Battle of the Cinnamon buns: Gold Liger vs Deku

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Battle of the Cinnamon buns: Gold Liger vs Deku

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Well talk about awkward. Due to her manager/agent deciding to really put her name out there, Serilda was asked to do a mixed match for the first time. In the locker room adjusting her ears and praying it not that monster of a man people say who loves to destroy women wrestlers and do worse to them...


Taking a deep breath and decides to head out as her music play for the crowd and fans, as she comes out to a massive pop appearing for the first time in a mixed match. Giving high fives to the fans as she makes her way down to the ring, before sliding inside and goes to her corner... nervous but eager to see who she is going to wrestle.

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Re: Battle of the Cinnamon buns: Gold Liger vs Deku

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Deku gulped slightly backstage as he prepared himself for his next match. After a surprising win over Naoto in his last match the freckled boy was slated for another bout with a fellow rookie. This one being someone who, like him, had a hard time in her LAW run. At least so he heard. He just hoped it wasn’t some psycho sex addict that would try to make him a slave or something. Standing up slowly he tightened the grips on his gloves and looked up, ready and determined for the match ahead as he walked towards the guerilla position.
Once his music, Jet Set Run began playing throughout the arena, followed by green and red lights streaming around the arena, Deku would make his entrance. Coming out onto the guerilla position he posed nervously for the audience. Luckily he had gotten a bit more confident given this wasn’t his first time out and about among the thousands of fans. But anyone could tell he was still nervous.

Swallowing his nervousness he broke out into a run, bolting down the ramp he would near the ring and leap up, flying through the gap of the rope he would land in a roll. Popping up to his feet he would pose with his arm up in the air and head down, striking a cool pose. One that also served a dual purpose of hiding his nervous expression. Standing up fully he lookee over at his opponet, finally getting a good look at her... and immediately blushed from her... size. Shaking his head he quickly aknowledged her with a bow. ”I hope we can have a good match!” He said to her beofre retreating to his corner.

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Re: Battle of the Cinnamon buns: Gold Liger vs Deku

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Liger seeing the green hair boy doing a really cool pose in the ring, blushes herself thinking he is very cool for doing something like that as his entrance. Before shaking her head and trying to focus on the match but smiles seeing Deku bow his head and wishing that they would both have a great match together. Deciding to do to the same and bows her head to boy, her breasts hanging down and jiggling with every motion she makes. Thank you and do your best as well... Deku-Kun"

The bell rings for the match to start, Liger already in the middle of the ring decides to fight on the air of caution even through she is taller and weights more then her opponent. She doesn't have much information on him or even scouted him due to being told to have a match so soon, but she has a plan and that is to defend early and hopefully overpower him later on in the match.

She decides to go for a classic test of strength holding her arm out waiting to see if he will go for it, if she can prove that she can over power Deku it might help her in the long run.

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Re: Battle of the Cinnamon buns: Gold Liger vs Deku

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Deku sighed somewhat in relief as he heard his opponet’s response to his words, although be did blush a bit from the suffix she attached to his name. None the less he didn’t allow himself to be too distracted. He couldn’t, especially when his opponet had two, very large, very bouncy weapons she could use against him. If unintentionally. Shaking his head he snapped to attention as the bell rang, officially starting the match between the two rookies.

Putting his hands up in tight balled fists Deku circled his opponet wearily. She was taller and heavier than him which more than likely meant she was stronger. Granted he hadn’t had the chance to study up much on her previous matches due to being told about this match last minute. But he wasn’t one to underestimate people ever. None the less he saw her place her hands up for a test of strength. ”Hmm.” He said in thought contemplating the offer.

On one hand he wasn’t too sure about accepting the offer... On the other hand though he didn’t want to start this match off on the wrong foot, nor did he want to be seen as a coward. Either by her, or the fans. Nodding to himself in reluctant acceptance he approached and offered his hands up to take hold of Serilda’s, accepting the test of strength as he began pushing against her.

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Re: Battle of the Cinnamon buns: Gold Liger vs Deku

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Straining against Deku strength. Liger is happy to be finally fighting someone who is respectful just like she is... even if that opponent is a guy and smaller then her.... and weighs less then her.. Her face turns red from blushing at the thought of wanting to maybe hang out with him after the match if he not to upset after the match "Get your head in the game girl... Come on and focus" She yells out loud for everyone to hear as her face and cheeks turn redder.

Not wanting to show how fluster she is getting, Liger using her size advantage over her opponent yanks him forward into her body. Quickly wrapping her arm around his head and placing her foe in a side headlock, trying to slowly chip away at him and hopefully take control of the match this early into it using her technical skills.

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Re: Battle of the Cinnamon buns: Gold Liger vs Deku

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Deku grunted and groaned as he pushed and shoved against Liger, doing his best to match her strength with his own. Thankfully he was doing better than he had initially anticipated doing, but he could tell he was steadily losing ground against her. But then out of nowhere she suddenly shouted something about getting her head in the game. “Huh what?!” He asked suddenly in confusion from the sudden outburst before his eyes widened in shock and embarassment as he found his face shoved rught into her breasts and held there by her arms in a side head lock. ”Mhmpph! Ugmmm!” He said, voice muffled as his arms instinctively wrapped around her arms around the girl’s waist, trying to shove her away to get some air back.

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Re: Battle of the Cinnamon buns: Gold Liger vs Deku

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Liger smiles at how easy her move worked and it being so effective at that against Deku. Flexing her muscles to show off her strength she let's out a grunt really grinding in her headlock as hard as she can, unknowingly shoving his face deeper inside her breast. "Try this on for size Deku..." She yells out, twisting her hips and goes to slam her opponent to the mat with a side headlock takedown move trying to keep him grounded on the mat.

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Re: Battle of the Cinnamon buns: Gold Liger vs Deku

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Deku’s blush continued to grow brighter and brighter as he felt his face smushed and grinded against Liger’s breast. His brain steadily going to mush as he tried to figure out a plan on what to do.. while also actively suppressing certain... urges. But none the less this mix of distraction as well as Liged’s tight grasp, led to Deku being tossed off his feet and smashed into the mat with a loud impact. ”Ughhh.” He groaned out in response. Thinking desperately he tried to throw his arm back in an attempt to drive his elbows into her side to make her finally release him.

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Re: Battle of the Cinnamon buns: Gold Liger vs Deku

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Things are going great so far being able to control the flow of the match and her opponent easily like this, Liger let's out a loud grunt of pain from taking an elbow to her side. "Mmphh" trying to dig in the head lock again, not wanting to break the hold so soon even arching her back to press Deku face farther into her breast unknowingly giving him a breast smother.

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Re: Battle of the Cinnamon buns: Gold Liger vs Deku

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Deku felt like he was making some progress with the elbows, or at least was mangong to loosen the hold to a degree. But unfortunately his opponet was tought and managed to ride them out. Worse yet she ahd leaned back, further pressing his face deeper into ner chest making him blush even more as a response. But despite tbe embarassing and disadvantageous position he was in now there was one saving grace in the form of a mistake Serilda made. Holding his breath, Deku collected his focus for a moment before suddenly throwing his weight back before pulling his legs up in the same moment, if all went well his knees would drive right into Gold Liger’s back with thunderous force for a double knee drive to try and make her let go!

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