Heelish Opportunism! - Da Xia vs Ayame Aoi

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Heelish Opportunism! - Da Xia vs Ayame Aoi

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Match Type: Standard
Rules: Victory by pin, submission, knockout, count out, or disqualification
Before the match: Ayame and Yukina
Organizing this match had been a disaster for both Ayame and her manager Yukina. Originally, Ayame was supposed to participate in an MMA-style match against a lightweight. Because it had been difficult to find someone willing to participate in such a match, when an offer finally came through, Yukina quickly accepted it. Of course, Yukina did briefly look over the offer---she did not want Ayame going up against some two-meter tall giant after all. Thankfully, that was not the case and Ayame's opponent was set to be some lightweight with MMA experience. It all looked good on paper.

However, Ayame was only given four days' notice before the match. Not realizing that LAW was not strict about weight, Ayame did what people typically do in the MMA world: she cut weight. Now, normally Ayame walks at around 140 lbs---to qualify as a 'lightweight', she would have to weigh in at 120 lbs. Since Ayame figured that the weigh-ins would be about twenty-four hours before the match, in her mind, that gave her just three days to shed twenty pounds.

Thus, Ayame began her weight cut. She started by drinking copious amounts of distilled water over the course of two days, making her body believe that water was abundant and discouraging it from retaining water. On the third day, Ayame stopped drinking water altogether. Even though Ayame was no longer drinking water, her body still continued to shed water so she started losing water weight.

Unfortunately for Ayame, that was not enough to get her weight down to 120 lbs---she still had ten pounds to go. Ayame was going to have to sweat the rest of the weight off. To accomplish this, Ayame put on multiple layers of sweatshirts and sweatpants. After doing so, Ayame did various exercises such as running and shadowboxing. In addition to that, Ayame also spent a lot of time in a hot bath.

Just twenty-seven hours before her match, Ayame was laying in her bathtub, soaking in extremely hot water. Barely conscious, Ayame picked up her cellphone and called Yukina.
Ayame and Yukina's conversation
Exhausted and barely able to move, Ayame shakily grabbed her cellphone and called Yukina.

"今 僕等 空高く君を守ってく!" Yukina's phone rang, playing a Japanese rock song. Glancing at the caller ID, Yukina saw that it was Ayame. The last time that Yukina had talked to Ayame was when she told Ayame about the match. Immediately after reading the caller ID, Yukina answered her phone.

"Hi Ayame. Do you need something?" asked Yukina.

"Yuki... na... when's the... weigh in?" said Ayame. Yukina could hear that Ayame was having trouble getting her words out.

"Weigh in? What do you mean?"

"You know... I'm fighting at lightweight..."

"You know, weight cuts aren't a thing in LAW." After Yukina said that, Ayame went silent.

"Ayame? Are you there?" On the under end of the line, Yukina heard splashing water and the sound of someone rising out of a bathtub. Then, footsteps.

"Yeah, I'm there," said Ayame. Slowly, Ayame walked towards the front door of her apartment. "Listen... I'm going to need some help. Come here and bring some drinks..."

"I don't think you should be drinking alcohol."

"Sports drinks. Electrolytes. Please."

"Oh. Got it," said Yukina. Immediately, Yukina started to head out to the convenience store just outside her apartment building. "Stay on the line, okay?"

Meanwhile, Ayame was trying her best to put on a strong face for Yukina. She did not need Yukina getting worried and calling an ambulance. The desire to hide the extent of her bad condition gave Ayame the momentary boost in energy she needed to make her way to the front door. Upon reaching the front door, Ayame sat down against the wall and on the floor.


Five minutes later, Yukina had bought a six-pack of a common sports drink brand. Thankfully, from the convenience store to Ayame's apartment was only a five-minute walk.

"So who am I fighting?" asked Ayame, life starting to come back to her voice.

"Some girl with MMA experience. Her name was... Blair Yuen," responded Yukina.

"Dammit. I should've known. Look, cancel the match with Blair," said Ayame. In hindsight, Ayame should have figured that Blair could possibly be her opponent since there weren't too many lightweights with MMA experience in LAW. Then again, it's not like one can consider everything.

"Is there a reason for that?" asked Yukina.

"Training partners don't fight training partners."

"Alright, I'll see what I can do."


A short while later, Yukina was greeted at the door by a nude Ayame. While Yukina was initially surprised, she quickly stepped inside and gave Ayame the sports drinks. Yukina watched in shock as Ayame finished all of the sports drinks in one sitting.

"So what exactly... happened?" asked Yukina.

"I'll explain after I get dressed."
Once Yukina arrived at Ayame's apartment, Ayame explained what had happened. She explained how she had shed twenty pounds of water weight over the course of four days. Ayame's weight cut had been brutal: not only had she cut about 14% of her standing weight, she did so within four days. This was made even more difficult because Ayame is a woman: weight cuts are often harder for women than they are for men.


While on the phone, Ayame found out that her opponent was supposed to be Blair Yuen. However, Blair and Ayame were training partners and training partners tend to avoid competing against each other. Because of this, Ayame requested that Yukina cancel the match. Thankfully, Yukina was able to cancel the match without much issue.

By this point, Yukina had realized that both she and Ayame had done a poor job of communicating---she would have to do better in the future if she was to be a good manager. The weight cut and the last-minute match cancellation could have been avoided if the two had communicated better.

After Yukina confirmed that she had canceled the match with Blair, Ayame immediately asked if Yukina could get her another match. While Yukina initially refused, Ayame kept insisting. Eventually, Yukina acquiesced.

Yukina then contacted some of the other managers to see if there was any wrestler (managed or independent) that could take a match on short-notice. Eventually, Yukina found an opponent for Ayame: Da Xia.
Before the match: Claire
At the time of Ayame's unnecessary weight cut, Claire Thomas was taking some time off to explore Japan. Since Claire was not around, she was unable to stop Ayame from doing her weight cut. Initially, Claire had planned to get back from her trip on the day of Ayame's match, sometime in the late afternoon. That way, Claire could still catch Ayame's match, which was in the evening.

However, the morning of Ayame's match, Claire received a text from Ayame saying that her opponent had been changed to a woman named Da Xia. Moreover, Ayame stated that she was not feeling well so she would not necessarily be at her best during the match. Sensing that something was off, Claire called Ayame and Ayame filled her in on the details.

After hearing the hell that Ayame put herself through, Claire decided to cut her trip short and head back to take care of Ayame. While Claire was on the train, she did some research on Ayame's next opponent, Da Xia. Claire read articles, watched interviews, and watched some of Da Xia's past matches to get an idea of who Da Xia was. Unfortunately for Claire, many of those matches were explicit, resulting in her getting yelled at for "watching hardcore lesbian porn" on the train.

Three accusations of public indecency later, Claire had a good idea of who Da Xia was: a mean and sadistic woman with a penchant for humiliating her opponents. Moreover, despite often humiliating girls and leaving them sobbing in a pool of their own cum, Da Xia never showed any remorse or regret. In fact, all Claire could see in Da Xia's eyes was malice.

For a moment, Claire questioned whether Ayame really was that much different from Da Xia. However, Claire quickly dismissed that thought---Ayame's cruelty came from a place of pain and a desire to take control in a life where she felt that she had none. Cruelty was not inherently a part of Ayame's personality---sure, Ayame could be cold and callous but that was just a mask that she wore to avoid getting close to others.

After thinking about Ayame for a moment, Claire refocused herself and continued her research.
Ayame's entire body felt like lead as she walked down the ramp: she was exhausted and in no shape to fight. Due to a misunderstanding, Ayame had cut weight, going from her normal weight of 140 lbs down to 120 lbs. While cutting 14% of one's bodyweight is never easy, Ayame did so in three days---it's a miracle that none of her organs failed. Granted, since most of the weight she cut was water weight, Ayame was able to rehydrate and gain back most of that weight. She was now at 135 lbs.

Unfortunately, the brutal (and unnecessary) weight cut had taken its toll on Ayame, greatly diminishing her strength and stamina. Oftentimes, fighters can recover quite well after a weight cut. However, in Ayame's case, the speed and manner in which she executed her weight cut meant that she was unable to recover well. In spite of this, Ayame was still going to fight: she would not avoid a match just because she was feeling a little suboptimal. Ayame continued down the ramp amidst the lukewarm cheers of the fans---unlike her roommate Claire, Ayame was not particularly popular with the fans.
Entrance Music
Slowly, Ayame made her way to the outskirts of the ring. Among the people in the front row, two people stood out: her manager Yukina and her friend Claire. Ayame approached the two of them and gave a quick nod to Yukina. Then, Claire's arms wrapped around Ayame, giving her a hug. After receiving the hug for a second, Ayame gently pushed away from Claire.

"Do your best, okay?" said Claire. Had Ayame been at full strength, Claire would have felt pretty good about Ayame's chances against Da Xia. However, because Ayame was greatly weakened from her weight cut, Claire was worried that Ayame would lose---badly.

In response to Claire's words, Ayame gave Claire a faint smile. Ayame could tell that Claire was worried about her and Ayame appreciated that. Hopefully, Ayame would be able to put Claire's worries to rest once she got into the ring. After waving goodbye to Yukina and Claire, Ayame climbed into the ring and waited for her opponent.
Ayame Aoi's appearance
Ayame Aoi's attire
Ayame is wearing a black, short-sleeved rashguard and black MMA board shorts.
Last edited by Ichi on Sun Nov 22, 2020 11:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Da Xia vs Ayame Aoi

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The theme of the Belly Queen Champion soon rose on the speakers and immediately the fans perked at the sight of the pinkette arrive on stage, the strap of Kyoko Akan's pride and joy draped on her shoulder as she gave the fans a cutesy smile. There was already murmurs around the fanbase about the true nature of the Baby Faced Assassin, how in reality she was a cruel woman. But her looks and facade were enough to convince majority of the fans to keep her on their good sides.

She was quite convinced that this match was going to be an easy win to pad her win record, management was scrambling to Da Xia to take up this fill in spot. The Champion didn't care about the details of the match, hearing rumors that her opponent did an unnecessary weight cut, she was absolutely certain to bag a victory.

She stepped into the ring, before raising her pillaged gold above her head, not even once looking at her opponent as she had her full attention to the crowd and pandering to them for this what she considered 'an exhibition of her skill.'

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Re: Da Xia vs Ayame Aoi

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This woman was bad news---just from looking at Da Xia, Ayame could tell that something was amiss. That friendly facade was just that---a facade. Moreover, Ayame's friend Claire had briefed her on Da Xia so Ayame was aware of what Da Xia was actually like.
Additional Background
While Da Xia's true nature was not often publicized, her past matches in different promotions painted a clear picture: Da Xia was a cruel and merciless woman. It was not particularly easy to find Da Xia's past matches, but through clever web-searching and P2P file sharing, Claire had managed to dig up various clips. Due to Claire's diligent research, Ayame was fully aware of Da Xia's cruel nature, her habit of humiliating her opponents, and her occasional propensity towards belly attacks. Ayame was also aware of Da Xia's rivarly with Kyoko Akan.

Furthermore, Ayame's manager Yukina had also talked to her before the match. Yukina expressed concern about the fact that speculation had arisen that Ayame had done an unnecessary weight cut before her match. Since Ayame lived in relatively close proximity to the LAW headquarters and main LAW arena, it was likely that someone noticed Ayame running around with multiple layers of clothing on---a common tactic when cutting weight.

Additionally, Ayame's natural weight was on record so it would have been easy to figure out that Ayame's weight cut would have been pretty extreme, going from 140 lbs down to 120 lbs. Anyone analyzing the situation would have also been aware that Ayame's original match was arranged just four days in advance. With such a large amount of weight being cut in a short period of time, in addition to Ayame seeming to not have a coach to oversee her, it was almost a certainty that the weight cut would take a lot out of Ayame.

As such, Yukina was afraid that Ayame's opponent would be an opportunist looking for an easy win. Those sorts of people can often be... less than nice. However, despite Yukina's objections to Ayame taking this match, Ayame insisted on doing a match.
As Da Xia made her entrance, Ayame waited in the corner of the ring, her arms resting on the ropes and her legs slightly crossed. To just about every observer, it looked like Ayame was casually waiting for the match to start. However, in actuality, Ayame was using the ropes to help herself stand. This was going to be a tough match for Ayame.

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Re: Heelish Opportunism! - Da Xia vs Ayame Aoi

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Da Xia was finally finished buttering up the fans as she got off of the turnbuckle, jumping down into the ring as she looked across the ring seeing how her opponent was waiting for her in the corner. She didn't think much of her opponent's state as she rested the Belly Queen Championship on her shoulder, smiling as she looked across the ring.

A sweet smile on her face but her eyes filled with venom and malicious intent as she handed off her pillaged good to the referee, stretching the final stretch before waiting in the corner for the bell to ring.


Da Xia didn't wait long as she stepped out of the corner, her style and stance relaxed as the confidence/arrogance could be seen oozing off of every pore of her body as she stepped around the ring, sizing up her opponent as her smile never left her face, bringing up her hands to offer a test of strength where she knew she had the definite size advantage!

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Re: Heelish Opportunism! - Da Xia vs Ayame Aoi

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Ayame felt like she was moving through molasses as she walked forward. Ayame got into her fighting stance and began to approach Da Xia---however, Ayame looked as if she had already fought twelve rounds! Her typical explosive, karate-style footwork was completely absent and her hands were held too low to offer any protection.

As Ayame approached her opponent, she could see that Da Xia did not view her as a threat. Upon realizing this, Ayame exhaled sharply in irritation. Then, Ayame noticed Da Xia's lock-up challenge.

"So she wants to clinch," thought Ayame. Not wanting to expend a lot of energy setting up some other offense, Ayame simply obliged and locked up with Da Xia.

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Re: Heelish Opportunism! - Da Xia vs Ayame Aoi

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Da Xia smiled as she saw Ayame drawing closer to her, accepting her challenge at strength. Normally Da Xia would use the opportunity to land a cheap shot to the gut to ensure that she got the early advantage but she was feeling extra gutsy today, to show that she was willing to play the book and improve her standing in the ranks of the division as they clasp hands.

Her smile grew as she shoved all of her weight into the shove, slamming into Ayame with her bountiful chest and attempted to lean forward, trying to force Ayame back in a display of power!
Last edited by TheManVan on Fri Nov 13, 2020 3:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Heelish Opportunism! - Da Xia vs Ayame Aoi

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Knowing that she was up against the current Belly Queen Champion, Ayame was particularly wary of body blows. In her current state, Ayame would not be able to take a body blow very well. As such, Ayame was prepared to defend against strikes to the body. However, no such strike came.

Ayame could feel Da Xia's weight shifting as she started to shove Ayame backwards, their chests momentarily smashing up against each other. While Da Xia clearly had a "size" advantage, Ayame's chest was nothing to scoff at either---at least, when it wasn't constricted by a sports bra. The sports bra that Ayame wore underneath her rash guard for support made her above-average-sized breasts appear smaller than they actually were. For a brief moment, Ayame was distracted by the disparity in their "sizes", creating holes in her normally strong and well-balanced stance. This momentary distraction and Ayame's weakened state allowed Da Xia to somewhat-easily push Ayame back.

After being shoved back, Ayame stumbled ungracefully as she tried to regain her balance---not an easy task, considering how sluggish and weak her legs felt. At this moment, Ayame was painfully aware of how weak her legs had become, creating doubt in her mind.

"Shit. Not good," thought Ayame. Even if it had been for just a moment, she had let herself become distracted by comparing her chest to her opponent's chest. Moreover, she could feel doubt begin to seep into her mind as her legs nearly gave out on her. Ayame knew that she had lost her "rhythm" and was not in control of the match.

In an attempt to turn the tides, Ayame would catch herself and plant her feet firmly on the ground. She would wait there, hoping that Da Xia would carelessly rush forward. If Da Xia rushed forward, Ayame planned to throw a left hook counter followed by a a right cross. Instead of using up energy trying to set up her own offense, Ayame planned to throw counters instead, hoping to land with one of them.

Unfortunately, there was no guarantee that her opponent would charge in. Regardless, Ayame would stand her ground near the ropes.

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Re: Heelish Opportunism! - Da Xia vs Ayame Aoi

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Da Xia shoved into Ayame, forcing her opponent back as she took control of their test of strength, a smile curled on Da Xia's lips as she got the high of physically imposing her will over her opponent. Having won the test of the strength, Da Xia shoved Ayame off of her, forcing her back to the ropes to further exemplify her strength advantage, smirking as she flexed her arms to show off over her opponent and to the crowd.

With Ayame on the ropes and riding on the high of physically imposing herself over Ayame, Da Xia was ready to keep her momentum flowing. She thoughtlessly wrote off any chances of Ayame turning things around on her as she charged in, looking to grab a hold of Ayame again to start throwing her around.

But instead of using her advantage to fully dictate the pace of the match in her favor, Da Xia instead ran into the one-two combo hits from Ayame, smacking into her face as she quickly retreated. Her hands shot up to her jaw, pain stinging on her face as her opponent showed off some excellent striking. Growling, Da Xia's eyes locked back on Ayame, she was lucky the punches didn't knock her flat on her ass!

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Re: Heelish Opportunism! - Da Xia vs Ayame Aoi

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Normally, Ayame's punches had a "pop" to them and could generally put an opponent down if they landed cleanly. This time, however, Ayame's arms felt like lead as she threw her combination. Her punches were dead---lifeless and without much power behind them. Even though Da Xia literally ran into Ayame's punches, it appeared that the punches did not inflict any lasting damage.

Even though Da Xia was not particularly hurt by the strikes, she still backed off. Attempting to capitalize on this opportunity and end the match quickly, Ayame began to rush forward, intending to hit Da Xia with a flying knee!


The sound of Ayame's face hitting the mat echoed throughout the arena. Ayame had only managed to take two steps before her legs gave out from under her, sending her face-first into the mat. Although she put her arms out to catch herself, her weakened arms did very little to cushion the impact.

"Ugh..." groaned Ayame in pain. In this sort of situation, Ayame would usually attempt to pull guard. However, all Ayame could manage was to weakly get up onto her hands and knees. In this position, she was vulnerable to whatever Da Xia had in store for her!

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Re: Heelish Opportunism! - Da Xia vs Ayame Aoi

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Luck seemed to have a twisted connection with Da Xia, as her opponent came into follow up on her attack, her leg gave out and she had slipped on the mat, falling face first on the mat. The cruel smile curled on Da Xia's lips again, having a swell of confidence with such fortuitous events unfolding in her favor as she stood over Ayame.

Her opponent scoured on the mat, giving Da Xia ample time to think what she was going to do with her. Bringing her hands up and clasping them together over her head, Da Xia brought all of her momentum down with her fists, looking to crash it in the lower back of Ayame to put her down and keep up with the punishment to prevent Ayame from recovering!
Last edited by TheManVan on Sun Dec 13, 2020 4:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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