This will be Kitty's third match, she is ready to get back into the ring. 'This time will be different' she thinks to herself, 'No more clamming up, No almost having a nervous break down. This time I'll be cool and ready for who ever I have to face.' She didn't know who she is facing this time. Typical... Kitty's manager, Blair Pacifica, has a habit of keeping match ups a secret from the wrestlers she manages. Kitty gets her leather catsuit on, and is ready to go out and face who ever is in the ring ready for her.
Kitty runs out as her music hits, and the crowd cheers. The audience like Kitty enough, she doesn't have the best showings and is still pretty unknown. but nobody boos her. She sprints down the ramp and jumps on to the steps. She pushes herself up the turnbuckle, and decided to impress the crowd. She turns to the crowd and does a long blackflip off the top ropes. Up on landing, she bows to the crowd then turns to her opponent.
She is smiling and confident, but that fades away as she looks at her opponent. Hatsume is way taller than Kitty, and must weight half as much. Kitty backs away into the corner, seeming to shrink down. 'This must be some kind of mistake...' Kitty thinks to herself, 'She's way to big for me to face... Did I get the time wrong? Is this the wrong match? The announcer said my name... But this can't be right...'