A Mastodon Best Friend

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A Mastodon Best Friend

Unread post by The Riders »

A been a wild ride so far for Elm, getting signed by LAW after working at a bar and dealing with rowdy drunk people mostly men and throwing them out on the street. But something is missing like it great seeing all new wrestlers and chatting with them and such but just not the same, which comes to a point after suffering a defeat at the hands of JJ earlier during the night.

Laying down her back against the hallway wall, blankly staring forward at her tough loss, which was more annoying was that her opponent was able to lift her up and pick up the win right after, which to Elm is a mix feeling of pride and anger but sucks it up knowing that she going to get a rematch and it will be different.

Getting to her feet and randomly picks a locker room, and kicks the door down with her foot just because she still upset and needs to hit something right now not even caring who inside or not. "Sorry bout the door just needed the hit something that all, hope nobody in here or something... My bad?

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Re: A Mastodon Best Friend

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Tara hummed softly as she rrapplied some make up backstage after s match. Sweat always ruined it and she planning om going out so she had to spend some extra time fixing it. However as she went about doing she’d turn as the door got kick. Somehow unphase Tara only idly wondered if it was yet another opponet she’d offended in a match. But instead it was someone she hadn’t met before, a heavyweight by the looks of it.

Shrugging at the woman as she explained why she did it Tara showed she didn’t care. ”Its fine haha I get ir.” She said with a chuckle to assure the woman before turning back to the mirror. “But I hear talking about your problems is an easier way to deal with them than punching things.” She said jokingly while gesturing for the large woman to enter and take a seat on the couch

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Re: A Mastodon Best Friend

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Elm walks in after trying to put the door back correctly but it falls forward and just shrugs leaving it on the floor, mumbling to herself before sitting down on the couch."Yea i guess so but it like I'm not even mad at losing but it just stings, Ughhh I hate this crap sometimes you know."

She says before punching the couch arm with her hand, making it creak and groan from the powerful woman heavy blow. "What your name by the way, I think I seen you before or something beside seeing your matches and what not huh."
Last edited by The Riders on Sat Nov 21, 2020 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Mastodon Best Friend

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Tara nodded to the woman as she spoke, understandjng perfectly well how the heavyweight felt since she too had been in that same place plenty of times before. Finishing putting on ber shoes Tara strutted over to the couch and flipped over it landing in a seated position next to the woman. ”I’m Tara. Tara Jaeger. Nice to meetcha.” She said casually as she stretched her arms and legs before folding her arms behind her head and reclining back. “In any case no worries I get what ya mean. I’m pretty competitive myself so I know where you’re coming from. Just use it as fuel for your next match.” Tara adviced sagely yet in a casual tone

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Re: A Mastodon Best Friend

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Elm looking at the smaller and younger woman, before a small chuckling is heard before breaking out in full blown laughter. Wrapping her arm around Tara neck and pulls her in close to her laughing at her advice, before nodding her head with a big grin on her face."I like your style you know that rabbit." she says, leaning back on the couch as well and chuckling every now and then. "Your not that bad ya know, i dig your style ya know and your right. I need to focus more and end this losing streak I'm in and if I gotta crush a few people to do it then so be it." She says with a grin on her face.

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Re: A Mastodon Best Friend

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Tara gasped lightly as she was suddenly pulled close by Elm and complimented. But luckily the leggy wrestler was nothing if not adaptable as she chuckled and leaned into Elm’s muscular frame. ”Hehe, well that didn’t take much now did it? She asked rhetorically whule throwing her legs up and draping them over Elm’s lap. “I like ya too. Your direct and bounce back easy after a loss. I respect that.” She said with a chuckle as she leaned into Elm.

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Re: A Mastodon Best Friend

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Elm still chuckling a bit getting comfy on the couch, seeing Tara do the same as well by putting her legs across her lap. Wanting to play it cool and from the way Tara is Elm really thinks she going to have a good one, a ride or die kind of friendship with the smaller woman which to Elm means a drinking buddy. "So... gonna throw it out there whenever your done with your matches wanna hit up the bar? i know a few good ones that are my stomping grounds if you ever want to hang out?" She asks giving Tara the nice guy pose... a thumbs up

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Re: A Mastodon Best Friend

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Tara chuckled a bit seeing the bigger woman seemingly get a bit flustered by Tara’s actions. Always the flirt the two toned woman found it extremely funny when she got a unlimely individual to get embarassed. Elm, giant as she was most definitely qualified for that making Tara giggle in amusement. When Elm suggested going to get drinks though... a wild grin formed on Tara’s face. ”Shit yeah sounds good.” She declared throwing her legs up while curling her core as she brought her legs over her and rolled back landjng feet first n the floor before standing up smoothly in another gymnastic display. “My match for tonights already done with so just give me like five minutes to change.” She said while stretching her arms above her head and making her way to her casual clothes.

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Re: A Mastodon Best Friend

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"Hell yea sounds good enough to me, I even know a place called 7th Heaven. Went there for an interview a while back and it pretty good." Elm replies in a giddy voice already knowing that tonight she is going to shit wasted drunk and forget about her losing streak, an most importantly of all she got someone who gonna be right beside her. Getting off the couch and heading outside waiting for Tara to change, she crosses her arms and let's out a big laugh "Yea this is going to be a good one... I can tell"

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Re: A Mastodon Best Friend

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Soon enough Tara came over to Elm dressed in a kore casual outfit consisting of a pair of blue jean shorts, black tights that faded into dark red around the lower legs, a red vee neck, and a black sports jacket with red sneakers. ”Ready to go she hulk?” She asked playfully dubbing Elm with a nickname as she stretched her arms above her head while stepping through the broken door way made by Elm earlier.

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