Victory condition: Pin, submission or KO
Standard Rules apply
As of late, there were a lot of stories circling LAW’s latest and most popular feature, twitter. Which a lot of wrestlers started and... lo and behold, everything started burning on fire.
If it could have been described in three words, it probably would have been: Memes, grudges and weirdos. With some cuteness here and there.
Iria took the most interest in the grudges, as an entertainer and a drama queen, she wouldn’t let the chance of creating her own grudges! All the while sending some flirty messages to some cuties!
The mockingly, backhanded compliments that she sent unsurprisingly pissed a lot of people. And soon enough, the blonde had some challenges which she accepted, later though, the blonde felt extremely bad about it -- she wanted to make a public apology for her behaviour… THAT’S A LIE! She had a smug smile on her face all the time, knowing full well that the drama would make the matches more spicy, shaking everything up, that’s ther!
Tonight’s match was one of these wrestlers, Serilda Akira, also known as the Golden Liger.
Iria was in the gorilla position, having her usual calm and collected demeanour, wearing her wrestling outfit and prepared to shake the stage!

Reaching the ring’s staircase, she took the first rope and jumped from there, landing on the other side, getting a few “Oooh!”’s from the crowd before turning towards her corner, awaiting her opponent. Looking just as relaxed and conceited as always.