Infamous Redemption: Finlay Zeffer vs Samantha Gang

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Infamous Redemption: Finlay Zeffer vs Samantha Gang

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Standard Match: Winner decided by pinfall, submission or ko

Finlay sat on a bench backstage near the guerilla position, hands interlaced with a dead serious expression on his face. Dressed in his usual attire he was obviously waiting for his cue to head out onto the ramp, but more over he was lost in his thoughts as recent events flitted through his mind. Loss after loss, he had taken and gradually fell down the latter of backstage contendors. But losses he could take, he could at least find some degree of pride in a defeat. But to date, nothing conpared to his most recent defeat to one Camie Young. That was by far more than a loss, that was a humiliation he refused to live down.

That’s why he was determined to show and not tell. He had gone to LAW management and demnaded they find him someone like Camie. If not outright levling a challenge for a rematch back at her. But they had found this woman. Samantha Gang. Some kind of cheap shotting middleweight. But she was a cheap shotting middleweight with a so far undefeated streak. Something he was keen to break tonight. Cracking his knuckles in preperation he rolled his neck as he stood up and walked to the entrance, his musci cuing up as he passed the threshold.
As he came out to a respectable cheer mixed with some boos from the crowd he’d roll his neck as he marched down the ramp. Forgoing the added theatrics he’d adopted recently Finlay would jump up, landing on the apron of the ring before grabbing the top rope and vaulting over to land inside the ring. Walking to a corner he’d turn and rest against it while looking up at the entrance ramp. Waiting in anticipation for his opponet to come down. Eager to get started.

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Re: Infamous Redemption: Finlay Zeffer vs Samantha Gang

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Samantha Gang hoped her manager knew what he was doing. The Infamous Cheater was up against someone named Finlay Zeffer, and the information her supervisor told her about him was...interesting, to say the least. Apparently, this Finlay guy had gone up to the higher ups and demanded a match against a worthy foe. The last girl he went up against gave him a humiliating beat down, and now Sam heard he was seeking redemption. What's more is that the last girl Finlay lost to was reportedly, undefeated.

Now Sam had been going around, like the hopeless girl she was, bragging about also having a clean record. And, no not her criminal record, that was pretty dirty. Rather, she was technically undefeated as well, with no losses on her record. Not that the cheating rookie had much of a record at all at this point, but it didn't stop her from putting on an arrogant façade. Sam hoped her attitude wouldn't come back to bite her in the butt, now that her bloody manager thought she'd be comfortable fighting someone, who was looking for this type this challenge.

Miss Gang had one thing going for her though. She was a dirty fighter, and she was facing a male opponent. If this Finlay wanted a challenge, it was gonna cost him his nuts. Samantha left the backstage area and went down the ring, putting on her tough girl act, trying to look as scary as possible. Her fighting style had earned her both the hate and support of certain members of the audience, but Sam focused on her adversary.

Shortly, she stepped into the ring. "I hope you know what you've gotten yourself into, punk." She said, trying to intimidate Finlay into thinking he made a grave mistake.
Samantha Gang: Infamous Cheater
Entrance Music
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Re: Infamous Redemption: Finlay Zeffer vs Samantha Gang

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Finlay watched as his opponet Samantha came down the ramp making her entrance. She was a just a bit taller than himself and likely had a few pounds on him but that didn’t worry the blonde in the slightest. If what he had heard about her was true than all he had to watch out for was her tendency to throw cheap shots. Something he could manage against, especially since his last opponet was the same way, only she had skill as well.

In any case he didn’t pay much mind to her as she entered the ring. She was confident, or tried to appear as such by the confident swagger she walked out to the ring with. But regardless if she was or not he was a man on a mission, ready to redeem for his loss against Cammie, and unfortunately Samantha here was just a stepping stone on his path back to her.

As he heard her speakbe gave her a rather unimpressed look, figuring she’d say some form of trash talk but nit exactly feeling impressed by it. Let alone intimidated. ”If a majority of what you’re gonna do is talk shit, do me a favor in advance and just shut up and fight.” He said to her already putting his fists up, getting in a ready stance as he waited for the bell to ring.

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Re: Infamous Redemption: Finlay Zeffer vs Samantha Gang

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Sam was annoyed by Finlay seemingly not paying her much attention, as the thuggish woman entered the ring. She uttered her taunting remark in order to scare her adversary, but Finlay's reply proved it didn't work. Ms. Gang flinched slightly, as the determined man raised his fists at her. He appeared fixated on earning his way back to this Camie girl. What did this foe do to him?!

Of course, Sam couldn't relate, as she saw no point in going after particularly challenging foes, unless she ambushed them backstage. Ms. Gang would be more than happy to stop Finlay's rise back to Camie, and show him she was the one he should be worried about. But the former-felon was unnerved by the intense look in her adversary's eyes. Not wanting to take any chances, Sam immediately went for a kick in the nuts, as soon the the bell rang!
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Re: Infamous Redemption: Finlay Zeffer vs Samantha Gang

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Finlay could see his words had a rather heavy reaction on her. Clearly she wasn’y used to going against tougher or more intense opponets before, Something Finlay would give her a tough crash course in as he cracked his knuckles in preperation. Finally as the bell rang, officially starting the match causing him to prepare himself mentally and physically as he tensed his body in preperation for whatever she may try. And try she did as the moment she had a chance she tried to kick him where the sun didn’t shine. Key word being tried. Once he saw her leg moving he reflexively shot his own hand down, catching her leg by the ankle he would pull it up and against his hip. If successful he would reach up with his other arm, wrapping it around her head and if successful he would throw himself back to attempt and land s fisherman suplex on her as a counter.

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Re: Infamous Redemption: Finlay Zeffer vs Samantha Gang

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Underestimating her foe's reflexes, Samantha's start up low blow failed. Her eyes widened, as Finlay grabbed her leg, stopping it in its tracks!

"Hey! What-. Ahhh!" She cried out, in response to Finlay's next maneuver. Sam suddenly found herself being pulled up, then slamming to the ground from the Fisherman Suplex!

Miss Gang grunted, before quickly rolling away. Trying to create some distance between her opponent, before struggling to rise.

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Re: Infamous Redemption: Finlay Zeffer vs Samantha Gang

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After successfully stopping the low blow from Samantha he would manage to then slam the woman into the amt with a loud impact. Ending up on his back from the move Finlay would kick his legs up, hopping to his feet before turning to face the woman that was trying to roll away from him. Tsking he would follow her and reach down to grab her by the ankle. If he could, he would try ro drag her away from the ropes and closer to the middle of the ring, so he could work her over without worry of her trying to escape.

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Re: Infamous Redemption: Finlay Zeffer vs Samantha Gang

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Ms. Gang was on the defensive, rolling away from her formidable adversary. But just as she began to try and rise, Finlay snatched her ankle. Samantha panicked, as she was being pulled back away from the ropes. She tried shaking her leg free, but had a dishonorable trick, if her struggles failed to work. Sam turned her body and reached out her hand. She was going for Finlay's arm, attempting to pinch her foe hard, until he released his grip. If that worked, Sam would quickly get back on her feet, before carefully stepping back.

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Re: Infamous Redemption: Finlay Zeffer vs Samantha Gang

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Success. Finlay had managed to grab Ms.Gang’s ankle, lifting it up he began to drag the taller woman away from the ropes and towards the middle of the ring. However before he could fully do so he saw his opponet’s hand reaching up grabbing his arm. Raising a eyebrow in confusion be quickly found a shocking burst of pain running through him from her pinching his arm. ”Gah fucking hell!” He criednout releasing her ankle while stumbling back, pulling his arm away while rubbing it to try and dull the pain.

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Re: Infamous Redemption: Finlay Zeffer vs Samantha Gang

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Ms. Gang's underhanded pinch was successful, allowing her to be released from Finlay's grasp. Now back up on her feet, she accessed her enemy, who was rubbing his arm. "Ha! It's hurts doesn't it." She bragged. Hoping Finlay would still be distracted by the pain, Samantha dashed straight up to him with impressive speed. "Crotch kick time!" She lied, when in reality, she was aiming to kick her foe in the shin. Her previous statement was just a diversion!

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