Eirina Makishima vs. Arlise Christiaens - Smothering Heaven

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Eirina Makishima vs. Arlise Christiaens - Smothering Heaven

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Smother Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by knocking out or making the opponent submit via smother.
Normal rules apply.

Ever since she lost her hentai title to Rei Tachibana, Eirina Makishima was planning to pick herself up and start from the scratch. Her first attempt to do so seemed to have failed after losing horribly to Rose Gold in the hentai submission match. She still remembered the state she was in upon being defeated. While she wasn't really a stranger to such a thing, she still couldn't help but feel a tad embarrassed after having the sight of her being sexually dominated by the lighter woman displayed for everyone to see.

And tonight, Eirina planned to win her match, and the management seemed to see it fit to arrange a smother match for her. Pretty erotic, but not explicitly so. She was fine with it. Donning her usual outfit; the red-and-white two-piece wrestling outfit, Eirina made her final preparation in the locker room before she made her way out of the room after receiving her cue. She took confident strides as she walked through the gorilla position, making her way to the ramp as the crowd cheered for the Frau Doktor.
Eirina Makishima
As her music was played, Eirina made her way to the ring, waving her hand and blowing kisses here and there. The crowd loved the sight of the sexy wrestler, and while she might no longer be the hentai champion of LAW, it was undeniable that she was one of the icons here in this promotion. They were looking forward to see the Frau Doktor show her prowess in this smother match, and she was eager to show her stuff to everyone, proving it to all that she was one of the hottest stuff to ever grace LAW.

Soon, she reached the ring, and she would stand tall in the middle of it as she got the crowd to cheer for her. Raising her arms and spinning around, she would then make a bow before she made her way to one of the corners so that she could wait for her opponent to arrive. From what she had heard, her opponent for tonight would be Arlise Christiaens. Eirina wasn't sure of what kind of person this Arlise would be, but she was eager to find out as she directed her gaze at the entrance so that she could see the other woman show herself.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs. Arlise Christiaens - Smothering Heaven

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Arlise Christiaens felt like celebrating before so much as setting a foot in the ring for tonight's match. Nothing could make LAW's appreciation of Titania's turnaround from struggle to recent success more apparent than the opportunity to fight a recent title holder.

Yes, Eirina Makishima had held the Hentai title in the recent months, and Lise certainly held no designs on that belt. She could imagine how far she would be tempted to return to the... less-than-focused state that Dr. Mina had diagnosed. Awaiting the cue of her music, Arlise stifled a grimace, pained by having to acknowledge the issue that had cost her so many matches yet again.

She wrestled those self-deprecating thoughts aside, replacing the grimace with a satisfied smirk. Clearly her problems were overcome; LAW would not let her have this chance to tackle a former champion in a match card headliner if she had not managed to prove her prowess after weeks of struggles. She had a fine opportunity to force a Hentai champion submit to her smothers and further prove that Titania was deserving of her name. This, she believed she could do.
The Belgian stepped onto the stage at her mark and received her own warm welcome while she stopped long enough to pose with a hand on her hip. It stayed there while she descended the ramp, slapping or grasping outstretched hands. Consciously, she made the decision not to spend her time admiring Eirina on her way into the ring. She knew well of the "Frau Doktor's" striking looks already, and besides... she wanted to savor her own chance to feel like a heroine to all. It was as... encouraging as it was exciting.

Only once Lise entered the ring did she turn her gray gaze fully on the inviting figure of Eirina, all lithe, shapely figure and flowing hair. Arlise greeted her with a wide, roguish smile before she returned to flirting with the fans from atop a turnbuckle.

After a half-dozen blown kisses, though, Arlise swung back down to the canvas and strutted across to the middle of the ring, still slyly beaming at Eirina. For what she knew of Eirina's talent, she knew little of her personality. She wanted to see what made the woman tick. "I hear you're quite skilled, Frau Doktor," she crooned in German. "I'm curious to know how skilled."

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs. Arlise Christiaens - Smothering Heaven

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Eirina put her full attention to her opponent for tonight, and she ended up admiring her looks. After all, the Frau Doktor was an admirer of anything beautiful. She was getting excited as she took a better look on the other woman before she finally entered the ring. She sighed dreamily, imagining all sorts of things that she wished to do to such as beauty. Alas, in this match, she would have to do with smothering the heck out of her.

Seeing that the other woman, Arlise, had made her way to the center of the ring, Eirina wouldn't waste her time as she would strut over to where the other woman was standing. Flashing a mischievous smile at the beautiful redhead, she would stand before her before she tried to test the water by pressing her own ample bust against hers, wanting to feel her up while looking straight into her eyes.

"Here's my answer to your question..." Eirina then said. "Would you like to find out?" Eirina's blue eyes were filled with mischief as she sized up her opponent for tonight. She wanted to see Arlise's reaction to having their boobs pressed together before the Frau Doktor stepped back, preparing herself for the match.

After that, the referee would come over, making sure that both women were ready for the match. Eirina did some last minute warm-up before the referee called for the bell, starting the match between both beauties. To start off the match, Eirina would take a stance, keeping her eyes on Arlise to see what she would do.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs. Arlise Christiaens - Smothering Heaven

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Arlise knew she should not. She should not relish the way Erina stared at her with satisfaction in those big blue eyes and a smile filled with intention on her lips. She should not let herself acknowledge that anticipatory tingle that coursed through her while Eirina drew closer, closer, closer. And she certainly should not savor the contact between their chests as the recent Hentai champion pressed hers against Arlise.

Arlise relished, tingled, and savored it all nonetheless. Excitement glimmered in her eyes as brightly as the arena lights while she peered into the stunning Doktor's eyes. Of course, she did spare a peek at Eirina's cleavage as it pressed against hers. The appeal did not leave her wanting, but soon her attention returned to Eirina's own eager eyes and her words. And her words were... precisely what Arlise had hoped.

She faintly smirked. "I would... And I look forward to sharing mine with a woman like you," she replied, the words dripping with intent.

Half-disappointed watching Eirina pulled away from their snug stand-off, Arlise almost failed to attend to her own pre-match routine, but gave herself a light pat on the cheek as a reminder to stop staring at Eirina's effortlessly seductive form and finally turned to her half of the ring. No going back to old habits - ones she intentionally ensured she did not dwell on at the moment. She occupied herself with stretching, with staring at her own feet and adjusting her attire on her own attractive form to avoid the temptation of glancing over her shoulder at Eirina, before she nodded her readiness to the referee and whirled to find the charming woman waiting for her mid-ring.

Lise fell into a regal stance and inched her way toward the beauty, a hand raised to signal her offering of a lock-up. She might be wise to take it slow early on - she was about to tussle with a champion, after all.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs. Arlise Christiaens - Smothering Heaven

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The match began, and Eirina had taken a stance as she studied her opponent before her. Seeing that Arlise had offered a lock up, Eirina decided to accept the offer, stepping forth before locking up with her, their bodies mashing together as she would attempt to push against the other woman's body. She would also press her cheek against Arlise's, feeling her warmth as she tried to gain an upper hand over the beautiful redhead.

Planting her feet on the mat, Eirina would begin her push, wanting to show what she was made of to her opponent. While she knew that the match could only end if one of them managed to conquer the other through depriving the other of precious oxygen, it didn't mean there was no wrestling involved. Also, Eirina wanted to feel the other woman up so that she could ascertain what she was capable of doing.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs. Arlise Christiaens - Smothering Heaven

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A subtle smile broke through Arlise's veneer of focus while she and Eirina entangled their hands and, as she had hoped, they once more pressed their voluptuous figures tightly together - more tightly than their face-off had afforded, certainly. Eirina didn't end the contact at their bodies, though; Arlise felt a tiny shiver in her core when Eirina's cheek pressed against hers. The contact against her cheek turned her smile into a cheeky pout, but certainly a satisfied one. She would have expected no less than intimate contact from a woman who had carried a belt for her Hentai prowess.

Eirina's first effort to leverage her strength against her, and the cries of the crowd, reminded Lise that neither of them should be here for snuggles. None of the innocent kind, anyway. Lise teetered back but set her own feet before Eirina could completely impose upon her, and though her arms buckled initially, she shortly had the bout of strength back on equal standing.

The Belgian beauty was shorter, thicker, but for all the strength she leveraged into her thighs, core, and shoulders, she and Eirina stayed cheek to cheek, chest to chest, with their entwined hands and arms shuddering to either side of them. Arlise willed herself not to utter any expression of her exertion, but she doubted she would overpower the Frau Doktor. Eirina certainly hadn't become so keen on her hentai skills that she had neglected her muscles.

Arlise opted for an alternative route to overpowering Eirina; she wrenched her arms down, bent them at the elbows, and shoved at Eirina from this lower angle, trying to uproot the former champion from her foothold and force her back to the ropes. There, perhaps... the smothering could begin.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs. Arlise Christiaens - Smothering Heaven

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It seemed that Arlise could handle the push pretty well, and as both beauties continued pressing their bodies against each other, they entered some sort of stalemate where neither of them seemed to have an upper hand over the other. Eirina could plan around that, so she would try to find an opening that she could use to break the stalemate and gain an upper hand over the beautiful redhead.

But then, Arlise was quicker to find the opening as she resorted to pushing against the Frau Doktor from a lower angle, which somehow disrupted her footing, allowing the redhead to push the former hentai champion towards the ropes. Of course, Eirina wasn't one to panic from that as she would try to salvage her situation by suddenly twisting herself to the side, hoping that she could exchange positions with Arlise so that she could send the redhead chest first towards the ropes. While she might not be able to initiate a smother from there, she would be able to keep her redheaded opponent under pressure.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs. Arlise Christiaens - Smothering Heaven

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The subtle smile returned; Arlise's little plan succeeded. With her power now poured into an underhanded grip on Eirina's hands, the shorter, plumper redhead wielded her weight beneath her and felt Eirina start to give step by step, foot by foot. Momentum carried Eirina to the ropes as the muscles in the Belgian's thighs and back peeked from her curves at the hint of success.

But naturally, anyone who had gotten this far into her career with this much success would have simple solutions to onrushing problems. As soon as Arlise could see herself thrusting Eirina into the waiting elastic cords, Eirina wrenched to one side, and Lise's feet churned with plans to send her whipping past the evading Doktor. Arlise tried to plan them before she was the one with her back to the ropes, and it was her side that sank into the middle rope instead, giving her just enough leverage to continue to hold her ground against Eirina.

Unfortunately, neither of them seemed to be finding an advantage, and Lise, bolder in her action than she could have claimed when she first entered LAW, decided to inject a dose of daring into her action. She jerked her arms back, wrenching her hands free from the Doktor's, and promptly threw them forward again, trying to wrap them around the back of the beauty's head and drag her nose-first into the redhead's waiting cleavage!

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs. Arlise Christiaens - Smothering Heaven

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Sending Arlise towards the ropes, Eirina was planning to gain more upper hand over the redhead, but unfortunately for her, Arlise had turned around, and from there, the redhead managed to seize her head before she brought Eirina's face right into her cleavage, subjecting the Frau Doktor to a breasts smother. Realizing that she was in trouble, Eirina would brace herself for the smother, not wanting to panic while having her face trapped between those ample breasts.

Freeing her hands, Eirina would bring her hands onto Arlise's hips, securing her grip on them. For the time being, she was trapped in the hold, and she would try to figure out a way to escape this. Sure, there were a few ways for her to escape this, but she needed to prepare herself first before she could initiate her escape.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs. Arlise Christiaens - Smothering Heaven

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Arlise could have sighed just watching the Doktor's pretty face disappearing between her breasts, leaving her purplish hair to spill all around her chest. Yet the sight of it did not half match the feel of Eirina sinking into them, and the Belgian beauty had to bite her lip to keep from enjoying it too much. This was how it should be, how she wanted this match to proceed. Nothing else would do - only success and satisfaction.

With Eirina's hands moving to her hips, Arlise took the opportunity to shift a step closer and wrap her hands more securely around the back of the former champion's head, looking to wedge her nose and lips further between her breasts to seal off any hopes she had at receiving air. Arlise had no false presumptions that she would force someone so experienced as Eirina to tap to anything so uncreative as lucky breast smother while the two of them still stood on fresh legs, but she would swallow her lovely face as long as she could.

Titania, unable to resist wearing a sultry smile, hooked her elbow over the top rope for more stability and rested her chin on Eirina's head. "I'm sure you're used to being in places like this," she said, enticingly. "But I hope this one's memorable."

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