Clara Kennedy Vs Cyber Widow and Gold Liger (For RiotGrrl)

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Clara Kennedy Vs Cyber Widow and Gold Liger (For RiotGrrl)

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Handicap Smother Match.
Win by Smother.


Talk about awkward. Liger shakes her head in confusing at being told that she would be forced to partner with her mother of all people for a squash match, and to really hammer in the confusion of it all it is a handicap smother match against some girl Liger never even heard of before. Making sure everything is all set and ready for the match Liger makes her way to the back where her mother is already waiting.

"Let me make something clear to you, I do this cause I am enjoying my run right now get in my way and I will put you out as well are we clear. Widow threatens as her music plays over the speakers, grabbing her daughter by the arm and drags Liger out on stage for all to see before dragging the poor girl down the ramp and into the ring.

Liger having no choice but to listen to her mother does as told, giving a small wave to her fans who cheer back for her. Before making her way to the apron as her mother said she will start the match off.

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Re: Clara Kennedy Vs Cyber Widow and Gold Liger (For RiotGrrl)

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Clara was nervous. She as having a match at the same time as here good friend Melody who was in an easy 2v1, but Clara wasnt do keen on this match up. She knew it was bigger girls she faced. The thing is, Clara wasnt really a wrestler, she was just a girl who could do bits and get people down. Once they were on their back, she could overwhelm them with her G cups. A fun wrestler more than a serious danger. It didnt help that tonight she took managements suggestion that a tiny white bikini would be good for business.

As her music hit she came down to the ring and quietly slipped in through the ropes.

She clung to the corner and watched both Widow and Liger. Her jaw dropped at Liger who was far more well endowed than she was.

"I didnt think this was possible..."

She however had to focus as Widow looked ready. Clara moved out and raised her hands trying to see what would happen next and waited for the bell.

"Ummm so what is going to happen then miss?"
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Re: Clara Kennedy Vs Cyber Widow and Gold Liger (For RiotGrrl)

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Liger seeing Clara focus and attention on her chest, blushes and tries to cover them with her arms so that her opponent doesn't see them. Just every opponent she has faced has always looked at her bust size... Thinking to herself maybe she should get it covered or something next time, before refocusing on the match.

Widow seeing her opponent walk to her and raise her hand asking a question. She grabs the hand in front of her slowly starting to squeeze it tightly in her grip, before pulling Clara forward towards her. "What is going to happen is... I am going to crush you and make you scream. Then my worthless daughter is going to do something decent and smother you with her chest. Before me and her put you out of your misery by knocking you out with a facesit smother."

Widow says still squeezing Clara hand as the bell rings in the background to begin the match, the ref looks at the overmatched woman and quickly leaves the ring leaving her to her fate.

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Re: Clara Kennedy Vs Cyber Widow and Gold Liger (For RiotGrrl)

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Clara came to meet Widow and felt the power as she squashed her hand. The smaller lightweight gasped and winced


She pouted a little but and squirmed trying to get her hand free but it was no use. She figured the ref girl would start the match and wasnt expecting to be womanhandled. Widow was massive, much bigger than Clara. She swallowed hard as Widow spoke and stammered.

"I only weight 115, you must both be more so you cant both pin me! Is that part of the rules? Um...Well, maybe I will smother you both out and then sit on your face just because you... well... ummm... "

Clara made no sense, she wasnt a trash talker and face with a bigger rival, two bigger rivals, she had no chance. As the bell rung, Clara knew she had to do something and so she tried to stamp on the girls foot. It wasnt the best attack but Clara wasnt much of a wrestler.
Last edited by RiotGrrl on Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Clara Kennedy Vs Cyber Widow and Gold Liger (For RiotGrrl)

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Widow feeling Clara step on her foot, begins to laugh at the weak attempt of an attack. "Is this the best you can do.. well I'm in a giving mood and I want this match to last.. so don't go passing out on me Clara." Widow says before whipping Clara into the corner where Liger is at. Walking over slowly and gives Clara a hard chop to her chest wanting to humiliate the girl, before giving her another chop to the breasts to get the fans on her side.

"These are nothing but a easy target for me Clara.. Now scream for me."She says in a sadistic tone running to the other corner playing up for the crowd, before running full speed at Clara and jumps wanting to slam into her with a jumping body splash into the turnbuckle.

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Re: Clara Kennedy Vs Cyber Widow and Gold Liger (For RiotGrrl)

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Clara stamped and thought this would be enough but Widow was way stronger than that and easily sent the busty girl toward the corner. She landed with a slam and gasped, both hands clutching at the ropes. As the chops rained down she jolted and winced. Eventually she was struggling to breathe. Widow looked like she was backing up for the kill and many fans figured that this would be over in seconds.

The French busty maiden caught a glance from Liger and she gasped, "Help and I will give you a smother to remember?" Clara had to play on Liger's desires because she had little else.

As Widow thundered in, Clara went to move. She may or may not have been helped by Liger but it was enough to get out of the sandwich city. Clara tumbled to her hands and knees just by the ropes, still clutching her large chest with the bikini just about holding her modesty together.
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Re: Clara Kennedy Vs Cyber Widow and Gold Liger (For RiotGrrl)

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Liger after hearing her opponent ask for help, and knowing that this is to be a pure squash match. But not wanting to hurt her opponent as badly as her mother does, or be smothered as well. Decides to help by pushing Clara a bit to the side so that her mother will miss her attack, and that all the help she is going to get from her.

Widow slams hard into the turnbuckle holding her chest from the pain, stumbling backward as she goes to refocus herself and glaring at her daughter for helping Clara out... "Really brat going to help this trash out huh...Just for that I make sure I hurt Clara worse before doing the same to you" She threatens her own daughter in front of everyone, before reaching down and yanking Clara back to her feet by her Bikini top.

"I'm not done with you yet either."

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Re: Clara Kennedy Vs Cyber Widow and Gold Liger (For RiotGrrl)

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Clara managed to avoid the splash that would have flattened the French maiden and likely taken the fight out of her, not that this as to be much of a fight. She was outweighed and out numbered. However she stayed on her hands and knees, needed a moment to collect her thoughts. She had considered getting up when she was yanked up to her feet.

"Wait err....."

Sure enough, as the crowd sensed the moment to come, the straps on her bikini top gave and with a snap her large breasts came tumbling free, The roar echoed around the arena and Clara went bright red. She took refuge in the corner, hands coming to cover her assets as best she could.

"We should probably wait while I....."
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Re: Clara Kennedy Vs Cyber Widow and Gold Liger (For RiotGrrl)

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Before Clara could even get a word in to ask for a time out, or just time to fix her bikini top. Widow was already rushing forward going for another body splash in the corner, wanting to smash her firm rock hard body against Clara soft large breasts trying to crush them and her in the corner.

"I said I wasn't done with you... And you won't be needing this anymore." Reaching down yanking the thin bikini top away from Clara, and tosses it out of the ring into the crowds leaving her opponent bare chested the rest of the fight.

"Now your going to come out of that corner and I am going to put you in different submission holds understand."

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Re: Clara Kennedy Vs Cyber Widow and Gold Liger (For RiotGrrl)

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Clara was easily squashed against the corner and the small French maiden gave a groan


She fell limp as Widow backed off and the crowd wondered if she would even be able to carry on. The words did little to help. Clara obeyed however, she tentatively stumbled from the corner and limply leaned against Widow like a boxer desperate for the bell.

"Just be kind, I am only small...."
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