Sandy's Unauthorized And Completely Illegal Promotion

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Sandy's Unauthorized And Completely Illegal Promotion

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Having passed out in Sandy's arms lost was probably the best word to describe how Takeshi was feeling right now. As he drifted in and out of consciousness and watched the floor change from carpet, to concrete, and everything in-between his lucid dreams. At the very least though he knew he was being fireman carried by Sandy. For what purpose and ends? He didn't know but was certain that it couldn't be good. If he had anything to go off from her appearance in his interview? Could he still call it that? After how Sandy completely humiliated him. Just the mear thought left him with a sour taste in his mouth and even worse the thought of a reshoot needing to occur.

Though it couldn't be helped at this point. As he finally felt his captor come to a complete stop and start fidgeting with the door. Meaning only one thing, they finally reached their destination and while Takeshi had finally became aware by then. The idea of trying to fight back now seemed ridiculous considering he was still in the grip of the 6 foot wrestling heavyweight. "S-Sandy where am I? Could you put me down? " Takeshi croaked feeling his voice being somewhat horse. "Or maybe give me something to drink? He then added being a bit alarmed and would start clearing his throat. While he waited for a answer.

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Re: Sandy's Unauthorized And Completely Illegal Promotion

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Having thoroughly bullied poor Takeshi into unconsciousness live on Lexy's talk show, Sandy took advantage of the vulnerable pop idol boy and carried him home. She wasn't surprised that it took him so long to begin to stir. White had did a number on a poor boy, not just physically, but psychology and emotionally as well. Whilst driving him to her place while he was passed out, his expression and muttering through his lucid dreams clued Sandy into some of the boy's thoughts. His fans, his career, how deeply he cared about his fans and them seeing him humiliated by Sandy, how much of a pain a reshoot would be, and so on. Sandy scoffed at whatever minor details she could make out from Takeshi's ramblings. Eventually, they made it to the front door of her apartment a city over from the LAW Arena they had interviewed at.
Sandy White
"Put you down? Water? Maybe you oughta quit your idol gig and pick up a day job as a little comedian boy." Sandy brushed his questions aside while she unlocked the door. The Giantess pushed her way into her abode. She moved quickly jostling Takeshi on her shoulder as she moved along. The layout of her home wasn't really intuitive. It was tough to make out for someone seeing it for the first time. White would round a corner and suddenly toss Ishikawa through an open door, dumping onto a blue mat of what appeared to me a matted room. it was a lighter shade of blue than the hue of Sandy's leotard. The room was gruff with markings and scratches here and there. It had definitely seen use more than a few times. No doubt with any of the multitude of other weaker gals and guys Sandy had taken as POWs or otherwise dommed into submission. She had made sure to throw the boy onto his front before stepping in after him. The towering heavyweight would step on the boy's back somewhat firmly. She kept pressure on to keep him in place.

"Alright, let's see how this livestream thing works." Sandy would say as she pulled out her phone. She seemingly pulled it from her leotard. With the selfie cam activated, she began broadcasting the events that we're about to unfurl on social media, likely Instagram or something akin to it. She held her phone up high and gave viewers and those who would watch the recording later on a bird's eye view of Takeshi struggling beneath her foot.

"What a rude guest! I invite you into my home and you're already trying to run away? What's the rush, Takeshi?" Sandy would say in an ominous tone as she zoomed in on her victim's face.

"You had asked me for some water, right? There's a few water bottles in the corner of the room. Right over there. If you can get to them, if you can get past me, you can have some water. Free of charge." Sandy said with a grin as she panned the camera towards the far corner of the room, showing that there were, in fact, some water bottles there.
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Re: Sandy's Unauthorized And Completely Illegal Promotion

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Takeshi would frown as Sandy denied him water and would think to himself. Yeah, I probably should have seen that one coming. While Sandy continued to move through her confusing apartment layout. Still though even prisoners of war weren't denied such necessities and he still needed to take care of his throat! "Wish I was joking, um, Sandy but I ne- Eargh!" Takeshi pressed on but ended up getting cut off. As Sandy unceremoniously tossed him into the next room.

Where he would land on his stomach after rolling for a few feet and further disorientating him. Though before he could even attempt to regain his bearings Sandy was already upon him. As she pinned the young singer under her boot and begun to livestream his pathetic attempt to crawl out from under her?! However, the reality of it wouldn't hit the idol until after she pointed out the water in the far corner of the room.

"Wait! You can't livestream. There's rules and regulations for this stuff." Takeshi explained as he looked away from the camera. Not because he believed Sandy would listen but out of habit from dealing with so many fans and news outlets in his career. Which he immediately regretted as he remembered who exactly he was dealing with. "...Just saying."

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Re: Sandy's Unauthorized And Completely Illegal Promotion

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Takeshi voiced his complaints from underneath White. Sandy looked above into her camera. She wore a sneering expression on her face, her eyes looking towards the male pop idol, who was still struggling beneath her bare foot. Snapping at her verbally like that was indeed not the brightest idea. The towering woman was more than happy to give Ishikawa a firm reminder of who exactly it was he was dealing with. Sandy would sweep her foot to the side and kick at him to roll him over onto his back. She'd attempt to step on him once more, this time on the boy's chest. Sandy would lean forward placing her free hand on her knee, adding to the weight she bore down on the boy with.

"I am the only rule and regulation you'll ever need to worry about from now on. Understand?" She'd say with authority as she peered down at Takeshi, forcing eye contact.

"You know, for a guest, you've got terrible manners. I let you into my home, you demand water, lecture me about rules. I think it's time our little popstar learn some manners, don't you all?" Sandy would say as she held her phone up once more. The sinister heavyweight woman made sure to get a close-up on Takeshi's face. As she tried to highlight the boy's helplessness and the fear in his eyes, she'd continue berating him.

"Say what do you think your fans think of you right now? What about the suits at LAW? Do you think anyone's impressed with the fact that you got your butt whipped live on the air? That you were stretched out, sat on, and milked by me! In front of the cameras for viewers to enjoy.." Sandy would boast as she stood tall, chest puffed out to accentuate her dominant figure. She'd begin to straddle Takeshi. She prepared to turn and squat down into reverse facesit position, seating her womanhood squarely onto the boy's nose and mouth as she adjusted her selfie cam to get Takeshi's torso in the frame.

"Your target demographic is about to have a wild change, isn't it? From horny teenage girls to deviants that would love to keep seeing you like this. How much do you wanna bet that you were signed for the express purpose of being a jobber....? My jobber now, I guess. I'm not even using one of my hands! And you still can't escape." She'd finish with a shrug.
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Re: Sandy's Unauthorized And Completely Illegal Promotion

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Takeshi couldn't have felt more foolish tonight. He knew who he was dealing with and what she was capable of. Yet despite that, out of a force of habit he managed to say something so stupid. He managed to make a bad situation worse enough. That he would quietly curse his former PR team for training him so well.

Moments before he would feel a hard kick that would flip him over and then a heavy boot that only seemed to grow in weight on his chest. Though luckily not enough to stop him from croaking out a reply as he looked into Sandy's cute yet angry eyes. "I... understand... I've been in..con...sider..ate... Sorry."

Which took so much effort from the former pop idol. That his face would grow a few shades redder. Just in time for Sandy to peer over again and film the unflattering expression of concern. All the while she continued to berate and remind the former pop idol of his failings.

Unfortunately though before Takeshi could contemplate how bad that camera shot had looked or formulate a reply. Sandy would sit on his face and allow her thick heavyweight frame to smother the air out of him. Which almost immediately sent him into a panic. As his head frantically moved for air and hands uselessly pushed up against her backend. Though despite how hard he struggled or how determined he was, he just couldn't get out and had to start tapping on Sandy's large ass. With the hope she would be kind enough not to allow him to pass out
Last edited by TheSuitedOwl on Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sandy's Unauthorized And Completely Illegal Promotion

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With just a few motions, Sandy was able to assert her dominance over the male pop idol. Unlike their encounter hours ago backstage at LAW, Sandy took her time picking Takeshi apart and toying with him. She had already squashed him once. She stretched the boy out, milked him, and knocked him out live on camera in his first-ever LAW interview. Now, after abducting him and throwing him down on a matted room in her own house, White was well aware of the fact that she didn't have to do much to keep him in check. As she pointed out whilst sitting atop Takeshi's face, she had yet to use her hands or to really give much of an effort at all, and Ishikawa was still powerless and unable to fight back or escape. Takeshi was likely the easiest prey Sandy had taken as a P.O.W. thus far in her LAW career!

"Ha! This dweeb is tapping out already! How did you get a LAW contract, again? Your connections as a pop idol must be insane! Maybe you wanted to come to LAW just to have me sit on your cute little face of yours, huh?" Sandy planted her feet and moved her hips side to side, completely disregarding Takeshi's struggling and tapping. The Giantess knew that she didn't have to exert herself much to keep down, but even she couldn't tell that he was already close to being smothered out cold beneath her thicc, plump, thinly-clad backside.

She'd reach back and grab a handful of Takeshi's hair. Sandy would force his nose and mouth right between her cheeks! Only the thin layer of fabric from her blue leotard would come between his face and her butt crack as she straddled and brought her knees down to the mats beneath them. With her free hand, Sandy would lift her phone. She made sure to get Takeshi's eyes on the shot as she continued broadcasting this little illegal promo of her dismantling the poor idol.

"Hmmmm hmm hmmmmm hmmmmm 🎵🎶🎵" Sandy would begin to him the tune from Takeshi's latest single. The jingle was playing in the background during the interview earlier. She made a mockery of Ishikawa even now, but her singing would soon stop when she looked at her phone screen and to see Takeshi's eyes closed!

"Wha? Already? How do you have any fans at all when you've get dommed, smothered, and squashed do easy, boy?" Sandy would snap in a disrespectful tone. She would rise up slowly, her bare feet sinking into the blue mats. Sandy would sneer down at a passed-out Takeshi. She panned the selfie cam towards her annoyed/mischievous/cute expression and then down at the cute pop idol's.

"Oh that won't do, Takeshi. I'm far from finished with you! There's still so many of your fan's hearts to break!" The Giantess boasted as she walked across the room. She bent down to collect the same water bottles that she had taunted Ishikawa with previously. Sandy would saunter back over to Takeshi with a slight sway in her hips. She'd pop the caps off the bottles of water and dump it out on Takeshi's disheveled face to wake him!
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Re: Sandy's Unauthorized And Completely Illegal Promotion

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How was it that tonight things where going so poorly for Takeshi? Days ago he had been on national radio entertaining millions before his latest single would drop, which ironically was the one Sandy was currently humming. Yet, nonetheless here he was writhing on the floor with his face shoved between the buttchecks of one of the meanest girls he's ever met.

Though that was hardly the worst of it. Takeshi was quickly running out of air and even though he had been tapping non-stop against Sandy's lovely backside. She didn't seem to care and after several minutes he eventually would pass out with his neatly kept hair badly needing a touch up.

Unfortunately for Takeshi even this momentary peace wouldn't last. As he woke up with a start and had to get on all fours to cough up water thanks to Sandy having poured some on him. At which point it would became abundantly clear to Takeshi that he needed to do... something.

Sandy was obviously wanting to make an example out of him but the idea of fighting her seemed so out of his depth that the mere idea had him shaking his head. What the hell did he know about wrestling?! Surely three months of training wasn't enough for him to take on a veteran like her. In fact, the company had said as much with them explicitly telling him, he would only be wrestling rookies and "jobbers". Whatever the hell that meant!

"...Wait! Sandy listen! I... Can we just talk? I get why you're upset. Corporate made a business decision you don't like. Its understandable, so if you want I can setup a meeting between you and upper management. I'm positive if we got enough people we could change things around." Takeshi finished. As he peered upward with his hands on his knee and a nervous smile that any girl would find cute.

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Re: Sandy's Unauthorized And Completely Illegal Promotion

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Takeshi had passed out beneath Sandy's plump, toned backside. But it wasn't over. Sandy wasn't satiated. And going by a select few comments left by the thousands of fans watching the pop idol get abused on this livestream, many sadistic fans weren't satisfied either. White dumped water over the passed-out boy's face. The very same water she had denied him previously. She dropped the bottle and leaned forwards. She placed her hands on her hips whilst she looked down figuratively and literally on the coughing, gagging Takeshi. Sandy's sinister, sadistic smile grew that much wider as Ishikawa pleaded with her. She heard him out, only to let out a dismissive cackle in response.

"Hehehehehe hahahaha!" Sandy would bellow as she reached down for a handful of the boy's hair. She'd pull him up to his knees and bring her head closer to his as she bent forwards. She stared into Taskeshi's eyes. Her tone became cold, harsh even.

"You're a smart boy, aren't you Takeshi. Use your head. These sweet words of yours. That cute charisma you have. It doesn't win me over anywhere near as much as your millions of bimbo fans." Sandy would callously cast her phone aside, ending the stream on that note. She'd look to swing her hip into the boy's face to knock him back down onto his back. If it connected, Sandy would step forward, onto Taskeshi's chest. She'd stomp firmly and keep pressure applied to keep him underfoot. She'd made it look effortless whilst doing so.

"A business decision was made? And who signed your LAW contract....? You chose to be here. You wanted money. You wanted to boost your popularity and continue to propel your career?" Sandy gestured with open palms, poking fun at the goals and aspirations of the young man.

"Tell you what. I'm a fair and noble goddess. I'll meet you halfway. We can have that meeting. In fact, we can have several. Make it a recurring event on that oh-so-packed calendar of yours, superstar. But there's not gonna BE any management involved. No, it'll just be me and that cute face of yours. And I'm gonna run it ragged."

"When you're in your private trailer getting ready to grace my company with your next LAW appearance, I'll be there. When you get booked for your first match against whomever, I'll be there to kick your opponent's can and take her place for the match. However and wherever you appear at LAW, I'm gonna be there to bully you. To squash you like the cute little jobber boy you are. And one day, when you can hold your own against Sandy White in the ring for even five minutes, I MIGHT consider giving you a break. MIGHT"
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Re: Sandy's Unauthorized And Completely Illegal Promotion

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For Takeshi It had felt like an eternity kneeling before the large imposing figure that was Sandy. He had pleaded his case and in his mind. He had come up with a thousand different scenarios to help her out but then she begun to laugh and with a hard grip on his fashionable hair. She made her feeling clear before she would toss her phone to the side. Then after doing so she would suddenly drive her hip into his face and throw the young J-pop star onto his back. Where he would finally come to a rest in a spread eagle position!

Sadly though things would only get worse for him. As he quickly caught a boot to the sternum and with a audible groan tried and failed to push it off of him. While he listened to Sandy explained her intentions with a him and like slap to the face. He couldn't help but feel angry, he had been far more courteous and understanding with her than anyone else before. Yet, despite that she continued to mock and belittle him. Even suggest that she would pretty much bully him for as long she felt like it!

It simply wasn't fair! Of all the people who could have been singled out for this, why the hell was it him? A question well worth asking and one that made Takeshi almost snarl as Sandy finished. As his anger for the first time got the better of him and burned away enough of his fear to yell. "Y-You can't do this me! Do you have any idea how much I spent?! How much ass I had to kiss?! Only for you ruin it all! Nah-uh! I'm not letting you!" Takeshi finished. As he redoubled his efforts to remove her boot and astonishing was making enough progress this time around. That if Sandy didn't do anything soon after then Takeshi would manage to roll away and attempt to get back on his feet. Though for Takeshi that remained a big IF.

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Re: Sandy's Unauthorized And Completely Illegal Promotion

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Sandy made her intentions abundantly clear. The Giantess was bent on imposing her will. She considered Takeshi unworthy of sharing a ring with her, or with most. She saw him as a boy bent on capitalizing on another business opportunity. A guy who would go through whatever literal song and dance and fanfare he needed to in order to push his idol career, and she was going to punish him for it. But as Takehi reacted and took in her speech, as he grabbed hold of her ankle and toes to push them aside and free himself, something was becoming clear! Sandy White had lit a fire inside of Ishikawa!

"Oh?" White reacted in mild surprise as the sole of her bare foot was slowly pushed away from Takeshi's chest and onto the blue mats of the room beneath them! The heavyweight Giantess raised an eyebrow as she began to contemplate. This was the most serious Takeshi had been yet! How long would it last? Could he actually fight? Probably not, given how easily she womahandled him during his interview a few hours ago, but why not see if he actually wants to give this wrestling thing a try?

"You won't let me, huh, little boy?" Sandy would say as she squat down to meet Takeshi and get eye-level with him. She'd reach for the boy's blonde hair. Sandy would grab a fistful of it before addressing him. With her other hand, she once again reached for Takeshi's phone. Sandy would smile condescendingly and mischievously as an idea came to mind.

"Then why don't you show me you won't by proving yourself?" White would say by pulling up the clock/timer app on Takeshi's phone. She set the timer to two minutes, and she began livestreaming from his phone once more.

"2 last two minutes against me right here and right now and I'll let you go and forget any of this ever happened. I pin you and count to three, you lose. I tap you out in that time and you lose. You get knocked out and you lose. BUT If you're still in fighting shape by the time this thing buzzes, I don't expose you as the fraud of a wrestler I know you are and you earn your freedom. How about that?" Sandy offered. She gave Takeshi the chance to put his money where his mouth was.

"You said I can't do this, right? Well here's your chance to stop me." White would sneer, fully expecting Takeshi to back down even whilst he was live on camera!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

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