The Idol and the Flower - Rise Kujikawa vs Húxiān Li

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The Idol and the Flower - Rise Kujikawa vs Húxiān Li

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Match Type: Hentai
Rules: 2/3 falls. Various kinds of sex toys will be under the ring.

After her disastrous loss to Killer King, Húxiān had to take time away from the ring to recover. Now that Húxiān was recovered, she was eager to get back in the ring and tear someone apart---partly to forget about her loss and mostly because she enjoyed it.
The match between Húxiān and Killer King was canceled. Thus, the crossed-out stuff is being retconned out of continuity.
While Húxiān could appreciate fighting and bringing down a tough opponent, she preferred to utterly dominate and humiliate. This made tonight's matchup particularly enticing: Húxiān figured that she would be able to bully Rise as idols are not usually known for their fighting abilities.

Adorned with her usual malicious grin, Húxiān walked out as her entrance music began to play. She was not wearing anything fancy: her regular clothes were plenty revealing already.
Entrance Music
Húxiān's Appearance and Attire
"And now, introducing "The Demon Flower" Hoo-saiyan Li!!!"

"Are you fucking stupid?! How many times are you going to mispronounce my name?!" yelled Húxiān to the announcer. This was the third time that the announcer had pronounced Húxiān's name wrong---it was getting quite irritating. After her verbal outburst, Húxiān continued approaching the ring. Once she got there, instead of climbing into the ring immediately, Húxiān looked underneath the ring and saw wide assortment of sex toys.

"Excellent," said Húxiān, her voice dripping with malicious anticipation.

Húxiān delicately removed her shoes and placed them just outside the ring. Then, she acrobatically leapt into the ring, doing a flip over the ropes. She would wait in the corner for her victim to arrive.
Húxiān's ring entrance
Last edited by Ichi on Wed May 03, 2023 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Idol and the Flower - Rise Kujikawa vs Húxiān Li

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"Are you kidding me!?! Another Hentai match!?!"

Those words were Rise's first reaction to hearing about her upcoming match, and also what she was thinking right now as she waited backstage to make her entrance. After her first hentai match where Rise had been utterly humiliated had sold like hotcakes she wasn't surprised that she would end up being signed up for more, but this was a bit ridiculous. Since her last hentai match she had literally only had one safe for work match before being signed up for another hentai match.

That wasn't the biggest problem though: Rise's opponent for the night was some freaking scary woman named Huxian Li. Based on what she saw after looking into the woman she seemed to be someone who loved to bully girls like Rise, if Rise stepped into the ring with a girl like that she was going to get torn to pieces and completely humiliated! Rise wanted to just run and hide rather than face this woman, the only reason she didn't was because the fans were expecting a show, and Rise couldn't let them down!

That's why Rise would walk out to the top of the ramp with a really convincing looking fake smile on her face, striking a pose for her adoring fans as they cheered her appearance "Hey everybody! Are you ready for a show?" After receiving a resounding positive reception Rise would then run down to the ring energetically, she usually took her entrance a lot slower than this but if she was being honest she kind of wanted to get this over with. As she made it down to the ring she would climb in through the middle ropes.

It was then that she got her first good look at Huxian Li, though the woman certainly looked quite fearsome she didn't seem all that scary, maybe Rise was getting all worried over nothing. Rise would attempt some pre-match banter to test the waters and see how her opponent would react "Hey there! You ready to have some fun?" she would ask, energetically.
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Re: The Idol and the Flower - Rise Kujikawa vs Húxiān Li

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Húxiān was by no means a sensitive person, but she was quite skilled at picking up subtle cues in her prey. Húxiān watched as her opponent Rise made her entrance and immediately noticed that something was off: her actions were forced. While Rise was extremely good at hiding it, Húxiān could tell that Rise was putting on an act. Behind her smile, the way she talked, and her movements, Húxiān could see quite clearly that the girl was actually nervous and apprehensive. In essence, she was putting on a persona, that of an entertainer.

This was hardly surprising to Húxiān: Rise was, after all, an idol. Húxiān did not know much more about Rise beyond the fact that she was an idol; however, that tidbit of information, coupled with Húxiān's observations, were enough for Húxiān to formulate a plan of attack.

"Hey there! You ready to have some fun?"

Húxiān could tell that Rise was trying to scope out the situation: she was unsure of what to make of Húxiān. This came as a slight surprise to Húxiān as she expected that by now, her opponents would have caught onto her. And yet there Rise was, still willing to give Húxiān the benefit of the doubt. This served Húxiān's purposes quite well.

"Totally!" Húxiān confidently exclaimed. After pausing for a brief moment, Húxiān would say "Although... I'm a little nervous about this match... mind if I ask you a question first?"

Húxiān would say that second part while feigning nervousness. Hopefully, Rise would sympathize with Húxiān's fake nervousness and begin to warm up to Húxiān. Húxiān would pause just long enough for Rise to utter a short response---after that, if Rise was still talking, Húxiān would interrupt Rise.

"How much do you think the fans actually care about you?" Húxiān would say in an abrupt and deadpan manner. "Do they even know or care about the real you?"

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Re: The Idol and the Flower - Rise Kujikawa vs Húxiān Li

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Rise would be quite shocked to hear Huxian claim that she was nervous about the upcoming match. Was this some kind of trick? Rise wouldn't make any hasty judgements just yet but she didn't seem very antagonistic or anything like that, maybe this would be fine, or at least as fine as the prospect of very likely public humiliation could be "Well that's understandable, considering what kind of match this is." she would say, quietly enough that only the two of them and the referee would hear "Sure, ask me anything. I'm happy to he-"

While Rise was speaking she would all of a sudden be rudely interrupted by Huxian who asked a very hostile question, stopping Rise in her tracks. Her eyes were widened with shock for a moment, she had already been maybe sort of suspecting the woman, but even so she was taken off guard by how huge the change was. But then she would narrow her eyes and frown at the woman "So that's how it's gonna be, huh? Alright then, prepare to lose!" she would declare dramatically. Despite her enthusiasm though the bell had not gone, so Rise was forced to wait before she could make good on her tough talk. At the very least the audience liked it and was egging them on, so at least there was no awkward silence.
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Re: The Idol and the Flower - Rise Kujikawa vs Húxiān Li

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Oh well. Húxiān thought that Rise would be bothered by the fact that her fans don't necessarily care about her as a person---however, judging from Rise's reaction, she was not bothered by that fact. This just meant that Húxiān would have to find another strategy to psychologically torment Rise.

Now, Húxiān was by no means a patient woman. Still, when it came to tormenting people, Húxiān was more than happy to plan ahead and wait for the payoff. In a sense, Húxiān was like a demonic gardener: planting seeds of misery, cultivating them, and finally harvesting them when they are grown. There truly was no limit to Húxiān's malice---anything she could get away with was fair game. This time around, Húxiān would have something especially terrible in mind.

Húxiān walked towards the corner of the ring. As she walked, she brainstormed various strategies on how to get into Rise's head. Then, upon reaching the corner of the ring, Húxiān turned around and leaned against the corner, her arms draped over the top of the ropes. By the time she got situated, Húxiān already had a plan.

"Say Risette, do you trust your fans?" asked Húxiān, her words dripping with poison as she grinned maliciously. The way Húxiān said "Risette" was laden with condescension and malice, something that was noticeable from her tone alone.

Hopefully, Rise would answer the question outright. However, if she refused, Húxiān could mock Rise's lack of a response and accuse her of not trusting the fans. Therefore, Húxiān was confident that her setup would work.

After the two exchange words, the bell would ring, signaling the start of the match.


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Re: The Idol and the Flower - Rise Kujikawa vs Húxiān Li

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As the two of them waited for the match to start Huxian would ask Rise an interesting question 'do you trust your fans?' Rise couldn't help but wonder why exactly Huxian would ask such a question, but if she was to be truly honest the answer was a big fat NO. Ever since becoming an idol Rise had dealt with way more creepy fans than she could count, and had even been stalked by a fan on more than one occasion. On an individual level Rise had no problem with trusting people, but to say that she trusted her fans as a whole would be a big fat lie. One that she had no issues with telling "Of course! Fans are the lifeblood of an entertainer! Without them, I'd be nothing!"

Though she said that with her usual confidence Huxian might notice a drop of nervous sweat running down Rise's forehead, Huxian and her weird questions were starting to unnerve the idol. Why was she so fixated on Rise's fans anyway? It wasn't the fans that she was facing in the ring, so why did she care? By the time the bell rang Rise was actually glad to her it, because it meant that the time for talk was over. Rise would look to start off in a flashy way as usual for her, dashing straight towards Huxian and looking to throw a spinning kick aimed for her chest "Haiyah!!!" If Rise could knock her down then she would be vulnerable for Rise to start working towards getting her first fall.
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Re: The Idol and the Flower - Rise Kujikawa vs Húxiān Li

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A demonic smile appeared on Húxiān's face as Rise affirmed that she trusted her fans. The trap had been set. Despite only interacting for a short amount of time, Húxiān could already tell that Rise was not some naive, idealistic pop idol---as such, there was simply no way that Rise actually trusted her fans as a whole. After all, being an idol, Rise would have experienced her fair share of creeps.

Húxiān was going to make Rise eat her words.

After the bell rang, Huxian began to walk towards Rise, her face conveying a sense of malicious anticipation. Even Húxiān's walk conveyed arrogance, as if Rise was no threat at all.

Húxiān saw Rise's attack coming from a mile away. Before Rise could land her kick, Húxiān sidestepped, thus completely avoiding the kick. Then, Húxiān would attempt to grab Rise's hair with one of her hands while Rise was still off-balance from the kick! If that worked, then Húxiān would attempt to throw Rise by the hair towards the side of the ring!

"Heh. What kind of attack was that?" taunted Húxiān, her words dripping with condescension.

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Re: The Idol and the Flower - Rise Kujikawa vs Húxiān Li

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Rise looked to start things off in a flashy manner like usual, dashing right at Huxian and attempting to nail her in the chest with a spinning kick, but Huxian wasn't slow or stupid enough to just let such an attack hit so she would nimbly avoid the attack with a sidestep. Rise prepared to turn around and come at her heel foe for another attack, but before she could do so her hair was painfully yanked on which stopped her in her tracks "Ahhh!!! My hair!" she cried. Huxian would then use her hold on the idol's pigtail to toss her to the side, electing a cry of pain from the girl as she hit the mat with a thud "Ugh... Oww!"

After a rather pitiable first few seconds of the match Rise was now lying on the mat right in front of Huxian, certainly in a very vulnerable position.
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Re: The Idol and the Flower - Rise Kujikawa vs Húxiān Li

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Húxiān's attack had worked just as planned. As Rise went tumbling to the mat, Húxiān let out a quick laugh. This girl was a pathetic fighter, although that was not too surprising considering she was an idol.

Seeing her opponent lying on her back, Húxiān quickly jumped onto Rise, getting into full mount. Immediately, Húxiān would attempt to grab Rise by the hair and slam her head into the mat a few times. Hopefully, this would stun Rise and prevent her from mounting much of a defense.

"You should stick to what you're good at---pandering to those degenerate fans of yours!" said Húxiān tauntingly. "You have no business as a wrestler!"

If Rise was still too stunned to fight back, Húxiān would then attempt to tear off Rise's top, exposing her breasts to the crowd!

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Re: The Idol and the Flower - Rise Kujikawa vs Húxiān Li

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Rise let out a soft grunt as she worked to push herself up into a sitting position, only for Huxian to quickly jump on her and mount her "Ungh..." Rise was in a bad position now, though before the idol could even think about reacting to this predicament Huxian would start bouncing her head on the mat multiple times "Ugh! Agh! Oww! Quit it!" Rise wanted to do something about it, but with each bounce her concentration was scattered and she could only focus on the pain.

Her mind now in a daze, she barely understood the insult that Huxian spat her way "T-they're not degenerates!" Rise yelled, sticking up for her fans. Then Huxian would tear Rise's top off, exposing the idol's bare breasts to the crowd, and to the potentially millions of fans watching on the internet "Kyaaaaah!!!!" Rise screamed, face going bright red, this match was going south for the idol even faster than her last hentai match. As if attempting to disprove Rise's earlier statement the audience would cheer loudly at this development, seemingly approving of the heel's actions. Rise groaned and thrusted her palms towards Huxian, trying to shove her off.
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