Atalante Pallas Vs. Shizuka Takamachi - Aka-Oni

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Atalante Pallas Vs. Shizuka Takamachi - Aka-Oni

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Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply

It hadn't been very long since she had defeated Yukari Tooru, otherwise known as the Ao-Oni. It had been pretty much a squash match as she had given Yukari and the crowd a showing what happened when an Oni came up against a classic Greek Hero. Atalante had thought that would be the end of it though. Little did she know that the Ao-Oni had a friend and partner, Aka-Oni. When she had gotten word that the Aka-Oni wanted a match, a revenge match to get a chance at the Huntress. Atalante had little reason to refuse her, so she accepted the challenge without question. Next thing she knew it was hastily set up and now she was here.

Already dressed up and ready, Atalante stood in the Gorilla Position as she waited for the announcer to call for her. With that done her music began to play out of the speakers and the Grecian came marching down towards the ring. Cat-ears bobbing a bit with each step, her breasts bouncing slightly as she walked down the ramp and her tailed swayed in an almost natural looking manner as she went towards the ring. Rolling in under the bottom ropes she would get up onto her feet and nod her head. The rather stoic Grecian walked around the ring as the crowd cheered for the Greek Hero.

Atalante would turn and walk towards her corner as she would settle in it, folding her arms against her chest as she stood firm. Unlike most wrestler she didn't lean against the corner but simply stood there with the eyes of a hunter gazing up at the top of the ramp, awaiting her opponent as she had her mind set on some Oni-hunting today.

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Shizuka Takamachi - Aka-Oni

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Shizuka Takamachi was restless tonight. She had requested to be pitted against Atalante Pallas, the one who had defeated her partner, Yukari Tooru, so soundly. Besides wanting to have revenge for the sake of her friend, she was also curious about how she would fare against this Atalante. The red demon was eager to find out, and soon, her music was played.
Aka Oni
The Aka Oni showed up at the ramp as her music was played. She raised her arms to get the crowd going before she made her way to the ring, energetically jogging towards it. When she finally reached the squared circle, she would pose cutely and sexily at the apron before entering the ring so that she could face this Atalante.

Standing up, Shizuka hopped on the balls of her feet before she looked at the direction of Atalante. Placing her hands on her hips, she would then approach her, donning a confident smile. "So, you're the one who beat Yukari-chan up, huh? As her friend, I can't exactly let that thing slide, y'know?" She would stand before Atalante. "It won't be the same tonight, since I gonna beat you up!" She said excitedly.

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Shizuka Takamachi - Aka-Oni

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Atalante would watch as soon enough the Aka-Oni herself stepped out onto the ramp and started to head down towards the ring. She watched as she raised her arms and made her way into the ring. Seeming a bit more energetic than the previous Oni. Atalante would shrug her shoulders a bit and nod as Shizuka was finally finished with her entrance. Facing her and walking up towards her.

The Huntress would meet the Oni in the center of the ring and place her own hands on her hips. The two women were rather similar in height and stature, a bit more so than Atalante had been to the Ao-Oni. " I figured that was the case. Though, don't expect things to turn out too differently for you. Unless you are vastly superior to the blue one of course." Atalante said a she would nod her head at Shizuka. She admired both of the Oni's so far for their attitude and spunk, now all that was left to see was if Shizuka could put her money where her mouth was.

The referee would soon get in between them and try to separate the two wrestler. Only for her to then call for the bell and start the match. The Grecian would bend her knees and drop into a grappling stance, as she would start to circle Shizuka. Seeing how the red one would act before she would try and offer her a lock up, a collar and elbow tie up.

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Shizuka Takamachi - Aka-Oni

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Shizuka couldn't help but admire Atalante a little. She was confident and cool-looking, but she also couldn't brush aside the fact that she had beaten up Yukari. Huffing out as she puffed up her chest, she gave Atalante a pointed look before saying, "We'll see about that! In the end, you're gonna be the one licking your wounds after I beat you to a pulp!" She declared confidently, staring straight into Atalante's eyes before she finally stepped back as the referee got between them and separated the two of them from each other.

And soon after that, the bell was sounded, and Shizuka was more than ready to face Atalante. Seeing her opponent taking a stance, the rambunctious red demon would also adopt the similar stance, raising both her arms before she surged forth, looking to lock up with the Grecian in a collar-and-elbow tie up. But the moment the two of them were locked up, Shizuka would try to twist to the side, bringing Atalante with her before transitioning the lock up into a side headlock, trapping her opponent's head under her armpit!

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Shizuka Takamachi - Aka-Oni

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Watching Shizuka puff up her modest chest and letting out those confident words of hers, Atalante returned her gaze as they had their pre-match staredown. Clearly there was tension between the two, how couldn't there be with the defeat that Atalante had served the young Oni's partner. Atalante would back up a step as the referee got between them and soon enough she dropped down into that grappling stance.

Circling the red Oni, as she would see her come at her. Surprise by the sudden rush forward Atalante and Shizua was soon locked firmly into a grapple but before Atalante could get a proper grip of the Aka-Oni, did Shizuka slip free and turn, grabbing the head of the Grecian and pulling her into a side headlock. " Mmph..." the green-blonde woman grunted against Shizuka's side.

Her hands would grab onto the hips of the Aka-Oni, as she would try and push against her. Though...after a few seconds, she would try and bring her hands up. Looking to grab a hold of the arm that Shizuka had around her head, trying to grab it by the wrist and start to pull it off of her head, before trying to twist that arm behind the redhead's back in a hammerlock!

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Shizuka Takamachi - Aka-Oni

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Successfully catching Atalante's head and trapping her into the side headlock, Shizuka tried to milk it for all it was worth, wrenching at her opponent's head as hard as she could. But it seemed that Atalante wasn't about to let her do whatever she wanted as she then grabbed her by her arm with her hands before she twisted it. Before she knew it, Shizuka found herself being trapped in the hammerlock as she lost her hold on Atalante's head.

"H-hey!! S-stop it-uwaahhhhhh!!!" Shizuka cried out in pain from the hammerlock. She closed her eyes tightly and gritted her teeth, stomping her feet in frustration. For the time being, she would endure the pain from the hammerlock as she would try to find a way out of it. She needed to find it immediately, or else she would end up being weakened by the hold.

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Shizuka Takamachi - Aka-Oni

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Feeling Shizuka wrench on that headlock as if it was going to be a game ender made Atalante even more willing to break free and reverse this hold. As she twisted out of the hold she would grab onto that arm of Shizuka and wrench it up against her back as she locked the redhead into a hammerlock. Hearing the loud complaints of Shizuka as she wrenched on that arm of hers.

With her opponent caught but clearly struggle still, Atalante would decide to take action to weaken Shizuka further. Looking to raise her boot and then try and stomp it down on the back of Shizuka's knee, trying to drive her down onto one knee. After which she would release Shizuka's arm, backing up two steps and then charging forward, looking to jump and somersault forward over Shizuka, in the movement she would try and grab a hold of Shizuka's head and lock it into an inverted frontal facelock, Looking to nail Shizuka with a Forward Somersault Cutter.

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Shizuka Takamachi - Aka-Oni

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Shizuka tried her best to endure the pain from the hammerlock, hoping to block the pain from getting to her mind. But Atalante had decided to go for another approach to weaken her even further. First, she stomped at the back of Shizuka's knee, forcing the red oni to fall down onto one knee. "Augh!!!" She winced. And then, she was freed from the hammerlock, though she was a little distracted from doing anything to take advantage of this situation.

From there, Atalante then proceeded with her next move. After stepping back, she went to grab onto Shizuka's head and hit her with a forward somersault cutter. It was too quick for Shizuka to react, and she took the cutter. "OGHHGH!!!" The whiplash from the cutter ended up bringing her down onto the mat, and she was stunned and disoriented as a result, leaving her completely vulnerable to whatever Atalante would do to her after this. "Aughhhh..."

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Shizuka Takamachi - Aka-Oni

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Stepping forward after she had brought Shizuka low, Atalante nailed the red ogre with that cutter and landed on her back. Huffing out for a second the Huntress would roll over onto her front and then pushed up to her feet. Nodding her head as she would look over at the stunned and disoriented Shizuka. Atalante would quickly attempt to reach down and grab a hold of that head of red hair and try and pull Shizuka up towards her feet.

Once up she would try and nail the Aka-Oni with a harsh knee up into that fit belly, trying to force air out of her lungs and for her to double over. Should it work, Atalante would choose to turn to the right and try and wrap her arms around Shizuka's head as she would try and lock in a side headlock. Next the Grecian would try and take for a run and drag Shizuka with her, trying to build up a bit of momentum before jumping up and aiming to slam the forehead of Shizuka into the canvas with a running bulldog!

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Shizuka Takamachi - Aka-Oni

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Shizuka was disoriented thanks to the cutter from Atalante, and she was currently laid out on the mat when her opponent went to grab her by her head, pulling her back up. "Urghhhh..." She groaned as she was forced back up onto her feet before she received a knee strike into her belly, causing her to double over, air driven out of her lungs as her eyes widened. "GUUFGHHH!!!"

Left breathless by the sudden attack and doubling over, Shizuka was unable to stop Atalante from holding her in a side headlock, feeling her opponent's arm around her head. Then, Atalante dragged her forward before she jumped up and brought her face first into the mat, hitting her with a running bulldog! "UAPGHHH!!!" That left Shizuka stunned as she ended up on her chest and belly, slumping and moaning in pain on the mat.

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