*Since his initial arrival at law, Cobra had been making quite the everlasting impression- His initial win over the veteran Dana was certainly nothing to scoff at, and as his name began to spread around like wildfire amongst the novices backstage, he slowly began growing a strong fanbase of both peers and critics, most of which all acquiesced the same opinion- He was a breath of fresh air: The dynamic stunts he performed, his bold tattoos and the sentient snake familiar that accompanied him in every encounter made him stand out, but he was yearning for that special someone who could really accentuate his wrestling acumen. Night in and night out, he would fight forgettable foes and proceed on with the next, talentless jobber that had little regard for making an impact on the profession.*
*However, tonight may have the potential to end his despondency- While she may not be the most popular wrestler on the circuit, Cobra had caught a glimpse of what this Daisy woman was capable of, and suffice to say, he was already intrigued by the scant amount he had witnessed.*
"Sssssshe looks enticing enough...hmhm...don't dissssapoint me, Daisy~"
*Finally be called up to the curtain, Cobra shimmied his vest over his shoulders while trotting towards the divider, bursting onto the scene while his music blasted through the arena, the reception being a blend of enthusiastic cheers and aggravated booing. Brushing it aside, Cobra ascended the staircase and slithered through the ropes, clinching his fist as he approached the center of the ring!*
"Thisssss is my jungle!" *Cobra shouted with authority, reminding the spectators who they were worshipping.*
"Daissssy is going to regret ever ssssetting foot in this arena by the time I'm done with her!" *Before approaching his designated corner, anxiously awaiting her appearance.*