Amalia Caenis Vs April Starling

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Re: Amalia Caenis Vs April Starling

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Amalia would laying there groaning in pain a she felt April sit down on her back while she felt herself being pull into a body scissor while her body being restrains, she would pants as she wiggle around, attempt to escape from the restrain as she bite her own lips and attempt to ignore the pain and focus on attempt to free herself

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Re: Amalia Caenis Vs April Starling

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April gritted her teeth and tried her best to hang on, but Amalis was strong and jerked herself well enough to yank one arm free from April's grip, and shortly after, she freed her other arm. However, April still kept a tight lock on Amelia's body with her legs and she tensed her leg muscles as she gave the bunny gal a long winded squeeze as April rested her hands on the mat behind her. "Grr, ask her ref!" She called out as the ref knelt down and asked Amalia if she submits.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Fri Jan 15, 2021 9:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Amalia Caenis Vs April Starling

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Amalia would manage to free her right arms as she struggle before she would also free her other one, but her body would be still be locked in the body scissor as she felt herself being squished by the muscle as she felt herself twitch and gasp in pain before she heard April as she growl. The ref would kneel down and ask her if she submit, result in Amalia reply with "NO, DAMN IT, NO" She screams as she lay there, attempt to continues to free herself as she kick around at

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Re: Amalia Caenis Vs April Starling

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

April grunted as Amalia was bucking in front of her, she tried to halt some of that as she brought her forearm to crash into the upper back of Amalia, she then leaned in to curve her arms around Amalia's shoulders. She then jerked back as she forced Amalia to lay back against her as she then raised her pelvis up to elevate the lower half of Amalia as she the rocked forward. The result would bring Amalia's rump to slam against the ground in a keester bounce as she then resumed squeezing the body of her gorgeous opponent.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Fri Jan 15, 2021 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Amalia Caenis Vs April Starling

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Amalia would groan in pain before she felt something crush into her upper back, cause her to gasp in pain before she was forced to lay back as she felt she felt herself being lift up and slam down to the mat again, with her butt hitting the mat, as she gasp. Amalia would growl in anger as she start using her elbow to attempt to hit April, try to force her off

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Re: Amalia Caenis Vs April Starling

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

After the butt bounce she delivered to Amalia, April's face was over one of her shoulders, which was the perfect opportunity for a elbow strike and while it wasn't a true elbow connecting to the side of her face, Amalia was able to slam her upper arm with enough force for April to grunt out as her legs loosened around Amalia's body, and with the second upper arm impact, it completely knocked April onto her back as she completely released the hold as she brought her hands up to cup at her own head as she gritted her teeth.

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Re: Amalia Caenis Vs April Starling

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Amalia would groan tiredly as she pull herself back up, panting as she glare at April before she would start smile "Not bad" She simply said before move forward to the purple hair woman, before she would pull back her right leg and throw a kick at her, attempt to give her a side kick, aiming at the side of her head as she have a confident smirk "My turn" She simply said

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Re: Amalia Caenis Vs April Starling

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April grunted out as she got kicked to the side of the head, this spun her to roll over onto her stomach as she she tried to blink away the blur as she growled out. "Bloody hell woman, do you even know how to wrestle? This isn't a street fight." She said a bit groggy as she tried to push herself up to her feet, albeit slowly.

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Re: Amalia Caenis Vs April Starling

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Amalia would simply growl "Shut up" She simply said as she move toward her before she would jump up, giving her a drop kick to the face, aiming to at least as she glare at the purple hair woman, hoping the drop kick would be enough to stun her as she hope it would be enough to stun her so that she can add some more damage

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Re: Amalia Caenis Vs April Starling

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

April grunted out as she was drop kicked in the side of the head, the impact was enough to roll her out of the ring as she dropped on her back onto the hard canvas. As the ref walked over and started to count for a possible ring out. "1. 2..."
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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