To start us off are the curvaceous Camie and Kiera! Which one of these beauties is going to come out on top? And who will end up buried under their opponent?


The bursts of sunshine reflected off the shining sea as a crowd started to form around the ring, a few people would wait in anticipation for the start of the first-ever Sexy Smother Spectacular! After a few moments, a referee wearing a striped one-piece went to the ring, getting a few cheers just for simply wearing the swimsuit. The announcer would then come out as she declared the start of the event. After which Camie's theme would begin to play before she finally would walkout
Camie usually wouldn't be too keen on these kinds of events, even more so seeing as she was one of the first ones out. But overall she did it for two reasons, 1. She got some exposure from it and 2. She got some extra money. Besides, maybe she might get lucky and win, or at least smother a few girls out~. She would hum, surprising not wearing her cap as she stepped onto the apron of the ring, before slipping in through the middle rope. Her attire wasn't super complicated as she wore a pair of sunglasses, along with a black skimpy singlet bikini, along with a gray pair of jean shorts to cover her butt for now. She hums taking the glasses off looking at the referee smirking and saying "I don't know which is hotter today, the sun or you. Should show off more" She grins after teasing the referee, who blushed after Camie gave her a little pat on the bottom, making the crowd cheer as she chuckles going to her corner, waiting for her first opponent
"Ahhhh~ What a beautiful day to kick some ass!" Kiera said as she made her way to the ring. While her opponent opted for stripes, Kiera would be wearing a solid black bikini with a skull and crossbones on the back of her bottoms. The gentle breeze and sea air had the redhead feeling great. While she would have gladly taken a nice beach day, she had no problem working up a bit of a sweat before enjoying the ocean.
Kiera slipped through the ropes and leaned against the corner. She flashed her opponent a quick grin before turning around to expose her backside and give it a quick slap. "Hope ya don't mind a real good close up of this." The woman teased. "Cause I'm gonna bury ya." She said with perhaps an undue amount of confidence. While she was among the first wrestlers up the redhead had no doubt that she could win this. As far as she was concerned she would have no problem dispatching all of the other wrestlers. The only hard part, she thought, would be deciding if they'd pass out against her chest or under her ass.
Camie would sit on the top rope as Kiera made her way to the ring, smirking as she crossed her legs watching the girl, a relaxed look on her face. She watched as the girl would spank her behind taunting Camie. Camie would simply give devious smirk as she hopped down from the corner saying "Bury me? Only thing getting buried is gonna be your face while your squirming under me." She would lean back in the corner smirking more
She hums letting the referee do her checks as she would tap her foot, adjusting her bottoms a bit before glancing back up at the girl waiting for the match to begin. Once it did she would be a bit more careful, walking around the girl a bit as she circled the ring. She didn't have anytime to see who she'd be fighting in the gauntlet so she would need to come up with a better idea of attack. She would then attempt to lock up with the other girl
Kiera just shook her head at her opponent's comments. Clearly they didn't know what kind of a wrestler they were dealing with. "Pfff Keep yapping while ya can." The redhead replied. "Cause soon everything you say is gonna be muffled under my ass." She threatened. Soon she would take a step forward and wait for the match to finally begin. Then she could show Camie how big of a mistake she made entering the ring with her.
As soon as the two wrestlers were ready the referee would ring the bell to signal the start of the match. The crowd roared and soon the fists would start flying. First though bth wrestlers would lock up. Kiera strained herself to try and push Camie back but she wasn't exactly the model powerhouse. Instead she would fall back and let Camie's momentum take her forward. The redhead would then try to press her feet to her opponent's stomach and flip Camie right over her.
Camie would lock up with the girl, getting a bit more in compared to Kiera as although her frame wasn't super large she was surprisingly strong. However strength wouldn't be enough as she would be tossed by Kiera with a monkey flip, landing on her back.
This gave her a bit of an idea as the girl seemed to be more keen with athletic moves rather the power based ones, and it was likely she would attempt to grab Camies head after the flip, which she would attempt to counter with a kick to the top of Kiera's head. However if Kiera didn't get her right after this move, Camie would use the chance to show off a bit, pulling her feet up and kipping back up to a standing position and she smugly smiles at Kiera after this
With her opponent down, it was Kiera's time to make a move. She strut towards her opponent, making sure to let the crowd watch her hips sway. She had plans for Camie and would reach down to grab the woman by the hair. Unfortunately she was met with a swift kick right towards her.
"Gaaaah!" Kiera cried out. She had pulled back at the last moment and the kick would hit her right in the face. The redhead clutched her face and would stumble back a few steps. She would soon stand in place and yell quite a few muffled profanities into her hands. That hit definitely stung. Kiera would have to remember to pay Camie back plenty for that surprise.
Camie would grin as she quickly got back up, seeing her attack was successful and not wasting any time. She would quickly spin around, getting to her feet and attempting to hit a running kick to her shin, trying to knock the girl down to the ground. If this worked she would follow it up by attempting to run to the ropes, before hitting a running big boot, trying to add to her opponents already damaged face.
If this worked she would smugly grin at her, before attempting to grab her foot, dropping a few knees drops to add to the damage. After this, she would grin posing to the crowd who gave a mixed reaction. Her style had some smothers in it but after the stiff shots she just hit, it wasn't likely anyone watching knew that. Camie glanced at Kiera saying "Hope you didn't think I was gonna be soft with you sweetie~."
Still reeling from the hit, Kiera was easy prey for her opponent. She looked up only to see Camie charging right at her. Before she could react she received a boot right to her face. "Gaaaahhh!!" She screamed as the impact forced her back onto the ground. Once again she was grabbing her face and now rolling from side to side. "Fucking...ahh!" She squeaked.
The worst wasn't over though. Camie had grabbed Kiera's leg and drop a knee right on the poor redhead who soon let out a pained groan. "Guuughh..." She whined before turning onto her side. It was certainly a rough start to the match.
The redhead was already doing poorly but she needed to get up. Right now though she could only manage to roll onto her stomach and push up onto all fours. She wanted to make a grab for the ropes to help herself back up
Camie grins as the girl attempted to make it to the ropes, however she wouldn't let this be easy as she grabbed her bad leg once again dragging her away, before kicking her in the thigh. She would attempt to transition into flipping the girl over and into a single leg boston crab, trying to damage her more
Submissions wouldn't get her a win unless a smother was added, so this as just to add damage. She would grin more as she would pull back on the girls leg, attempting to use her free hand to spank her rear saying "Come on that's all? Thought you said it was gonna be easy for ya? Hahaha" She grins as she attempt to keep her locked in a bit longer
No sooner did Kiera try to make a grab for the ropes than Camie grabbed her legs and pulled her towards the center of the ring. "No no n...aaaah!" Kiera yelled as suddenly her leg was cranked back quite painfully. "Nnnng! Let goooo!" The redhead yelled and began slamming her fist against the mat in frustration.
Before she could properly react she felt a hard smack on her rear "Ahh~ Quit it!" Kiera yelped, her face flushing a bright red. "I'll kick ya ass right outta this ring!" The middleweight huffed. She was in trouble though. Afraid her leg was going to snap in half at this rate, she would struggle to push herself up and squirm away. At the very least she was hoping she could roll to her side and jostle Camie off of her.
"Hey your kinda cute~, maybe I should do it more to ya." She grins as she spanked her a few more times trying to get more reactions out of her, all while cranking her leg back. After a but she was thrown off balance by her rolling so she would let go of her leg. She sighs streching over the girls body before taking a few steps backwards
"Now then lets try and get this done, I got stuff to do y'know" She smugly smiles as she went to pick up the girl by her head, attempting to drag her under her arm to one of the corners
Kiera winced as her leg was pulled back further and she had to resist the urge to cry out in pain. Meanwhile her face had flushed a light shade of red in response to the repeated smacks to her booty. "Nnnng...guuuh! Finally!" She sighed in relief after tossing her opponent off of her. Now she could finally try for some more offense. Quickly she pushed herself onto all fours.
Camie wasn't about to let Kiera just take her time though and the redhead felt herself being dragged towards one of the corners. She would try to retaliate by throwing her elbow back at the woman, hoping to drive it right into their stomach and land a solid blow. "Get THIS!" She'd yell
Camie would get a bit too confident after releasing the hold, getting an elbow in her stomach "Agh!" She let go of the girl grabbing her stomach and leaning over in pain, she attempted to regain herself quickly, trying to look up before she could get the upper hand on her
Kiera found an inch and would try to take a mile. After landing a solid hit to her opponent she would pull away before turning to face them. "Hah! Now have another!" She yelled before aiming a quick knee towards her opponent's gut. It wasn't long before Kiera shifted so that she stood beside her foe and would trap them in a tight headlock. " let's knock ya down before I knock ya out." The redhead teased, pressing Camie's cheek against the side of her chest.
With an impish grin, Kiera would charge towards the corner. She was looking to really rock Camie by slamming her into the turnbuckle. The redhead doubted her opponent would be recovering from that quickly and it would give her enough time to try and smother the woman out.
Camie gasped at the second knee strike, making her grab her stomach before her head was once again grabbed. She grabbed her arm as she was locked into a headlock, feeling the side of her chest on her face making her blush a bit "Cheeky little-Gah!" She was then be slammed face first into the turnbuckle, grabbing her nose as she used the ropes for leverage so she wouldn't fall down, rubbing her nose "Damn it"
Kiera had some good offense going and wouldn't let up. She had plans for Camie. There was no way she'd let herself be the first woman out of this tournament after all. And so with an impish grin the redhead grabbed her foe by the hair and would yank them backwards. She would aim a chop to her foe's chest before pushing Camie down onto her knees.
If all went well Kiera would stand behind Camie and tug her head back just a little more so that she could step forward and trap her in a standing headscissor. Of course in this variant she'd have Camie's face angled right up at her ass. "Heh this counts as a smother right?" She asked the crowd.
Camie would grit her teeth as Kiera had the upper hand, getting chop after chop set into her chest before falling to her knees. She held her chest "You stupid fuckin...OH don't you dar-MMMPH!"
Camie grabbed her thighs as her face was caught in a smother, trying to get the girl off as she taunted her. She blushed yelling into her behind as she was smothered in the headscissor, trying to pull her thighs apart
"What was that? Can't hear you!" The redhead taunted. She would squeeze her thighs tight as she began to slowly rock her hips back and forth. She was going to have fun with this girl one way or another. Reaching back she would pull Camie tighter against her, really keeping the woman's face
buried deep between her cheeks while she rubbed herself along their features.
Kiera was soon feeling quite a bit of resistance from her opponent. "Hmmphh...just fucking take it." The redhead huffed. If Camie wasn't going to be grateful for the view then Kiera would have to punish her. The woman would hop up slightly before falling back, looking to crush Camie under her ass.
Camie would mumble more in protest, wiggling her arms as she was rocked by her hips. She would the let out another loud whine as she was forced into the girls plump rear, grabbing her thighs again to try and get her off "MMMMM!"
However she then would be slammed onto the mat with a modified facesitting drop, making her bend backwards on her knees. She let out a muffled sound on impact, before groping her butt and trying to push her off her face as she was forced into a painful facesitting position
Kiera let out a rather loud laugh as she slammed her butt onto her foe and contorted them into quite a painful position. She would grind her hips down roughly against Camie's face, smiling while she smothered her poor opponent. "Heh how's that? Liking it down there loser?" She taunted. She would grab her ass and lift her cheeks slightly before letting them bounce down on Camie's face.
Meanwhile the redhead looked down at Camie's body. She soon got an idea. Her hands would slide down the woman's chest and abs until she reached the waist of her bottoms. She would grab the front of Camie's bikini and pull it up slightly, giving the crowd a quick view. "Hmm let's give everyone a little treat~"
Camie would mumble as her face was pushed around, getting a small breath of air before her opponents cheeks smacked her right in the face. She let out an angry grunt as she would try pushing her off. She suddenly shivered feeling her rub her stomach and abs, squirming a bit and letting out a muffled protest
However once she reached her bottoms, Camie froze for a sec, letting out a muffled squeak feeling her waist band lift up then come back down. She would let out a protest again, giving Kieras rear a hard smack to try and get her off
Kiera would let out an exaggerated moan as she felt a sudden slap to her rear. "Mmmmm~ God you're suuuch a nice seat~" She teased as she slowly rocked her hips back and forth to put on a nice display of burying Camie's face. Her hands continued to wander though and slowly she began rubbing between Camie's legs. That only lasted for a brief moment though as she felt her opponent start to protest more.
Kiera quickly slid her hands back up Camie's body and pressed down against her chest to brace herself. "Oh no. You're not getting up." She would lift her ass up slightly before trying to slam back down onto her foe's face. "You're gonna pass out under my ass loser. Than I'm gonna take on whoever is unlucky enough to be next!"
Camie would blush more at the moan mumbling as she got comfortable on her face. Camie would let out a moan as she touched her lower regions. She felt her grab her chest and gasp as she got off her face. However Kiera would get to eager as Camie took the chance to escape from under the girl.
Once she attempted to slam her rear down on her face, she would arch her back, straightening her legs out. Although she did get hit by her booty, she would kick her feet up, attempting to lock her legs around her head to lock in a headscissor of her own, yelling into the girls rear to try and get her off, pulling forward with her legs
Kiera was having too much fun to notice the dangerous position she was putting herself in. As she lifted herself up she had given Camie just the chance the woman needed to try and mount a comeback. At first though Kiera slammed down on her foe with ease, laughing as she smushed their face under her plump rear. Turning back to face Camie's feet though she noticed that they were no longer in the awkward position they had been. In fact Camie had kicked her legs up and they were coming right for her.
"Ahhh hey! HEY!" Kiera shouted as her opponent locked their legs around her head. The next thing the redhead knew she was being pulled right off of her opponent. She had to push her hands out in front of her just to stop from faceplanting right into the ring. "Nnnff!!!" She gasped as she was thrown forward.
Camie would endure the smash to her already red face, gasping as she finally got the girl off her face. "What's wrong can't handle tasting your own medicine?" She would attempt to then roll over, trying to end up as the one on top
She would grin attempting to get some payback, grabbing her thighs and trying to hook a schoolgirl pin, dragging her feet up as she sat on her face. Once the hold was locked in, Camie's blushing face would smile "How do ya like it perv!" She said looking back as she held her in the painful pin
Kiera was in a bad position now. She found herself swiftly rolled over with her opponent pressing down on top of her. "Hnnnng get off!" She cried as she began to squirm and kick her legs. Unfortunately soon she couldn't even do that. Camie had grabbed her legs and began to stretch the redhead out, folding her in on herself. "Ahhh!!!" Kiera cried out. This proved to be yet another mistake. As soon as she opened her mouth, Camie planted her ass right onto the redhead's face.
Now with the roles reversed, Kiera's face began to match her hair. Folded up and trapped under Camie's ass, only her eyes were visible and they showed clear disdain for her position. "Ammphhh nnnfff!" She huffed against Camie. She was unable to get any words out but that didn't stop her from trying.
Camie grins as she was able to humiliate the girl, she would lock her arms around her thighs "Aw you look so cute down there. How about a little show for the crowd?" She would turn back and begin spanking her rear over and over to the point it would start to go red
Camie would slowly roll her hips, basically doing a tiny belly dance while Kiera was forced between her cheeks "Thought you'd like it down there, you were interested when you were on top" She giggles groping her but a bit as the crowd cheered
Kiera let out a huff in protest. Cute was not the look she was going for now. She didn't seem to have too much choice in the matter though as Camie took control. "Mmmphhh! Ahhhmmphh!" She would squeal as her opponent rained down smack after smack on her barely covered booty. Her cheeks flushed an even deeper red as her ass bounced all around in response.
To make matters worse Camie was soon grinding her hips down against her face, absolutely burying the poor redhead. Kiera would shake her head no slightly in response to the woman's teasing. She let out a muffled gasp in response to the groping before reaching up to try and grab Camie's tits and squeeze them hard
Camie grins as she would humiliate the poor girl more, before blushing a bit and gasping as she grab her chest, smirking as she let her legs drop saying "Aw does someone wanna feel my girls? Maybe you're a bit jealous" She giggles bouncing a bit on her face before then attempting to pull her hands off her chest
If she got them off she would then copy the girls movements, lifting her but up with her hands before letting it flop back down on her face. She then got off quickly backing up before the attempting to hit a running shin kick to her bad leg to make sure it still was damaged
Kiera shook her head as much as she could in protest. She clearly didn't appreciate the woman's taunting nearly as much as the crowd loved it. Each new bounce upon her face would jostle the poor redhead who was already planning her revenge after she managed an escape. But for now her hands were just shoved to the side and her face was smacked by Camie's gently falling cheeks. "Mmmphhh!!!" Kiera whined in protest.
Finally Camie lifted up and Kiera would be able to gasp for breath. She didn't know what her opponent was planning but right now she didn't care. The dazed wrestler would stumble up to her feet. Unfortunately she was in for a rude awakening, a kick right to her shin that sent her toppling back to the canvas. "Gaaah shit ow oww!" She cried out upon impact. The damaged wrestler would quickly clutch her leg in pain