Working Themselves Up: Holly Meets Liger

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Working Themselves Up: Holly Meets Liger

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Holly Matheson stepped into the LAW gym with a little more pep than usual. Sure, she could still hear some snickers and taunts from other girls in the locker room, but that was just the background noise of the Loser Champion’s life. Today, however, Holly was in the gym to meet a new friend, and that was a rare treat.
Well, maybe ‘friend’ was presumptuous on her part. Holly and Liger had been friendly on social media, at least, and even arranged a time to meet and train together in the gym. Since her tag team, the British Bombshells, had crashed and burned like a big-boobed Hindenberg, friends were something Holly was having a tough time coming across.

The Brit stepped into the gym with a towel over her shoulder and a water bottle in hand. She scanned the room, trying to avoid eye contact while still actively looking for Liger. With her bright red hair and … well, frankly, incredible bust line, Holly figured the young woman was going to be hard to miss.
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Re: Working Themselves Up: Holly Meets Liger

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Alright this should be easy, just go in and meet up with someone you been friendly with on Twitter and maybe learn something from her, how hard could that be. Serilda would think to herself as she was changing in the locker rooms into her wrestling attire minus the ears and tail, taking a deep breath again and looks over herself in the mirror."I got this now time to meet another one of my favorite wrestlers."

Stepping out of the locker rooms and begins to look around for Holly, eyeing some of the other women training in the gym and avoiding others who cat call or make a motion at her bust. Before finally spotting the bombshell herself in the corner of the gym where the private rings are at, quickly making her way over there before anybody notices her."Holly?? Hi it umm nice to meet you I'm Serilda Akira.. or Gold Liger..could I have your autograph. " holding out her hand for a handshake, and a small notebook with a pen in the other hand.

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Re: Working Themselves Up: Holly Meets Liger

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Holly took some time to warm up, stepping onto a treadmill and getting herself going on a light jog, before she would start her earnest workout when she ran into this Liger girl. The Brit tried her best to focus on the jog, trying her best to ignore the snide remarks and lewd comments from girls passing by, trying not to let them get her down. Before too long, however, she started to hear comments not directed at her, and realized that something someone else was getting that kind of attention, now.

Looking at the gym entrance, Holly saw a young redhead walk into the room. The first thing Holly noticed, after recognizing the girl’s face from her profile, was an incredible bust. Holly blushed lightly. It wasn’t often that Holly met another woman that outclassed her in the chest department, let alone one that totally put her to shame like this! Holly shook her head, trying to put the thought out of her head.

“H-hey!” Holly said, hitting the stop button as Serilda approached her. “Holly, nice to meet you, Serilda …” Holly extended a hand, politely. “I, um, oh! Okay, sure! Heheh …” Holly took the pen and notepad, writing her name with a practiced flourish. It wasn’t often that Holly was asked to autograph something that wasn’t a glossy magazine with the latest photo spread of a humiliating loss, or an embarrassing 8x10, so she threw in a quick doodle, as well. “Glad we could meet up, today! I’m looking forward to this!”
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Re: Working Themselves Up: Holly Meets Liger

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"Same here... and sorry if I'm acting like a fangirl it just... you really inspired me to wrestle. Your one of my top favorites wrestlers here.. and just talking to you and getting your autograph right now means a lot." Serilda says holding the notepad close to her busty chest, giving the woman a big smile.

Taking Holly hand and leads her into the private rings room, placing the notepad on the ring apron before sliding into the ring. Doing a few leg stretches getting herself loose for the spar even bending over to touch her toes, her chest hanging down bouncing with a every breath Serilda takes.

" So how do you want this spar to go ? A quick match where pin or tap wins it? Or we gotta win by pinning and making the other tap out.? " She says eager to start and more with a big smile on her face knowing she going against another one of her idols in the ring, and wants to show that she can be just as great as Holly is in her eyes.

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Re: Working Themselves Up: Holly Meets Liger

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“No, no, you’re fine,” Holly said, smiling at the apologetic redhead. “Honestly, I’m just kind of glad you’re not picking on me. I have to admit, this isn’t the kind of reaction I usually get from fellow wrestlers … or much of anyone, if I’m being totally honest …”

Holly gladly took Serilda’s offered hand and followed without a word. Holly watched the girl enter the ring and took the steps up to the apron. Wiping her boots, Holly looked Liger over as she stretched and readied to start up the sparring session. Again, Holly couldn’t help but look over Liger’s physique, wondering how she could keep up with that …

“Let’s keep it simple, for now,” Holly said, stepping between the ropes. “Let’s go to pinfall or submission, then go from there? Maybe talk about what worked, what didn’t, and maybe do another round after that? What do you say?” Holly reached out a hand, then, and smiled. Normally, she’d be a bit nervous, even going into a spar, but something about Serilda’s demeanor put her at ease. Holly figured she could trust this woman, and she looked forward to having a friendly match, for once.
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Re: Working Themselves Up: Holly Meets Liger

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"Alright and I did mean that you know on Twitter.. your my friend and if anybody picks on you will answer to me." Serilda says flexing her arm to show off her muscle for Holly to see, Still getting loose and before walking forward and shaking the other woman hand in hers giving it a small shake.

"Let's do our best then Holly." Serilda replies going to the middle of the ring, holding her hand out wanting to go for a test of strength since it is one of her favorite moves to start off a match. Plus to show her idol how strong she is and wanting to show her that she is wanting to learn from her as well.

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Re: Working Themselves Up: Holly Meets Liger

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“That’s very kind of you,” Holly said. “In a business like this, it’s important to have people you know you can count on, having your back. You know, I’ve got yours too.” Holly offered a smile, as she scoped out Serilda’s toned arm. Holly thought about flexing in reply, but thought about her own soft, smooth biceps and decided against it. Instead, the Brit shook hands firmly, nodded respectfully, and broke off into a light jog, circling her sparring partner.

Holly nodded, and locked hands for a test of strength. Widening her stance, Holly took a deep breath, flexed her round buns, and began to push forward to see what kind of resistance Liger would be offering. Holly’s shoulders flexed, her arms tensed, and she went in with about half her full strength. At least, for now.
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Re: Working Themselves Up: Holly Meets Liger

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Locking up with Holly, feeling her strength and seeing her muscles tighten and flex. Liger decides to go at full strength to make her partner come at her with everything she has, her own muscles flexing as she slowly takes a step forward trying to over power Holly at the beginning of the lockup. "No holding back Holly were going to hit each other with our best alright so use those muscles and push me back alright."

Liger starts to slowly force Holly backward, using her strength to try and force her partner to her knees. Even using a old school trick to force her opponent wrists back to get an advantage over her.

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Re: Working Themselves Up: Holly Meets Liger

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“Hn,” Holly let out a little grunt as Liger pushed back against her. Holly could feel the redhead pushing down on her hard, surprising the British Bombshell. Holly looked at Liger’s arms tensing, realizing that her partner wasn’t playing games. “Right,” Holly said, with a nod, taking a deep breath before returning the pressure with a shove.

“Nnngh,” Holly moaned, as she flexed her arms and pushed back. Her chest thrust forward, smacking against the huge bust of Liger, Holly realized too late that her wrists were getting bent backward. “B-bloody hell,” Holly whimpered, trying to keep quiet, but she couldn’t help but fall back. Not willing to back off, Holly went down to a knee. Sweat formed on her brow, the effort showing in her face, as she looked up to Liger. Pushing back, Holly’s arms began to tremble, but it was obvious she was not in control, here!
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Re: Working Themselves Up: Holly Meets Liger

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"I learned this from studying your older matches, I based a lot of my own style after yours and a few other styles." Liger calls out with pride in her voice, hoping to make her partner proud and showing her that she is a legend in the red hair girl eyes.

Looking down at her friend, Liger own muscles straining from the effort to keep her on her knee. Sweat starting to form on her forehead before coming up with a quick plan. "This is something new..." She says stepping back and yanking Holly forward, before letting of the hand lock and tosses her partner aside. Wanting to keep the pressure going, Liger leans down grabbing Holly by her legs trying to turn her over for a Boston crab hold.

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