Swimsuit Smother Smackdown

Title Defenses/Feud-ending Matches
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Swimsuit Smother Smackdown

Unread post by Noob »

Welcome one! Welcome all! To the first ever swimsuit smother smackdown! It's a lovely day here at the beach, perfect to just sit in the sun. But instead of enjoying the sand and surf, today our swimsuit clad wrestlers will be vying for victory as they attempt to smother their opponents silly. It's a gauntlet match and therrrrre's only one rule. You're out when you're knocked out!

To start us off are the curvaceous Camie and Kiera! Which one of these beauties is going to come out on top? And who will end up buried under their opponent?


The bursts of sunshine reflected off the shining sea as a crowd started to form around the ring, a few people would wait in anticipation for the start of the first-ever Sexy Smother Spectacular! After a few moments, a referee wearing a striped one-piece went to the ring, getting a few cheers just for simply wearing the swimsuit. The announcer would then come out as she declared the start of the event. After which Camie's theme would begin to play before she finally would walkout

Camie usually wouldn't be too keen on these kinds of events, even more so seeing as she was one of the first ones out. But overall she did it for two reasons, 1. She got some exposure from it and 2. She got some extra money. Besides, maybe she might get lucky and win, or at least smother a few girls out~. She would hum, surprising not wearing her cap as she stepped onto the apron of the ring, before slipping in through the middle rope. Her attire wasn't super complicated as she wore a pair of sunglasses, along with a black skimpy singlet bikini, along with a gray pair of jean shorts to cover her butt for now. She hums taking the glasses off looking at the referee smirking and saying "I don't know which is hotter today, the sun or you. Should show off more" She grins after teasing the referee, who blushed after Camie gave her a little pat on the bottom, making the crowd cheer as she chuckles going to her corner, waiting for her first opponent

"Ahhhh~ What a beautiful day to kick some ass!" Kiera said as she made her way to the ring. While her opponent opted for stripes, Kiera would be wearing a solid black bikini with a skull and crossbones on the back of her bottoms. The gentle breeze and sea air had the redhead feeling great. While she would have gladly taken a nice beach day, she had no problem working up a bit of a sweat before enjoying the ocean.

Kiera slipped through the ropes and leaned against the corner. She flashed her opponent a quick grin before turning around to expose her backside and give it a quick slap. "Hope ya don't mind a real good close up of this." The woman teased. "Cause I'm gonna bury ya." She said with perhaps an undue amount of confidence. While she was among the first wrestlers up the redhead had no doubt that she could win this. As far as she was concerned she would have no problem dispatching all of the other wrestlers. The only hard part, she thought, would be deciding if they'd pass out against her chest or under her ass.

Camie would sit on the top rope as Kiera made her way to the ring, smirking as she crossed her legs watching the girl, a relaxed look on her face. She watched as the girl would spank her behind taunting Camie. Camie would simply give devious smirk as she hopped down from the corner saying "Bury me? Only thing getting buried is gonna be your face while your squirming under me." She would lean back in the corner smirking more

She hums letting the referee do her checks as she would tap her foot, adjusting her bottoms a bit before glancing back up at the girl waiting for the match to begin. Once it did she would be a bit more careful, walking around the girl a bit as she circled the ring. She didn't have anytime to see who she'd be fighting in the gauntlet so she would need to come up with a better idea of attack. She would then attempt to lock up with the other girl

Kiera just shook her head at her opponent's comments. Clearly they didn't know what kind of a wrestler they were dealing with. "Pfff Keep yapping while ya can." The redhead replied. "Cause soon everything you say is gonna be muffled under my ass." She threatened. Soon she would take a step forward and wait for the match to finally begin. Then she could show Camie how big of a mistake she made entering the ring with her.

As soon as the two wrestlers were ready the referee would ring the bell to signal the start of the match. The crowd roared and soon the fists would start flying. First though bth wrestlers would lock up. Kiera strained herself to try and push Camie back but she wasn't exactly the model powerhouse. Instead she would fall back and let Camie's momentum take her forward. The redhead would then try to press her feet to her opponent's stomach and flip Camie right over her.

Camie would lock up with the girl, getting a bit more in compared to Kiera as although her frame wasn't super large she was surprisingly strong. However strength wouldn't be enough as she would be tossed by Kiera with a monkey flip, landing on her back.

This gave her a bit of an idea as the girl seemed to be more keen with athletic moves rather the power based ones, and it was likely she would attempt to grab Camies head after the flip, which she would attempt to counter with a kick to the top of Kiera's head. However if Kiera didn't get her right after this move, Camie would use the chance to show off a bit, pulling her feet up and kipping back up to a standing position and she smugly smiles at Kiera after this

With her opponent down, it was Kiera's time to make a move. She strut towards her opponent, making sure to let the crowd watch her hips sway. She had plans for Camie and would reach down to grab the woman by the hair. Unfortunately she was met with a swift kick right towards her.

"Gaaaah!" Kiera cried out. She had pulled back at the last moment and the kick would hit her right in the face. The redhead clutched her face and would stumble back a few steps. She would soon stand in place and yell quite a few muffled profanities into her hands. That hit definitely stung. Kiera would have to remember to pay Camie back plenty for that surprise.

Camie would grin as she quickly got back up, seeing her attack was successful and not wasting any time. She would quickly spin around, getting to her feet and attempting to hit a running kick to her shin, trying to knock the girl down to the ground. If this worked she would follow it up by attempting to run to the ropes, before hitting a running big boot, trying to add to her opponents already damaged face.

If this worked she would smugly grin at her, before attempting to grab her foot, dropping a few knees drops to add to the damage. After this, she would grin posing to the crowd who gave a mixed reaction. Her style had some smothers in it but after the stiff shots she just hit, it wasn't likely anyone watching knew that. Camie glanced at Kiera saying "Hope you didn't think I was gonna be soft with you sweetie~."

Still reeling from the hit, Kiera was easy prey for her opponent. She looked up only to see Camie charging right at her. Before she could react she received a boot right to her face. "Gaaaahhh!!" She screamed as the impact forced her back onto the ground. Once again she was grabbing her face and now rolling from side to side. "Fucking...ahh!" She squeaked.

The worst wasn't over though. Camie had grabbed Kiera's leg and drop a knee right on the poor redhead who soon let out a pained groan. "Guuughh..." She whined before turning onto her side. It was certainly a rough start to the match.

The redhead was already doing poorly but she needed to get up. Right now though she could only manage to roll onto her stomach and push up onto all fours. She wanted to make a grab for the ropes to help herself back up

Camie grins as the girl attempted to make it to the ropes, however she wouldn't let this be easy as she grabbed her bad leg once again dragging her away, before kicking her in the thigh. She would attempt to transition into flipping the girl over and into a single leg boston crab, trying to damage her more

Submissions wouldn't get her a win unless a smother was added, so this as just to add damage. She would grin more as she would pull back on the girls leg, attempting to use her free hand to spank her rear saying "Come on that's all? Thought you said it was gonna be easy for ya? Hahaha" She grins as she attempt to keep her locked in a bit longer

No sooner did Kiera try to make a grab for the ropes than Camie grabbed her legs and pulled her towards the center of the ring. "No no n...aaaah!" Kiera yelled as suddenly her leg was cranked back quite painfully. "Nnnng! Let goooo!" The redhead yelled and began slamming her fist against the mat in frustration.

Before she could properly react she felt a hard smack on her rear "Ahh~ Quit it!" Kiera yelped, her face flushing a bright red. "I'll kick ya ass right outta this ring!" The middleweight huffed. She was in trouble though. Afraid her leg was going to snap in half at this rate, she would struggle to push herself up and squirm away. At the very least she was hoping she could roll to her side and jostle Camie off of her.

"Hey your kinda cute~, maybe I should do it more to ya." She grins as she spanked her a few more times trying to get more reactions out of her, all while cranking her leg back. After a but she was thrown off balance by her rolling so she would let go of her leg. She sighs streching over the girls body before taking a few steps backwards

"Now then lets try and get this done, I got stuff to do y'know" She smugly smiles as she went to pick up the girl by her head, attempting to drag her under her arm to one of the corners

Kiera winced as her leg was pulled back further and she had to resist the urge to cry out in pain. Meanwhile her face had flushed a light shade of red in response to the repeated smacks to her booty. "Nnnng...guuuh! Finally!" She sighed in relief after tossing her opponent off of her. Now she could finally try for some more offense. Quickly she pushed herself onto all fours.

Camie wasn't about to let Kiera just take her time though and the redhead felt herself being dragged towards one of the corners. She would try to retaliate by throwing her elbow back at the woman, hoping to drive it right into their stomach and land a solid blow. "Get THIS!" She'd yell

Camie would get a bit too confident after releasing the hold, getting an elbow in her stomach "Agh!" She let go of the girl grabbing her stomach and leaning over in pain, she attempted to regain herself quickly, trying to look up before she could get the upper hand on her

Kiera found an inch and would try to take a mile. After landing a solid hit to her opponent she would pull away before turning to face them. "Hah! Now have another!" She yelled before aiming a quick knee towards her opponent's gut. It wasn't long before Kiera shifted so that she stood beside her foe and would trap them in a tight headlock. "Ok...now let's knock ya down before I knock ya out." The redhead teased, pressing Camie's cheek against the side of her chest.

With an impish grin, Kiera would charge towards the corner. She was looking to really rock Camie by slamming her into the turnbuckle. The redhead doubted her opponent would be recovering from that quickly and it would give her enough time to try and smother the woman out.

Camie gasped at the second knee strike, making her grab her stomach before her head was once again grabbed. She grabbed her arm as she was locked into a headlock, feeling the side of her chest on her face making her blush a bit "Cheeky little-Gah!" She was then be slammed face first into the turnbuckle, grabbing her nose as she used the ropes for leverage so she wouldn't fall down, rubbing her nose "Damn it"

Kiera had some good offense going and wouldn't let up. She had plans for Camie. There was no way she'd let herself be the first woman out of this tournament after all. And so with an impish grin the redhead grabbed her foe by the hair and would yank them backwards. She would aim a chop to her foe's chest before pushing Camie down onto her knees.

If all went well Kiera would stand behind Camie and tug her head back just a little more so that she could step forward and trap her in a standing headscissor. Of course in this variant she'd have Camie's face angled right up at her ass. "Heh this counts as a smother right?" She asked the crowd.

Camie would grit her teeth as Kiera had the upper hand, getting chop after chop set into her chest before falling to her knees. She held her chest "You stupid fuckin...OH don't you dar-MMMPH!"

Camie grabbed her thighs as her face was caught in a smother, trying to get the girl off as she taunted her. She blushed yelling into her behind as she was smothered in the headscissor, trying to pull her thighs apart

"What was that? Can't hear you!" The redhead taunted. She would squeeze her thighs tight as she began to slowly rock her hips back and forth. She was going to have fun with this girl one way or another. Reaching back she would pull Camie tighter against her, really keeping the woman's face
buried deep between her cheeks while she rubbed herself along their features.

Kiera was soon feeling quite a bit of resistance from her opponent. "Hmmphh...just fucking take it." The redhead huffed. If Camie wasn't going to be grateful for the view then Kiera would have to punish her. The woman would hop up slightly before falling back, looking to crush Camie under her ass.

Camie would mumble more in protest, wiggling her arms as she was rocked by her hips. She would the let out another loud whine as she was forced into the girls plump rear, grabbing her thighs again to try and get her off "MMMMM!"

However she then would be slammed onto the mat with a modified facesitting drop, making her bend backwards on her knees. She let out a muffled sound on impact, before groping her butt and trying to push her off her face as she was forced into a painful facesitting position

Kiera let out a rather loud laugh as she slammed her butt onto her foe and contorted them into quite a painful position. She would grind her hips down roughly against Camie's face, smiling while she smothered her poor opponent. "Heh how's that? Liking it down there loser?" She taunted. She would grab her ass and lift her cheeks slightly before letting them bounce down on Camie's face.

Meanwhile the redhead looked down at Camie's body. She soon got an idea. Her hands would slide down the woman's chest and abs until she reached the waist of her bottoms. She would grab the front of Camie's bikini and pull it up slightly, giving the crowd a quick view. "Hmm let's give everyone a little treat~"

Camie would mumble as her face was pushed around, getting a small breath of air before her opponents cheeks smacked her right in the face. She let out an angry grunt as she would try pushing her off. She suddenly shivered feeling her rub her stomach and abs, squirming a bit and letting out a muffled protest

However once she reached her bottoms, Camie froze for a sec, letting out a muffled squeak feeling her waist band lift up then come back down. She would let out a protest again, giving Kieras rear a hard smack to try and get her off

Kiera would let out an exaggerated moan as she felt a sudden slap to her rear. "Mmmmm~ God you're suuuch a nice seat~" She teased as she slowly rocked her hips back and forth to put on a nice display of burying Camie's face. Her hands continued to wander though and slowly she began rubbing between Camie's legs. That only lasted for a brief moment though as she felt her opponent start to protest more.

Kiera quickly slid her hands back up Camie's body and pressed down against her chest to brace herself. "Oh no. You're not getting up." She would lift her ass up slightly before trying to slam back down onto her foe's face. "You're gonna pass out under my ass loser. Than I'm gonna take on whoever is unlucky enough to be next!"

Camie would blush more at the moan mumbling as she got comfortable on her face. Camie would let out a moan as she touched her lower regions. She felt her grab her chest and gasp as she got off her face. However Kiera would get to eager as Camie took the chance to escape from under the girl.

Once she attempted to slam her rear down on her face, she would arch her back, straightening her legs out. Although she did get hit by her booty, she would kick her feet up, attempting to lock her legs around her head to lock in a headscissor of her own, yelling into the girls rear to try and get her off, pulling forward with her legs

Kiera was having too much fun to notice the dangerous position she was putting herself in. As she lifted herself up she had given Camie just the chance the woman needed to try and mount a comeback. At first though Kiera slammed down on her foe with ease, laughing as she smushed their face under her plump rear. Turning back to face Camie's feet though she noticed that they were no longer in the awkward position they had been. In fact Camie had kicked her legs up and they were coming right for her.

"Ahhh hey! HEY!" Kiera shouted as her opponent locked their legs around her head. The next thing the redhead knew she was being pulled right off of her opponent. She had to push her hands out in front of her just to stop from faceplanting right into the ring. "Nnnff!!!" She gasped as she was thrown forward.

Camie would endure the smash to her already red face, gasping as she finally got the girl off her face. "What's wrong can't handle tasting your own medicine?" She would attempt to then roll over, trying to end up as the one on top

She would grin attempting to get some payback, grabbing her thighs and trying to hook a schoolgirl pin, dragging her feet up as she sat on her face. Once the hold was locked in, Camie's blushing face would smile "How do ya like it perv!" She said looking back as she held her in the painful pin

Kiera was in a bad position now. She found herself swiftly rolled over with her opponent pressing down on top of her. "Hnnnng get off!" She cried as she began to squirm and kick her legs. Unfortunately soon she couldn't even do that. Camie had grabbed her legs and began to stretch the redhead out, folding her in on herself. "Ahhh!!!" Kiera cried out. This proved to be yet another mistake. As soon as she opened her mouth, Camie planted her ass right onto the redhead's face.

Now with the roles reversed, Kiera's face began to match her hair. Folded up and trapped under Camie's ass, only her eyes were visible and they showed clear disdain for her position. "Ammphhh nnnfff!" She huffed against Camie. She was unable to get any words out but that didn't stop her from trying.

Camie grins as she was able to humiliate the girl, she would lock her arms around her thighs "Aw you look so cute down there. How about a little show for the crowd?" She would turn back and begin spanking her rear over and over to the point it would start to go red

Camie would slowly roll her hips, basically doing a tiny belly dance while Kiera was forced between her cheeks "Thought you'd like it down there, you were interested when you were on top" She giggles groping her but a bit as the crowd cheered

Kiera let out a huff in protest. Cute was not the look she was going for now. She didn't seem to have too much choice in the matter though as Camie took control. "Mmmphhh! Ahhhmmphh!" She would squeal as her opponent rained down smack after smack on her barely covered booty. Her cheeks flushed an even deeper red as her ass bounced all around in response.

To make matters worse Camie was soon grinding her hips down against her face, absolutely burying the poor redhead. Kiera would shake her head no slightly in response to the woman's teasing. She let out a muffled gasp in response to the groping before reaching up to try and grab Camie's tits and squeeze them hard

Camie grins as she would humiliate the poor girl more, before blushing a bit and gasping as she grab her chest, smirking as she let her legs drop saying "Aw does someone wanna feel my girls? Maybe you're a bit jealous" She giggles bouncing a bit on her face before then attempting to pull her hands off her chest

If she got them off she would then copy the girls movements, lifting her but up with her hands before letting it flop back down on her face. She then got off quickly backing up before the attempting to hit a running shin kick to her bad leg to make sure it still was damaged

Kiera shook her head as much as she could in protest. She clearly didn't appreciate the woman's taunting nearly as much as the crowd loved it. Each new bounce upon her face would jostle the poor redhead who was already planning her revenge after she managed an escape. But for now her hands were just shoved to the side and her face was smacked by Camie's gently falling cheeks. "Mmmphhh!!!" Kiera whined in protest.

Finally Camie lifted up and Kiera would be able to gasp for breath. She didn't know what her opponent was planning but right now she didn't care. The dazed wrestler would stumble up to her feet. Unfortunately she was in for a rude awakening, a kick right to her shin that sent her toppling back to the canvas. "Gaaah shit ow oww!" She cried out upon impact. The damaged wrestler would quickly clutch her leg in pain
Last edited by winner3 on Sat Jun 26, 2021 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Swimsuit Smother Smackdown 2020

Unread post by Noob »

Camie grins a bit as she would roll around in pain. She giggles leaning over saying "Awe what's wrong? Can't handle a bit of rough housing?" She giggles a bit grabbing her by her foot and attempting to bring her into the corner, locking her leg around the rope and pulling on it. She stretched her leg on the rope until the referee would break up the hold with a count

She would then pick her up into a seated position, before hitting her with a hip check to the face, attempting to then drag her into the corner. If she was able to she would sit her down, backing up to the other side of the ring and attempting to run and hit a bronco buster, bouncing up and down on her, along with twirling her hand in the air

Kiera found herself in a bad position. Her opponent had tangled her leg up in the ropes. The redhead was left struggling against Camie but was met with a swift hit to the face with the woman's hip. "Ugghhhfff!" She groaned, dazed a bit from the sudden impact. It was enough for Camie to set her seated in the corner to await her next move.

Of course Kiera was not out for good yet. With her opponent backing up all the way to the other side of the ring, she had plenty of time to free herself from the ropes and plan out her next move. As Camie began to charge forward, Kiera would wait until she got close before aiming a kick towards the woman's stomach.

Camie would get too eager to humiliate the girl, running right into a boot to the stomach. She got the wind knocked out of her as she would fall onto her back, groaning "Agh...Damn" She held her stomach laying on her side, completely vulnerable to Kiera's offence

While her smirk wasn't as pronounced as earlier in the match, Kiera was still plenty happy that she had managed to stop Camie in her tracks. The redhead would grab onto the ropes and slowly pull herself back to her feet. "Heh. How'd ya like that bitch?" She taunted as she wobbled back to her feet. Kiera took a brief moment to catch her breath before she would continue.

After grabbing Camie by the hair, Kiera would drag her into the corner. She wasn't going to let the woman get away with attempting to smush her against the turnbuckle. She was going to pay her right back. And so after turning to face away from her opponent Kiera gave her ass a firm slap and would tug her bottoms up slightly to give everyone a nice view of her ass. After swaying her hips slightly she would hop back and try to slam her ass right against Camie's face

Camie bits her lip scoffing at Kiera' insulting her. It was her fault but still she didn't like it. She barely got to her knee as she was grabbed by the hair, stumbling as she was dragged to the corner. She was slammed into the turnbuckle only to be placed onto her back

She held her gut before her eyes widened. She was still gassed from the kick and as such, wasn't able to get up. She would grit her teeth as Kiera shock her booty saying "Don't you even think abUOMMPH!" she would be cut off by her face being slammed by the girls rear. She let out a yell as she had nothing to block her face. Grabbing the girls legs trying to get her off

Kiera pressed her ass right against Camie's face and began to roughly grind her hips back against the other woman. She reached back to grab the ropes just to give herself a bit more of an advantage while she shoved her backside against Camie and buried the woman's face. "Ahaha there we go. Right where you belong loser~" The redhead taunted.

Her playful shaking soon became slow grinding as she rubbed herself all over her opponent's features. Finally she would just sit back and use what little weight she had to absolutely smush the other wrestler under her. "Now why don't you just pass out so we can get this event moving huh?"

Camie would squirm kicking her feet on the mat as she was humiliated more in the stinkface, her features being mushed and slapped around as her arms flailed, before pushing on the girls legs. She would attempt this before being flustered by the sudden grinding, making her squeal into her rear

She kicked her feet a bit more, trying to get her off as a bit more weight was put on her face, however she would have trouble moving as her stomach and midsection was still in pain from the boot. She would squirm more grabbing on her swimsuit trying to pull it for leverage

Kiera was having more than just a little fun using her opponent as a nice grind toy. In fact if one looked closely they'd probably see that her face was ever so slightly flushed while her hips gyrated and she pressed her booty against Camie. "I'm gonna ABSOLUTELY bury you!" She would tease.

Of course Camie was still struggling. She had begun to pull on Kiera's swimsuit which annoyed the redhead. "Quit it loser." She huffed as she was pushed two steps forward. Looking to take the remaining fight out of her foe she would take one more step forward before thrusting herself back in an attempt to slam her ass hard against Camie's face and smash her against the turnbuckle.

Camie would pull on the girls swimsuit more, before she gasped being freed from the girls butt. She pants seeing her prepare to slam her face again, but she would have enough time to counter

She would drop down onto her back, before grabbing Kiera's bad leg and twisting her ankle, trying to trip her over in the submission, if it worked she would twist her foot grinning

Kiera thought she had the round won as she tried to slam her ass back. Unfortunately for her it appeared she had give Camie too much time to react. "Ahhh oww!" She whined as her rear hit the turnbuckle. That was the least of her worries though. Quickly Camie had grabbed her leg and gave it a sudden twist, bringing the redhead to the ground.

"Nnnggg!" Kiera huffed as she barely caught herself. Then came the second twist. "Haaaah! Fucking...let go!" She yelled. The redhead would kick her foot backwards, aiming right for Camie's stomach

Camie would grin as she got the girl off her, twisting her ankle around as she would whine more. She would be able to just barely move to the side to avoid the kick. She then got up, stilll holding her leg before dropping her knee on the girls ankle

She would leg and flip her over, attempting to hit a hip drop on her upper chest, squishing her chest with her butt. She would then attempt to lock her arms with her legs, holding them in place before then crawling foward shoving her coochie into her face, smother with it and humping her face while her hands were trapped by her legs

The redhead missed her chance to get back on offence and soon paid for it. She felt Camie's knee dropped down on her ankle and let out a piercing scream. It wasn't long before Kiera was flipped onto her back to look up at her foe.

Before she even had a chance to recover, Camie dropped down right on her chest. "Guuuhhh!" Kiera groaned as the air was forced from her lungs. While she gasped for breath Camie had gone to work to restrain the poor redhead and lock her down.

In just one short moment Kiera was slammed, restrained, and suddenly had her face smushed between Camie's legs. "Mmmmphhhh!!!" The redhead squealed. Her face flushed a bright red and she would begin to frantically kick her legs while the other wrestler shoved her crotch down against her features and started grinding roughly against her face.

Camie grins as she would twirl her hips and hump her face, humiliating and dominating her opponent with the move as she would smother her face with her crotch. She blushed getting a bit turned on by the teasing and overall enjoying herself "You having fun down their?"

She would then sit up again, adjusting before then sitting on the girls face fully smothering Kiera under her crotch and butt, waiting for her to give up or pass out. Just to add to the move she would grab her bikini bottom and give it a little wedgie to give the crowd a little show as the girl was defeated.

"Mmphhh!" The redhead squealed as she found herself buried under Camie. She shook her head no gently but it seemed to only serve to rub against the other wrestler. The redhead furiously bucked her hips but to no avail. Before she knew it Camie had adjusted herself so that Kiera's nose and mouth were both tightly pressed against her barely covered crotch. .

The crowd roared as Camie gave them all a show they wouldn't be forgetting any time soon. This of course was beyond humiliating for the redhead. After what seemed like an eternity of squirming and bucking Kiera had begun to tire out. Soon she was left just weakly groaning against her foe as they continued to grind against her features.

Slowly Kiera would reach her hand up to grab Camie's thighs. As her eyes started to drift shut she would lightly slap their thigh once. It was too late for a tap out though, Kiera was knocked out.

Camie grins as the slap did little more but make her curves jiggle a top the defeated girl, as she would slowly pass out from the smohter, Camie would twirl a few more times on the girls face just to get off a bit more, along with making sure a few people got pictures before then finally the referee would check the other girl.

The referee would call for the bell, along with telling Camie to get off, who would put up a finger just to do one last thing, pulling Kieras head up and hitting it with her crotch, making it snap onto the mat just to really humiliate the girl. She grins getting of sighing. The ref would check Kiera seeing she was still out and would help her out of the ring, before then heading back in giving the okay for the next person

Camie would walk up behind her smiling, looking to tease her a bit saying "You see that one? That can be us after the show if you'd like" She teased making the referee blush and the crowd whistle and cheer. Camie didn't rally mean this but if the referee agreed, well she'd have to go through with her word, but she was cut off from more teasing by the second participant's music play, making Camie sigh and walk to her corner "Alright, later then~" She bites her lip smirking

Kiera's eyes would slowly flutter open as the referee came over. "Nnng...wuuh? But...crap..." She groaned, soon coming to her senses. Her face was flushed a light red upon the realization that she had just been smothered out by her foe, thus ending her attempt at winning the event.

With her head hung low, Kiera made her way towards the ropes. As per the rules the next wrestler would be able to make a fun entrance if they chose to.

Dawn McDowell arrived to the trumpeting of generic jazz fanfare! The buxom red head had never gotten music of her own, nor had she generated even a single highlight for a highlight reel. Her attire for the night was a sweater bodysuit that clung to her curves a bit too tightly! Her body bubbled over the aggressively constricting attire!

With a bright smile she marched down the aisle! She waved towards the audience, even as she passed the crestfallen Kiera!

This was a gauntlet match, and that meant her opponent had already been fighting! She had a chance!!!

Dawn charged the ring and slid under the bottom rope! Immediately, she charged at Camie! "Ha!!!" She screamed as she attempted to catch her off guard with a poorly executed, but beautifully busty body splash!
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Re: Swimsuit Smother Smackdown 2020

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The smaller girl was obviously not very good at taking people at surprise, as Camie easily saw her charging her. She would smirk as she would attempt to turn around the body splash, attempting to catch her, turning it into a smother with her lovely boobs

If this worked Camie would try and balance herself as she held Dawns face into her bouncy chest "You should try going a bit slower sweetie" She teased attempting to push her into the corner, still with a face full of badonkadonks" Camie chuckles teasing the smaller girl

Dawn crashed into Camie like a long loat lover. Her smaller form sank into Camie with little to no impact. Instead, she found herself absorbed by her foe's bust!

"Mmph!!!" She squeaked and struggled! She shook her head futily against Camie's grip! Her panicked breath tickled warmly against Camie's breasts, working in tandem with her shaking face to stimulate the beautiful woman's bountiful bosom!

Dawn found herself easily relocated! Her voluptous and nubile form forced into the corner. Her struggle constant and ineffective, even as her air was being replaced by the sweet scent of her opponent.

Camie smirks as she humiliated the girl, smothering her with her massive in the corner before then letting her fall to the seated position. She smirks giggling before then stepping over "Lets see if i can burn off some steam huh? Be a dear and hep would ya?" She would start a bronco buster, bouncing on the girls face a bit

This went on for a few moments before then she would slow down to a simple smother, rubbing her booty and coochie all over Dawns features and moaning sensually to add to the humiliating move

Dawn's face was removed from Camie's breasts with a satisfying POP. Her cheeks were red and she was already gasping! The exertion from her charge combined with the asphyxiation of the smother had left her breathless already!


Dawn sank into the corner like a marionette with its' strings cut. Her eyes were hollow as she struggled to regain her senses. They fluttered and illuminated just in time to see Camie's hips winding in front of her! Her expression shifted to horror as she cried out!

"W-wait! That place is dirty!"

And then her expression could be seen no more! Camie roughly drove her cunt into Dawn's features! The back of her head bounced off the turnbuckle, each blow leaving her expression just a bit stupider.

Camie's pelvic assault finally slowed to a smother. Dawn had been reduced to little more than a whimpering witness. Her eyes already rolling into the back of her head.

Worse, her tongue had lolled out of her mouth. As Camie ground her sensitive lower half over the redheads face, she'd find unexpected stimulation!

Dawn's piteous moans and whimpers sent vibrations lovingly along the folds of her tormentor. Her warm breath that came in ragged pants teased her butt. Her dainty nose pressed against Camie's clit. And best of all, was her lolled tongue. It ensured that Camie's face-fucking became forced pussy and ass eating.

"It ain't dirty! How rude" She teased as she humped her face more before gasping feeling the girls tongue on her peach "Speaking of dirty, looks like someones starting to get a bit pervy~" She grins as she would grip the ropes biting her lip and humping her face more, moving her bikini to the side so it could really get in

Camie would moan more as she rode the girl, wiggling her hips and smirking, enjoying herself as she got excited, biting her lip "Yeah you like the coochie don't cha?" She laughs as she would pull her head forward "This is a smother by the way cutie~" She said making sure the referee was checking Dawn

Dawn's heavy breasts rose and fell in rapid, jagged movements as she was being suffocated by Camie's kitten. "Mmphh mm!" She whimpered listlessly against the humping.

Her moans became involuntary slurping as Camie drew her attire aside! Her succulent sex slickening Dawn's face allowing for an even more sensual grind. Her wet tongue force between the woman's lower lips to glide against her entrance and caress her clit.

"S-so hot!" Moaned the referee, her hand pressed between her thighs! The ref girl startled as Camie addressed her! "Huh?!" She sputtered, drawing her hand away from her own mound unsubtlely. She dropped down on her hands and knees to get a closer look, ready to call Dawn out when the stipulations had been met!

Dawn's legs splayed out, exposing her creamy thighs. The act of Camie's grinding had pulled her attire tightly against her feminine valley in a surprising flattering front wedgie. What wasn't flattering was the wet spot that had formed on the crumpled fabric between her clean shaven cunny.

"Shlrp... Pbt... Mmnnn~" Dawn gasped, slurped, and rasped against Camie's delicious honeypot. Her air was running out and she found herself sputtering as Camie's nectar found it's way into her mouth. Her throat worked to swallow, causing her lips to work Camie's sex involuntarily. Sucking breathlessly upon her. Her hands fell at her sides and she looked to be out, if not already, than at any second!

Meanwhile, the ref girl, on hands and knees, was swaying her butt from side to side as her thighs rubbed together voraciously. Her eyes looked upon the action hungrily... She was letting it go on longer than it needed to, purely out of lust!

Camie would ride more chuckling a bit at the referee, before she started to speed it up, humping more and more as her opponents would taste her sweet spot. Camie would grab the ropes before moaning in pleasure, leaning her head arching her back, sighing out as she would cover the little girls face with her love juices. Since the referee was enjoying it she would wiggle her hips a bit both to tease the official and to really finish off humiliating Dawn, who was squash indefinitely in this round.

Camie would wipe her crotch off before then turning around, sitting on Dawns face just to make sure she would have no choice but to swallow, rubbing her cheeks on Dawns face then saying to the obviously lusty referee "Hey I think she might pass out, better check if she's awake or if my stinkface made her take a little nap~" She giggles

Camie sped up the motion of her hips. Dawn's body bounced lifelessly against the turnbuckle. Her loose limbs flopping as Camie used her as her personal sex toy.

The referee had entirely abandoned herself. Her right hand nestled beneath the waistband of her standard issue referees boy-shorts. She was drooling as she watched Camie's body writhe against her defeated opponents features. To the winner goes the spoils.

Camie had her release! Her lovely body trembling against Dawn's face. She choked and coughed on her conquerors girl cum. It ran down the corners of her lips as her throat was filled to capacity.

The sight of Camie's juices running down Dawn's tight attire, revealing her nipples, caused the referee to shudder blissfully.

As Camie dismounted, Dawn's face fell forward. She looked like she'd just been in a rainstorm... and despite the beating, she had a blush. She'd been fucked unconscious... But also silly! Beneath her crotch was a pool to rival the refs.

"H-hey! That's it! She's out!" The referee waved the bout off in a panic as she finally awoke from her sex-crazed stupor. She pulled on Camie's shoulder, suddenly concerned for Dawn's safety now that she'd been sated.

Meanwhile... Dawn dreamed peacefully against Camie's bare ass. Kissing it sweetly in her sleep.

Camie would sigh a bit watching the referee, jumping a bit at Dawn coughing, glancing back at her before then she would finally get off her face, sighing as ref finally called the next round as Camie's, the submission specialist chuckles saying "I already knew that part." Looking for a towel as she wiped herself off. She hums as she cleaned herself off, having gotten the most falls so far and as such feeling confident in herself. She would toss the towel onto the back of Dawn's head humming as she strutted around the ring saying "Well I mean I don't hear Dawn complaining" She grins as the referee would check Dawn more making sure she was still at least breathing, feeling a bit guilty for letting the match go on longer due to her urges.

Camie couldn't care less about the other girls well being, as she relished in her victory, proclaiming "I guess there ain't anyone who can even get close to givin' me a challenge. Kinda disappointing, but whatever. Anyways send the next person out, I got stuff to do today ya know." She cracks her neck as she would adjust her outfit back to normal, smirking as she sat atop one of the corners, waiting for whoever was next up
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Re: Swimsuit Smother Smackdown 2020

Unread post by Noob »

With Dawn out cold, attention would soon shift, the audience looking over as out from the curtain came a very busty figure, the next wrestler in the gauntlet match, Zarina Torres, bursting out with a smile on her face! The Brazilian woman was clad in what was most aptly described as a very small bikini, showing off plenty of her plump rear end and perky breasts, waving to the crowd as she greeted them, before making her way towards the ring! The Brazilian woman made it there quick, and after sliding into the squared circle, would flash Camie a wink before holding up a finger, moving to grab the KO'd Dawn and pulling her over to a nearby corner to sit her up in it!

"Alright, lemme just grab a seat real quick..." Zarina said, before turning and promptly planting her plump ass right on Dawn's face, wedging the girl between her cheeks in a stinkface, smothering her as per the rules as she turned and smiled at Camie! "Ah, much better! Hope you enjoy this as much as I do, because you're gonna be ending up in the same place soon enough! They don't call me the Brazilian Booty Queen for nothing!"

The busty red head was hefted with the slightest of shifting. Zarina's repositioning of the humiliated jobber caused her eyes to flutter open briefly. "Nngh?" She groaned in confusion as she brought a hand to wipe the drool off the corner of her mouth.

"H-hey... What do you think you're doimphhh!!!" Her protests were quickly silenced as Zarina pressed her potent posterior against the woman's face. Once again, Dawn's oxygen was replaced with the scent of a woman.

Dawn's cheeks were moist against Zarina's backside, freshly coated with a slick application of Camie's cum. Her labored breathing hastened and her tongue lolled out of her mouth. She kicked and struggled weakly which only resulted in her inadvertently pleasuring the rear end of the Brazilian Booty Queen. The tiny bikini she wore did little to spare Dawn from the body she was forced to breathe in.

It didn't take long for the voluptuous red head to go out a second time. Drooling down her face ingloriously and making her cheeks as wet as the crotch of her bikini.

Camie would watch as Zarina made her way to the ring, biting her lip. She was a lot bigger than her, likely meaning she was gonna probably gonna be a lot harder to deal with, not to mention the fact she was much fresher. She wouldn't let the concept of losing bother her as she would simply smirk watching her make her way down to the ring. Camie responded to the finger with a simple nod knowing the big girl would want to indulge in Dawn's defeat.

She would snicker a bit watching Dawn get smother under her cheeks, putting her chin in her hands and saying "Well don't get too cheeky dear, I haven't made it this far by mistake so you best be careful, I ain't gonna be as easy to put down as little miss sticky face there" She stated pointing at Dawn who had passed out again "Oh I think you broke her." Camie taunted Dawn laughing a bit at the helpless little girl. She would hope down from the turnbuckle, stretching waiting for Zarina to finish having her fun with Dawn as she would get ready for her third round

Zarina gave a smile as she proceeded to grind her ass up against Dawn's face, making sure to give the defeated woman plenty of booty, as per the rules, all while taking a look at her opponent! Camie had defeated two women via smother so far, and it seemed like she was quite capable in the ring, but Zarina was entirely fresh, and she planned on putting Camie's run to an end, here and now!

After a few moments of rubbing her ass over Dawn's face, the KO'd woman feeling quite pleasant to stinkface, Zarina would quickly stand up, adjusting her bottoms and turning around to get Dawn out of the ring!

"Aaaaaaalright, out ya go! Sweet dreams!" Zarina said, depositing Dawn outside the ring with a quick push, before turning back to Camie! "Alright, now I'm ready to give ya the same treatment! So come here!" Zarina said with a smile, holding up her hands as she got ready to lock up with Camie!

Camie watched as the other girl was removed from the ring. She would smile a bit before then smirking as Zarina would offer the lock-up, Camie would nod as she slowly approached, the referee called for the 3 round to start. "Try to keep up. I want a bit more of a challenge then the last two" Camie would carefully walk towards her lifting her hands in the air to pretend to go for the lock-up, only to then attempt to try and duck under and wrap around Zarina's waist, getting behind her also as if she was going for a suplex

If this worked she would then attempt to give her a small squeak in the position before then pulling her hand back and spanking Zarina right on her cheek, backing up quickly as she smugly smirked, taunting the bigger girl saying "I will admit you got quite a lot back there~"

Zarina finished removing Dawn from the ring before turning and flashing Camie a smirk, more than ready to lock up with the blonde woman and put her strength to good use, but before any of that could happen, Camie would suddenly duck under her arms, getting behind Zarina and holding the Brazilian tight, as if going for a suplex, only to suddenly pull a hand back and deliver a quick but sharp spank right to Zarina’s plump rear end!

“Aack!! Hey, watch the hands! I need that!” Zarina cried out indignantly as she rubbed the cheek Camie had spanked! But the Brazilian was eager to at least return the favor somehow, turning around and aiming to catch her foe with a sudden clothesline!

Camie would chuckle looking at the big girl "Oh come on, not like it's the first time ya got sp-AGH!" Camie's taunting would be cut off by the big girls sudden smacking her with a standing clothesline, hitting the mat and grabbing her neck "Agh Damn" She cussed under her breath attempting to get roll away, hoping Zarina wouldn't be able to catch her.

She obviously wasn't 100%, due to working a bit from the first match but she was no where near finished, so she would need to try and wear down Zarina. She would try and use a bit of a sneakier tactic, backing up towards the ropes, hoping to get out onto the apron to the try and use the ropes to catch he big girl off guard. If Zarina let Camie get this far then she would sit on the apron, waiting for the big girl to try and bring her back in, then trying to grab her head to make it bounce of the top rope

With Camie in the middle of taunting her, Zarina would connect with a solid clothesline, sending her foe crashing to the mat with a yelp, the heavyweight smirking and shaking her arm after connecting with her blow! Camie would immediately begin to retreat, rolling away from Zarina and moving out towards the apron of the ring, with Zarina following behind her, ready to inflict more damage!

"Alright, why don't you make this easy and just- Augh!" Zarina suddenly cried out, as Camie would grab hold of her and yank her head into the top rope, stunning Zarina and leaving her somewhat dazed in the corner, turning and grabbing her head as she found herself struck in an unexpected way!

Camie would retreat to the ropes, attempting to catch Zarina off guard which thankfully worked, the heavyweight none the wiser as she reached for the submission specialist before Camie would slingshot her neck off the ropes. She would smirk a bit as she jumped back into the ring, surprised at how well the match was going. She would then attempt to hit a few kicks on the cornered Zarina, making sure she wouldn't be getting away any time soon.

After a few moments of the rapid-fire kicks, she would attempt to get a bit cheeky, somewhat in a literal sense as she adjusted her bottoms to show a bit of bouncy butt cheeks, before attempting to hop onto the second rope, sitting on Zarina's face with a modified facesit, smothering the taller girl. If this worked Camie would get a bit caught up in humiliating her, rubbing her features with her cheeks and laughing saying "Oh come on Zarina, you said I was gonna get the same treatment? What did ya just forget ya were supposed to be trying NOT to get a face full of this ass?" Camie taunted posing a bit as she would surprisingly be able to keep the upper hand so far

After being caught with a surprising form of offense that saw Camie yanking Zarina's face into the ropes, the Brazilian would let out a grunt of pain, leaning up against the corner as her foe moved to hit her with a few hard kicks! Each one further served to pound the air out of Zarina, and when she was tired and left against the turnbuckles, Camie would climb up and adjust her bottoms to show off her ass, before turning and sitting on Zarina's face as she stood in the corner!

"Mmmmmph! Mmmmm!" Zarina let out a few muffled groans as her face was buried between Camie's soft, pale butt cheeks, the blonde girl grinding her perky rear end on Zarina's face to really humiliate her with her smother, leaving the heavyweight struggling as Camie taunted her! But Zarina was far from out of it, and she wasn't quite ready to be smothered out, so with a quick move she'd wrap her arms around Camie's waist, aiming to suddenly lift the girl up and off of her, stepping out of the corner with her foe before turning around and swinging Camie over to slam her into the mat, trying to reverse their positions with a sudden german suplex!

Camie would laugh more humiliating the Brazilian, hardly having any issue so far in the match, maybe even winning in an upset. She taunted her more saying "You're kinda boring me, you should at least try to be a challen-Agh!" Camie would jump as she felt the big girl's arms wrap around her waist, holding her in place as she walked forward away from the corner

It didn't take long for Camie to realize her mistake, attempting to squirm away from the big girl but it was no use "Put me down you damn-" She protested only to be quickly sent flying to the mat, slamming her hard with he elevated German suplex! Camie would hit the mat hard, being dazed quickly by the move, letting out a groan as her feet lay at the side of her head, stuck in a bit of a suggestive pose, which if Zarina didn't act on she would then roll onto her stomach

Holding Camie high, Zarina had an easy time marching her foe towards the center of the ring, taking advantage of Camie's positioning to get a good grip on her, before swinging her up and over with a elevated german suplex! Camie crashed to the mat hard, slamming down and left rolled up with her ass in the air, Zarina rolling over and getting back to her feet, a cheeky smile on her face as she walked over to her foe, looking her over!

"Was that good enough for you? I put you down after all! And now I just need to keep you down!" Zarina said with a smile, approaching Camie and sitting down, planting her thick ass right on her foe's face! Zarina would grab Camie's legs under her arms, holding the blonde down in a rollup facesit!

Camie would groan, hardly seeing anything after the slam to the mat, blinking a few times as the sun would glow, along with her legs blocking a few of the rays. However suddenly the light would get blocked out by something, Camie taking a moment to realize what it was before attempting to protest but it was too late

"MMMph mmmmPh!" She would grab the big girl's legs as she attempted to kick her own, getting smother by her muscular cheeks along with being bent over in the rollup facesit. Thankfully pins wouldn't count our else she would've been forced to lose in such a humiliating fashion. The specialist would groan more grabbing at her cheeks trying to pull her off as she was smothered

Zarina took quite the comfy seat on Camie's face, grinding her ass against the blonde to really get situated, along with rubbing her ass over every inch of the downed woman's face, wearing a smirk as she held Zarina's legs tightly! Camie's muffled groans prompted a laugh from Zarina, as well as the pawing at her ass that she felt, the Brazilian woman not at all ready to get off of her foe!

"Sorry Camie, but your face is just way too comfy! Feels like it's a perfect fit for my ass!" Zarina giggled, wiggling her hips back and forth to help make her point, wedging Camie deep between her cheeks and keeping her smothered quite firmly!

Camie would only struggle more against the girls smothering, obviously not getting anywhere as the Brazilian would taunt Camie ironically in a similar position they were in a moment ago, only with the two now switched. Camie would kick her legs more to get them free from her grip

"MMMMPH mmmm-" Camie started feeling herself get light headed from the smothering, the lack of air and heat making the move all the more draining as she was smothered more, like putty in Zarina's hands

With Camie down, Zarina had free reign to grind her ass into Camie's face, working to really smother the blonde and leave her devoid of air, knowing that the blonde woman was only growing weaker and weaker! Camie had been through two opponents as of now, and Zarina was fresh as could be, which left her in a great position to come in and clean up quickly, having the blonde's face wedged in her ass!

"Shhhhhh, just go to sleep Camie! You'll have wonderful dreams of cake!" Zarina said with a laugh, really sitting down now to trap Camie's face in her ass, looking to completely and totally smother her out right now!

Camie would let out weaker complaints in the position, pushing on her backside as it enveloped her face. The offer of taking a rest was rather tempting to Camie currently, but she wasn't one to give up so quickly. In a last-ditch effort, she would wrap her arms around Zarina's inner thigh, attempting to try and lock her heels together, in somewhat of a body scissor. She would attempt to then pull Zarina forward just enough to at least get a breath of fresh air, trying to roll her onto her stomach.

If it worked Camie would let out an audible gasp, panting heavily as she then attempted to get out from under the big girl, but barely having any energy left

With it looking as though Camie was about to go out cold, Zarina would be shocked as her foe suddenly managed to get her arms around Zarina's thigh, managing to lock her legs around Zarina's waist, shifting the Brazilian woman off of her! Zarina let out a slight grunt as she was moved and had Camie crawl out from under her, the blonde managing to make a cheeky escape, though she was clearly quite winded!

"Hmph! Fine, I'll just get you somewhere were you can't crawl away!" Zarina said, reaching down to grab hold of Camie and pulling her up, before attempting to whip the blonde into the corner of the ring as hard as she could, before running close behind her to throw herself at Camie, attempting a splash in the corner!

Camie wouldn't respond quickly to the insults, to busy catching her breath along with a few curses under her breath "You...damn cheeky little fu-AAH!" She grabs the big girls arm as she was pulled up by her hair, before being tossed to the corner, barely able to stand before going wide-eyed "Holy-" She would have the Brazilian slam into her, causing the corner to shake from the impact

Camie would let out a groan before then falling onto her back, laying under the corner staring once again at the sky, she would look at Zarina and weakly say "uuu....D-Do you're worst greenie." she defiantly would smirk even when she was obviously done for

Leaping through the air after her foe, Zarina would collide with Camie in the corner, nearly shaking the ring with the force of the splash, completely flattening the blonde up against the turnbuckle with a massive impact! The splash squished all the air out of Camie, and the blonde would slowly collapse down to the mat with a low groan, leaving her completely laid out just under the corner, though still defiant!

"Well, if you insist!" Zarina chirped, before turning and slowly beginning to climb up the turnbuckles, confident that Camie wouldn't be moving out from under them any time soon! And once at the top, the Brazilian would turn and look down at her foe, before leaping off the turnbuckle, coming down ass-first on Camie's face with a massive top rope banzai drop!

Camie would be dazed and tired, so her request being accepted was something she was something that wasn't gonna be ignored by the big girl, who would get to the top rope quickly, Camie would groin saying "Maybe that wasn't tha best thing ta sa-" Camie's body of jolt from the impact of Zarina's massive frame smashing her face, making her legs pop up only to fall back down. Camie would only last a few more moments before finally passing out under the Zarina's cheeks.

The referee would check Camie, lifting her hand a few times before then calling for the bell, signaling that Camie was finally eliminated, the submission specialist simply laying quietly, her face smushed and silly looking as she was eliminated!
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Re: Swimsuit Smother Smackdown 2020

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Only three more women remaining in this gauntlet and to cap things off were the heavy hitters for sure. A beloved face would be the fifth entrant in the match. Wicke Cykes emerged from the curtain wearing a thin lab-coat to the little surprise of her fan-club or people who knew of her traditions. She had a warm smile adorned on her face while waving to every person who cheered for her (which was a lot). Walking as fast as she could without breaking anything, she climbed onto the apron and slipped between the middle ropes. With no moment to waste, she threw her lab coat revealing a skimpy pink bikini which showed off her belly, curvy rear and perky breasts quite well.

"Well hello there fellow combatant. May you gently toss aside your previous opponent so we can proceed with the next phase?" she asked in a soft polite tone wanting to move things along as soon as possible.

With Camie passed out beneath her ass, Zarina would be declared the victor between the two, which would herald the entrance of her next opponent, the heavyweight Wicke Sykes making her entrance! Zarina watched with a smile as her foe came down to the ring, quite a large amount of the audience excited to see her, with Zarina herself quite eager to tie up with the incredibly busty scientist!

"Hello there! Heard quite a bit about you! I'm super eager to wedge your face up my ass and show you why I'm the smother queen!" Zarina said with a smile, standing up off of Camie's face and moving aside, before gesturing to the fallen blonde! "Oh, but before we start, lemme move Camie here." Zarina said, giving the blonde a nudge with her foot to send her rolling out of the ring!

Camie would groan a bit laying on her back, blinking a few times as she was finally let out of the smother. She felt a bit down considering she had lost but overall wasn't a terrible showing, she gave herself a mental pat on the back for at least getting that far. She would pause looking at the motherly women asking her to move.

"Yeah sure-" She said weakly as Zarina pushed her out Camie saying a sarcastic "Thanks, hope you two have fun" as she rolled onto the sand, bruising herself off and glancing back at the referee, gesturing a call me before the stretching, heading to the back

"I guess my reputation precedes me. But swap the words my and your then you would be completely correct about future events" smiling back at Zarina anxiously awaiting for their bout to begin. However problem already arose with how the recently eliminated Camie was thrown outside the ring. "Well then....I was going to do your job and gently as well." looking at the blonde behind them, feeling glad that Camie was able to make the journey back on her own.

Now turning to her target and continuing her little speech. " And I will do the same once I finish you off! Won't that be a lot of fun?" the researcher asked with arms raised circling around the Brazilian amazon. She wanted to start things with a strength contest, giving the audience a taste of what happens when two curvy heavyweights clash together.

With a quick move, Zarina cleared the ring, leaving just herself and Wicke together in the squared circle, with Wicke vowing that she was going to reverse Zarina's prediction, causing the Brazilian to raise an eyebrow! Still, Wicke seemed a bit bothered by her shifting of Camie out of the ring, but Zarina would simply give her a smile in response, eager to get into it with her foe!

"Oh, I 'd sure love that, but I'm wondering how you're going to carry me after I send you to dreamland!" Zarina said with a smirk, before getting her arms up, beginning to circle around Wicke! And with one quick movement, the two heavyweight women would move forwards and crash together, their breasts mushrooming against one another as they pressed tight, each one trying to shove the other back!
Was Zarina just too insistent in getting into the action or something worthy of suspicion, although Wicke wasn't too particular attached to the other wrestlers stepped in the arena at this point. She had no time to dwell and focus on the present matter. Defeat the Brazilian and then hopefully an old rival of hers. "Well I could either carry you here or in this dream world of mine so a win-win for me." she teased while circling around the younger woman.

Both of them locked arms in the center with bodies brushing against one another. Despite the size disadvantage, Wicke was holding her own quite well due to concentrating on posture, however she could only hold on for so long. Even though she was the fresher face, her opponent looked to be a rather menacing foe although that is the main trait necessary to win a gauntlet match. "Urgh..." she stepped back and hunkered down. Zarina was able to do as she pleased.

Zarina was quick to move forwards and meet Wicke in the center of the ring, pressing tightly against her foe as she attempted to force Wicke back purely through her strength, shoving the scientist further and further back! Eventually it became clear that Zarina was winning their test of strength, leaving the Brazilian woman with full control of her opponent, which she would take advantage of in swift fashion!

"Alright, come here cutie! You're just so adorable, I need to SQUEEZE ya!" Zarina said, suddenly ducking low and looking to wrap her arms around Wicke's waist! With a powerful motion, Zarina would heft her foe completely off her feet, before wrenching down hard, looking to completely crush Wicke in a tight bearhug!

Wicke was shoved back inch by inch by her opponent taking charge by the second. At this rate she was going to fall onto her knees or slip entirely. However Zarina was more insistent on keeping them together until her opponent was nothing but a chair. "I can return whatever force you send to me young woman!" trying to hang in there while only barely budging the Brazilian babe's arms slightly.

She stood still while Zarina ducked beneath her. Unable to prepare a sort of counter, Wicke would have to deal with immense pressure in her spinal area from the dreaded bearhug. "AHHHHHHHHHH" she yelped with her legs slightly dangling off the base. Immediately she slapped on Zarina's hands wanting a drop but little progress was made.

Zarina was quick to duck low, gathering up Wicke and hefting her into the air, immediately putting the squeeze on hard, as her arms coiled around Wicke tighter and tighter, crushing the busty woman who hung in her grasp! Wicke let out a cry of pain, but Zarina didn't let up at all, knowing that her bearhugs were one of her greatest assets, a smile on her face as she looked to increase the pressure on Wicke's spine!

"Aahh, there we go! Isn't this nice Wicke, a big ol hug for you!" Zarina chirped happily, hoisting Wicke up even higher to squeeze down as tightly as possible! Zarina would also place her face right in between Wicke's massive boobs, burying her face in her foe's cleavage as she wrenched down tightly, knowing that Wicke was desperate to come up with an escape plan!

Being carried around by a beautiful woman would be a dream to many, but this was a nightmare for Wicke as it looked like the only way she was getting out if her body split into two. Her slaps did nothing to aid the situation as if Zarina only lived to apply bearhugs on poor women. However Wicke wasn't just a feeble flower. She was a veteran. Someone more worthy of gold than everyone competing.

"OHHHHHHH OHHHHHHH" her face becoming red from not the weather but constant pleasure within the chest. It seemed impossible to concentrate any further but the tension in her spine unintentionally dividing attention, the researcher had a window of opportunity. "Apologies about this!" bringing two arms together and smashed two fists against Zarina's neck to affect balanced. She then wrapped her thighs around the waist area to apply a sort of bodyscissors, hoping that Zarina would fall afterwards.

With Wicke held tight in her grasp, Zarina would wrench down hard, squeezing her foe tightly within her grasp, leaving Wicke crying out in pain, back tortured and air being squished out of her by the immense squeeze! Zarina's face was buried in Wicke's chest, causing a slight pleasurable sensation that came with the intense pain that her foe no doubt felt, but Wicke would soon come up with a plan to fight back against Zarina!

"Mmmmph!" Zarina let out a muffled groan as Wicke's fists connected with her neck, stunning her and causing her legs to grow weak, all of this helped by Wicke's thick thighs wrapping tight around her waist! Zarina would struggle for a moment, before suddenly falling backwards, with Wicke landing hard on top of her, her breasts now smushed into Zarina's face against her will!

Finally air would return to Wicke's lungs with the bearhug being loosened tremendously coupled with her spine no longer feeling like snapping. On a minor note with Zarina no longer motorboating her breasts, the researcher didn't have to worry about being distracted by pleasure for better or worse. Wicke was fortunate to have a cushion absorbing her own fall, even if it was less clothed than usual.

She couldn't relax for too long as a possible threat was literally beneath her. "I am sure it would be enjoyable for the both of us if you just lay back" she whispered with her cold breath dancing around Zarina's neck. Grasping the Brazilian's gorgeous hair, she pulled her head in even deeper into her cleavage for the smother submission. "You have stepped into my trap young one..." despite her opponent far from being a newcomer. Straddling the lower torso, the researcher continued to assert her weight and maintain control.

After the blow landed, Zarina would find her legs giving way underneath her, and she would fall backwards to the mat, Wicke landing atop her as the two ended up down on the canvas! Zarina also found herself in quite the tough position given her cocky motorboating of Wicke, as her face was now smushed deep between the scientist's hefty chest, leaving her completely and totally smothered!

And Wicke was quick to take advantage, grabbing hold of Zarina by the back of the head, before shoving the Brazilian's face even deeper between her boobs! Zarina was smothered by Wicke's massive chest, and the Brazilian had few choices on how she was going to get out of such a dangerous smother, but would eventually decide on a somewhat unorthodox method, beginning to tease Wicke with a few kisses to her breasts, trying to distract her before attempting to roll the pair over!

Wicke was in an advantageous position but it would have been preferable if she was sitting down, pulling Zarina close to her. For now she had to make do with the golden opportunity laid before her. Hopefully the other heavyweight's stamina took a massive dent from fighting Camie, although that woman up until then was initially fighting from the beginning. "You are so adorable by the way" she cooed not grounding herself too well at the present moment.

Either Zarina was too caught up in her own enjoyment or she was planning a counterattack. It only took a few kisses to lead to Wicke making primal moans as if that particular area was ticklish. This was the distraction Zarina needed to make a reversal of positions. The older woman found herself laying on the mat instead. "Oh pardon me!" kicking out her legs unintentionally, striking Zarina in the belly.

Zarina struggled with Wicke on top of her, writhing and squirming as her face was buried in the scientist's massive bosom, but eventually, after a few kisses to Wicke's tits that left her moaning in quite a lewd fashion, Zarina would be able to suddenly roll the pair over! With Zarina on top now, it only took a few moments for the Brazilian to yank her head upwards, against Wicke's grip, looking to get her face out of Wicke's boobs!

"Aw, you're adorable t- UUGH!" Zarina let out a grunt as Wicke's legs swung out, slamming into her stomach, knocking the wind out of the Brazilian, though she was quick to act, grabbing hold of Wicke's lower body! "Nnngh... not adorable enough to save you from a little revenge though!" Zarina groaned, before looking to tuck Wicke's legs underneath her arms, before rolling the heavyweight scientist over onto her stomach, sitting her plump ass down on Wicke to lock in a tight boston crab!

Suddenly on her back, Wicke had to act fast otherwise she would lose the advantage entirely. Maybe she could try to endure the pleasure until Zarina just slipped into dreamland. All of sudden the Brazilian was able to fight against her urges, allowing the researcher to actually see her face once again. "Well hello there and apologies" Wicke said smiling rather sheepishly after the kic. She tried reaching for the neck and reapply the smother but....

"And just what would you find charming enough?" the mother asked as the blood rushed to her head. Unluckily for the fifth entrant, Zarina was far from merciful and turned around with no difficulty. "EYAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she screamed once again from the tension brought onto her poor back. Banging her fists against the base, she desperately didn't want to tap out but the excruciating pain was difficult to ignore.

Grabbing hold of Wicke's legs and tucking them under her arms, Zarina would move quickly to suddenly roll Wicke over onto her front, before sitting down hard on her back, stretching Wicke out in the painful submission! Zarina heard Wicke cry out in pain, the scientist hollering as her spine was strained in the hold, with Zarina looking to wear down Wicke by using the submission hold!

"Sorry Wicke! But to answer your question, I'm having trouble deciding if your face is most charming, or if it's this big perfect booty you got!" Zarina said with a smirk, before squatting down even more, wrenching back hard to really stretch out the heavyweight woman and leave her in pain as she was stuck in the hold!

It seemed Wicke would wake up in the infirmary at this rate. Her breasts were close to spilling out and bottoms hanging loose. She was used to sensual bouts but accepting humiliation was far from her desires, but her opponent looked like a physical goddess so she cannot accept a surrender that easily.

"Then why don't you take a glance and see?.... It is a face worth admiring" Wicke said in between pants barely hearing her voices over multiple cracks inside. She just wanted Zarina to lost focus for only a few seconds, enough for the veteran to suddenly press her legs against the Brazilian's torso and then proceeding to throw the heavier woman off for not being heavily grounded anymore. If enough space she would try flipping Zarina onto her back.

Squatting down on Wicke's back, Zarina would put quite a bit of strain on her foe's spine, keeping Wicke bent in the tight submission, with the poor scientist struggling, her outfit loose and showing off quite a bit of skin! But despite Zarina wrenching back hard on her foe's legs, bending her to the extreme, Wicke would not submit, aiming to suddenly brace herself on the canvas and fling her legs down!

"I might do it after I- Waaaagh!" Zarina let out a sudden cry as her foe mustered her strength, before flinging Zarina off of of her and sending the Brazilian flying, the busty wrestler landing hard on her back, letting out a low groan as she tried to catch herself and figure out what had just happened to her!

Perseverance paid off in the long run as this stage of the gauntlet match would continue for the time being. As soon as their skin was no longer in contact, Wicke immediately scrambled across the canvas towards the ropes while her heart was beating a 100 times per minute. Her adrenaline only carried until the edge in which she was too exhausted to move besides making a stand.

She could only dodge so far, but having the reactions and plan necessary meant Wicke could still fight in this position. "I....am....waiting cough" showing her opponent that she was still reeling from the boston crab. It was a miracle that there wasn't any permanent damage. If Zarina made a reckless charge, the researcher would try to sidestep so her foe would be trapped in the ropes.

Zarina would let go of her submission as she was flung off by Wicke, the Brazilian woman quickly turning over and pushing herself back up to a standing position, looking over to see the scientist picking herself on the ropes! Zarina would give a smirk she realized that her foe was hardly in any position to stop her from doing as she wished, with the Brazilian slowly walking towards her foe!

"Oh I bet you are! Waiting for this big booty to knock you out, is that it?" Zarina chuckled as she approached, perhaps doing a bit differently from what Wicke expected as Zarina grabbed hold of her, yanking Wicke in close and spinning her around! Zarina's arms would wrap around her foe, hands going right to Wicke's breasts, groping her massive tits, before suddenly aiming to lift Wicke up and over, bringing her crashing down hard with a boobplex!

A classic battle between the bull and matador was about to take place, except the latter wouldn't be as agile and try to strike the beast herself. Wicke hoped that she could endure long enough to stand. It didn't help that Zarina made a more calculated approach so the researcher couldn't just jump out of the way immediately. She had to wait for their bodies to brush slightly.

"I think my posterior on your face would be more ideal" She thought of performing a spin attack and use her body as a weapon to send Zarina into the ropes. That was her plan until her larger opponent would initiate the condition on her own. "WOAHHHHHH!" she yelled out and losing control of her balance until held once again. "Ohhhh Ohhhh~" letting out soft moans. Her body slightly raised as Zarina prepared to make quite a drop. "NOOOOOOO! STAYY!" she begged clutching onto the Brazilian's neck as if trying to form a 3/4 facelock. If this stunned her enough, Wicke would try to counter with a cutter.

With Zarina grabbing hold of Wicke's breasts, groping her large chest, the scientist would give quite the loud moan, Zarina's teasing of her tits pleasing her fellow heavyweight quite a bit! But while Zarina would attempt to go a step further and use Wicke's breasts against her, attempting to lift her up and over for a big boobplex, Wicke would suddenly reach up and wrap her arm around Zarina's neck, before dropping down to nail her with a cutter!

"Uuugh!" Zarina let out a groan as she slammed down hard onto the canvas, the Brazilian woman nearly bouncing off the canvas from the impact, before flopping over onto her back, dazed and floored!

Zarina didn't have just a figure worth drooling over, she also had magical fingers as if every single touch was made to pleasure Wicke to the maximum. Where does learn of this craft so well? Of course this wasn't courtship and clearly setup for a trap. Usually one would just use the groping as setup while another part of the body would be targeted for a move, however Zarina would be the outlier by groping and throwing Wicke at the same time. That is if Wicke didn't counter Zarina by altering the balance with a simple cutter.

Wicke was kneeling down massaging her strained back. Her chest already received enough treatment. Grabbing the ropes once again, she pulled herself back to stand. Thankfully all these events happened close to the edge, otherwise making a recovery weren't so difficult. "If you want me you can come and get me" she launched herself from the ropes and galloped to where Zarina lied. The researcher jumped in the air and hoped to land on her opponent's face with a simple butt bomb.

With her hands full of Zarina's breasts, the Brazilian was so focused on what she was going to do for offense that she wasn't expecting Wicke's counter, the scientist suddenly bringing her crashing down to the mat! Zarina bounced on impact, letting out a grunt as she was slammed down roughly to the canvas, flopping over onto her back and giving a loud grunt, letting Wicke grab the ropes and pull herself up, easily standing up before moving towards Zarina, leaping up and kicking her legs out!

"Uh oh... Mmmmmmph!" Zarina gave a low grunt as Wicke landed hard on her, slamming her thick ass on the face of the downed Brazilian! Zarina's face was quickly wedged up Wicke's buttcrack, leaving her buried in those soft, round asscheeks, smothered by the scientist after the butt bomb!

Wasting time wasn't an option here for either of them as they were expected to battle another heavyweight following after their exchange. She was only able to pick up speed by the sudden desire to not being rushed down the amazon beneath her. "Alright..." she exclaimed while arching her back so that the full weight of Wicke's smothering based pin can be maximized.

Forming a reverse facesit, she reached behind and grabbed a hold of Zarina's sweaty hair. Everyone was melting in the immense heat today regardless of their effort put into this match. Wicke then took the opportunity to pull her opponent even deeper into her ass while rubbing side to side, brushing against the Brazillian's face as if trying to weaken her resolve through a tickle.

Zarina would be struggling to get up from the mat, and this would leave her in quite the poor position as Wicke decided to make things even worse for the Brazilian, suddenly rushing over and leaping up into the air, kicking her legs out and coming down hard, ass-first on Zarina's face! The heavyweight's body flopped as the busty scientist landed on her, before taking a comfy seat on Zarina's face, while robbing the Brazilian of air!

Wicke wouldn't just keep seated, however, as she would grab hold of Zarina's hair, using it to pull on the Brazilian and wedge Zarina's face even deeper in her buttcrack, Zarina's face deep in Wicke's ass, smushed by her soft, round asscheeks! But Zarina was still somewhat lively underneath her foe, dazedly reaching up and trying to pry at Wicke's sides, in an attempt to remove her opponent!
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Re: Swimsuit Smother Smackdown 2020

Unread post by Noob »

This was it. The position that turned some of the most tenacious of fighters into living mattresses. With her glasses clean there was not a single angle that would have provided an opening for breathing, unless you zoomed in with a microscope of course. "Such luxurious hair. Is this some exotic conditioner or your sweat dripping from imminent defeat?" she asked with a sense of intrigue and wit slipping off her tongue.

If only she was permitted to apply a bonding agent in her rear, then Wicke would have arguably been unstoppable in the ring upon first facial contact. As she was pulling the Brazilian to make the submission near impossible to escape out of being that hypnotizing, Zarina with two functioning arms would counter by slowly spreading the older woman's legs apart. The researcher groaned from her lack of stability.

With Wicke sat quite comfortably atop her face, Zarina would find herself stuck in a dangerous position as breathing became nearly impossible, the Brazilian's face wedged comfortably between Wicke's massive cheeks! And the scientist was having quite the fun time, grabbing Zarina's hair and wedging the smother queen's face in her buttcrack, those soft buttcheeks hugging Wicke's face tightly, while Zarina struggled!

But while the scientist would continue to shove Zarina's face in her ass, the Brazilian struggled and would continue to kick and flail, feeling Wicke become less stable! And so Zarina would try and jab her fingers into Wicke's sides, before shoving upwards to unseat the heavyweight and send her toppling over!

"Please...don't!" she begged Zarina to behave and not resist any further. She was so close to becoming one of the final two, but every kick and flail caused Wicke to become less grounded, therefore leading to a less than tight smother. "I'll have to provide a second or third trial if these are the results" implying she had the flexibility to perform yet another buttbomb. For now she just brushed her buttcheeks side to side. They weren't feathers but provided a sufficient tickle.

A simple jab to her sides cause Wicke to let out another purr, it wasn't painful compared to disorienting as if the amazon hit the jackpot. With the smother loosened once again, the researcher was unable to resist being lifted up slightly by sheer strength. As a result, the submission would be broken leading to Wicke lying on her back. "Urgh...so close.." she uttered.

Zarina would continue to push at Wicke, feeling the scientist's thick cheeks smush against her face as Wicke wiggled her ass, leaving Zarina getting more and more desperate to get any air from underneath her foe! And luckily for her, eventually her struggles would lead to her being able to push up on Wicke's rear end and lift the scientist up off of her, sending Wicke falling to her back as Zarina was freed from the smother!

"GAH! Hah... gah..." Zarina gasped, slowly rolling over onto her stomach, simply gasping for air as she tried to collect herself, having come quite close to an unfortunate defeat! Zarina would slowly begin to pick herself up, looking down at the toppled heavyweight! "Close... but... you can't smother me out... I'm the smother queen..."
It felt like this section of the match was dragging on for a bit with the constant struggling, only for them to finally break away from one another. Maybe Zarina was the type of person to enjoy a woman's chest against hers instead if she really took that butt smother after so long. Wicke lied on her back for a bit longer to only now realise how little clothing she was actually wearing and she was spilling out a bit.

Readjusting her top she would answer the other woman's call and sit up. "So judging by your recent words....I only have to try one more time" actually becoming more motivated to pursue the end goal. "Then I shall be referred to as the empress" supporting herself back to a stand. Two arms in front of her ready to lock up with the Brazilian.

Zarina would give a low groan as she raised herself back up to her feet, managing to finally get some of her air back as she would rise back up, with Wicke doing the same, the scientist seemingly collecting herself as well! Soon enough, both women would be back on their feet, with Zarina getting ready to face off with Wicke once more, the busty heavyweight declaring that she'd be doing the same to Zarina once more!

"We'll see about that! I don't plan on letting anyone usurp my throne!" Zarina said with a smirk, before moving forwards, attempting to grab hold of Wicke and push hard, looking once more to come after her opponent with a test of strength!

Two women locked in a strength contest once again. However both of these ladies already took a taste of their opponent's arsenal and were wary of the consequences that would lie ahead. Every step and turn mattered. The crowd were paying close attention to show in the center (or they were just enamored by the sight of two curvy bodies brushing against one another and shining in the sunlight).

Things looked even at a first glance with neither side giving in initially. "I am far more interested in my own personal throne. Your face and the next fighter all smooshed together!" returning with her own set of banter. The only thing that would break the stalemate is some sunlight slightly blinding Wicke, thus leading to her forcibly making a few steps back. Things looked a bit hectic as they were approaching the corner.

Zarina gave a grunt as she would continue to shove Wicke backwards, managing to get the scientist backing up towards the corner, exactly what Zarina was looking for as she tried to get her foe into position! And with Wicke getting closer and closer to the corner, Zarina would attempt to suddenly break the lockup, before flinging herself forwards to try and slam against Wicke, throwing the scientist into the corner with force!

"Don't get too ahead of yourself, you can't win that easily!" Zarina growled, looking to get Wicke into the corner, where the Brazilian would move to stand on the ropes with Wicke in the corner, before planting her breasts on her foe's face!

"Only a few meters before approaching solid metal" Wicke thought using established dimensions of the ring to predict her position and how far every important structure was. Each step was at a rhythm that meant the researcher would adjust her actions according when she felt it was appropriate. In her view, the sound option was spinning around to slam Zarina back first into the corner and take advantage. That area was a haven for butt smothers.

"Then I shall attain victory with only moderate difficulty if that is fine with hmmmm?" suddenly Zarina decided to change her motions instead and collide right into the researcher. "Wait...hold it! AGHHHHHHHHHHHH!" the force was just enough to send Wicke into the corner inflicting moderate damage to her back. This single attack took away momentum or straight thinking. The only thing she would be fully aware was the warmth on her face from feeling those enormous breasts. "MMMMMMMMMMMM"

Throwing Wicke backwards into the corner, Zarina would succeed in thrusting the scientist backwards into the turnbuckle, letting out a giggle as Wicke was suddenly slammed into the pads, knocking the wind out of her! And with a quick shift, Zarina would step up onto the ropes in the corner of the ring, planting her massive breasts right on Wicke's face, burying the scientist's pretty features in between her tits!

"Go ahead Wicke, feel free to just snuggle in and fall asleep in there!" Zarina teased, bringing her hands to either side of her breasts and smushing them together against Wicke's face, further suffocating the busty heavyweight with her boobs, leaving Wicke in quite the tough position!

Wicke didn't have the opening to massage her back. She tried stepping a bit forward to create some room, but Zarina was insistent in invading the older woman's personal space. "MMMMMM MMMMMMMMM" unable to form a coherent protest and only just motorboated the Brazilian's enormous yet exotic assets. It was a miracle that no stains were formed on her glasses.

Said lens acted as this tiny barrier to prevent strain on her glasses, but they weren't a mouth gag or mask definitely especially with those tits creeping along her eyelids. Everything was turning dark for the veteran. As if the world was coming down on her with no way to resist.

Zarina was all smiles when she managed to get her foe pinned in the corner, planting her breasts on Wicke's face and smothering the scientist, the woman underneath her letting out a muffled groan, with Zarina soon shifting upwards! The Brazilian would grab hold of Wicke, before attempting to drag her upwards along the corner, looking to carry her up to the top turnbuckle, looking to get the two of them up high!

It seemed as though Wicke was completely trapped by Zarina, and the Brazilian would set both of them up in a dangerous position as she began to haul her prey up the ropes!

Apparently it was just setback after setback for the poor veteran, but it seemed manageable enough provided Wicke gets constant grounding and balance. She tried holding her breath and hope that Zarina would show a little restraint, so an opening could be reached at a later time. Wicke got what she wanted but needed was far from it. Due to being mesmerized and low on oxygen, she didn't try to shove the amazon away.

"Wait what are you...." not even mustering the strength to complete that sentence of hers. Two heavyweights perched on the ropes was sure to end in disaster no matter the party. Wicke was preoccupied trying to prevent herself from falling by sheer weight distribution alone.

Pulling herself and Wicke towards the top rope together, Zarina would keep her foe held close to her, looking as though she was thinking about how best to position the pair for what she had in mind! And once her feet would make it to the top rope, she would balance herself precariously, before reaching down and grabbing hold of Wicke, attempting to muscle her up to the top rope, and then up further!

Zarina was attempting to get up as high as she could, before lifting Wicke up onto her shoulders, attempting to get the scientist up into a fireman's carry, holding her in precarious position high above the canvas, poised for an absolutely devastating maneuver!

Zarina was her anchor basically as she couldn't just simply just walk past the wall before her, but she had to let the Brazilian hang on to prevent herself from sliding down. Wicke thought her balance was a greater priority and didn't try to shove her opponent away immediately. "I instruct you to not. There may be irreparable damage as a result!" referring to the canvas below from the ring imploding. Even though Wicke wasn't the most imposing of heavyweights, there was a still a reasonable probability.

"Urhhhhhh...only one of us shall give..." Wicke whispered preferring to fall on her own terms. The amazon tried pulling the older woman to her shoulders, but Wicke coiled her legs around the ropes. Grasping Zarina's neck and raising her other hand up high, she swung her arm downwards for a chop to the forehead slicing the air in the process. Hopefully this move would force the younger wrestler to fall off the ropes and onto her back. Knowing her times was limited, the veteran had to join Zarina and try to net whatever was left.

Just as she freed her legs, Wicke jumped up slightly and spread out her legs once more, hoping to land atop of the amazon's face for a special butt bomb.

Working Wicke up the ropes, Zarina was clearly looking for something that would no doubt leave her foe nearly knocked out from the impact alone, which would in turn make smothering the scientist out a much easier feat! But while she looked to raise Wicke up high, the busty woman that Zarina attempted to heft up would keep her legs wrapped tight around the ropes, anchoring herself and refusing to let Zarina budge her at all!

"Gah! Just let me pick you up... AGH!" Zarina groaned out in quite annoyed fashion, before Wicke's arm would suddenly slam into her, receiving a chop to the forehead that sent her falling backwards to the mat! Zarina landed hard, and when her eyes opened, she was met with a sight that was just as terrifying as one would expect, that being Wicke's ass headed straight for her, right from the top rope!

"MMMMMMPH!" Zarina let out a grunt as the scientist's massive rear end slammed right into her face, crushing her with a butt bomb from the top rope, leaving her wedged deep in Wicke's ass!

Surrounding air turned hot and it wasn't because of the weather this time. Not only Wicke would have lost at this point, but she could have been in for an almost career threatening injury in the process. However her tenacity meant she was able to survive long enough to interrupt Zarina's momentum. "I have to decline..." exclaiming in response to the other woman's complaint before knocking her to the canvas once again. A single chop was all she needed and this was the only free shot she had at this stage.

Wicke landed atop of the Brazilian's face perfectly when any other area would be just as appropriate. All she desired was something to cushion the fall, but the win condition was also up for grabs. Almost instinctively while muffling Zarina's mouth, she pulled up the skimpy bikini bottoms so her ass would be on full display and engulf her target. "(If this doesn't satisfy then it is hopeless)" Wicke thought to herself while grounding and applying more pressure.

Falling from quite an impressive height after failing to heft up her target, Zarina would crash down to the mat with a thunderous boom, with Wicke soon following, throwing herself onto the Brazilian! Her thick, busty frame crashed down extraordinarily hard onto Zarina, squashing the heavyweight wrestler and leaving her face wedged in Wicke's ass, with the scientist soon taking things a step further!

"Mmmmmph..." Zarina was already close to completely out, and Wicke pulling her bottoms down would only leave Zarina with even more ass in her face, now completely wedged between Wicke's naked buttcheeks! Zarina gave a muffled grunt, limply struggling before she would eventually fall completely limp, passing out with her face wedged in Wicke's buttcrack, smothered out by her foe's naked ass!

Now that Zarina had been defeated, passing out under Wicke's plump backside, it was time for the final entrant to enter the match. It was Alisha Grace, clad in skimpy golden bikini, showing off her curvaceous body and dusky complexion. Making her way to the ring, Alisha noted that the one remaining was Wicke, whom she had faced in the ring before.

Soon, she reached the ring, and Alisha climbed up the apron to enter the ring. Noting that Zarina had been unconscious, Alisha placed her hands on her hips, looking at Wicke with a smile on her face. "Well, I guess I'm the last one..." Her eyes twinkled mischievously. "Let's have fun, shall we?" She winked at Wicke, preparing herself for the fight between them.
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Re: Swimsuit Smother Smackdown 2020

Unread post by Noob »

Surprisingly Wicke didn't hold the smother much longer as Zarina was already drifting to slumber rather quickly, although the less than pleasant fall and aerial move could be the culprit between the two. "I am glad you enjoyed it. Maybe your second trial shall be more successful. Likewise for me" whispering to the fallen amazon. Once she was given the approval, Wicke stroked the unconscious Brazilian's forehead before gently rolling her out of the ring.

What was Wicke referring to about her second trial? Why Alisha Grace of course. When she made her initial return, Wicke was greeted with a defeat at the hands of Alisha Grace. During her time at LAW, the researcher refined her skills and evaluated past matches so the same thing won't happen again. It is 100 guaranteed!...because this was a smother match and not a hentai one. "I will enjoy this quite well but you shall not be the last one standing." she replied to the final combatant with a warm smile. The climax was here and Wicke started things off by raising her arms for a grappling contest.

Now that she was in the ring, Alisha looked at Wicke before her with a smile on her face. She had defeated her before, and she planned to do the same thing again, though this was a different type of match where she had to smother her to unconsciousness in order to emerge victorious. Standing before the curvaceous woman before her, Alisha raised her arms, preparing to tangle with her opponent.

"Hoo... we'll see about that..." Alisha responded to Wicke's words. For a few seconds, Alisha would be keeping her eyes on Wicke before she rushed over to her, looking to lock up with her in a grapple. Their bikini-clad bodies would be mashing against each other as Alisha would try to gain supremacy over her opponent. And considering that Alisha was feeling much fresher than Wicke, she was confident that she could overwhelm her in a grapple.

Wicke eyed up the fellow wrestler in the ring. She wasn't intimidated by size considering she beaten even larger prey just recently. If anything she should be worried about someone who knows a few of her tricks already, especially since said someone was the fresher wrestler of the two. Many factors weren't in Wicke's favour but she had to persevere in some way. She must find the breaking point.

The two finalists locked arms in the centre. A common ritual among wrestlers of their breed. As their bodies mashed up against one another, the shorter woman couldn't help but mewl from feeling Alisha's exotic skin once again even if she found the leotard more appealing to gaze at. The Indian woman's assumptions were correct as Wicke was shaking slightly from the force pressing down on her. She would eventually drop to a knee and be left vulnerable.

Alisha smiled as she managed to bring Wicke to her knees, and she decided to take this opportunity to press her advantage as she would unlatch her hands from Wicke's before attempting to wrap her arm around her head, looking to pull her into a side headlock.

And it wasn't even an ordinary side headlock as Alisha would make sure to press Wicke's face against the face of her ample bosom, and Wicke's face would be mashing against Alisha's bared skin. While it wouldn't be sufficient to smother her out, it should be enough to give her a message of what to come next.

Wicke's hands would be freed but of course there was a twist awaiting. She would have her head secured instead while Alisha danced around to the side. There were initial complaints and moans as usual from the strain coupled with a muscular bicep coiled around her, but of course it would have a sensual flavour sprinkled on top.

"MMMMMM" like a child being force-fed their least favourite meal, protests came out of the mother's mouth ironically. Although feeling up her opponent's body was just so mesmerising. How could she forgotten the sensation from their last encounter? Wicke did everything in her breath to conserve oxygen by making sure her mouth was closed. With arms free, Wicke tried closing around Alisha's body and catch the Indian off guard with a reverse bearhug.

Catching Wicke's head in a side headlock, burying her face against the side of her breast, Alisha smiled, knowing that she managed to deprive her opponent of precious air. Still, it seemed that Wicke wasn't out of it yet as she wrapped her arms around her body, putting her into a reverse bearhug.

"Nghhhh..." Alisha winced, feeling her midsection being squeezed by her opponent. She knew that she had to do something, so she would try to twist around, bringing Wicke with her before attempting to bring her down with a side headlock takedown, in which she would proceed to cover her breasts onto her face for a full breasts smother!

Wicke's options were of course limited in this situation, but even if there was only a 1/1000 possibility of gaining the desired outcome, she may as well place all bets on the table if it really was the best option available. Her face turned red from holding breath so long, but the rewards seem worth reaping as she almost lifted Alisha off the ground.

Alisha was definitely moving, causing the older woman to brighten up with hope, but a mistaken observation and sun in her eye led to her being unable to guard against the headlock takedown. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she whined from the impact while her body was now spread. To make matters worse, her vision darkened even further by the other wrestler deepening the smother.

Taking Wicke down with a headlock takedown, Alisha didn't waste her time as she then covered her opponent's face with her bountiful breasts for a smother. Alisha chuckled, looking to keep the smother going as she maintained her position on top of her. And just to tease her opponent even more, she would rub her breasts against Wicke's face while smothering her.

"Hehe~ why don't you take a rest down there?" Alisha cooed, making sure that the other woman wouldn't be able to breathe now that her entire face was covered under her pillowy tits. "I know you're tired already, so just stay there and enjoy my breasts, hehe..." The sight of Alisha clad in golden bikini clad was something to behold, especially now that she was smothering the hell out of Wicke.

Not off to a pleasant start was she? The draw figuratively sandwiched Wicke in between two exotic smother goddesses. She was pinned down by Alisha's sheer weight in which her face felt as if it was being absorbed into the other woman's body like some magnetic force. Feeling initially reluctant or dismissive about pulling herself away from the bountiful chest before her.

"I don't mind resting..." Wicke murmured almost implying a surrender within only minutes of this round. Even being a woman of science, Alisha's words were able to speak towards the soul, ushering the mother to enjoy the view. Desiring even further intimacy while becoming less vulnerable in the process, she opened her mouth and nibbled on Alisha's golden bikini top trying to tear it off.

Resting her own curvaceous body on top of Wicke's, Alisha was certain that this match was already in the bag, thinking that she would definitely win this and beat the other woman again. But then, as she kept her breasts resting against Wicke's face, she felt that the other woman was nibbling on her golden bikini top, and she yelped when she attempted to tear it off.

"H-hey!" While she definitely didn't mind going topless, it was still a matter of principle to keep it on herself. Even so, despite her best attempt to prevent Wicke from removing her bikini top off of her, she still managed to yank at it, causing one of her ample breasts to spill out of her top. "Aaahhn!!!" She yelped, feeling her sensitive nipples brushing against Wicke's face. This would distract her, which would allow Wicke to take advantage of her.

Alisha winning after barely lifting a pinky, how disappointing that would be! As people wished to watch an exciting match, some wanted to participate in said bout and be on the receiving end of these voluptuous goddesses. Having had close experiences with odd plants and fungi, it was rather difficult to truly disgust Wicke who even sneaked a little lick on the golden fabric.

This action led to Alisha raising her body up slightly so the woman beneath would be provided more breathing room in the process. Instead of just breaking away immediately, Wicke decided to enjoy herself by continuing to nibble on the fellow heavyweight's exposed breast, but only on her own terms she would stay. Arms and legs stretched out like a koala, she closed her opponent's frame from shoulder to waist. Then the researcher tried shifting sideways to form a little roll while still immersing herself in Alisha's chest.

Alisha shuddered as she felt Wicke nibbling on her exposed breast, and due to this, she was distracted, allowing Wicke to get her limbs around her before rolling themselves over a little. At the moment, Alisha was focused on trying to regain her bearing so that she could stop whatever Wicke would do next.

"Aahhh... haaa..." Alisha gasped out, wiggling her own body in her effort to stop Wicke from focusing on her chest. Her cheeks reddened a little from the contact, and she tried her best to clear her mind in order to prepare herself for whatever the other woman would do next.

Like a moon orbiting a planet, Wicke trailed her lips and nibbled on the outer are of Alisha's chest while lying on top. Even though arms and legs almost melded into the skin, her fingers gently caressed the Indian's body to ensure that Wicke can immerse herself in Alisha's skin enough times.

The wriggling caused Wicke to lose control of her stability leading to her stop nibbling. "Oh...silly me I have lost control" looking at her opponent with a sheepish blush. She stretched out her legs and legs to give the fellow heavyweight more room to wriggle around, but there was a catch as the mother tried sliding up Alisha's body and close her legs for a frontal headscissors.

Alisha moaned as Wicke continued having her way with her body, and soon, Wicke decided to give her more room to move. But, before she could make use of this opportunity to escape, Wicke decided to put her into another predicament as she slid up her body before closing her legs around her head in a frontal headscissor!

"Mphhhhh!!!" Alisha's face was pressed against Wicke's crotch, and with her head being squeezed in the headscissor, it was hard for her to think straight, and the feminine scent of the other woman started invading her nostrils, making it much more difficult to focus on escaping.

Wicke eased her upper body as she felt rather comfortable brushing up against Alisha's luxurious skin. A new way to bath in the sun. Her lower body on the other hand was intent on making the fellow heavyweight's burn from a half-naked flame

"I am afraid your fingers won't aid you here" referring to their previous bout which led to her defeat. It almost felt like years have passed. Having no reason to budge, Wicke concentrated on asserting gravity and continued crushing Alisha's neck while attempting to muffle the Indian with her crotch.

Alisha was having trouble focusing herself as her head was squeezed between Wicke's thighs while having her face pressed against the other woman's crotch. Knowing that she needed to get herself out of this before she ended up running out of air, Alisha continued her struggling, hoping to make it difficult for her opponent to maintain the hold.

"Mmmmphh... mmmmphhhh!!!" Alisha let out muffled noises as she would continue struggling, bringing her hands onto Wicke's legs in her attempt to pry those off of her head.

The match slowed down for the time being implying that Wicke didn't intend to give any openings for long, but even showed mild irritation towards Alisha's thrashing. Did she have to physically beat this woman down to meet ends? With every drip of sweat accumulating, it did become rather difficult to maintain her position without causing a thigh clash.

Her situation didn't improve from Alisha also holding onto those legs. "Urhhhhhhh...desist.....urhhhhhh" Wicke's protests had no weight as seconds later she would be nudged onto her back leaving the title still up for grabs.

Alisha would keep struggling, making sure to make it difficult for Wicke to maintain the hold. With their bodies becoming slick due to sweat, Alisha thought that she might be able to use it to her advantage, and she would keep thrashing and squirming while attempting to pry those legs off of her.

Eventually, she would try to roll over, hoping that the rolling would cause Wicke to relinquish her hold on her, though even if she was released, she would have to take a while before she could fully recover.

Another break for the two, but Wicke's surge wouldn't peter out just yet. She just needed to separate the bonds that held Alisha together and then her final obstacle will becoming nothing but mush. "Now testing my throwing speed. First my subject..." she announced for all to hear and returned to a stand quicker than her opponent because the previous hold just slipped off.

Speaking of the subject, she reached down to grab Alisha's shoulder and neck before pulling her up to a stand. It didn't matter how unstable the fellow heavyweight would be as the veteran guided both her hands to a hanging forearm and tried whipping Alisha into a corner.

Alisha panted as she tried to push herself up as quickly as possible, but it seemed that Wicke was the one who managed to get up first. As she was still on her knees, Alisha saw Wicke coming over to her. Groaning, Alisha had no other choice but to get herself back up onto her feet before she was sent towards the corner with an Irish whip.

"Nnguhhh!!!" Alisha grunted as her back hit the turnbuckle. Gasping for air, Alisha leaned against the turnbuckle, draping her arms over the top ropes. She struggled to regain her bearing, but it seemed that Wicke was the one who still held an upper hand here in this fight.

Upon throwing Alisha into the corner, the pink clad wrestler was mildly disappointed that her opponent's didn't sink any lower from the collision. It would have been the prime position for a finishing smother after all. Maybe applying more force could truly break the fellow heavyweight's foundation perhaps. Wicke stretched out her back and brushed those bare feet in preparation.

She burst off into a sprint, although Wicke was very far from the most agile of wrestlers so it almost resembled a powerwalk. If Alisha was dazed by the previous whip then the shorter woman would keep running until their chests collided once again resulting in a bodysplash from Wicke.

Currently at the corner, with her arms draped over the top ropes, Alisha tried to regain her breath as she looked at the direction of Wicke. It seemed that her opponent was planning to sprint towards her, as if attempting to collide into her in a body splash. Keeping her eyes on the other heavyweight, Alisha would try to find the right moment to make her move, and when Wicke was getting closer, she would act.

Alisha would move to the left, moving herself away from Wicke's trajectory. That way, her opponent would end up colliding into the turnbuckle instead, and if the collision caused her opponent to lose her breath, the Indian beauty would move behind Wicke, planning to hoist her over with a German suplex!

Eyes can be rather deceiving. Wicke continued on her trek to crush the opposition believing that Alisha was too dazed to make an immediate counter. She didn't bother to shift gears in case of things going awry, believing her chances of connecting the move were far greater than failure. The air turned hot even without the weather beating down on them.

Just as their bodies were about to meet, Alisha showed off some of her own agility and dodged out of harm's way. As a result Wicke only inflicted damage to herself from running into the turnbuckle neck first. She wanted to scream but her breath was stolen by the throat damage and shock. All the researcher did was lay her shoulders against the ropes until being grasped by the waist. "(No...)" she thought unable to anchor herself away from harm's way. Wicke was left speechless while her body was lifted and flipped over for the suplex. A boom resonated throughout the arena as the veteran landed on her neck seemingly motionless.
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Re: Swimsuit Smother Smackdown 2020

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Successfully moving out of Wicke's way, Alisha then went behind her opponent, wrapping her arms around her waist before hoisting her up, throwing her down with a German suplex. Quickly pushing herself up, Alisha smiled in satisfaction, sensing an opportunity to seize a win.

Seeing that Wicke was laid out down there, Alisha would then get herself on top of her opponent, sitting on her lap. After that, she would lean down, making sure that Wicke would see her breasts approaching her face. Then, the Indian beauty would press her tits against the researcher's face, looking to subject her to a breasts smother.

As Wicke lied on her back as a result of the German Suplex, she couldn't find the strength to even pull a single muscle. Every move at this stage could be vital when both are running on fumes. Despite her mental budging and whining, she couldn't find herself couldn't find herself moving even before Alisha decided to lay on top of her.

Once said event occurred, Wicke found herself fading and drifting from suffocation once again. This time she had voices in her head to just surrender and sniff the flowers being Alisha's chest. Apparently she should focus on what made her truly rich being knowledge. She couldn't shine twice in the ring apparently despite the consecutive wins. Were they handed to her perhaps? It seemed those self-doubts also caused Wicke to not even muster a comeback at least initially.

Alisha smiled as she maintained her advantage over Wicke while burying the researcher's face under her breasts. All she had to do now was to wait for her opponent to be smothered out, though she wasn't counting on the fact that her opponent might be able to escape this predicament. The fact that she was currently smothering Wicke with her breasts was enough to make her think that she would be the winner in this match, and all she had to do was to wait for the inevitable.

Wicke was having a crisis both physically and mentally in contrast to Alisha, who was only just laying about looking pretty. Alisha had good reason to not be judged for her
lack of action since there reached a point where the veteran just wasn't moving. The referee who was usually passive and just gawking at the show, knelt down besides the two to check on Wicke's condition while further admiring the action.

Numbers started to pile up and fans kept their fingers crossed for the wrestler they were rooting for most. "Mmmmmphhh urhhhhhh" an audible moan came from her mouth. While she had accomplished so much in the labs, there was so much yet to be attained in wrestling even at her age. She found a new motivation to keep fighting. Her eyes sprung open and arms guided around Alisha until she was practically hugging the younger woman. Pushing her body up against the Indian's weight and by extent cleavage, Wicke tried sitting up for a few seconds. Afterwards the scientist attempted to raise her legs and return to a standing position, carrying Alisha within her arms. Only then she can finally pop out of her chest and take a deep gasp.

Alisha maintained her position on top of Wicke, burying her face under her breasts, not expecting much from her opponent. But then, she felt Wicke bringing her arms around her body, and much to her surprise, the researcher began sitting up, and Alisha was lifted up from there.

"H-hey, w-wait..."

Before Alisha could do anything, Wicke began to rise up, getting herself into a standing position, carrying Alisha in her arms. Realizing what was happening, the Indian beauty would keep clinging against Wicke, knowing that she was in trouble. Now that she was standing, Wicke managed to get herself out of the smother, finally able to breathe properly.

Despite her principles and believes, Wicke should thank the heavens that Alisha didn't bother to make a tight submission. "I believe we have little time to wait." she responded to Alisha gazing at her with widened eyes and pink cheeks. Despite being able to breath normally, her mind was still in disarray. A few seconds of awkward silence followed between them.

"Now we shall not wait any longer." speaking once more while making slow steps but gradually increasing her speed while still carrying Alisha. Heading towards a corner, Wicke prepared to flatten her opponent like dough and hope to finish the entire procedure quickly as possible.

Now carried by Wicke, Alisha realized what her opponent was about to do when her opponent made her way towards the corner, picking up her speed as she went. Then, she went to bring Alisha into the turnbuckle, flattened between both her opponent's body and the turnbuckle, and the collision managed to drive some air out of her.

"Ufffhhhhh!!!" Finding herself unable to breathe, Alisha leaned against the turnbuckle, trying her best to regain her bearing, but for the time being, she became an easy target for the researcher, who would certainly take advantage of her current situation.

A simple but effective move worked into Wicke's favour. Time was also kind as she wasn't exactly running for a medal in 100m, yet Alisha was just too distracted to prevent herself being crushed against the corner. Wicke suddenly became a little more relaxed resting her frame against the other woman's. It was almost like hugging her pillow after a long day...while standing up.

She could only stay for so long to conserve energy as the same would be applied to her opponent. "I suppose it is time for us to sleep. You before me of course...." Whispering to the fellow combatant and peeling Alisha away from the corner. While carrying them towards the center, the veteran carefully turned the other heavyweight's body until she was upside down yet still maintain her grip.

Then would Wicke spread her own legs apart and tried pulling Alisha's head in between the gap. Provided that her target was too incapacitated to fight back, the researcher closed those thighs around her victim's neck for a special standing headscissors. Not only would the final entrant be suffocated but she also had to deal with the blood rushing to her head. Planning to finish the match once and for all, the mother took a deep breath before jumping into the air, hoping to knock out her opponent unconscious by spiking them into the ground for a piledriver.

Alisha wheezed as she was sandwiched between Wicke's body and the turnbuckle, having trouble breathing due to being slammed into the turnbuckle earlier. She could feel her opponent's body against hers, and she tried her best to ignore the softness as she tried to come up with a way to escape her current predicament.

But then, Wicke had decided to drag her towards the center of the ring, presumably to continue with her attack. Alisha was still having trouble catching her breath, and she couldn't stop the other woman from turning her body upside down, her head pointing to the mat.

"Ughhh... n-nooo..." Alisha mewled out, knowing what her opponent would do next. She could only wiggle helplessly in Wicke's grip, and as she felt blood rushing to her head, she tried to brace herself for whatever would come next before Wicke jumped into the air, spiking her head first into the mat with a piledriver!

"GUGHHH!!!" The sheer impact was enough to leave Alisha completely stunned, almost knocked out. And all Wicke had to do next was to smother the hell out of her to seize her victory.

Being assertive when it came to fighting and cuddling paid off as the procedure couldn't have gotten more smoothly. The wiggling didn't lead to anything notable besides some minor grinding. "I am awfully sorry if this hurts you tremendously" Slipping in one last whisper before proceeding with the piledriver. Another tremendous display of power from the veteran.

She sat down for a few seconds with legs still wrapped around Alisha's neck until said woman flopped onto her back. Wanting to capitalise on the opportunity literally laid in front of her, Wicke shuffled around a bit until her entire rear was directly lying on top of the other wrestler's face. Pressing downwards, she was looking to finally put her opponent to rest for a reverse facesit.

Alisha was barely aware of what was happening after having her head driven into the mat. She realized that Wicke had moved herself to cover her face with her butt, and there was nothing the Indian beauty could do. At first, she tried to futilely wiggle herself out, but at this point, she had no strength left to fight back, and as her face was entirely covered by her opponent's ass, she was unable to breathe.

With each passing second, Alisha's movement became weaker and weaker, and with air being cut off due to being sat on, Alisha couldn't breathe. Soon, she ceased her movement, knocked out by the facesit. Seeing this, the match would come to an end with Wicke as the winner in this gauntlet match.

Barely feeling the wiggling, Wicke just sat firmly on top of her cushion. She was red in the face and sweating a river from dealing with two tenacious wrestlers back to back. Her body and mind would longer be stressed as the official verified that Alisha Grace was unconscious. Therefore the smother gauntlet has reached its conclusion as evident by the final bell ringing.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the winner by smother and last woman standing....WICKE SYKES!" The announcer gave their call while most of the spectators went nuts after a spectacular and sexy match. Today's winner was helped to a stand as everyone chanted her name. She smiled with pride while the referee raised her arm up high. This match meant a lot to Wicke. Not only she received another accolade to her name, but she earned redemption by besting the woman who first defeated Wicke when she made her return.

Speaking of Alisha, the victor looked down to see her completely conscious. Being the good sport she was, Wicke bent down and grasped the Indian woman by the shoulders, pulling her up to a stand. Still holding onto Alisha so she doesn't fall again, the researcher leaned in close and caught the other woman in a liplock while blowing intensely, hoping the CPR would wake her up.

Alisha had been knocked out cold from the facesit, and now, Wicke had become the winner of this match, which was impressive, considering that she had been facing two women back to back, and now, she stood tall before the unconscious Indian beauty.

Alisha didn't regain her consciousness as Wicke decided to pull her up. Then, when the researcher went for a liplock, giving Alisha an impromptu CPR, her eyes fluttered open, and she gasped out as she would then cough. She would also lean against Wicke's body, preventing herself from falling down.

"Ghaaa... huhhh..." With the way the two of them standing close to each other, and their breasts mashing against each other, Alisha took a little time to recover, still reeling from the piledriver and the smother earlier. Then, she smiled tiredly at Wicke, as if congratulating her for the win.

To her relief that piledriver didn't cause any lasting damage besides temporary imbalance. A spicy kiss and sensual rub to finish off their time in the sun. When they finally parted lips, Wicke gazed at the big beauty with a warm smile. "There there..." Speaking in a soft caring tone while massaging those shoulders until Alisha was well enough to walk on her own.

Minutes pass by and it was time to leave stage, however she had some final words to say. "Thank you for such a splendid match Miss Grace. I suppose everything is balanced for now. Another match between just us would be quite invigorating." As she spoke Wicke pondered about the other combatants and how they provided something rather memorable today, possibly providing a reason to build on strengths and mitigate weaknesses. "I bid you farewell and good luck." Gifting Alisha with a quick kiss on the cheek and turning around to exit the ring.

While her body shined in the sunlight, she noticeably walked a bit slower to prevent further stress on her body. Even if she was the second last woman to enter, Wicke still had every right to be proud of her accomplishments today. Could she be possibly moving up the card with continuous victories perhaps? She had plenty to show beyond smothers. For now Wicke would disappear from the spectator's view with her head held up high. Time will tell if she can prove lightning may strike twice.

Alisha felt the massage from Wicke, and she looked at her face as she listened to her words. She nodded, smiling at the researcher, and after that, Wicke made her exit. Now able to stand on her own, Alisha watched as Wicke disappeared from the view.

Sighing, Alisha decided to make her exit as well. Despite her being defeated, the crowd still showed their appreciation to her, and she smiled to them as she would also disappear from their view. She would need some rest in order to recover from whatever she had taken during the match against Wicke earlier.
Noob's Cavalcade of Combatants
Discord - Noob6737
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