Gold Liger vs Peggy McIntyre

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The Riders
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Gold Liger vs Peggy McIntyre

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Backstage sitting in a chair while holding a small tablet watching film, Liger is sitting looking over her opponent who she would be facing tonight some woman called Peggy McIntyre who from what Liger heard is friends with the woman who she beat before. Taking a deep breath before looking at her record in the company and seeing only one victory to her name compared to the others, getting the feeling that something is just not working out for her here.

Hearing one of the stagehands tell her it time as she makes sure everything is all set and ready, Liger makes her way to the ramp waiting for her cue for her music to start over the speakers. Heading out to the stage and poses for the fans to see her with a big smile on her face, making her way down to the ring while posing with the fans along the ramp and even taking photos with her fan club as always. Before sliding into the ring and poses again leaning against the ropes. before heading to her corner waiting for her opponent to show up.

Last edited by The Riders on Mon Nov 02, 2020 6:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Gold Liger vs Peggy McIntyre

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Peggy soon entered the arena wearing her green and gold wresting attire, eager to take it to the woman who pulled off a comeback win against her friend Lauren. Peggy was out to avenge the loss against her tag partner and she was intent on smashing Gold Liger. While flubbery and not in the greatest shape she was smaller than Lauren, a good deal faster and she was also close to being as strong. Peggy strut down the ramp and climbed up onto the apron before entering the ring through the ropes.

Peggy strut about with her arms held out to a mixed reaction, one she had gotten accustomed to. She glared over at Gold Liger and stood in the center of the ring. "Ya think a lucky win against Lauren makes ya special? It was just that, good luck. Ya ain't strong enough or skilled enough to leave with a win against me lass." Peggy said as she waited for the bell to ring.

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Re: Gold Liger vs Peggy McIntyre

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"Your chubby friend said the same thing and looked at what happened. I beat her and now I'm going to beat you as well." Liger replies back eyeing her opponent up and down already knowing from watching film if you hit Peggy hard and fast she will crumble, before slamming her and pinning her.

As soon as the bell rings Liger comes out quickly wanting to get the jump on her opponent, rushing towards her and jumps aiming to land a drop kick to Peggy. Wanting to start the match off with early offense.

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Re: Gold Liger vs Peggy McIntyre

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"Oh shut your mouth ya damned... UGH!" Peggy groaned as the dropkick hammered her in the chest! Peggy dropped down to the mat on her back rubbing her chest and sitting up clearly hurting from the sudden strike! Peggy wanted to get back up to her feet and get offense of her own in, but her chest was hurting. Peggy was slowly rising but Gold Liger had succeeded in taking the initiative in this matchup.

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Re: Gold Liger vs Peggy McIntyre

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Her first strike landed without a problem, now Liger was ready to stay on top of her opponent, planning on throwing everything at Peggy at the start of the fight. Not letting Peggy get to her feet, Liger reaches down scooping her opponent up in her arms showing off her strength by easily carrying Peggy around the ring. "Don't worry knowing and studying you. The match will be over quickly." Liger taunts before slamming Peggy down to the mat with a hard scoop slam.

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Re: Gold Liger vs Peggy McIntyre

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"Whaaaa- ARGH!" Peggy grunted as she landed hard crying out in pain with a long moan. She raised a leg up and kicked the mat twice, her thigh quaking with each impact. Peggy was starting off in agony flat on her back!

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Re: Gold Liger vs Peggy McIntyre

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Deciding to do something that she has only attempted a few times in her short career, Liger leans down grabbing Peggy by her red hair lifting the woman up to her feet. Placing Peggy arm around her neck Liger lets out a loud grunt using her strength to lift her opponent off her feet into the air holding Peggy up in the air, sweat dripping down the young woman face going for a delayed vertical suplex onto her opponent before falling back slamming Peggy to the mat.

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Re: Gold Liger vs Peggy McIntyre

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Peggy was hurting as Gold Liger grabbed hold and pulled her up onto her feet. As she grabbed hold Peggy tried to struggle but it was too late as she was lift up and held on display the crowd cheering as Gold Liger showed off for them! Peggy began to squirm as she tried to free herself but the descent had begun and ended with painful, ring rope shaking, thunderous results!

"AAAHHHHHHHHH!" Peggy howled, once again left laid out on her back weakly kicking the mat as Gold Liger started off the match seemingly out to dismantle Peggy as the hapless Irish wrestler was unable to even try to get up as her entire torso pulsed with pain. In her current agonized state Peggy was not in any shape to fight back.

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Re: Gold Liger vs Peggy McIntyre

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Sweat beginning to drip and fall on Liger body, taking deep breathes from pulling out a lot of high impact moves onto her opponent. Taking one deep breath to calm herself down Liger leans down grabbing Peggy by her hair again lifting her opponent up before bending her over and placing her head between her legs.

"Don't worry it be over soon, and thank you for letting me try this new move on you." say's Liger politely leaning down to lift Peggy up placing the woman on her shoulders, setting her opponent up for a falling powerbomb wanting to finish off Peggy as fast as possible.

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Re: Gold Liger vs Peggy McIntyre

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This pace could not keep up if Peggy had any hopes of walking away with a win tonight. She felt herself grabbed and lift up but she had a plan for something like this! As soon as Gold Liger had her lift into the air she wrapped her legs around her head, leaning back to counter the power bomb into a hurricanrana to stay alive in the match! Peggy would still be hurting but now at least Gold Liger would be in some pain after a surprise counter.

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