Iria Luna vs Serilda Akira - Witches and Ligers don't blend together

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Iria Luna vs Serilda Akira - Witches and Ligers don't blend together

Unread post by MsIshtar »

Standard Match
Victory condition: Pin, submission or KO
Standard Rules apply

As of late, there were a lot of stories circling LAW’s latest and most popular feature, twitter. Which a lot of wrestlers started and... lo and behold, everything started burning on fire.

If it could have been described in three words, it probably would have been: Memes, grudges and weirdos. With some cuteness here and there.

Iria took the most interest in the grudges, as an entertainer and a drama queen, she wouldn’t let the chance of creating her own grudges! All the while sending some flirty messages to some cuties!

The mockingly, backhanded compliments that she sent unsurprisingly pissed a lot of people. And soon enough, the blonde had some challenges which she accepted, later though, the blonde felt extremely bad about it -- she wanted to make a public apology for her behaviour… THAT’S A LIE! She had a smug smile on her face all the time, knowing full well that the drama would make the matches more spicy, shaking everything up, that’s ther!

Tonight’s match was one of these wrestlers, Serilda Akira, also known as the Golden Liger.

Iria was in the gorilla position, having her usual calm and collected demeanour, wearing her wrestling outfit and prepared to shake the stage!
Soon, she was introduced and her theme started playing as she walked down the ramp. Waving her hand to the crowd she swayed her hips side to side, showing off as the audience cheered for her.

Reaching the ring’s staircase, she took the first rope and jumped from there, landing on the other side, getting a few “Oooh!”’s from the crowd before turning towards her corner, awaiting her opponent. Looking just as relaxed and conceited as always.

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Re: Iria Luna vs Serilda Akira - Witches and Ligers don't blend together

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Backstage Liger is focused and ready for tonight, wanting to get her hands on this this rude woman since she first posted on her twitter account. What worse is Iria bringing up her father into this for no reason but to be a bitch and start trouble, well after tonight Liger is going to make good on her promise on making sure that bitch doesn't ever mention her father again.

Her music plays over the speakers as her fans roar in approval seeing their fan favorite make her way onto the stage, but Liger is not smiling for the fans her eyes are zeroed in on Iria. Making her way down the ramp to the ring focusing on one thing only and that is to make this woman pay at all cost, and get the victory to break her losing streak.


"I told you to name a time and place and here we are, I'm going to shut you up now."

Liger says sliding into the ring, walking towards her opponent getting into the other woman face and without waiting for the ref to start the match or for the bell to ring. Liger throws a slap to Iria cheek for disrespecting her dead father.

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Re: Iria Luna vs Serilda Akira - Witches and Ligers don't blend together

Unread post by MsIshtar »

Iria just stood there as her opponent made her entrance, soon enough she realized that she was glaring at her, the blonde’s lips twisted upwards in a smirk, looking down at her. As Liger entered the ring and made her remark, Iria didn’t lose time to make a remark. For her their argument was nothing but a means to make a good show.

“In your dreams sweetie. Although, I almost expected you to chicken out and cry to your fans about how mean I am. Jeez, you sure are sensitive, want me to go easy on you?” Iria mocked her, smiling insincerely as she said that last part. Then her expression turned blank for a moment as she gasped in full surprise, all the while Liget kept getting closer to her.

“Ah! You haven’t smiled at your lovely fans or the cameras in your lovely outf-! ” A slap sound was heard across the ring and next… silence, not a word from the crowd. You could cut the tension with a knife, yet Iria’s expression didn’t show emotion of any kind, you could never tell she was just slapped. In the next moment, almost like a whisper...

“You see sweetie, when you do surprise attacks...” Her hands would move towards the raised hand that just slapped her. Their range was perfect for a judo throw, if Iria reached Liger’s shoulder -- even if Liger resisted, she would end up flying.

“... You do them like this!” With a scream and a swift movement, Iria would turn backwards, still holding Liger’s arm and shoulder as her hips would be pushed back against her opponent -- acting as some of leverage as she changed the center of gravity, being able to lift Liger with ease and throw her to the canvas back first with an over the shoulder throw!
Last edited by MsIshtar on Mon Nov 02, 2020 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Iria Luna vs Serilda Akira - Witches and Ligers don't blend together

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The fans jaws drop after hearing the sound of Liger slap landing against Iria cheek, most are shocked at seeing Liger being so serious and focused about this match against this opponent. Others are wanting more of this new side of Liger as well due to what been said about her on twitter and such.

Liger is glaring at Iria even after slapping the other woman, her face red with anger at the thought of what she said mocking her and people she knows and her mother as well, but after tonight someone is going to shut her up after this.

"Not fun when someone is standing in front of you huh. Maybe this time you learn. !" The next thing Liger sees is being flipped over her opponent shoulder with a judo throw, slamming hard back first into the mat letting out a loud grunt of pain. The shock and quick move leaves her laying and dazed looking up at the lights, leaving herself wide ope.

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Re: Iria Luna vs Serilda Akira - Witches and Ligers don't blend together

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It all happened too fast, Iria and Liger were facing each other and the next moment Liger was slammed back first into the canvas with Iria’s throw. The blonde would take a moment to admire her work, looking down at the stunned Liger before talking sarcastically.

“Oh! But it is. We’ll have a lot of fun together.” From there, Liger seemed winded up from the impact of the slam, the situation screamed for a submission hold and the blonde fully intended to exploit this opportunity.

Iria swang and wrapped her legs around her opponent’s arm, which she never let go from the shoulder throw. Locking them into place before dropping down to the floor, jerking Liger’s arm back between her breasts with an armbar!

“Now! Let us hear you scream!”

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Re: Iria Luna vs Serilda Akira - Witches and Ligers don't blend together

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Letting out a low groan from her back hitting the mat, Liger gasping from the quick throw had the wind knocked out of her. She moves a bit to collect herself but glances up hearing Iria begin to speak in a one Liger doesn't like.

Seeing that her opponent was still clutching her arm in her tight embrace, Liger begins to struggle to get to her feet. But by then it is to late as Ira falls to her back yanking her arm tightly, placing it in a tight armbar submission hold.

"Aughhhhh" Liger screams out trying to block out the pain, and slowly try to crawl her way to the ropes to break the hold.

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Re: Iria Luna vs Serilda Akira - Witches and Ligers don't blend together

Unread post by MsIshtar »

Iria was successful in applying the armbar to Liger, locking her legs around her opponent’s arm before dropping to the floor, applying pressure as Liger’s arm was pulled back!

Slowly yet steadily, the blonde felt her body being dragged on the mat, which she was expecting as she didn’t believe Liger would submit this early in the match. So, the blonde would squeeze her thighs harshly together, wrapping and twisting Liger’s arm as much as possible, aiming to weaken the limb as much as possible in their next clash.

And after some time passed Liger reached the ropes, earning herself a respite as the referee declared the rope break, Iria would roughly release Liger’s arm and would stand up.

“Come on. Get up, I’m not nearly done with you.” She said, smirking cruelly while looking down at her.

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Re: Iria Luna vs Serilda Akira - Witches and Ligers don't blend together

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Feeling her arm being yanked, pulled, and twisted forces Liger to quickly reach the ropes with her foot, but the damage is done as her right arm is throbbing and aching from the submission hold. Holding the arm closer to her body as a mean to protect it from her opponent short but brutal offense, Liger makes it to her feet matching Iria look with a glare of her own.

'I'm not done with you either" Replies Liger making a come and get me motion with her left hand, standing near the ropes just to sure if needed be she can easily get to them to break any submission holds, or get to the outside.

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Re: Iria Luna vs Serilda Akira - Witches and Ligers don't blend together

Unread post by MsIshtar »

Iria’s smugness didn’t fall short as Liger glared at her, smirking cruelly she noticed the way that Liger was holding her arm close to her body, that told her more than enough that the armbar was successful. But something unexpected happened, the blonde eyebrows would raise in surprise as Liger makes a come and get me gesture with her hand. Making Iria chuckle.

“I will give it to you. You’re brave!” Said the blonde amused as she took some distance between them, bouncing up from the ropes as she made a run-up and charged in a straight way towards Liger full blast ahead!

Iria would make it seem like she was aiming for a dropkick only to veer her direction at the last second towards Liger’s right side. Providing that her opponent didn’t take any action to stop her, she’d grasp the first rope and use the momentum to propel her body outwards the ring, returning with a full spin as she sought to land a tiger feint kick to Liger’s back!

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Re: Iria Luna vs Serilda Akira - Witches and Ligers don't blend together

Unread post by The Riders »

"I'm more then just tough." Liger replies back on her guard, keeping her eye on her opponent for anything she does or if she even moves. She will be ready for it and counter if needed be.

Seeing her opponent charge at her looking at first doing a drop kick, but seeing her veering off to the right side for her injured arm. Liger moves out of the way and away from the ropes knowing what move Iria was going to do since she had practiced it before.. and been hit with it as well. "Trying to hit me with a move like that.. I been studying your matches sweetie I'm ready for you."

Keeping her distance after knowing that the Tiger Feint was coming, but since the slap Liger has not gone on the offensive yet.

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