Who the Loser Now

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Who the Loser Now

Unread post by The Riders »


Another day at the gym for Liger who is fully dressed in her wrestling gear, practicing her submission holds on a training dummy after suffering another humiliating defeat things have been bleak for the younger wrestler. To the point where some of the older wrestlers have been wanting to have a match with the new Loser girl in the company, but sooner or later she will prove them wrong and show everyone that she is going to be great in time.

Gently smacking her head to regain her focus on what she doing first, and that is to have another spar with a opponent or just a friendly match is all she needs to regain her confident and everything will be fine. Since she did have a somewhat strong showing against Kat so it should count for something at the moment.

Looking around the gym looking for anyone who would ant to have a go for a spar, before seeing a blond woman coming out of the locker rooms nodding to herself that yea she looks good and would be a good test for me. "Umm Excuse me hey. I was wondering if your not to busy would you care for a sparring match with me. If you don't mind at all."

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Re: Who the Loser Now

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Karin would be leaving the looker room while having her small work out book in front of her nose. She would look down into it and check what day today was and what kind of work out she should be doing today. She would run down what exercises were on the plan. In the last time she raised a lot in law she came a logn way form her horrible start.
She was feeling way more confident and kind of liked her new self more then the old one. Suddenly she would stop in shock as she saw a pair of huge breasts popping up in front of her. She looked up to look right into a happy smiling face. She looked at the girl for a moment shoked and confused, wondering if this woman was. Karin would shake her head after hearing the question, she closed her book nad put it into her back. “oh yeah that would be great! I would die for a spar match today!” would Karin say.
The former loserbelt champion was wearing her typical ringoutfit, a sportbra and her battle skirt. She would tuck the book away and smirk. “if you help me warm up and stretch we can be on the way right away. “ Karin would walk past her new trainingsparnter and walked into the center of the gym. She throw herself down and started to do some pushups. “whats your name by the way?” would Karin ask during the push ups. “I am Karin shin from law!”
the new and improved Karin
Last edited by xalex on Mon Nov 30, 2020 6:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Who the Loser Now

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"Sure I could use the warm up as well." Serilda replies back following after her partner and begin to copy her partner going for push ups as well, doing her slowly wanting to make sure her arms get a good work out of it. Eyeing this woman girl while doing her work outs and seeing that her confident is at a all time high and more just happy compared to herself, thinking this over in her head before hearing what her name was."I'm Serilda Akira... or Gold Liger and I am also from LAW, it is a pleasure to meet you as well." She replies back not wanting to make Karin nervous or anything but is staring at her while doing the push ups..."How are you so confident in yourself... what your secret/"

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Re: Who the Loser Now

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Karin would stop wit the pushups and sit onto her knees. She would start to lean backwards as much as she could looking backwards as she though about the question Akira just asked her. “hm… I just guess, I stopped putting myself down. I think it was as simple as that.” Karin would sit up normally again and start to turn her upper body to the left and then to the right.
“back in the day I was law´s loserbelt chump… I was afraid of failing and of everyone… but then I just realized, I don´t do this out there for anyone else then myself. And I don´t need to impress anyone because I will never be letting anyone down!” Karin would get up and started to walk oer to the ring with stretching steps.

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Re: Who the Loser Now

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"Wait that Loser belt is real I always thought was a cruel joke that people did to Holly..." Serilda replies back. Getting a last few stretches in herself, even doing a few yoga stretches to keep herself loose. Standing up and bends to slowly sink into a full split on the ground holding the position for a small time before leaning forward on the ground arching her back. "That is a good mindset I think, just being called a loser really does get annoying a lot..." Seeing Karin heading over to the ring finally makes Serilda stop her stretches getting up and heading over to already pumped and ready to wrestle. "So since you was the first loser champion if I beat you then it be fine right>? being cocky and confident wanting to anger Karin.

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Re: Who the Loser Now

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Karin would grab the bottom rope of the ring with both of her hands before looking over get shoulder. "Funny enough, or sadly enough the loser belt often feels like a really cruel joke. And there is nothing you can really do about it to be safe" karin would slide into the ring on her belly. "Law management can put you into a match for it anytime they feel like it. Because you have a bad win lose record or because they just dislike you... " Karin would jump back up to her feet. "You fear of getting stuck with the title?"Karin walked over to her corner and way getting ready. She would lean forward ready to go towards the centre again. "Yeah this might be a great test for you then!"

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Re: Who the Loser Now

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"I'm not to worried. If someone like you who had it first then I'm not concerned much, beside you turned out just fine right?" Serilda replies back over confident in herself that she would be able to beat her sparring partner pretty easily. "Maybe but the real test is if I'm to much for you Karin." Liger would smirk heading to the middle of the ring, looking to start off the spar with a simple test of strength holding her hands out to lock up with Karin.

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Re: Who the Loser Now

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Karin would look at the woman with a mixed look on her face. It was worry and anger. Seems like Serilda took this whole thing way too lightly. Karin would not say anything at the moment, and instead simply do a big step forwards. Her hands came down onto the shoulder of Liger and grabbed her tightly. Karin´s feet would dig into the ringmat as she would try to shove herself forwards. She tried with her all to push liger backwards towards the ropes of the ring, to winning this test of strength for herself.

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Re: Who the Loser Now

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Serilda is taking this to lightly and not taking Karin serious during the test of strength, deciding to see what her opponent got by digging in and holding her ground in front of her foe. "Not bad but your going to have to be stronger then that to move me Karin." Serilda says in a smug like tone slowly stepping forward trying to push her sparring partner back, even trying to bend Karin wrists backward to over power her.

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Re: Who the Loser Now

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Karin would grind her teeth for a moment. Liger had the size advantage on her by a lot, in hight and weight. She would easily push Karin backwards for a bit before the small girl would start to tension up her muscles as good as she could. She would feel how her feet started to slowly slide over the mat backwards, but she would not give in and be overpowered here. She would duck down a little bit to make it harder for her opponent to push into her and she could simply shove upwards to maybe bring Serilda out of balance. She couldn´t win this with strength alone.

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