Bunny Hentai Match: Evelin Lector "The Cruel Bunny" vs Lily The Lapin

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Bunny Hentai Match: Evelin Lector "The Cruel Bunny" vs Lily The Lapin

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Hentai Match
Victory Condition: Victory by Forced Orgasm

Evelin would smirk as she ready her debut match, wearing her leotard with her blue red and gold jacket, her gold and red belt along side with her ripped skin tight pants and a pair of gold, blue and red heels, with a smirk, she would walk out of the ramp as her themes start to play, she would walk out of the ramp
She would ignore the crowd as she smirk and walk straight toward the ring, of course, sometimes wave at the crowds as she slide into the ring with a confident smirk on her face, she would stand on the corner and look at the entrance, wait for her opponent, no doubt believe she would win this easily as she smirk in confident

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Re: Bunny Hentai Match: Evelin Lector "The Cruel Bunny" vs Lily The Lapin

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Evelin's opponent was soon bounding from one side of the entrance ramp to the other, making diagonal crossings while hopping from fan to fan, giving high fives and cheek kisses, exchanging waves and smiles. Like a true bunny rabbit, Lily soon found herself at the ring, sliding elegantly and smoothly into the squared circle with a wide and light-hearted but mischievous grin. She flashed her teeth at the other rabbit, playfully biting at the air, mouthing, "Rawr!" at the girl opposite her.

Lily was used to researching her opponents before a match, and this one was no different for her. She'd watched plenty of footage of her opponent, quite aware that the girl had a bit of a mean streak. Still, the hare was determined to start the match with a positive attitude, testing the waters of her opponent's attitude, with her own.

"Nice to meet you...~ She greeted Evelin, her hand soon extending, outstretched toward the girl, looking for a sportsman-like handshake. "I'm Lily and you're Evelin, right?" When her hand wasn't immediately taken, Lily turned to the crowd, gesturing encouragingly with an inviting sweep of her arm. Soon enough, everyone was cheering for the two to shake hands, as if this might convince Evelin.
Last edited by EdenFinite on Thu Nov 12, 2020 3:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bunny Hentai Match: Evelin Lector "The Cruel Bunny" vs Lily The Lapin

Unread post by Void-Effect »

She would smirk and nod her head, but instead of saying anything, she would simply nod her head, seems like she decide to remain cold for her heel act to work, as she walk toward her She would simply fold her arms as she look at her "Yup, and don't think I'll give you any mercy just because you're new" She said as she stand there

as she saw Lily offer her hand to shake, she would look at her before nod and shake her hand, while not a long shake, she did a simply quick one before let go, and ready for the match to stand as she look at her, stand there chest to chest and eye to eye as the bell ring, she would make the first move by grab her shoulder's and push her toward the corner

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Re: Bunny Hentai Match: Evelin Lector "The Cruel Bunny" vs Lily The Lapin

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"Oh, I wouldn't expect you t-" Lily was attempting to say as the bell rang and she was grabbed. In no time, her body was pushed toward the corner of the ring. Luckily, Lily was true to her rabbit gimmick, quickly and deftly lifting herself up and over the ropes, using her momentum.

"That was super rude...!" Her tongue quickly peeked out from between her lips, the girl blowing raspberries openly at her opponent, goading her into a follow-up attack.
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Re: Bunny Hentai Match: Evelin Lector "The Cruel Bunny" vs Lily The Lapin

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Evelin would smirk as she push Lily toward the corner, cause her to back toward the corner, but it seems like that she stay true to her bunny gimmick, cause her to jump and lift herself up before she heard Lily's taunt, of course, Evelin wouldn't let that insult go that easily, before she would charge at her, ready for tackle

She would lunge at Lily, attempt to force her to fall to the ground, aiming to stun her as she hope for the spear to work, if not, she would be in some troubles

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Re: Bunny Hentai Match: Evelin Lector "The Cruel Bunny" vs Lily The Lapin

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"Oh, jeez!" The lapin managed to yelp as Evelin's body collided with hers, taking her down to the floor outside of the ring. She landed with a hard thud, rolling back and trying to make her way back to her feet. This attempt was not without it's staggering, though. She had better balance than most, but she was still human, despite the big, floppy ears on her costume.

Shaking her head a bit, she was finally straightening out her view of things. Lily would lock eyes with Evelin, trained and focused on what her next move would be. Lily knew that she had to play defensive now, as she would just be assaulted if she tried to make her way back into the ring just yet. Everything depended on her opponent, and what the girl staring her down had planned next. "Okay, I get it, you're a mean bunny. Only makes you cuter." Lily's tongue slithered out from between her lips, licking seductively at the air, with a wink.
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Re: Bunny Hentai Match: Evelin Lector "The Cruel Bunny" vs Lily The Lapin

Unread post by Void-Effect »

She would smirk as she force Lily down to the floor, heard a satisfying thud before she saw Lily roll back up and shake her head to clear it, cause her to smirk before she would heard her tease, before she would smirk and use her finger to give her a come at me as she bend forward a little, shake her rear a little before she would also give the audience a show as she smirk

She would taunt "Come at me~" She tease as she bend foward before eventually stand back up, licking her lips as she wink back and let Lily make the next move, excited and wonder what move Lily will make as she smirk

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Re: Bunny Hentai Match: Evelin Lector "The Cruel Bunny" vs Lily The Lapin

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With her opponent mirroring Lily, simply waiting for the opponent, Lily knew she had to take the lead and be next to move. And move, she did, climbing her way up one of the ring posts, soon finding herself at the top, and staring down the cruel bunny in front of her.

Lily knew that Evelin likely had two options ahead of her... A quick approach, or waiting where she was. Knowing that Evelin was a cruel and aggrrssive girl, she was betting on Evelin's approach, and Lily was ready with a plan.
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Re: Bunny Hentai Match: Evelin Lector "The Cruel Bunny" vs Lily The Lapin

Unread post by Void-Effect »

She would smirk as she saw Lily start crawling to the top of the ring post, Evelin decide to make this quick, start making her way toward Lily and attempt reach toward her foot, if she succeed she would grab her foot and pull her off and slam her down to the mat before seated on her belly and ready to start, if not, she would simply growl as she try to back away

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Re: Bunny Hentai Match: Evelin Lector "The Cruel Bunny" vs Lily The Lapin

Unread post by EdenFinite »

Her opponent had done exactly as Lily expected. The rabbit leapt clean over Evelin as she made her approach, quickly rolling up to her feet and bouncing off of the ropes. While Evelin was resetting her stance after her failed assault, Lily was planning to capitalize.

Lily would slide by the other rabbit's feet, sweeping her legs out from under her and crawling overtop her prone opponent quickly. She was wprking as quickly as possible on pinning her opponent's arms down, her tongue quickly dragging along Evelin's exposed neck, teeth nibbling at her supple skin.
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