was waiting for the belly queen to arrive, untie her and do whatever else people with morals tend to do. Juri, on the other hand was quickly making her way to her date, taking a small detour home to change into a slightly more fancy attire, not that she really had any super fancy attires though. All her attires were practically made for fighting.
After getting changed, she made her way to the restaurant she was supposed to meet her date, Hideo Akan. Juri really was unpredictable and making Kyoko not know what to expect was just another one of many tactics that Juri was and would be using to make Kyoko paranoid and terrified.
Juri was hoping that her unorthodox hairstyle and attire would catch Hideo's interest, otherwise it would be difficult to proceed with a failed date.

Juri would enter the restaurant, look around to see where the Akan was sitting until she noticed him. Suppressing her evil smirks and turning them into sweet smiles, Juri would wave at Hideo and walk over to his table where she would take a seat. Hello hello! I hope I didn't make you wait for too long, I had some business to take care off. I'll make it up to you, I promise. Ah right, I'm Juri Han, by the way. She would extend her hand for a handshake. This was supposed to be a blind date, but it definitely wasn't blind for Juri as she already made plenty of research on the whole Akan family and all of her plans were already on the drawing board.
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Re: Sadism at first sight. (For FD)

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This was definitely not Hideos usual scene, he was generally too busy for stuff like this but it had been awhile since he had wrestled in a match and now that things on the business end had slowed down he figured why not? It couldn’t hurt to meet some new people, hell some of his female friends were blind dates that imply lacked the chemistry for something more. The only thing he knew about this date was that she was a wrestler but she hadn’t had any matches in LAW that he knew of, but as he was wondering what kind of person would walk through she came in soon enough introducing herself to him, and dressed rather unusualy for a date. More like she had just gotten done wrestling a match and drove straight here.

Not too long no, I had only just started to sit down when you texted me.” Hideo said before accepting her hand. Her outfit really started to stand out when he got closer to her but he tried not to draw too much attention to it before he continued. “Juri Huh? Hideo, Akan. Nice to meet you.” he said sincerely, trying to gauge the kind of women she was.

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Re: Sadism at first sight. (For FD)

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As they greeted each other, Juri was observing all the body language and actions to gauge whether Hideo was interested in Juri. If he was interested, then she could be a bit more laidback. If he wasn't interested, then it would be a bit risky for Juri. She suspoected that being a goody 2 shoes would probably not interest Hideo and a lot of guys would probably find it boring. If Juri would just be herself, things would not end well - Hideo would either run out or simply attack Juri. Juri would have to drift between the two options, she would have to be a lovable rogue.

Akan, huh? I've heard that name. Like that famous wrestler, that likes to punch all the belies? Kyoko Akan, was it? Maybe I'll meet her someday... It was a good opportunity to mention Kyoko, since the girl was famous or rather infamous after all. Juri was interested to see whether and what Hideo would say about Kyoko.

Your eyes seem to drift towards my body. Like what you see? Hmm? Juri would tease as she would cross her arms overhead giving Hideo a better look of her body. I'm just teasing you, haha! I'm well aware that my outfit is a bit out of the ordinary. For a date, at least. I hope you're not too disappointed.
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Re: Sadism at first sight. (For FD)

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He knew he should have waited to bring up his family name, though he was glad Juri's reaction wasnt one of shock as some people took one look at the way his sister behaved and had less then stellar things to say. Juri seemed more amused by the thought so Hideo was thankful it didnt get any side-eye at least but he'd prefer not to talk about her at times like this. "Yeah thats her, and yeah she does that. But I guess if your a wrestler she's likely to meet you eventually." Hideo said nervously mostly looking to move the conversation away from stuff like that considering Juri seemed more like the kind of wrestler Kyoko would love to beat up, not helping was the way she showed off her body, though she was at least a good sport about it as Hideo laughed.

"Its fine really. Im used to informal attire it doesnt really bother me in anyway. Besides you look great regardless." He admitted, which was true she definitely had a stunning look, if he was judging based off appearance she'd already be a keeper. Thankfully he was more interested in getting to know people here and so as he tried to settle in he began wondering what kind of person this was. Unaware that at this very moment the sister she brought up was borderline speeding back to her place.

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Re: Sadism at first sight. (For FD)

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Juri was curious what would Hideo say about Kyoko. He didn't say much, just confirmed that they're probably related and not just a coincidence in name, but when Hideo guessed that Juri was a ''wrestler'', it intrigued Juri. Ohh? You think I'm a wrestler? What gave that away? She asked sarcastically as she leaned back, with her arms spread to the sides somewhat. Juri's attire didn't leave many options to guess. It was pretty obvious that she was either a fighter or some kind of cosplayer. Awww, thanks. You look not too bad yourself. Juri replied to the compliment.

So... Since you had some time till I arrived, have you thought of what we could eat and drink today? Go on, your choice, pick something for both of us, i won't complain. If I do, I'll pay for all of it. How about it? Juri shifted the topic to something that should be obvious in a restaurant, but it was also important for her to progress in her plan. Spoiler alert - she planned to pour some extra ''spice'' into Hideo's food, so that it would have some delayed effect on him like dizziness and nausea. Juri intended to have Hideo pick the food himself so there would be, however slightly, less suspicion.
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Re: Sadism at first sight. (For FD)

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Hideo could tell that Juri seemed to like teasing him a bit, if her constant jokes about her attire were of any indication. She certaintly had the body to look good in her wrestling gear even if it wasnt the typical date style its not like he lived the typical life. Hideo also felt like he was unsure of it was okay to admire too much, it was a public setting despite Juri being all to happy to let herself be seen he did have his principles. When she changed course to the food he quickly adjusted as well, that was something he felt he could do without putting his foot in his mouth.

"I have actually but mostly for me, Im not quite sure what you like. You sure you want me to order for both of us? Theres probably still time to get a good look over the menu." He asked making sure she at least knew what she was getting into before he did it. If she remained adamant in being fine with it he would call the waitress down to place there orders. "Just two no. 3 specials." He said when she finally asked.

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Re: Sadism at first sight. (For FD)

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And so the topic quickly shifted to food and this looked like an opportunity to make herself seem more approachable and trustworthy if she was the first one to show blind trust in Hideo. If he wasn't an asshole, who didn't give a fuck about anything, then at least somewhere deep inside he would probably feel morally obliged to return the favour.
"Yeah, I'm sure. If you want to go forward, you gotta make that leap of faith. To be honest, I'm not super picky, so I'm pretty confident in your choice."
Juri answered, followed with a pause as Hideo made the order after which Juri looked at Hideo with a slightly mischievous smile.
"And besides... Why would I waste my time looking at the menu, when I'd rather look at you?" She'd tease her mate, but that tease had a far deeper and far more sinister meaning.

"Soo, since you've guessed that I'm a wrestler, can I try and guess your occupation?" Juri would break the awkward silence after the waitress left.
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Re: Sadism at first sight. (For FD)

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Things continued to go fine, at least she thought things were going well but nothing was for certain, having grown up around women he knew that the wrong words could send the conversation into a downward spiral that ended anything real quick, Course Juri seemed to be just diving in with rather blunt mentions of what she would rather be checking out it seemed he'd have to say something truly awful to get her to take it the wrong way.

"Your completely free to. My profession isn't a big secret." He said though he tried to avoid saying more like "I'm not dressed for it like you." as that would immediately throw out any kind of job that required formal clothing which would really narrow things down for her. Instead just sit and let her observe as if that would give her any clues.

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Re: Sadism at first sight. (For FD)

Unread post by ragaz »

So, Juri was free guess Hideo's profession of which she was already fully aware of as well as of many other things about him and his family, but of course, if Juri boasted about it, then Hideo would just walk, best case scenario.

"Well, judging by your looks, to keep that physique, you need to train routinely, so taking this by the likelihood, it should be a profession that depends on the physical condition... Things that come to mind are... Body builder... Security guard of some sort... Maybe you're in the military? Police or a firefighter... Hmmm. Many options..."
Juri shared her fake thought process out loud.

"But if I had to make a single guess... I think the most sensible guess would be that you're a wrestler. My reasoning being is that often in families if someone's is good at something, the others do receive varying amounts of pressure towards that profession/occupation. Like let's say a part of a family are prominent members of mafia, there's a good chance the rest will follow the footsteps...
Anyway, am I correct or am I just overthinking things?"
Then it would be Juri's turn to sit back and see what Hideo had to say.
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Re: Sadism at first sight. (For FD)

Unread post by Fairy Dragon »

Well now Juri was observing him more, or at least he was noticing it more as she looked him over and began following a pattern of professions that fit his build. Hideo wasnt going to interrupt if she could get it right but ultimately she went for the answer of him being a wrestler which was of course true but still he found himself somewhat amused by her logic in the end.

"So Im a wrestler just because my big sis wrestles huh?" He said with a raised eyebrow but playfully enough that it wouldnt concern Juri. "Why do I get the feeling you knew that already?" He added this time with a slight laugh as he leaned back in his chair. "Well you got me either way. Yeah I wrestle, easier to count people in my family who dont wrestle."

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