*The infinitesimal rock star could hardly distinguish any of the blobs around her from one another, only capable of recognizing Mariza as the slightly greener, misshapen figure that was acting rather sedentary while she was pinned.*
"Uhhh..." *Unable to fully articulate how much pain she was currently swimming in, Gail heard the moderator audibly shout*
"TWO!" *Before finally shaking the cobwebs out from the attic by flinging her shoulder upward to break the count!*
"Y..you..bitch..." *She muttered aloud, summoning a considerable amount of zeal before launching her forehead against the bridge of Felina's nose for a brutal headbutt!*
"Who the fuck said you were allowed to pin me!?" *The stunned sensation eventually subsided, and seeing the opportunity present itself, decided to snatch the tiny tiger inside of a unique leglock.*
"Grrhh..you're going to regret that!" *Still boisterously shouting at the top of her veteran lungs, the rebellious anarchist latched her legs around the linchpins of Felina's biceps, simultaneously pushing her forward while anchoring the weight of her legs against her arms for a modified sitting surfboard!*