Kieda Uzai vs Trisha Andrews - Best of 3

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Kieda Uzai vs Trisha Andrews - Best of 3

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Best of 3 Falls Match - The first girl to earn 2 falls will be declared the winner. Falls to be awarded via pinfall, submission, knockout, count-out, or disqualification.

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Re: Kieda Uzai vs Trisha Andrews - Best of 3

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This would be her first PPV match in LAW, and while this might be nothing more than an exhibition match, Trisha would take this opportunity to propel her name, hoping that she could add her prestige as a wrestler here. If she managed to win here, she would be able to make a name for herself, thus making her more eligible to fight for the gold.

From what she had heard, she would be facing Kieda Uzai, whose nickname was Fashion Assassin. Whoever she was, Trisha was determined to defeat her. Clad in her wrestling outfit, Trisha waited for her cue before her music was played. Making her way out to the ramp, she posed there, flexing her arm as the crowd cheered for the African American wrestler.
Trisha Andrews
After that, she walked down the ramp, heading over to the ring where she would be facing her opponent in this PPV. A confident smile could be seen on her face, and soon, once she was in the ring, she would do some slight stretches, showing off her toned body for everyone. She was proud of her body and was willing to show it off at every opportunity.

Once she finished doing warm up, she would wait at the corner, leaning against the turnbuckle as she would drape her arm over the top ropes, waiting for her opponent to arrive. She tapped her boots on the canvas as she waited, keeping her eyes at the entrance so that she could see her opponent making her appearance.

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Re: Kieda Uzai vs Trisha Andrews - Best of 3

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*While not boasting the most stellar record throughout her various matches on the law pay per view card, the one thing that mattered above all else in The Fashion Assassin's eyes was entertainment- putting on a memorable performance was her primary goal, and in her mind, to accomplish that would require her to capture the hearts and minds of the public.*

"Trisha...Andrews?" *The quizzical acrobat pondered on the name, letting it bounce around in her brain before casually disregarding it.* "If she proves her worth, then I'll bother allowing it to occupy residency in my thoughts~"

*Tossing her mauve jacket over her shoulders, Kieda briskly walked through the bustling hallway, receiving the occasional bow from the adoring rookies that followed her prolific career. Once her theme dropped, Kieda flipped her ponytail to the side before making her grandiose appearance.*


*The visceral reaction was a deluge of applause and cheering, goading the kunoichi into responding by regally waving towards her supporters. As she trotted towards the outskirts of the ring, the Cerulean Shadow began quietly examining her competition.*
*Deciding to mesmerize her foe with her years of perfected footwork, Kieda somersaulted into the arena, landing inches away from Trisha.* "Pleasure to make your acquaintance~" *She elevated a solitary eyebrow, still unable to recognize the woman standing before her.* "Should I know you?"
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Re: Kieda Uzai vs Trisha Andrews - Best of 3

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Trisha watched as her opponent for tonight made her appearance. One thing that came to her mind was that she was pretty showy. To be fair, professional wrestling itself is known as a show of pageantry, so she didn't find it strange that this Kieda was being a show-off. She waited for Kieda to make her way into the ring, folding her arms under her ample breasts.

Once Kieda was in the ring, displaying her athletic prowess, Trisha kept her gaze on her as the other woman. The two of them were watching each other, and when Trisha heard those words from Kieda, she just chuckled. It was normal that not many knew about her, considering that while Trisha might be pretty well-known back at the states, they were now in Japan, and as far as she could tell, Trisha was just one among a mass of talents employed under LAW.

"Perhaps, depending on what you're looking for tonight..." Trisha replied to Kieda's words. The African American woman smiled confidently, looking straight into Kieda's eyes as she then added, "We may as well get to know each other here in the ring while we're at it..." Wanting to show that she meant business, Trisha would step forward, letting her bust to be pressed against Kieda's own, still keeping her eyes on hers.

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Re: Kieda Uzai vs Trisha Andrews - Best of 3

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*While having accumulated a strong following in the Northern states and surrounding territories, The Fashion Assassin was also highly renowned amongst her foreign viewers for her unique attires and stunning ensembles, so much so that a handful of spectators were sporting some of her designs in the audience!* "Hmhmhm~" *The nonchalant chortle from The Azure Assassin flipped her ponytail to the side, finally deciding to acknowledge her adversary's existence.*

"Oh darling" *She began, feeling their prominent cleavage collide before narrowing her eyes in Trisha's direction.* "You cannot possibly comprehend the fury you have just unleashed!" *In a fortuitous twist of fate, the bell suddenly sounded with the familiar* "Ding ding ding!" *To officially initiate the altercation. Squandering as little time as she possibly could, Kieda elevated her knee to try and ram it against Trisha's abdomen!*
"I agree~" *The Fashionista remarked, attempting to slam her blisteringly fast knee across her ribcage* "My razor sharp leg is so eager to introduce itself to you. Don't be shy- I'm sure you two will be extremely close in no time at all!"

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Re: Kieda Uzai vs Trisha Andrews - Best of 3

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The moment the bell was sounded, Kieda immediately went for an attack, and Trisha couldn't see it coming. She received a knee strike into her abdomen, causing the African American wrestler to gasp, air expelled out of her lungs.


Still, Trisha tried to mitigate the damage by stepping back, distancing herself from her opponent as well as to avoid more follow-up attacks from her. She grimaced in pain, bringing her hand onto her aching belly, hoping to recover as quickly as possible so that she could react accordingly to whatever her opponent would try to pull out next.

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Re: Kieda Uzai vs Trisha Andrews - Best of 3

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"Hmph, as expected from common rabble such as yourself~" *The haughtiness in her voice made it abundantly obvious that Kieda had little respect or interest in dawdling against someone of Trisha's caliber- She had over a million better things to be doing with her precious time, and going toe to toe with someone that even a novice could handle certainly wasn't topping the list.*

"I'll do you a favor and finish you off early~" *Springing her svelte body off the ropes, the blisteringly quick Fashion Assassin launched herself through the sky, extending her legs outwards to try and slam them across the bewildered rookie's vulnerable neck!*

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Re: Kieda Uzai vs Trisha Andrews - Best of 3

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Moving backwards to distance herself from Kieda, Trisha would try to catch her breath and recover from everything that she had taken. When she saw Kieda launching herself into the air and coming towards her, Trisha would try to prepare herself for what to come, knowing that she might be in trouble if she did nothing.

So, as Kieda descended down onto her, Trisha would sidle her body slightly as she would reach out to attempt catching her opponent's body while it was still in motion. Then, if she managed to pluck her opponent's body from the air, she would attempt to throw her down into the mat with a powerslam!

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Re: Kieda Uzai vs Trisha Andrews - Best of 3

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*As she propelled her svelte body through the air to inevitably drop her leg across Trisha's neck, Kieda's keen perception noticed something strange in the rookie's stance- She wasn't hesitating from the motion, but rather patiently waiting in place...almost as if...!!!* "Huh?!" *Realizing what was about to transpire merely seconds too late, The Fashion Assassin was torn from the loving embrace of the sky and introduced to a world of anguish, courtesy of Trisha's merciless reversal!*
"GGRRHHH!" *As her body impacted against the ring with a thunderous* "WHUMP!" *The astonished kunoichi's mind was going a mile a minute from what she had just experienced- How could a novice be so proficient at countering her immaculately timed maneuver!? She had anticipated almost everything beforehand, and yet here she lie, sprawled out underneath someone she could wrestle circles around otherwise!*

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Re: Kieda Uzai vs Trisha Andrews - Best of 3

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Plucking her opponent from midair, Trisha then sent Kieda crashing down into the mat with a powerslam. The feeling of sending her opponent's body into the canvas with so much power filled Trisha with confidence, and she knew that her opponent should've learned by now that she wasn't one to be underestimated. Whatever delusion that she had a while ago should've been extinguished right now, and Trisha would soon teach her opponent a lesson in humility.

"If you think I'm going to be like one of those greenhorns, you are sorely mistaken..."

Trisha said as she would grab onto Kieda's head, clasping her right at her chin with both her hands, trapping her in a chinlock. She would make sure that her opponent was lying on her front so that she could also press her knee on her back, putting pressure on her spine at the same time.

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