Imperial Russian Empire Vs. Natural Selection - The Fun To Be Had!

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Imperial Russian Empire Vs. Natural Selection - The Fun To Be Had!

Unread post by Devilish53 »


Standard Tag Match Rules.
Victory Via Pinfall, Submission Or KO.

With the ink still wet on the abruptly named 'Natural Selection' teaming up on Anna Harris and Samuuela Healtway, both of the beauties eagerness at debuting in the tag division had led to their team missing vital characteristics. A well thought-out move-set, a choice of finishers, and perhaps most notably, a lack of entrance for the duo!

Rolling with what they had, Anna opted to take the plunge as it were in emerging first, simply opting to use her own albeit equally rushed choice of entrance to emerge to.
Hands wide as the bouncy beauty strut down to the ring, Anna's smile somewhat covered over a lack of confidence from the Aussie. Tonight would be her debut in the tag division; a match type the beauty had rarely practised in, yet now her and Samus were facing a team at the top of their game. Yes, she'd have the aforementioned Samuela in her corner, backing her up with her monstrous size and strength to match, but it was still with difficulty that Anna could muster anything resembling confidence. Even more so given she had yet to win in the singles division!

Mounting the ring apron with a small wave to the crowd, Anna would swerve her jiggly, busty figure through the middle and top ropes, before her feet found their home dead centre of the ring. Hand raised to wipe a brow already playing home to droplets of nervous sweat, Anna would attempt to distract the upcoming mountain she was about to try and scale, with eyes playing busy amongst the crowd as she waited the arrival of her partner.

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Re: Imperial Russian Empire Vs. Natural Selection - The Fun To Be Had!

Unread post by xalex »

Now it was Samus turn . She was standing backstage ready to roll! She would jump up and down trying to warm herself up a bit and get set for the match. After some time finally Samus music would hit and she would walk out into the open. She would throw her fist up into to air and walk Dow to the ring. Down in the ring she would walk up to Anna..."time to kick some Russian ass..." would Samus say before leaving the ring again

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Re: Imperial Russian Empire Vs. Natural Selection - The Fun To Be Had!

Unread post by RiotGrrl »

The newly formed team of the Imperial Russian Empire was debuting tonight, although it was really a re-brand given how the main element of the former team Soviet Seduction was still present. Natasha was the brains behind the operation and she had her heart set on one thing. It wasnt even the belt, as good as that was with the pay rise and such, for Natasha it was the fact she could dominate both the single and tag division. Standing waiting for her cue she was joined by her partner Valentina. Val was a much stronger bigger and better wrestler than Natasha's former partner, Sofia.
As Prokofiev rumbled across the arena the boos echoed loudly so much they nearly drowned out the music off the PA. Natasha and Val, wearing their Russian Soviet Red bikinis and matching boots came out to the ramp area. Without a trace of care for the fans they walked out down the ramp and had a look of steel on the pair inside the ring. Val was already sizing them up as the pair reached their corner.

They spoke in Russian and nodded before slapping hands. It would be Natasha to start as she always did now, having learnt the lessons from Sofia. Natasha moved out and waited for the bell, seeing which of the pair would join her for this tag match
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Re: Imperial Russian Empire Vs. Natural Selection - The Fun To Be Had!

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Her partners entrance swift and straight to the point, Anna could hardly blame the blondes lack of theatrics. There was nothing to be cocky about here, with their opponents one of the top teams in the division, and yet here they were. Going straight against them in their first match!

A small glance to the busty giant now playing the part of back-up on the outside of the ring, Anna would bring her arms underneath her giant bosom trying to protrude what confidence her win-lacking frame could offer. Eyes to the ramp, what little confidence was in her frame was quickly shivered out, with the Imperial Russian Empire appearing amidst a blast of music and lights. Left somewhat gawping at the mass of bouncy jiggly curves now descending to meet them, Anna could but watch with her jaw slipping just a shade lower, given the sheer beauty of both women.

Forcing herself to turn as serious as she could, evidently the starter of the duo in the match to come, Anna would take a single step forward with hand slowly raised, watching for a moment the two figures speak in their apparent native tongue. With the violet haired beauty opting to be the first to meet Anna, the busty Aussie would test her luck; extending her hand as her mouth opened, attempting a polite greeting despite past in-ring encounters teaching her otherwise.

"I..I hope we have a good one...!"

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Re: Imperial Russian Empire Vs. Natural Selection - The Fun To Be Had!

Unread post by RiotGrrl »

Natasha looked at Anna with a scowl that could curdle cream. She was in a sour mood tonight and no doubt both of Natural Selection would take the brunt of it. As the curvy girl moved out of her corner, the Russian saw her extending a hand. This was too good an opportunity to miss. Normally the purple haired seductress would go for a cheap shot, but again tonight she had a whole different scenario in mind. Natasha nodded ressuringly and spoke in her best broken English

"Yes, we will enjoy zee smothering of you pair!"

With that she grabbed Anna's hand and pulled her close so that the big girl smooshed right into Natasha's large breasts. The pair stood there as Natasha use her very essence of being a woman to intimidate Anna as bit. Anna was a big girl, but Natasha was always happy to use whatever means necessary to get in her rivals head. She leaned in and whispered to Anna's ear, breast both mashed together so much that Natasha's nipples were poking into Anna

"Zee boobs will flatten under my ass when I pin you!"

Natasha wasnt keen to break this and tried to step forward to further smoosh to Anna
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Re: Imperial Russian Empire Vs. Natural Selection - The Fun To Be Had!

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Finally it seemed, Anna's politeness would be repaid in kind!

At least, that's what the busty Aussie hoped for, rightfully so, as Natasha gripped her hand firmly. Her smile soon went however, as it became evident Natasha had absolutely zero intent on playing nice with the duo!

"Ophh.." Her own giant breasts hitting hard into Natasha's firm, prepared pair, Anna found herself both blushing and wincing at the feeling. Hands to her side and incapable of even mustering the semblance of resistance, Anna found her eyes closing in mostly curiosity, mixed with arousal and fear, as Natasha took a step closer! Leaving Anna's massive mounds somewhat mushrooming over the firm Russian pair, with the Aussie left completely without notion of what to do!

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Re: Imperial Russian Empire Vs. Natural Selection - The Fun To Be Had!

Unread post by RiotGrrl »

Natasha let her breasts push against Anna's own pair and a smirk came across her face, obviously the attentions of the Russian were having an effect. To be fair Anna's pair could easily engulf Natasha's chest but the Russian had the momentum. As soon as she saw the girls eyes flutter she knew it was her chance. Natasha let go of the girls hand and tried to slide her hand and arm quickly around the girls head and neck. If she could then the Russian would try to yank Anna's head down and pull it into her side, adding a healthy amount of smothering with her right breast
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Re: Imperial Russian Empire Vs. Natural Selection - The Fun To Be Had!

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Anna may have had a giant bust, likely even to the point of having the largest assets in LAW's middleweight division entirely, but the Aussie's dense behaviour remained a main trait of her personality. Barely even able to force herself to turn serious as Natasha seemingly tried to gently crush her assets, Anna's fluster would be taken ahold of.

Gripped with a loud shriek, head forced down, Anna could but latch her hands to the firm hips of her smarter foe, wrapping part way as she was engulfed in a headlock. Of course, not without a great addition of bosom to face, to make her situation all the worse.

"Ghh..Quit it.." She'd moan, flustering both from the pain of her skull being wrenched, and the fact Natasha was seemingly determined to press every inch of her frame with her firm chest.

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Re: Imperial Russian Empire Vs. Natural Selection - The Fun To Be Had!

Unread post by RiotGrrl »

Natasha worked the headlock as much as she could. Anna was lighter than the devious Russian and that meant Natasha could attempt to bully her a bit. As Anna moaned the purple haired "Smother Queen" of LAW enjoyed the feeling of her rivals distress. There were far worse places to be after all, as the crowd pointed out the jeers and roars in succession.

The Russian spoke in her native tongue to Valentina who nodded and readied herself. If Natasha could, she would walk a few steps leading Anna with her and get closer to the Russians corner. Unless Anna wriggled free of Natasha's grasp, the purple haired Russian would attempt to bully her and with a swing of her hip, get Anna in grabbing distance of Val to pull her back first against the turnbuckles to start the usual Russians method of heelish double teaming
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Re: Imperial Russian Empire Vs. Natural Selection - The Fun To Be Had!

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Her attempt at playing a serious, methodical tag partner all but shattered, Anna's eyes could but roll to their side for a moment to find Samus, seemingly trying to apologise purely with her gaze, as she was dragged around the ring like a stray animal. Hands still to Natasha's side, Anna's impressive strength would be left unusable given she simply couldn't brace her figure to shove, finding herself helpless right up until the point her back had found her opponents corner.

Recoiling a little from a swinging of wide, firm hips upon her own, Anna would snarl somewhat as she brought up her hands; unable to decide fully on what to do, Anna seemingly tried to both block Natasha's upcoming assaults, and shove the busty Russian back via her face! Yelping all the while like a injured dog!

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