Trinette Vaillant - The Paladin

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Trinette Vaillant - The Paladin

Unread post by Devastated »

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Personal Information
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▌   Full Name    
-    Trinette Vaillant

▌  Alias      
-   The Paladin

▌  Gender    
-    Female

▌  Date of Birth      
-    October 7th / 2001

▌  Color of Eyes      
-    Blue

▌  Color of Hair      
-    Blue

▌  Height
-    167 cm / 5'6"

▌  Weight      
-    62 kg / 138 lbs.

▌  Nationality      
-   France

▌  Alignment      
-   Face/Lawful Good

▌  Intro      
-    Freedom Call - Paladin

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▌  Wrestling Style/attitude      
- Trinette is a rather straight-forward wrestler who doesn’t rely on deceptions or cheap tricks, fighting fair and honorably at all times. Adhering to the rules and giving 110% at all times. She believes that giving it everything she has in everything and never turning down a challenge or a contest is the true spirit of how a Paladin would act.

Styling herself very much like a modern day Paladin or Knight, she is honorable to a fault and will not strike a pleading opponent. If she falls to a ruse she will not stoop to any unjust tactics and should a match disallow the use of weapons she will not make use of them even if her opponent would.

Being very much an all-around wrestler who is skilled in all fronts, she has a rather strong lean towards grappling and submission holds with her rather long time training traditional wrestling in her middle school and highschool days.

▌  Style      
- Wrestling & Pro-Wrestling

▌  Favorite moves      

Backdrop Suplex
Surfboard stretch
Figure Four headlock
Roundhouse kick
Small Package Pin
Boston Crab
Full Nelson
Hip Attack

▌  Favored Match type      
-  Standard, Submission, Cage, Last Woman Standing.

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 Stats calculated in normal matches      

x►x★★★★★★★☆☆☆ x Strength
x►x★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ x Defense
x►x★★★★★★★☆☆☆ x Technique
x►x★★★★★★★★★★ x Endurance
x►x★★★★★★★☆☆☆ x Speed
x►x★★★★★★★★★★x Stamina

▌  Stats calculated in Hentai Matches      

x►x★★★★★★★☆☆☆x Strength
x►x★★★★★★★★☆☆ x Defense
x►x★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ x Libido
x►x★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ x Technique

▌  Difficulty in Match Types      

x►x★★★★★★★★☆☆ x Normal
x►x★★★★★★★★★☆ x Submission
x►x★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ x Hardcore
x►x★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ x Hentai

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Signature Moves

-   Frankensteiner
-  Wheelbarrow suplex
-   Lotus Lock


-   Flying Stretcher (Hanging Leg Trap Camel Clutch)
-   Moonsault
-  Package Piledriver
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Physical Appearance
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Standard Attire
(Special thanks to Person/Serpon for the image / wrestling outfit)
Everyday outfits
Workout Attire
Elegant outfits
Bunny Outfit

Wrestling Images
Versus Violette Aonlous
Versus Karla Reinhardt
Versus Isabella Brandt
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▌  History    
-Growing up in a rather affluent family, her father was a landowner/landlord of many places around France and her mother was a famous model turned part-time actress. Though one might think they would like to live in a big city or the like...they shunned that part of life, both of her parents preferred to live in the countryside, they had settled down just outside of a small village and built a rather fancy mansion for the three of them to live in.

Trinette had much to live up to starting from a very young age she was pushed by her parents to succeed in many different venues, academic, musical and sport. So as a child she was involved in pursuing the skill of playing the violin, she was enrolled into fencing and she was required to begin rather heavy reading for a young child.

One of the books she was made to read was the Matter of France, which was when she found a love for the Paladins of Charlemagne, the Twelve Peers. She became enthralled with the knights of old and the chivalry that they portrayed, a theme that would stick with her as she grew up. She began to be more motivated to excel in every field she took part of. This was the start of her stubborn streak….

When it came to friends, Trinette was always a rather outgoing child and had an easy time making friends, regardless if they teased her or mocked her or shunned her for her parents wealth, she didn’t hold it against them. At least to the best of her ability...One who didn’t even shun her, someone who she became steadfast friends with rather rapidly and would be known as her oldest and longest running friend was a girl by the name of Violette . They hit it off rather early, and it was Violette who got Trinette involved in a little sport known as wrestling. Her parents were rather encouraging of her endeavors and desire to partake in more activities.

Her and Violette along with many other girls had some rather fun times when it came to wrestling, she remarked often how Violette was a true rival of hers and someone she would always enjoy having a fair and honest contest with, which they had many over the years. As they grew up though and Violette became more interested in Pro-wrestling, Trinette stuck with traditional wrestling for a while longer...but only because she had to convince her parents.

They were rather sceptical about her venturing into Pro-wrestling as a field...and it took her some time to get them onboard with the idea. Though after much convincing she managed to even get them to bring a trainer in for her. In her final year of high-school her sports were almost only dedicated to professional wrestling and spending time with Violette . Trying out holds, moves and the like on her friend and rival.

After she graduated though, Trinette didn’t stay. She had found a love for Pro-wrestling and decided that was where she would make her mark as a modern day Paladin! Venturing out into the world of wrestling she began to make her name in Europe for a while, hoping that Violette would soon join her. However she never did...having gone elsewhere and ended up in a different league, she still tried to keep contact with her friend….but after a while that contact faded.

It wasn’t until she saw Violette in a match with another wrestler in Japan, how her friend had changed. Something clearly had happened and she was going to make sure to confront her about this abrupt change in her rival. Leaving for Japan, she had her manager set her up with a contract for LAW so she could confront Violette face to face and get to the bottom of what was going on.

▌  Personality  
Trinette is a kind-hearted young woman of strong morals, she believes greatly in the ideas of right and wrong and rule and order. She is quite a bit of an extrovert who enjoys meeting and conversing with people, often quite warm and friendly from the start with most whom she meets.

She’s a person who believes quite strongly in the rather knightley and chivalric morals that she grew up with, reading the stories of Charlemagne and the Twelve peers. She has honed most of her wrestling persona to be that of a  chevalière or perhaps better a paladin. Though she keeps that tone downed in everyday conversations, she does in fact have strong convictions in those senses of morality and fair play. In right and wrong. In Justice.  

She doesn’t shun people because of their beliefs, but she is rather quick in forming an opinion about people and it can be hard to convince her of something that contradicts that opinion, especially if the opinion she has formed of you is negative. Stubborn to a fault...some has said. She will rarely come off as being a serious person outside of the ring, which can be quite a stark contrast when she gets her mindset of herself as a wrestler.

Justice, Loyalty and Steadfastness  are the three core virtues of Trinette as a wrestler. She believes strongly in the chivalric morals of the Paladins of Charlemagne and the core tenets of chivalry. Some of which include….
  • To protect the weak and defenceless
  • To live by honour and for glory
  • To fight for the welfare of all
  • To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit
  • At all times to speak the truth
  • Never to refuse a challenge from an equal
  • To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun
Those are some of the primary ones which Trinette follows not just as a wrestler but in her everyday life. A woman who cares to try and make the world better and to aid those around her. She will see anything through no matter how difficult the road is, and that is how she has gotten as far as she had in such a short time. Stubbornness really pays off sometimes….

When it comes to those she considers friends, she treasures them and values them highly as a knight would their fellow knights. Loyalty being a core virtue for her means that she will pursue any task no matter how arduous and difficult in order to aid an ally. Quite willing to put herself in harm's way if it means protecting others…

▌  Trivia    
  • Trinette is an excellent violin player and had an offer to study music in university
  • She still practices fencing in her free time even if wrestling has become her prime sport of choice.
  • Trinette is a lightweight when it comes to alcohol and can’t hold her liquor to save her life.
  • Trinette is not the type of person to engage in hentai within the ring, but she has no qualms about sexuality outside of wrestling. The ring is her sacred battlefield as a knight after all.
  • She is a massive fan of The Twelve Peers of Charlemagne, and the Arthurian cycle of knights. Though she prefers the Paladins. So much so as she has styled her whole wrestling persona after them.
  • Trinette’s favorite type of food is anything salty. She’s quite a fan of pasta dishes with a lot of salty cheese, her favorite pasta dish is Cacio e Pepe.
  • Owns a blue Honda Accord
  • Has a Shiba-Inu named Renaud

▌  Achievements

▌  LAW Record

Draws: 0
Loses: 0
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Social Status
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▌  Family  

▌  Friends    
- Violette Aonlous

▌  Allies

▌  Rivals
- Violette Aonlous  

▌  Enemies
- Violette Aonlous????

▌  Crushes

▌  Faction
Last edited by Devastated on Sun Apr 23, 2023 10:58 pm, edited 18 times in total.

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Re: Trinette Vaillant - The Paladin

Unread post by Devastated »

Overall Match Record: 2/0/0 (W/L/D)

Match Outcome
Orochi vs. Trinette Vaillant Orochi X - Trinette Vaillant O
via Pinfall
Trinette Vaillant Vs. Ouka Shumisen - Mud Match Trinette Vaillant O - Ouka Shumisen X
via Pinfall
Trinette Vaillant Vs. AKANE Trinette Vaillant O - AKANE X
via Pinfall
Trinette Vaillant Vs. Karla Reinhardt Trinette Vaillant X - Karla Reinhardt O
via Pinfall
Last edited by Devastated on Mon Aug 12, 2024 9:52 am, edited 10 times in total.

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