Skull and Crosshairs

Ambushes, chats, and events taking place in the backstage area of the LAW arena go here .
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Skull and Crosshairs

Unread post by pikazard »

Jun Asahina was not in a good mood as she skulked around the corridors of LAW. It had been months since she had joined this place and she had seen very little success and been given even less respect as a result. In her last match in particular she'd been embarrassed in front of everyone by some horndog with a foot fetish, a sight that didn't exactly inspire fear for the heel. That was something she was looking to change today, she had picked out a rookie to make an example of; some pretty girl named Lilith who was about to get a lot less pretty. She'd found out that Lilith had some business to attend to at LAW today, and that to make it there she would have to pass through one hallway in particular.

That's why Jun would be lying in wait, leaning against the wall as she waited for Lilith to come past. Unbeknownst to any casual observer Jun was hiding a steel chair behind a large box, it was easily accessible for Jun but at the same time it would be hard to notice if you didn't already know it was there. With this hidden weapon by her side Jun would wait for her victim to arrive, poised and ready to strike.
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