Alyssa Monroe Vs. Lily Harper

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Lily Harper

Unread post by Devastated »

Alyssa nailed Lily with that suplex and smashed her down...yet it seemed as if the fellow blonde was a rather spry young woman as she kicked right out of the pin attempt and rolled away. Picking herself up as Alyssa would do the same, only for Lily to shoot her leg up in a wild manner to try and nail Alyssa with a spin kick.

Narrowly stepping back and avoiding the kick caused Alyssa to stumble backwards a bit, releasing a soft sigh of relief as she avoided the strike. From the looks of it she would have to play things a bit more carefully against Lily.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Lily Harper

Unread post by Void-Effect »

She would growl a bit as she felt her kick missed, she would then attempt to charge at Alyssa and jump up, attempt to give her a drop kick, also aiming at her face, best to stun her than just hurt her, that's why she keep on aiming for the face, if work as she does a simply jump and attempt to land on Alyssa's belly

But of course, if she missed, she would simply charge once again aiming to does a chop that aiming toward Alyssa's neck, keep pressing her own advantage and doesn't give any room for Alyssa to fight back

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Lily Harper

Unread post by Devastated »

Alyssa had narrowly avoided the kick of Lily but it seemed as if the over-eager young blonde wasn't going to take a moment to assess the situation, as she came barreling right for the Brutish Brawler and jumped up high, trying to drive a dropkick into her face. Alyssa tried to quickly bob and weave out of the way, letting her fly past her. Quickly turning around Alyssa saw Lily coming out her again.

Throwing a harsh chop towards her neck as she smacked her hand into it. A small cry escaped from Alyssa as she staggered back, growling out and then throw out a harsh haymaker punch in anger aimed square at the jaw of Lily!

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Lily Harper

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Lily would smile as she felt her and saw her chop connected but of course, that was followed by a punch to her face as she stumble back few steps, holding her face in pain as she shake her head few time, she would look at Alyssa before she would charge and also go for a punch, hoping to surprise her, if worked, she would follow it up with a spin kick.

Of course, if the punch failed, she could simply try to jump back few steps, before she would attempt to follow it up with a spin kick, hoping it would work as it intended

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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