Yoko was looking to participate in a team fight with kyoko for a while now. She wasn't sure whether it was kyoko cucking her or was it the managers. Regardless now she had her chance for this sort of thing. Thought it was some crazy 3v3 that it was centered around kyokos beef with that China girl. Every kind of bullshit that was happening to Yoko seemed to be somehow connected to kyoko nowadays. Also given her recent experiences with the woman in question was feeling rather bitter to her teamate. There would be another teamate - Tara, whom Yoko had fought recently. Yoko didn't have problem with her. Overall, Yoko thought her team was pretty strong and after looking over the 3 profiles of their opponent's, Yoko felt confident about their chances at winning this.
It was time for yokos entrance. Her music played and Yoko walked down the ramp. On foot, to everyone's surprise. It had to be taken for repairs due to some 'uncalled decorations'. Yoko was visibly grumpy about it, and did no fancy things, just enter the ring only to come face to face with a one sexy woman. "Hello there, cute thing!" Yoko greeted her opponent.
Somewhere deep inside, she felt the urge to punch Noloty, but she dismissed it because Noloty had a very punchable able belly, so it must've been that. Eh... If only she knew...