"My retribution is at hand, and on this night, I shall conquer Raquel in front of thousands to prove my worth as the strongest contender on law!" *Clinching her fists tight while gazing into the mirror, the buxom valkyrie dawned her traditional wrestling garb, complete with shoulder guards and a breast plate for both comfort and protection while silently going over her wrestling strategy for the evening.* "She's deceptively quick- I'll need to somehow manage to outlast her. She couldn't possibly possess a high degree of endurance, so I might have to inflict as much damage as possible before she overwhelms me."
*However, before she could concoct a reliable method of attack it was time for her to make her grand introduction. Storming down the hallway, Agatha dashed passed a sea of miscellaneous performers before finally emerging from behind the curtain, receiving a maelstrom of applause from the audience in attendance!* "Yes! That's what I like to hear!" *Surveying the landscape, she noticed a few, minor details for tonight's competition- Multiple ladders, tables and chairs were scattered around the ring, bringing a fiendish grin to the amazon's face.*
"She's in for the night of her life!" *Charging towards the ring with the energy of an entire clan of bloodthirsty Vikings, she slid underneath the bottom rope before hopping to the top turnbuckle and fist pumping, getting the audience fired up for what was about to come!* "That's right! You guys better get excited!" *She cried out, eventually hoping down and approaching her corner before calmly resting her backside against the metallic pole.*