Athena Wonder vs. Victoria Faraday - Old Enmity

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Athena Wonder vs. Victoria Faraday - Old Enmity

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Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

Athena Wonder seemed rather grim tonight as she prepared herself for her next match. Tonight, she was slated to face Victoria Faraday, and she still remembered all her encounters that she had with her in the past. Simply put, she had quite a bitter rivalry with that particular woman, and now, the management had decided to pit both of them against each other.

Athena was ready to face Victoria, and she would bring her A-game for this match. Already clad in her skintight red outfit, Athena waited for her cue to make her entrance, and soon, when her music was played, she made her way out to the ramp, receiving a pop from the crowd. She made her way to the ring, flexing her arms along the way.
Athena Wonder
Soon, once she was in the ring, Athena would head over to a corner so that she could wait for Victoria to show up. She did some light stretches as she would wait for her to arrive. At the same time, she would also show off her figure, posing for the crowd and the nearby cameramen, displaying her body for all to see. She had quite a figure that many would envy despite her age.

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Re: Athena Wonder vs. Victoria Faraday - Old Enmity

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Victoria Faraday arrived late to the arena, already clad in her ring gear with her Blackpool Championship slung around her shoulder. The buxom blonde seemed to carry herself with extra arrogance tonight, pushing carelessly past ring crew and production assistants as she made her way to the ring entrance. Tonight, the British veteran was going to be heading up against Athena Wonder. A name she hadn’t heard in a long time, but one she was very familiar with. The two women had clashed numerous times back in the United Kingdom, Victoria’s home turf, and the self-proclaimed Queen wasn’t about to show any weakness at the prospect of facing a competitor like Athena again.
Once Victoria’s music hit the loudspeakers, Victoria emerged on the ramp. Title slung over her shoulder, Victoria posed for the fans. She leaned forward, giving an ample view of her cleavage, as she sneered up at Athena, waiting for her in the ring.

“Here we go again, luv!” Victoria shouted, in a witchy tone. “You ready to lay down for me?” Victoria stood up to her full height then, patting her belt, coming down the ramp with heavy steps. Despite her outward cockiness, Victoria’s eyes showed that she was not taking Athena lightly, the veteran sizing up her opponent, trying to figure out how much had changed, over the years.

Victoria strode up the ring steps, wiped her boots on the apron, and stepped between the ropes. The ref came to do the pre-match check, and Victoria shoved her off by pressing the title belt into her chest and striding straight toward Athena. Victoria locked eyes with her rival, as if daring her to act before the bell.
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Re: Athena Wonder vs. Victoria Faraday - Old Enmity

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Athena's eyes narrowed when she watched Victoria making her entrance. As expected, the woman was carrying with her the title that she had won in the past, and it irked her to no end. She remembered all her encounters with her back then in the United Kingdom, and she was determined that tonight would be different compared to all those nights where she was deprived of her well-deserved wins as well as being a victim of the other woman's shady machination.

After hearing the taunt from the other woman, Athena glared at her before she responded, "Tonight will be different, honey. Tonight, you'll be the one to lay down and be beaten. Hope you prepare yourself." She cracked her knuckles as she waited for the match to begin. And sure enough, the referee, a cutie in striped uniform, who had brought Victoria's title belt out of the ring, called for both Athena and Victoria to the center of the ring before calling for the bell, starting the match between them.

To start off the match, Athena would adopt a stance, bringing her arms up as she prepared herself to lock up with Victoria.

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Re: Athena Wonder vs. Victoria Faraday - Old Enmity

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Victoria smirked at Athena’s taunts, and her posturing. The self-proclaimed Queen shrugged off the confrontation. Outwardly, the veteran was nonchalant, seeming to not care at all about the old rival in front of her, or the contest much at all. Inside, however, Victoria was scheming and planning, remembering her past encounters with Athena and trying to choose the best tricks and cheats she could use to put the woman down once again …

Victoria mirrored Athena’s stance, ready to lock up with her opponent. Then, quickly she lunged forward, locking arms with Athena and starting the match off in earnest. If she could manage to take the other woman by surprise, Victoria would attempt to overpower her. Starting off with the elbow and collar tie up, Victoria wanted to try and dominate Athena with some traditional wrestling, hopefully demoralizing her as they started.

Quickly, Victoria would take another step in, this time going around her opponent, and slide her arms through her grip. If she could, Victoria would lock on a side headlock, trying to squish Athena’s head between her thick forearm and her thick bust, to take control of Athena’s body and squeeze some of the fight right out of her pretty head!
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Re: Athena Wonder vs. Victoria Faraday - Old Enmity

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Athena was miffed by the arrogant look on Victoria's face, and she couldn't wait to beat her up and wipe that look off her face. So, when they finally locked up, Athena would push against her in the collar-and-elbow tie-up. Athena gritted her teeth, her muscles rippling underneath her skintight outfit as she endured the mighty push from her opponent. But then, Victoria moved around her, and Athena miscalculated her own movements, allowing her opponent to catch her in a side headlock.


Feeling her head clamped between Victoria's thick arm and the side of her ample bust, Athena tried to shake herself free, grabbing at her opponent's hip. She gritted her teeth, planting her feet on the mat as she attempted to pull herself away from the hold. She knew that she needed to break free, or else Victoria would continue with her offense. This was something that Athena would try her best to avoid.

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Re: Athena Wonder vs. Victoria Faraday - Old Enmity

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Victoria kept a keen eye on Athena, for all her smugness, not wanting to miss a detail as the women began their match. Victoria relished any sign that Athena was getting annoyed with her smug demeanor, but the sensation of Athena’s muscles rippling beneath her tights quickly dispelled any idea that Victoria could take the wonder lightly. Victoria kept her grip tight and firm as she slipped around Athena, catching her in the side headlock, grinding on the hold. Victoria would give a twist of her broad shoulders, trying to crank on the hold, smothering Athena’s pretty face between her thick arm and bust to try and grind as much air out of the woman as she could.

“Ngh,” Victoria grunted as she felt Athena take a wide stance, ready to pop her head out of the hold. Victoria narrowed her eyes, looking down at Athena’s body and seeing her perfect form. Between solid skills and a strong build Victoria knew it was going to be more effort than it was worth to keep the hold locked in. So instead, Victoria opted for the cheaper route. Releasing her hold on her own wrist to keep the hold firm, Victoria flexed her free arm, loosened her grip, and fired in on Athena’s face with a stiff punch to Athena’s face, looking to rock her forehead with a cheap shot before releasing the hold!
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Re: Athena Wonder vs. Victoria Faraday - Old Enmity

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Keeping a steady and balanced form while being trapped in the side headlock, Athena tried to get her way out of this predicament, knowing that only bad things awaited her if she remained there. And then, Victoria suddenly loosened the hold before she hit Athena's face with a punch, which rattled her greatly.


Then, she was released from the hold altogether. Athena staggered back, bringing her hands onto the spot that she was struck. In this state, Athena would be having no way to defend herself, and all she could do was to brace herself against whatever her opponent would try to throw at her way after this.

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Re: Athena Wonder vs. Victoria Faraday - Old Enmity

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The crowd jeered at Victoria’s cheap shot, making the sadistic British woman grin ear to ear. Beating an opponent was one thing, making her suffer was another, but running circles around her with every cheap trick in the book made the trifecta of Victoria’s dream scenario. Now, Athena was reeling, staggering back, and looked totally open.

Stepping in, Victoria wasted no time taking hold of her advantage. Victoria would step in, trying to snake a leg between Athena’s strong thighs and wrapping her other arm around the woman’s shoulder as she twisted and pulled her up into the air. The buxom Queen of the Ring would take another step around with Athena high in the air, the woman’s body resting firmly on her ample bust, presenting her to the fans, before taking a step and spiking her down to the canvas with a rough body slam!
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Re: Athena Wonder vs. Victoria Faraday - Old Enmity

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Reeling from the cheap shot that she had taken from Victoria, Athena tried to regain her bearing, but she couldn't stop Victoria from picking her up. For a while, the blonde bombshell felt weightless as she was picked up by her opponent. She could feel that Victoria kept her suspended there for a few seconds before she slammed her down into the mat with a powerful body slam!


Athena's eyes widened and her mouth wide open as she was slammed hard into the mat. Her ample breasts shook and her back arched after crashing into the mat, and she was in pain, unable to do much at this point. Victoria would be free to do whatever she wanted to her, and Athena would be having trouble defending herself against whatever her opponent would do next.

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Re: Athena Wonder vs. Victoria Faraday - Old Enmity

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Victoria loved milking the moment while she had Athena’s gorgeous body up in the air, but she ad to bring the woman down eventually. And when she did, she did so with extreme prejudice, bouncing the woman’s body hard across the canvas to a thunderous impact and reaction of sympathetic pain from the audience.

Raising a hand up to rub in her dominance to the jeering fans. Chest swelling with pride, the buxom blonde strutted around her struggling opponent, before raising a boot and driving it hard into Athena’s chest! Then, she would deliver a rough kick to her gorgeous foe’s side, trying to turn her over. If she could get Athena on her belly, Victoria would grin sadistically as she stepped over the woman, sat her thick backside down on her lower back, and trapped her chin with both hands, to lock in a punishing camel clutch!
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