Win by Smother.

Talk about awkward. Liger shakes her head in confusing at being told that she would be forced to partner with her mother of all people for a squash match, and to really hammer in the confusion of it all it is a handicap smother match against some girl Liger never even heard of before. Making sure everything is all set and ready for the match Liger makes her way to the back where her mother is already waiting.
"Let me make something clear to you, I do this cause I am enjoying my run right now get in my way and I will put you out as well are we clear. Widow threatens as her music plays over the speakers, grabbing her daughter by the arm and drags Liger out on stage for all to see before dragging the poor girl down the ramp and into the ring.
Liger having no choice but to listen to her mother does as told, giving a small wave to her fans who cheer back for her. Before making her way to the apron as her mother said she will start the match off.