Akiko Kurozu vs Jack the Ripper -Battle of predators!

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Akiko Kurozu vs Jack the Ripper -Battle of predators!

Unread post by Scourger X »

Hardcore smother match: Victory achieved by making the enemy faint because of lack of air. No disqualification applied to the match.

Kill... murder... pissed... Those were some of Akiko's thoughts during the time that she waited for this match. She wanted to get her hands in Jackie after she beated her brother up. "Don't do this Aki!" Daichi tried to persuade her in the backstage while she prepared herself. "I'm not going to be hurt Dai..." Akiko responded, not even bothering to look at him. "I know, please, don't hurt her..." The sister actually turned around upon hearing how sad her brother was, she walked towards him and hugged him "Don't worry, I'm not going to make something regrettable..." She said, and then she walked towards the arena, and once she knew that Daichi wouldn't hear her, she said; "But I might leave her in a wheelchair..."

The arena was extremely different, the public was more frenetic, and the ring looked more menacing than other times, it looked like a Roman Coliseum match more than a wrestling match. This was her first Hardcore fight, but Akiko wasn't scared, she was furious, she already had hunted people who wronged her and her brother before, only this time, her slaughter would have a public.
The public was frenetic after looking at Akiko, some of them may even think that she was the one about to be curb stomped, other people was close enough to feel the bloodlust that she carried like an aura. She hoped to the ring, waiting for Jackie there, cracking her knuckles and her neck.
Last edited by Scourger X on Fri Jan 22, 2021 11:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Akiko Kurozu vs Jack the Ripper -Battle of predators!

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Meanwhile, Jackie would be ready herself as she stretch before she would ready her outfit, she would stretch as she crack her knuckles as she took a deep breath and ready herself, she would ready herself as she make her way toward the ramp as she smile in confident, she would walk out of the ramp with a smug smirk as she look around

Eventually, she would make her way to the ring before she would slide back into the ring, as she look at Akiki, before She would saw the girl she fold her arms "Hmmm...You must be the sister...huh?" She simply ask her due to the similarity to her previous opponent, before she give her a smirk "So...tell me...how do you wanna lose?" She ask with confident as she stand there in her corner with her arms folded while looking at Akiko
Last edited by Void-Effect on Fri Jan 22, 2021 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Akiko Kurozu vs Jack the Ripper -Battle of predators!

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Akiko didn't have to wait much for Jackie, she arrived soon enough as the furious girl looked at her with hungry eyes, like a wolf scanning her prey before mauling it to death... "Mmmh, so you do remember my brother, that's good to know..." She commented after the Ripper effectively recognized her. "Don't worry about that, I have no intention of losing tonight..." She said as she got closer to her enemy.

"Seriously... Going after Daichi just to piss me off and make me come here for you?" She asked, her anger quite obvious at this point. "If you wanted your ass kicked, you should have just asked!" She said with empty eyes of anger, before she tried to hit first, running at her fastly and then jumping to strike the Ripper with a Dropkick.

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Re: Akiko Kurozu vs Jack the Ripper -Battle of predators!

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Jackie would laugh as she nod her head "Your bother isn't that much of a fighter, a easy pick, very disappointed" She simply said as she look at Akiko, taunting her as she stand there with her arms folded, before she would lean forward "Just let you know, I don't expect much from you, so just entertain me as much as you can" She said with a smile as she stand back up

She can see Anger in Akiko's eye as she simply smile before she would charge at Jackie would a drop kick, but it was too obvious as she simply duck and dodge it before stand back up and approach Akiko from her back and lift her up, proceed to give her a german suplex as she had a smirk of confident as she slam Akiko down to the mat

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Re: Akiko Kurozu vs Jack the Ripper -Battle of predators!

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Her emotions took the best out of her. Akiko made a pretty evident attack against Jackie, resulting in failure, and now the Ripper grabbed her from behind, getting ready to suplex her into submission. Akiko acted fast, she already knew how to counter said attack; she hooked her ankle to her rival's heel, stopping her from lifting her up on the air.

If done correctly, Jackie wouldn't be able to complete the supplex, and Akiko would use that opportunity to slam the back of her head against the Ripper's face.

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Re: Akiko Kurozu vs Jack the Ripper -Battle of predators!

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Jackie would attempt to lift the tomgirl only result in the tomgirl hooked her ankles against Jackie's heel, with a grunt, she felt Akiko slam the back of her head against Jackie's nose as she gasp so she would slam her down to the mat instead of suplex the tom girl, if the would slam her down, Jackie would proceed to give her stomps on her face as she smirk

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Re: Akiko Kurozu vs Jack the Ripper -Battle of predators!

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Akiko had managed to counter Jackie's attack, yet she wasn't able to stop the Ripper from slamming her instead, following the harsh landing with some stomping to her face. The cruel girl probably was used to her victims to just take the pain, but not the twin sister of Daichi, pain was something that wouldn't stop her normally, specially when she was angry.

Jackie stomped her face a couple of times before Akiko would grab her foot. "You're right, my little brother doesn't have what it takes to be a fighter like us, he's not cruel, but I am." She said, only to kick the Ripper's other foot in order to make her fall to her side. "I am more dangerous than he ever will be, expect me to give you a challenge, because I also have high hopes for you..."

Akiko kept talking, sitting on Jackie's stomach to keep her down, and then grabbing her by the neck with one hand and then with the other hand beginning to punch her. "I have hopes that your screams will be heard in all the arena..."

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Re: Akiko Kurozu vs Jack the Ripper -Battle of predators!

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As Jackie stepping on her, she would felt her legs being grabbed before she was pulled, cause her to fall to the mat as she grunt, landing on her back before she felt Akiko sitting on her belly. Jackie felt her neck being grabbed before felt the punches coming down, cause her to attempt to block the punch and also punch back at Akiko's face as she can be heard grunt in pain instead of screaming that Akiko had hoped

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Re: Akiko Kurozu vs Jack the Ripper -Battle of predators!

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It appeared that Jackie was stronger than Akiko had anticipated, she wasn't just some bully, she was a fighter as well, but in the end she would scream in pain, it was only a matter of time. The brunette girl threw some punches to the Ripper's face, finishing up her combo by smashing her forehead against her victim's face, with a devastating headbutt.

After this, Akiko would stand up and get in guard, waiting that Jackie standed up. "I' hope that you can do better than that, I'm just starting and you haven't even made me sweat yet..."
Last edited by Scourger X on Sun Jan 24, 2021 10:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Akiko Kurozu vs Jack the Ripper -Battle of predators!

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Jackie would blocked some punches except the last three before she would confront with a headbutt as she grunt, as she lay there panting, she felt Akiko stand back up as Jackie growl as she heard her taunt, result in the white hair woman pull herself back up quickly as she glare at the tomboy, ready herself, she would move her way to Akiko quickly before she would go for a spin kick at her face

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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