Alright, keep it calm, you've done this before. God why do I always get these butterflies. Ugh best not to think about them to much. Think about the match Tifa would tell herself in the locker room. For some reason despite this not being her first fight. Tifa always felt some kind of nervous when faced with a crowd. Though the feeling would go when she started. It was everything before the actually fight. Keeping her head on straight Tifa would try to warm herself up with some light punches. Keep to what she is good at, if there is anything most people would want to avoid against Tifa is a brawl. Now while stating the obvious it helped calmed her mind. So much so the officials had to call for her name twice, to tell her it was time. Spoiler
Keeping things classic Tifa would hop backstage as her name would be called. HERE WE HAVE TIFA PREMIUM HEART LOCKHART The announcer would call. Ushering Tifa to move forward and meet the audience, as usual she received a good cheer from the crowd. Keeping to her somewhat reserved self would only give some waves with a smile. With the only feat of athleticism being when she hops onto the apron. Going in between the ropes. In the ring Tifa wouldn't do anything special but allow the crowd to cheer some more before she waited for her opponent to come through. Spoiler
After Hinoka's No DQ match against Candice, she needed a little of medical attention but nothing too permanent. No broken bones or brains. Despite coming away with a victory, it took only a few weapon shots for the redhead to be running on fumes, implying her tenacity wasn't as long lasting as she thought. Of course even out of their turf some won't be insistent on sticking with their fists, so Hinoka had to become accustomed to taking hard hits like they were nothing. Only a minute of being cleared, she immediately signed on for further matches. It didn't matter the opponent as long as there was another moment to set in the ring. Spoiler
She didn't specifically ask for a custom theme song. This decision was decided by a few anonymous sponsors to make her stand out from the crowd and hopefully draw more money in for them. As long as it didn't cut into her training, she just promptly agreed in which Hinoka Taiyo was portrayed as this honourable Japanese soldier. Upon being given her cue, Hinoka ran from backstage and past the gorilla position having little time to waste. Her appearance was well received as the crowd chanted in unison like a war cry. Yet upon being visible, the redhead didn't try appealing to her fans with a wave or raised fist gesture, instead she continued pacing herself along the aisle for Hinoka was only seeking a winning battle. Hopping up the apron and slipping in between the middle rope, the tomboy only took one glance at Tifa before matching towards her own corner. Not even a greeting as she performed her pre-match workout and waited for the bell to ring, removing all floodgates.
Last edited by SwordSavior1 on Wed Mar 24, 2021 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Now that Tifa was in the ring, all that was needed was her opponent. It didn't take long for the crowd to quiet down and get themselves ready for Tifa's opponent. Just like that her opponent Hinoka came out from backstage. Tifa was rather surprised on how stoic she was. Hinoka did little to nothing for the crowd. Not that she had to, yet still received a cheers akin to a war cry. It was incredible to say the least, the crowd reception was one gauge people can use. That being said Hinoka was already making an impression on Tifa. That being said Hinoka would enter the ring and give Tifa a stern look with no words. Tifa was used to some banter at least, yet this silence was rare.
Well that wasn't going to stop Tifa. Regardless of how Hinoka came out Tifa was going to win. That being said she is not a sour sport, electing to walk to Hinoka and extend her hand out for a handshake. Hey lets keep this competitive Tifa said with a smile.
A combination of prior victories, somehow becoming popular for working out on camera and the new theme song meant Hinoka didn't need to appeal to anyone today to earn a massive reaction, not that she really wanted to. She believed that the fan support wasn't necessary at all for getting the 3 count. Judging by a quick glance, her newest opponent didn't seem to be insanely aggressive, but that didn't mean she would hold back, only that Hinoka will hold less grudges on the tiny chance she lost.
Just as she was finished with her pre-match preparation, it seemed that Tifa wanted to have a little banter before the opening bell. She took a glance at the brawler and then the outstretched arm. Didn't seem like a trap, but there was only one way to prove it. Hinoka grasped the hand in front of her and decided to shake with moderate strength. "Sure thing...I am not going to pull any punches" Affirming her motives yet still looking as if impassive. She forgot that her assigned opponent could have been someone gimmicky.
With Tifa extending her arm out to Hinoka, she hoped Hinoka wouldn't be a sour sport and push her hand away, or attack her. Instead she got a neutral reaction, finally getting some words out of Hinoka. Thats good to hear, trust me I won't be pulling my punches either. Tifa would respond to her opponent, internally though (Thankfully she's not a mute, not quite sure how to deal with those silent types) Making note though that Hinoka was all business. Tifa would have to stay focused on the match. Knowing full well Hinoka won't lose focus. After the handshake Tifa would pull back and head to her side of the ring waiting for the bell.
Not much longer until the bell rang, signaling the start of the match. Tifa would ready herself with a striker stance, moving herself forward without fear to Hinoka.
Hinoka would have to be messed up in the head to attack a random person immediately, at best she may act cautiously. Saying her usual promises because that was the polite thing to do. A silent type may have been a suitable description describe Hinoka for the past few years minus her anger, only opening up to family members. Other friendly wrestlers have tried reaching out to her to positive results, but she seemed to spiral back into old habits due to constantly thinking about preparing for the future. In this case, proving that her new training regime was efficient enough to secure an easier victory.
The bell sounded, giving both permission to trade blows as they pleased. Hinoka brought herself into a grappling stance and stepped away from the corner and into the flames. The two wrestlers were in the centre leading to Hinoka circling around the brawler as if trying to find a weakpoint. "(She won't see this coming!)" Taking a straight approach and stopping in front of Tifa, before attempting a shoot style kick below the neck. Will Lockhart foresee this strike?
With the match now under away Tifa would have to keep a cool head. Something about Hinoka's early appearance ticked Tifa off that she needed to keep her head on a swivel. That being said though she was looking to beat Hinoka regardless. Hinoka would come out of her corner quick and begin to circle Tifa, as if to show off her speed. Not it mattered much Tifa would just have to keep her cool.
It didn't take much longer fo Hinoka to stop circling Tifa and be in front of her. Hinoka aiming to land a kick just below Tifa's neck. Luckily for Tifa to block it she simply lowered her arm accordingly. You didn't think it'd be that easy right? Tifa would say after blocking the kick. Looking to close the distance between them quickly and put Hinoka in a side headlock.
Hinoka couldn't afford to lose focus. She must not show any feelings towards her opponent besides being a roadblock to drive around, not even admiring physique or chest. Being on the prowl, the redhead considered just using her speed to overwhelm Tifa with swift attacks exclusively rather than escape harm. Tensions seemed high as watchers awaited the moment two forces would collide.
Throwing her leg and attempting to strike underneath the brawler's arms only to be blocked. Just as Hinoka retracted her leg, Tifa closed the gap and prevented a followup attack by clutching the redhead's neck. Definitely some strength in those arms as evident by audible grunts, but they both have seen much worse. "Of course...same for you!" Trying to throw a few backwards elbows towards Tifa's stomach.
(Okay so far so good) Tifa would tell herself after blocking Hinoka’s strong opening. Now putting her in a headlock giving Tifa somewhat of a lead. It was a textbook headlock noted by Hinoka’s grunts in the headlock. It didn’t take long for Hinoka to try and get out of the hold. Sending elbows to Tifa’s midsection.
Knowing full well this won’t beat Hinoka, Tifa had to do something else. Grunting in pain after a few elbows. Tifa would raise Hinoka’s head and forcefully push her to the ropes. Tifa knowing full well Hinoka’s speed would follow behind her. If Hinoka hit the ropes with her back Tifa would look to clothesline Hinoka over the top rope. But if Hinoka hit the ropes with her front, Tifa would grab Hinoka’s head hooking her head under Tifa’s arm for a reverse ddt.
Of course this was no big deal having been in many headlocks before, so Hinoka assumed that this was setup for a more devastating attack. She attempted to make sure that day wouldn't come with the repeated elbows, but Tifa took the reigns by throwing Hinoka towards the ropes.
In this case, she was facing away from Tifa upon being forced to run and build up speed. A hug wasn't certainly awaiting her in the centre, at least a gentle one. Before she could be bounced around like a pinball, Hinoka flew into the air like a bird instinctively and landed on the middle rope, grabbing the top one for balance. Knowing she can't slow down or else the other wrestler may intervene, Hinoka turning her body around and soared once more. Diving towards her opponent with an outstretched arm, once in range she would try wrapping around Tifa's neck and bring them down with a flying lariat.