Bad Mood: Gail and Daisy!

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Re: Bad Mood: Gail and Daisy!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

"There she issss~" *His forked tongue flickered against the edge of her facial cheek, attempting to establish a calm, playful atmosphere while he cradled Daisy close against his chest.* "Ssssorry to have interfered without your consent, but Gail has a bit of a notorioussss streak about her- She tendssss to get carried away from time to time, and I've sssssseen that malevolent glare in her eyes before; whatever she wassss scheming, it spelled disaster for you."

*After a few moments of the spunky brunette wiggling around in his grasp, he snickered under his breath at her miniature temper tantrum.* "Hey, I never inssssssinuated that you were, princess~" *Cobra rolled his eyes, and just before he was about to head towards the opposite direction, he felt himself speared into the ground!*

"H..hey, what'ssss the big..." *Seconds before he was about to activate his fight or flight mode, Daisy's sensual tone soothed his concerns, hovering overtop of him before planting a gentle smooch against his pallid skin.* "I...Idea...~" *Feeling his toes curl from the sweet sensation overtaking him while his rose-tinted cheeks conveyed how much he cherished this moment.*

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Re: Bad Mood: Gail and Daisy!

Unread post by dddybee »

Daisy was atop Cobra on the mat, cuddling the considerate gentleman lovingly, for looking out for her. All of her feelings of anguish regarding her defeat completely dissipated. And Daisy was back to her spunky, lively, and bubbly old self again. Giggling in response to Cobra's blushing, Daisy brought her finger to his lips, as the flustered boy muttered.

"Ssshhhhhhhhhh." The dominate princess said seductively, before getting in position to facesit the snake-like man! As her booty connected with Cobra, she firmly settled in, rubbing Cobra's face into her thicc buns. She turned to notice Gail was still chocked out cold, laying on the mat. Daisy childishly stuck her tongue out at her limp body, strangely content at the final results of her visit to The Gem's Haven, regardless of who's face she ended up sitting on.

That was all in the past now. And presently, Daisy enjoyed rewarding her scaly buddy for having her back. "I swear I'll return the favor someday, even if you don't consider me in your debt." Daisy remarked nobly, bursting to the brim with honor. "But my tasty cake should suffice for now, I'd imagine. Thank you."
Last edited by dddybee on Thu Dec 31, 2020 8:55 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Bad Mood: Gail and Daisy!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

*There was something ineffably adorable about watching the whimsical princess act as giddy as she did despite her lashing out at Cobra's attempts at heroics. However, she suddenly snatched control of the reins by vexingly silencing him, the irked serpent narrowing his eyes towards the brunette.* "Jusssst who do you think you...!!!"

*Before he had the chance to evaluate what the deceptively agile athlete propelled her derriere up against his gaping maw, leaving him both befuddled and off balance before collapsing against the canvas with an echoing* "Thud!" *As Daisy took her seat upon the makeshift throne, otherwise known as Cobra Bolt's face!*

"Nnnnhh~" *Content to merely cherish the sensation of being underneath the royal pain, something about this situation felt a little too natural for the amorous anaconda- Daisy's wasn't weaponizing her posterior this time around, merely asserting it against his face to turn him on, which he was happy to indulge in.* " problem y..your highnessss~" *Remaining perfectly still, Cobra decided it was the perfect time to mark his territory. With a gentle nibble, he left a light indentation against Daisy's bare behind, officially marking her as his and his alone.*
The End

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