As Cold As Ice

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As Cold As Ice

Unread post by Lunaspark »

Ingrid wandered the backstage of the LAW arena, a thoughtful look on her face, as she headed to the locker rooms.

She had been in LAW for several months now, since the very beginning, and yet things still hadn't gone exactly as she had hoped. She had beaten numerous weaker women, put all of them into their place, but she had still yet to command the attention and respect she felt she so rightfully deserved. The women in LAW had yet to learn their place, they had yet to learn who the real power in the company was.

Lost in her own mind, Ingrid turned a corner, barely paying attention to what was going on around her as she mulled over her next step in the company...

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Re: As Cold As Ice

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Alexia was new to LAw , but did not doubt she would soon be in charge as she planned on making anyone who cross her into her bitch. It was the only reason the company gave her the offer as they wanted to see the Ice lander dominate her opponent's so that fans would want to see her get her butt handed to her by one of the other wrestlers. Still the blue haired woman was not focused at the moment as she walked around not paying any attention when she bumped into someone.

Reacting on instinct Alexia would turn around as she did not care who walked into her right now , but she would get an apologize out of that person as she yelled '''I believe you own me an apologize loser''.

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Re: As Cold As Ice

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Ingrid turned the corner, and bumped straight into the blue-haired Alexia, taking a step back as she look down at the slightly shorter (but obviously thicker and heavier) woman. She opened her mouth to speak, but when she heard Alexia's insult, she narrowed her eyes, folding her arms over her sizable chest in an annoyed manner.

"Loser...?" She asked coldly, meeting Alexia's gaze, staring deeply into her ice-blue eyes. "You're the one that walked into me. If anyone here should be apologizing, it's you..."

She fell silent after that, and simply stared at Alexia, as if daring her to try and argue back.

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Re: As Cold As Ice

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Alexia would just glare at the other wrestler as she saw her fold her arms over her breasts as she then heard her coldly say that it was her fault , and that she should apologize for walking into her. Well clearly whoever this was had never meet her as the ice cold bitch never apologized to anyone as she would step forward as she got right into the other woman's face.

''Please why should someone like me apologize to someone like well you'' replied Alexia as she then continued ''still I forgive you for not apologizing right away since it clear you never heard of me. Still do not test me or else you be an example for everyone else why they should't mess with the ICE COLD Bitch''.

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Re: As Cold As Ice

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Ingrid stared into the eyes of the slightly shorter woman, not budging an inch as Alexia moved closer to her. She huffed outwards as Alexia spoke, her breath hot on the ice queen's face, waiting for her to finish before she spoke up again.

"I've never heard of you. It doesn't surprise me, you don't seem too important at all." She smirked, her words laced with venom as she spoke. "Still, I'm going to give you one chance. Apologize to me, then turn around and walk away. Otherwise, you're going to find out which one of us is really the 'ice cold bitch' around here..."

She lowered her arms, and pushed forward, shoving her body against Alexia's as she waited for a reply.

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Re: As Cold As Ice

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Alexia was expecting to either see fear or hatred into the other woman's eyes so she was surprised when the other wrestler just smirked at her. From their it was one surprise after an other as she wondered who this woman thought she was as nobody could be more of an bitch then she was. Wanting to reply quickly the blue haired woman was pushed back as she would push back as she took a step forward , and shove her body into Ingrid's.

''I like to see you try honey , but you would not be able to out bitch me loser''whispered the Alexia as she would then go for an slap to the other woman's face.

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Re: As Cold As Ice

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The sound of Alexia's slap striking the cheek of the pink-haired woman echoed throughout the halls of the arena. Though Ingrid's body didn't move, her head snapped to the side, her smirk dropping from her face as it was replaced by a look of shock, and soon after a look of anger.

If that was how Alexia wanted to play...

Ingrid slowly turned her gaze back to Alexia, a cool fury in her eyes. Without saying a single word, her own arm suddenly shot up, Ingrid moving to backhand the bluenette straight across her face!

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Re: As Cold As Ice

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As Alexia's hand made contact with the pink haired woman's cheek she was a bit disappointed when the other wrestler's body did not move. However the fact that their was now a red imprint of her hand on Ingrid's face caused her to smirk as she saw the look of anger in the other woman's face. Wanting to go for another slap she got caught off guard when she got hit with the back of the back of Ingrid's hand as it hit her across the face.

While her body did not move , her head did snapped to the side just like what happened with Ingrid as the blue haired woman would look at the other woman with anger in her eyes. ''You fucking Bitch''screamed the Icelandic native as she grabbed the hair of the other wrestler as she tried to force her knee into the pink haired woman's stomach.

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Re: As Cold As Ice

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Ingrid hadn't been expecting what happened next. She was expecting more cold words, more stinging blows. She wasn't expecting the jerk on her hair, and she definitely wasn't expecting the knee into her stomach.

Alexia's knee rammed into her gut, and Ingrid lurched forward. Her eyes went wide as she doubled over, the pink-haired woman coughing up air as she was left stunned by the blow, left open and at the mercy of the self-proclaimed ice-cold bitch.

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Re: As Cold As Ice

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Alexia would smirk as she watched as the other woman would bend forward after the knee she gave Ingrid to the stomach. ''Wow all it takes to shut you up is an knee to the stomach. Already expect you to be pathetic , but let this be a lesson to you pinkie that you should never get in my way''taunted the blue haired woman as she would raise hr hands in the air to bring them down as an axehamer onto the other woman's back.

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