Killer King vs K.R.R

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Re: Killer King vs K.R.R

Unread post by KillerV »

His skull took a quick and nasty bashed by his red head opponent with a steel chair that echoed the arena and instantly knocked him flat down, his head throbbing of the pain that he wishes to get his hands up to reach it, took a few seconds to finally clutches the thick skull, suffering a major headaches.

He laid there for awhile with ringing in his ears and brain, he does feel something wet underneath his mask... could be blood! He couldnt really tell but the faint smell determine it, its his blood being held inside his beastly mask, that damn bitch must of cracked his skin open!

He couldnt get up right away which gives Karla some time to recover or something, couldnt tell from the position hes at. But when she gotten closer and stomp down with her boot, hearing the hot red head demanding the countdown.

King hears the referee closing in and slapping the mat, the first thump, he groans from the ring vibrating and shortly after hears another one. Second slap hitting the mat, making him a little panicking, King forces his arm up and turn, goes to break up her cocky pin, still hurting from the chair shot. "Ngh!"

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Nathan Ballwin
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Re: Killer King vs K.R.R

Unread post by Monsy »

Her smile faltered,〝Ugh! Du kleiner wurm!! 〞She shouted when the pin broke. 〝Tenacity is such a damn nuisance,〞Starting her rambles by walking over to grab the bent chair, then she smashed the bottom of her onyx boot against Killer’s skull. It was all a set up to keep Killer defenceless, swimming in a swamp without an ounce of clarity. She offered no quarter on these matters, a fight was a fight, and his perverted actions left her relentless than normal. So after the stomp, if successful, she’d stand by Killer’s head and sit back on her haunches.

〝I should know. I’m pretty tough myself.〞
She’d throw the chair beside his head, grabbing him by the mask to force him up to his feet. He was a heavy man, likely twice her weight — but she felt he must be eager to find his feet again, even if it was at another’s mercy. So if she could get him there, she’d put him in a front face lock to keep him neutralized, then slowly back up into the corner. Scaling each step, her eyes peered off Killer to the objective — the chair, which now was misshapen. Once on a third-turnbuckle, she’d sit on there for a moment before jumping off, trying to whip her body around his hulking frame and bring his head down onto the chair with a Tornado DDT!
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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Killer King vs K.R.R

Unread post by KillerV »

King managed to kicked out by her damn cocky pin on him and it would be his worst event of his life if loses that way, thankfully King escaped but doesnt mean his tough opponent going to stop there. She seem to be pretty upset with the beast with her foot stomp down on his skull, slightly twitch and grunted from the pain before hearing the metal chair slammed down beside him. "Nghhrrrrr...."

He can barely make any words out of thr red head mouth but he does know that he felt his beastly mask being pulled up until his head tucked under her arm, dragging somewhere that he couldnt resist and soon from the view through the mask, he can tell theyre near the ropes, right at the corner as he starting to straighten up while Karla getting on top of the turnbuckle.

The beast is going to be in a world of trouble for whatever Karla gonna do to his and then he feel her jumping off the turnbuckle and taking the monster with her! "Grrrrrr!" He doesnt like being in her control at all! King bring his hands up at her hip and thigh underneath to keep the woman airborne as he turning her back to the turnbuckle. "Ngh...... grrrrr no!"

King attempt to put Karla sitting back down on top of the corner and reach her head to pull it down before grabbing the back of those fine legs, muster the strength to lift the woman upside down on his shoulders while spreading the legs out, he couldn't hold her up for too long and quickly drop to sitout and impact for his finisher- King's Muscle Buster! "Hurgh!" To let her drop behind him and falls backward on top, exhausted like pinfall draping himself over Karla if all goes well.


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Re: Killer King vs K.R.R

Unread post by Monsy »

Donning a grin, it seemed like Karla’s path to victory was imminent. A plate of steel became Killer King’s fate, one that hungering to punish his brains with another hard bump where all his overflowing muscles could come down to crank his neck. Then, she could apply that same pin again, and no matter the cause, getting trampled on by a woman half your size could sting anyone. 

So when she lept, she didn’t think that King would reverse until his enormous hands seized her hips. A reactionary gasp shot out, spiking her chest with aches as her face soon went pale. Once the cold sweat took shape, she pushed on him as a plea to break the hold. But Killer’s strength had other plans. Her head folded, nape against his sweaty collar as her waist took to the sky. Blood rushed to her head, kicking her legs as they stretched in two directions. 

She kicked ferociously, “Y-You can’t!!” A final demand, more like a desperate plea right before they struck the mat. A final scream took her, her spine piled on body weight into her neck, multiplying the pain tenfold. Like dealt a knockout blow, her legs folded neatly by her head, her hair even jumped then fell, then slipped to the mat as her body slapped it one last time. She unravelled onto the mat, her hips twisted on their side while her shoulders rested; hands scratched at the mat in weak, slow motions like they were moving on their own accord. And her face was lifeless, hair swept across the left, blinking slowly with a mouth that hung loosely open, her chest rising and falling like a tide. 

Then a Killer King's body greeted her, forcing her cheek to kiss the warm mat. Her entire body felt warm, seduced by exhaustion and strain, making weak twitches whilst seeping out sombre whimpers.


One of her arms folded inward, applying a hand to the weight that crushed her to the mat. While onlookers thought it was hope for an amazing kick out, they were wrong, as that hand soon fell across her forehead, then...


The bell rang just like that. Everything was over.
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Killer King vs K.R.R

Unread post by KillerV »

King skull is just thumping from the pain that bitch stomp down on him before she was close to send his head right onto that steeel chair but thankfully it didnt as he was able to gather enough strength and counter with his own move, more powerful and humiliating the Muscle Buster that he wishes to see Karla sexy body on his shoulder with legs spread out like that, struggling but he didnt have much energy and executed the move before laying on top of her, both had real hard fought match but in the end when the count of one, two, three, the bell signaling declaring Killer King defeating Karla.

"Huff huff huff...." slowly rolling himself off her as the beast still having an headache while crawling to the ropes to help himself up back on his feet, leaning against the ropes, nearly out of breath and looking around where he could see that he have won a match, it was very close call and he managed to pull it off, and now as tradition for himself, he will treat the loser for some.... fun.

"Grrrr youre one tough bitch....." kind of compliment her but same time sound pissed too, never hard someone like her able to run for his money like that but he was able to turned the table and defeating the best way possible, for now at the least.

Huffing himself out from the ropes as he moving in closer to Karla, ready to keep the humiliation going in his favor. When the tiring beast closing in and standing above her, he crocuhes down to grab her long red hair to slowly forcefully pull up onto her feet facing her aggressor.

Glaring at her for a moment to see anything from her eyes and see how hot her face is, but those sexiness just aroused the beast to dominate her more. "Grrr let me say something to you....." he let go of her hair and quickly kneel down to reel his right arm back and swing it right between those sexy legs and slam his hard bicep to her crotch. "Hurgh! Youre one tough bitch...... Hurgh! Youre one sexy woman......HURGH! and you lost to the best!" King add not one, not two, but three hard low blows to Karla as the last one wanted to wedge it up and keep it there, sticking it between her legs like a sword stuck through the body and holding the red head up.

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Re: Killer King vs K.R.R

Unread post by Monsy »

Normally, she loved the sound of the bell, except when it was against her. She hated it even, seeing her body submitting despite her mind still tried to raise defiance in every faucet. To say the least, it was a humiliation. One she tried to cover by grabbing her face with her hands as if to hide any shame, rage, or potential sobbing. Twitches mustered in her legs, gaining the strength to finally roll over onto her stomach where Karla's propped up elbows still cloaked her visage from view. Then like a mere dog on a leash, she was commanded by her hair, forced to stand before Killer King. Her hands fell to her shaking knees that bent inward, staring at Killer with one eye open; her mouth hung open slightly, the lipstick smudged at the corners, harbouring a strained pant.

“T-This is undignifying...” She spat at him, the disdain clearly written in that eye, which could easily harbour a bloodlust. But as did those heated cheeks show her embarrassment, before turning white when struck between the legs. She groaned, lurching over as her balance was frail. One hand stuck out and pressed on King’s shoulder, while she subsequently bit her other hand to keep from yelling.

Then when hoisted by a bicep, her thighs hugged the arm by sheer instinct to not tip over, her heels dangled and kicked. Both eyes closed to bear the brunt of the pain, chewing on the rubber of her suit’s material while sweat began to drip. The pain soon subsided to an annoying ache, so her other hand fell to King’s bicep with an added puppyish whimper.

“You can't do this.. To a Reinhardt..”
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Killer King vs K.R.R

Unread post by KillerV »

King stuffig his meaty muscular arm right between her sexy legs three times that arouses the dirty beast enjoyed doing his low blows to the sexy woman like Karla and he wanted her to be punished what he can, and this would be the best way he could do at the moment, could actually hearing her whimpering and wanted the big bad beast to stop hitting her while she seem to try getting his arm out of her legs and easing her crotch, King indeed did what he wanted and slowly pulling out like a large blade yanking out as he slowly standing up over the much weaken Karla, King is ready to make her suffer for good!

Taking a breather as he place his hand onto her head to firmly gripping onto her red hair, glaring down at the sexy sweaty woman that took multiple blows to the crotch, he would pull on her and dragging the woman with him until he can stand above the dented chair that she smacked him with, he pointed at her pretty hot face and down at the chair where he would stomp it down, not too hard but signaling that he wanted her to be right on it, fully wanted to payback Karla.

He then pulls her head down to tucking it between his legs like he did before standing over her as he stood there looking over as he guesture his hand over his beastly mask pretend to smoke a cigar and place his fingers onto her ass to smoke it out. The dirty beast leaning over to grab each of her arms to hook it one by one behind her back, about to put her in his known finisher, can be one or another but the move he wanted Karla to be in is far more devastating! He then reaching down further to grab both of her fine legs and lift the red head upside down, legs spread out so all her limbs all locked in, tries to lift her high as he can to so what strength he got left and then quickly drop down to sit out and aim to slam her head right onto the dented chair into his finisher- Package Piledriver! "You lose BITCH! HURGH!!!"

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Nathan Ballwin
Killer King (Retired--- for now)

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Re: Killer King vs K.R.R

Unread post by Monsy »

Aches like needles, her knees crumpled to one, pressing an open palm against the mat. A blur started pestering her vision, causing her upper half to lean side to side like a ship abroad at sea. There wasn’t much to do in this state except endure, resist the shame of collapsing to the mat. Stubborn in every loss she could suffer, she refused to take the rest her body so craved, no, if she lost then she deserved no rest. Still, King wasn’t about to allow Karla to have a dignified finish, as her hair was gripped once more. Hands gripped his bulky wrist, her knees dragged, but soon shuffled obediently to King’s pull. Anger cusped her throat, unfurling a quiet growl in every exhale. Dogged by further humiliation, she wanted nothing to bite into that hand that held her, she even tried to stand, but she only got halfway before her head spun, her knees quaked, and eventually clambered to a slip. The crinkle of his boot against steel awakened her senses to the threat at hand, causing her to thrash. However, there was little to do there, her small frame could only muster so much output.

Shoved between King’s legs, her gaze swirled in a second wave, hands arrested on her back, leaving her head defenceless for any oncoming move. Thighs folded against supple breasts, her waist found itself aerial and facing the stadium lights, reflecting against her suit’s rubber. And her hair draped down, revealing a look of exhaustion through slowly blinking eyes, peering at the mat, whilst her mouth hung open just slightly to continue breathing. She hardly felt anything, but in the grasp of Killer, her minuscule weight made her lighter than paper to throw. But when her head spiked the mat, the velocity caused the ring to shake, the clang of her skull against steel touched all ears as the weight stacked on her neck. Everything turned red, black blotches filled her vision as her body bounced, leaving the mat entirely before thumping down a second time. Her neck folded against the mat, knees resting against her heat as her feet dangled rested in the splayed out pool of red hair. And her midsection crumbled inward, leaving her hips folded mid-air, whilst her hands joined the display by being spread-eagle, fingers curling in twitches.

Perhaps the best thing out of everything was that she felt little, cozied by a warm weight nursing her eyes to stay closed, forever lost in a sea of daze.
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Killer King vs K.R.R

Unread post by KillerV »

King punishing the sexy woman Karla when he abused her nice looking crotch with repeated low blows before putting her into his next and final hold that held her upside down in a ball shape and legs out, spiking her head right onto the chair that was used on him, laid her out by his one powerful finisher- Package Piledriver. Feel and seeing her tight body suit bounces in his arms and right in front of him almost her ass hitting his snout while holding Karla in place keeping her upside down and sitting on the mat front of the steel chair, he looks over her spread out legs to see that amazing shapes shes in, couldnt really see her face at all from the position the beast is in so he releases the hold and pulls her to the side and making sure his defeated opponent is facing up.

The winner- Killer King slowly pushes himself up and pretty sore all over his body as he looking down breathing heavily that his opponent sure is tough even shes smaller than him, admitting she is good but he is way better than Karla and knows it. King then placing his foot on her ample breasts to weight it down slightly to show that he have completely destroyed her in a match and aftermath, pinning her down as he raising arms up, roaring out loud while the crowd disliking King dismantling his hot opponent like that.

The dirty beast taking his foot off her chest and crouches down to reach the back of her lovely red hair to pull up to make her head lifted off the mat a little as he wanted to give her bit of advice- "Heh, you'll never beat me even we get in a rematch, now, you lose to the king of the ring!" He letting go and get back up standing, heading to the ropes to exiting out of the ring and down on the outside floors, heading up the ramp and going back to the locker room, had a great match able to defeat the hot woman Karla.

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Nathan Ballwin
Killer King (Retired--- for now)

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